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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. If all the apologists did nothing else but read this and follow the example they would be better off. This is a real life account of the eye not saying to the hand I have no need of you but rather the body of Christ functioning as God designed it. I am not quite ready to tackle the Trinity doctrine but I will say this. With logic you are forced to accept either a dual nature of Christ or like VP does perform acrobatics scripturally to show a dual nature of the Holy Spirit. Which the big HS little hs is the stupidest bullshonta ever. But that is for another thread.
  2. Aaaaaand the only place that you can say Jesus is Lord really at the same time as confessing Jesus is Lord is where? Plaffy. See how it all ties back together? Otherwise you are either an empty floating by or you don’t understand the holy spirit field. Which is way different than the Holy Spirit field. Got it?
  3. Yeah real. I think 2018 was the first time black people were legally qualified for the priesthood due to a historic racist comment by an old LDS apostle leader.
  4. It seems other groups also make lists…. How many of these also would apply to the Way?
  5. So this strangely enough depicts a different view of Jesus blessing some people. After his resurrection. So different I couldn’t make out a single thing going on there. People were saying it’s a scene from 3 Nephi . Which I guess was one of those golden tablets or magically revealed in a hat dictation or something. Truth is way stranger than fiction. To me all those books seem like badly copied KJV interlaced with some fantastic dreams and stories by a known storyteller.
  6. 101. Develops a parent to child attitude and tone interacting with other members of the body of Christ who have not “taken the class”
  7. My thoughts are that by reading VPs definition of righteousness serial killers and psychopaths would fit the bill. They have zero moral conscience of wrongdoing and could stand in the presence of God unaffected by any sense of guilt. Similarly, justification. Just as if you had never sinned. Who needs constant reminders that they are ok despite their living patterns? Those who sin A LOT. And are worried about it. No I think the “sonship rights” are little more than a man whose moral conscience bothered him and who was trying to manipulate scripture to feel a little better about himself. ”I wish I were the man I know to be” ”He was a mean man”
  8. Romans 7 is a personal section. It applies to following after the virtue of the new man nature. Not meant to be applied to analyze other Christians and their walks. Only a personal contrast. In this you could say there is a parallel fable in folklore - the two wolves story from native folklore comes to mind. What do you feed? With others the only barometer is God looks on the heart Jesus says look at the fruit. What is the end result product over time? No man can escape the harvest of what he has planted.
  9. Mid report. So far I am enjoying this cult class from the city on a hill church. I always wondered when in the Way why it got lumped together with other groups like JWs, Mormons. In this class The Way was first. And delved into logically then other groups. It is a feel thing. The tactics and methods of operation are uncannily similar between these cultish groups, regardless of what it is they are teaching, a fundamentalist Bible, an angel delivered golden template, or a method where the mind heals itself and people ascend. They all abuse underlings similarly. They all set up hierarchies of Pharisees who only deal with other Pharisees and insulate themselves from contact with lay followers. They all lie. They all excommunicate and shun others. They all subject followers to menial tasks to show them their place in the hierarchy. They all control the money. They all set up free proselytizing programs that they don’t participate in. From what I am learning in this series I think this is what Jesus meant when he said you know people by their fruit, not their words.
  10. You mean the law of victim blaming for leadership? Yes that is intertwined. The fear in the heart of that woman killed that boy. Victim blaming is the 10th manifestation for Way leadership. It replaces miracles and discerning of spirits lol. It’s the only one they operate more than SIT but you can see them occasionally wandering around muttering to themselves.
  11. What it’s really time to come home for from their perspective is my tithes. I mean why waste funds on people in your local community helping other people when you could send it in to New Knoxville and pay a lawyer or a minimum wage grounds worker that doesn’t want to be there? Or fund the BOD personal secretaries?
  12. Excellent post. US media is pretty garbage and very biased. For a long time I read the Christian Science Monitor due to the influence of a math teacher. Non biased reporting mostly. In the past decade I pick up headlines from Al Jazeera network. Except for topics on the Middle East and Muslim topics they also offer non biased work. For those topics US biased media is fine not much to spin. I do read a lot. Post Way I like a lot of different Bible translations also. The Way sticks people in the 1600s using KJV and the reasoning is mistrust of other Christian translators. The UK has a lot of hate for their own leaders and government right now. And the queens passing was hugely impactful one of the greatest world leaders in my lifetime.
  13. This whole topic to me seems to be brought up as the last sentence says as an excuse not to hold someone morally responsible for their actions. In other words for the purpose of whitewashing. Whitewashing the history of the Way. Whitewashing VPs image and class. Convince me I’m wrong.
  14. Dorothy Owens was the wife of the first VP. She was tasked with teaching the hippies who came out to the farm etiquette and song leading. Despite me taking her name in vain she was a nice lady who was kind funny and always appropriate when she wasn’t being a practical joker which she was really good at. I liked her, Mrs VPW and Bernita Jess about 1000% more than any of the puffheaded moglets running around HQ.
  15. I do what I can with virtuous characteristics as I can develop them. Part of this for me is a strong distinction in avoiding the unquestioned acceptance of half truths which have in the past allowed to occupy space in my head causing real damage from bondage, constricted thought, poor self image. All of that 100% from this cult. Mike plays the victim of rudeness and bullying. I’m fine with my mirror doppelgänger guy. A hell of a lot better than when I was in a cult 100%. And I did ok with lives trusted to me when in cult too. But all suffered trauma. My family, spouse. All impacted by this insidious group. What is reasonable when freeing your family from the clutches of those who feed themselves off of your family? Proverbs states the dilemma of answering fools according to their folly or not answering them. Mike lives at the juncture of this dilemma on a daily basis. Real honestly how I feel from the bottom of my heart with respect to etiquette and Mike he can go kiss dead Dorothy Owen’s arse. He used up all the good will and kindness here about a decade ago imo.
  16. Sweet. This means I’m teaching freedom like it hasn’t been known since the 12th century. Thx Mike I was totally unaware of how generationally inspiring I am in my magical mystery tour of the Bible outside fundamentalism. But oh yes Eve and that apple. What is that again? I forget who teaches what theory.
  17. Trolling, or intentional denseness combined with persistence, indicates over the course of time that the person has the agenda of disrupting the communication of others. Forcing your agenda on an audience despite their thoughts and desires is the ultimate rudeness. I applaud your kindness in reaching out here to Mike to endeavor to appeal to logic and reason in an easy to be entreated manner. I post here also partially to heal from trauma. The kind inflicted by cults. The kind stirred up by trolls. This in my view accomplished his inner agenda. Disrupt and call people back to PFAL. Perhaps it might be more kind to ban this individual from the attention forum he seeks as opposed to constantly engaging with him to our own and the readers detriment?
  18. It’s a weird dilemma they don’t care like the Mormons don’t care about CESletter.org. They would never respond in a million years, take any responsibility in 2 million or apologize for people being hurt in 3 million. Why? Because the only external seat on the board is an imaginary one and it is filled by a lawyer. But they print it out and pile it on Presidents desks. Conclusion: They don’t care about the truth except the extent in which it exposes them then they care about hiding it.
  19. Guys I think I might just have a different viewpoint than a lot of the discussion going on here. Yes I can feel it formulating and percolating. I’m gonna discuss it with my own inner circle of neuroscientists that I have on speed dial or I can just wait to bring it up in our panel discussions that we have had in my mind for the past 20 years. Are you ready? ok Its called maxFW. It’s the latest craze all the neuroscientists are Gaga over it. Heres how it works. Step 1. I maximize the freedom of will in my religious choices Step 2 I send postcards to the Way about how much I’m enjoying my freedom of will. Step 3 I really don’t do step 2 because I don’t give a f. Maybe Andrew Huberman will have me on his podcast where I can engage audiences with this brilliance for about three and a half minutes.
  20. TBone I was in a meeting yesterday where I totally felt like I was wearing one of these. The desperate look on the face is real lol.
  21. Is it also time to come home to my house for all the vagrants people witness to on the proselytizing pushes that nobody ever admits goes on despite it being woven into the leadership fabric of the field manuals?
  22. OMG. We so totally need to do a contest to fill in the back of the card. I already saw some fantastic candidates. ”the MOGFODAT is dead everyone is safe now” ”the lawsuits are over and we are Labor Dept compliant now” ”what else are you gonna do with the 40 hours a week of free thinking time you have outside your job” Heres a few. But I also trust when the rest of GS gets on a roll moving their mouth lips tongues and posting tools it results in hilarity. And that for me is somewhat therapeutic I’m not gonna lie.
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