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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. For this type of mind, Plato’s cave is perfect. Push play DVD Jesus. Ask your overseer for direction in everything in life. Reduce amount of decisions you have to make. minFW. Drop kick me Jesus thru the goalposts of life lol.
  2. Right. My stomach eats McDonalds, breaks out into hives, and causes dry heaves. But for some it is their staple food. Theres an example of that going on here. Any point outside of VP and PFAL worship your stomach rejects you disappear into the bathroom for a couple days, then re appear in fresh clothes with a new Schtick. No logic or reasoning involved. Just avoidance and re approach.
  3. Worth the price of a stamp to write “No” on the back and send to PO Box 328? But I mean their symbolism is on point. Country BFE road. Ditch. Fog covering the path. I mean what could go wrong lol
  4. Of course. It would be entertaining with all the modern forms of communication they could do a TikTok, a group text, or send a thumbs down gif and a short text and require the local stooge person to do the Pharisee FedEx delivery. I wonder if the RnR folks did the window decorations like the Mormons? I mean with all the modern advancements since Martin Luther, we might could do 50 ways to excommunicate someone
  5. Dude if you avoid someone who also avoids you who the f cares in the long run anyway. PFAL effectively MAs the rest of the body of Christ anyway. Unfortunately for them they can’t MA the bema.
  6. From the reports I heard Vern the current President personally called RnR members to inform them they were MA. So is he saying any act he took prior to them voting RR out he was not responsible for because RR was in charge? Yes part of the whitewash is defining a “new” Way. Are they calling it Way 4 now? New marketing label same exact everything else. Classes, corpse, ambassadors, tithing, pushing for proselytizing. Central control and money flow. Still a dissolved research department but a new class. Sorry still same pickled Pharisee on the inside despite the new meat label on the outside. Changes don’t involve accountability and apologies to anyone anywhere ever any time.
  7. Btw the single best place to go for Mormons to look at evidence over their doctrine is cesletter.org
  8. On the Mormons ran across this video. This is the inner sanctum Temple ceremony. These poor fools give up coffee, alcohol, hair coloring, do annual tithe reconciliation with bishops all to retain temple worthiness for this. To me looks like traffic signals in long underwear with secret names.
  9. You are traveling down the path that the RnR folks went. As I’m sure you’ve read those threads it came to the point of submitting a list of suggestions to the Way leadership. The response was less than stellar. I think that group was mark and avoided very shortly after appearing in a video together. The Way is not interested in change. The Way is interested in whitewashing out all those old Timothy statues supposedly representing Vic sitting in various places. Another decade later and still the wine runs thru the cracks in the skin.
  10. This is a failed decision of a Mormon Apostle. I think that is a very common occurrence in cults. The or a main leader who is supposed to be walking according to revelation is every bit as clueless and powerless as the prophets of Baal in the OT were to magically light a sacrifice on fire. Why? They are so deluded they even lie to themselves. They have to make excuses for failed prophecy. The Bible is clear on this topic - don’t give your attention and money to sorcerers.
  11. I think the Pharisees at the Ways greatest desire is for you and I to have a minimum of freedom of will. minFW. They share this desire and mode of operating with most other cults and most dictator regimes in the world.
  12. So one area that this worldly logic vs logic of the “Word” stinks to high heaven at the Way is the topic of debt. Many have tried to introduce the logic of scripture to the Pharisees at Way HQ and been shut down. Any groups of leaders were separated and not allowed to talk in a group. Then dissenters were excommunicated as the cults pattern is. The Way goes first now off of lawyer recommendations and second “the Word”. Their twisted view of debt is you are not in debt if you sign a year lease which is a 12 month commitment to funds you don’t possess but you are with a mortgage. Also a car loan is debt but a car lease is not debt. Being subject to the bondage of Pharisees never makes sense always hurts the person listening and always increases the riches and or control and power of the Pharisee.
  13. Some people it gives comfort to hand over a high level of control of their lives to someone else. They can reduce the amount of freedom of will necessary for anything in life by asking others what would be “best” for their lives. Some could live their entire lives off of Lifelines type quotes above, which are false dilemmas that introduce bondage into the Christian walk. Rigid thinking produces fragile minds. I have varied degrees of friends with various views of the Bible and God. My 5 senses, my brain and my heart help me understand scripture and inspiration comes from the HS.
  14. Yeah this thread is kinda like the age old predestination debate over Gods foreknowledge precedes pre destination, but way stupider and bound up by a lot of theory of various things. If your PFAL Jesus more resembles a dashboard Jesus, maybe you ought to dump the bondage mental models and go sit down have a chat.
  15. It’s pretty clear when you lay it out like that. I think cults do not like the simplicity of the new birth and making Jesus Lord in your life because then they can’t lay out microstructures of Pharisee hierarchy wherein they control people. The leaders desire is to control.
  16. You know I think that minFW has some potential. As a model. For cult members. Its kind of like regular and fully exercised free will. But it’s more limited, like it’s in a box. Just like Jesus is for them. minFW. Learn to love it cult members, like a jail cell you have to do time in.
  17. AI machinery runs pretty well known algorithms and the hardware usually involves stacking up GPUs because a lot of it is image and pattern matching. GPU is graphical processor like people buy for video cards on gaming computers. Self driving cars have made out of this world advancements. The advanced mode on Tesla can navigate thru traffic completely to destination. I don’t have one but have ridden in one. AI systems perform better than humans under stress conditions usually. The modern chess programs are beating the masters. The fears I see are people fear being replaced. Usually it’s more an adaptation though. The more recent help desk chat bots are getting better. Nicer, more helpful. But the Turing test of self awareness is not in any danger of being breached. Every scientific breakthrough leads ethics. Ethics are a lagging indicator. People learn to use tools ethically by failing to use them ethically.
  18. So how does artificial intelligence play into the field of determinism and free will? For example the Tweet generator at http://yes.thatcan.be All I need to do is apply AI deterministic models to tell me what to tweet next.
  19. Nice layers on this. Fading bends. Good sound too with some drive and chorus and effects blends.
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