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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Nice. I’ve got a small fender frontman for acoustic and low volume gigs. I’ve gone into the board direct with the Line 6 POD it does decent for a variety of sounds that almost get you where you want to go lol. I’ve hand built a few tones on the POD that I kinda can live with but other times I’m like f all that gimme my Frankenstein Charvel and a pedal or two into any decent tube amp. I will prob end up with a EVH III head for gigging because I’m a Eddie head and lower options. Oh and bro I feel so attacked with that not play for a few months reference lol that is so totally me. I am so streaky with cycles.
  2. Nice content T Bone. That video is super enlightening on the cowbell movement. No wait I mean the cymbal and gong movement. No wrong again the Charismatic Movement. For me on the SIT topic I’m not that interested in hyper analyzing my past. I’ve been a seeking Christian praying. I’ve been a band leader of a cowbell orchestra. I kinda think the Corinthians section is like a package deal. But then again I don’t have Astro Physicists inviting me to teach them the Bible in my spare time on free will and gifts and absent Christ and deterministic foreknowledge being a license to sin either. Too old and tired for that bullshonta anyway.
  3. Apparently those psychologists along with the rest of us just don’t quite have enough intelligence to fully comprehend the true genius of what Mike is trying to teach us here.
  4. SpongeBob here …… 4 hours later …….. Finally finished looking up this setup. That seems like some better options than I’ve got going on with a line 6 pod and fruity loops. Thx for the inspiration bro rock on
  5. 91. Because all the SIT at the same time as the dividing off from Christs body makes you always needing more cowbell. SNL interpretation according to usage
  6. Do I have the illusion of free will to avoid another train wreck of a thread, or am I on a deterministic path that will lead me to sit under a waterfall of bullshonta on my path to further enlightenment?
  7. Fo shizzle anything is better than the high country scare a van elevator music in a burlap sack approach.
  8. Nice shreds. Are you playing through a multi effects unit?
  9. Michael Martin doing a Bob Stanley Acts 29 God First cover with scream vocals and double bass drums. MM is a decent front man and rhythm guitar player has been for decades. I guess he’s a lot more free in what he puts on stage lol. He’s not really a lead player in the sense of being able to riff a lot but is playing a good scripted lead in one mode here. Overall though I mean it fits like an OJ hand in a glove so weird with the suits and ladies drapery.
  10. Whoa GIT is legit nice work. I was a EVH head growing up. I played a lot in college up to 8 hrs a day have nowhere near those chops now lol. I’ve played in a few bands. I remember a friend in college who had a running gig at his house with nothing but Jimi played there. That was fun too. As far as that style of music I must admit I went to 5fdp and megadeth recently. It was awesome and mustaine was on point.
  11. 39. A priest, a rabbi, VP and Dennet sail upwind into a bar. A few hours after the bar closes the single bartender ends up pregnant. From a deterministic perspective who is the father?
  12. 39. The brainwashees crying comments on #38 of Wierwille worshippers
  13. The enlightening part to me was when I read through the Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse book that really digs into Jesus confrontations with the Pharisees and talks about the background of the Pharisees to set up inner circle within inner circle so the top people never had to come in contact with anyone unclean. That is the exact functioning of the Way. While teaching the doctrine of household of God versus family of God. Bunch of idiots. Missing the forest for the trees in I Cor 12 which they spend 2 classes of endless focus on.
  14. You don’t want to break into song with so glad I’m a part of the family of God at the same time as studying collaterals on the family / household distinction? Yeah the doctrine is a bit mixed up and hidden but 100% lived.
  15. Is Plato safe in his cave? Is Plato safe to teach others about the cave? If a spelunker falls to his death in a cave and there’s nobody around, does he make a splash?
  16. Yes the distinction boils down to whoever lives under house rules to them.
  17. 37. Bottles of beer on the wall that are all better than responding to fools
  18. 36. The eye cannot say to the hand I don’t need you and the head cannot say to the feet I don’t need you 1 Cor 12:21 Yet 100% of PFAL graduates move directly from the class into living in this doctrinal and practical error. Why? Because their Bible has interpreted itself to indicate there is this extra special group called the household that is an inner Pharisee sanctum within the body of Christ that the verse is talking about. Print that in a collateral
  19. So you don’t think we are aware you are trolling? As a former failed stand up comic you are hyper focused on how you play to an audience. You we’re sheltered from any personal effects of these amoral a holes so you have no skin in the game. And you choose to live with blinders only focusing on a small portion of the truth and or facts that make your comfortable. And you have no original thought. You survive off the second hand vomit from 2 decades ago emitted by a narcissistic joke of a preacher who stole everything in sight and chased everything available with a skirt.
  20. So this sounds like a really comfortable version of Plato’s cave. Furnished with a complete set of signed versions of collaterals. The collaterals themselves are Rhoda’s sermon notes basically. The bullshonta spoken extemporaneously by VP in the BRC was edited by Rhoda and circulated widely. They represent a minuscule fraction of any of the research effort put into the JCPS and JCOP books. So not even the research described by penworks in her book is performed on the collaterals. People have brainwashed themselves on repeating it to themselves for years. Like the camera analogy from the blue book. It’s basically a 15 minute lift from another source that people have been trying to extract more meaning from for decades. There’s not more meaning. There is only logic like The Promise. No I will pass on visiting your rut. At least whatever ones I’m in I can see 15 feet ahead and jump from one to an adjacent one.
  21. Just saw this. One of my Mormon friends taking a stand against dogma.
  22. So I used to think as I was taught that leaving the Way would produce some negative spiritual result, loss of fellowship with God, loss of active HS as they taught in the cult. Interestingly enough there are very similar doctrines and functioning surrounding leaving the Mormon church, the Jehovahs Witnesses, Scientology. All of them engineered to plant a seed of doubt, sow confusion, hinder communication, and isolate a person with respect to their faith. Groupthink murderers. Inspired by their father the devil, these blowhards exert their dominant energy and opinion over others accomplishing their fathers will. Bondage, dominance, inflict depression through stealing hope. The true doctrine and body of Christ promote functioning all throughout and a person finding their place in their church and faith. Not the hopelessness and bondage imposed by cults.
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