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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Jesus also goes on to instruct them to avoid the leaven of the Pharisees with another figure of speech indicating it’s not God to mistrust but rather the person who holds the DVD remote to the absent Christ.
  2. You know instead of cracking RHST you could always get a copy of JE Stiles book and read it in the original.
  3. So a believing machine eh? cranks out whatever you put in. the Cherokee call that the two wolves story https://www.claritychi.com/the-cherokee-two-wolves-story-and-the-power-of-mindset/amp/ same metaphysics different story.
  4. And yet the human body is not used by God as a model to teach faith as a believing machine. The human body is used by God to teach the unity in the church through His Son modeled as the body of Christ. Something that PFAL has missed for more years than you have washed your brain with it.
  5. And yet, in the scripture there seems to easily be evident that “machine” is something you inserted in there. It’s not in the text literally or conceptually. What do you understand the word faith to mean that you highlighted there?
  6. Ah yes professor Mike has summed up his wisdom for us with some mental constructions of years of brainwashing with this gem. From the Bible? No From science? Pseudoscience From The Secret? Same pseudoscience law of attraction. But no. From Buddhism? Well the idea of getting past the surface senses and thoughts down to the believing center of the mind is very similar to the 5 dusts, 6 roots to get past to get to a center to imprint believing on. Funny. But VP would never pass basic 5 Buddhist precepts of abstain from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and intoxication. So no definitely not Buddhist lol. Pay attention guys apparently you can feed ur brain stuff. Ground breaking.
  7. 94. It puts Jesus Christ in a box While that is convenient for fast food lunches and compartmentalization he really wants to get outta there.
  8. A few pics from an ex Mormon forum
  9. So apparently to ontology or not to ontology that is the question? And the answer is a trip back to the 60s with Grateful Dead fans at UCSD? Who knows professor Mike maybe some of that LSD will tie together some loose ends for you. We can only hope and pray.
  10. Yeah jargon talk is pretty much tongues to someone who isn’t familiar with the jargon lol. sorry i geeked out on gear for a minute lol.
  11. 92. Ethical dilemmas…..
  12. Awesome I was checking out the focusrite seems pretty versatile. Yeah I got you on the latency reference when you are laying tracks the delays in transmission add up its a better cleaner end product with lower latency. Nice sound on the dream track too sounds awesome.
  13. I guess I would say if you have the perception that anti idols in your head are screaming hate me, that could be something you bring up in therapy where a person is more educated and equipped to handle screaming anti idols?
  14. Ah I’m getting the picture now. My sin is distracting people from the greatness of your intellect. I’m distracting myself from enjoying the Word, which we are not talking about here. But we are talking about determinism and freedom of will. Getting into that doesn’t distract from enjoying the Word I guess. You sound mad.
  15. Oh so it’s a reactionary idol. Too much love is bad too much hate is bad. Or in your case it’s a trigger idol. You can trigger us and bait us into your narcissistic views by calling standing against idolatry as inventing a new idol? How clever. Is this a Mars hill type debate? Where you’re not allowed to introduce a new idol or you’ll get stoned by a mob?
  16. Hilarious. Explain more about this anti idol concept you have. Something about if you stand against idolatry for a certain period of time it becomes your idol? You sound quite butt hurt over the fact that I keep numbers going in the why PFAL sucks thread as opposed to caving in to your troll narcissistic filibustering.
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