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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Here is the miniature golden calf version that all of the Way clergy have sitting on their desk to remind them of the prototype they are growing into. There are two life size versions I believe one is in the lobby of the auditorium.
  2. Also VP was running scared ahead of his denominations sanctions due to being highly critical of foreign mission efforts by the E&RC church as well as a rumored affair with his secretary they were closing in on sanctioning him for. None of this made the snowstorm stories lol. Originally VP was sponsored by his home church. There is a record of his father helping him to obtain the recommendation. Then he went to college and disobeyed promptly the rule about getting married exchanging vows with Dottie immediately and being secretly marrried against the seminary rules.
  3. In many denominations and their setup I think the home church is the one who sponsors the young adult to go to divinity school get an undergraduate and possibly graduate degrees working under the authority of the college. Upon graduation they ordain the candidate and they take up an assignment in the home church that sent them. Over time they increase their responsibility. Other churches can reach outside their denomination to attract known pastors who speak well and pay them more to take an assignment. Most pastorates in denominations work as a pay for preach setup. The head speaking clergy in a church is the one whose sermons draw in the greater amount of money. That provides more funding for all other activities. Established denominations with governing synods or assemblies or whatever they name them tend to not be as money driven and hold a pastors reputation to come more in play. The Way operates like a big good ole boys club just like all the other cults (meaning exclusive small group not necessarily gender and race driven but many times it is) No outside accountability either in a business sense or a spiritual sense.
  4. Apparently the LGTBQ+ shooter was on Mormon member rolls.
  5. Here’s a picture of a statue unveiling in India. One of the white old Mormon apostles was real happy to be there. What is it with cult leaders and golden statues? This looks a lot like the golden calf Timothy statues at the Way.
  6. 111. PLAF is a gateway to selling Shamway type products to all your known friends and acquaintances. Who do you think is gonna carry out filling those salesman type quotas for the next PLAF class? The board of directors? Chandler from Friends?
  7. Noice. Like the new strat sound. Cool layers. Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Ah yes young Chandler. It is SOOO easy to get that guy mixed up with the one from Friends it is understandable. Let’s examine the history there. An undergrad paid for by family money since mom and dad are both Way clergy and dad just made the BOD. A doctorate in pharmacy, which represents around 150k in education. You know there is no debt there because he is active Corps so there is privilege beyond what any other enjoy. Ministerial experience? Not in pharmacy school. Shortly after dad pulled a string and the BOD pulled the same trick VP did with son Don and Dons doctorate in education and experience as a principal. Zero to Way Corps director overnight. Oh and let’s have Chandler be one of the new class teachers too. The guy is a perfect representation of his background. White privilege. Doesn’t work for all the other races and po white trash without the blue blood connections. Yes they had an African in as a teacher for image. Doesn’t change the Chandler privilege and lack of qualifications. But hey look at the standard set there by your fodder in da verd. Today I’m so thankful to God I escaped that menagerie.
  9. I use Bibleworks software that has quite a number of versions in it as well as other lexical tools that help. I use Trello for all project notes from home projects to cars to study projects. Except work stuff usually is either Google docs or hacked OneNote notes. I still have my Oxford KJV with all the cult notes in it. I look at it every so often to remind myself what a scribe I used to be not in a good sense. All the HS hs and also’s marked. Because it’s more important to do that by hand as an exercise than use an honest modern translation.
  10. This is called the Schrodinger effect. Is Mike really there on the thread? Or he’s not really there. This theory has implications also with respect to the trinity doctrine. Now is it time for me to disappear again lol ?
  11. Nice work. It is amazing when you go back over the epistles without waybrain certain things do stand out. I feel in my heart truths in the HS field like talents and abilities being enhanced as opposed to an iron man suit approach. I think the purpose of the iron man suit was to set VP up like Tony Stark the billionaire hero who saved the world and operated all 5 “gift ministries”. But don’t get me started on that bullshonta. Like everything else it is a facade interpretation of what God really wants for the functioning of the body of Christ.
  12. Thx for delving into the details. I had no idea about the occult connection with so many of the names we would hear quoted by VP. I did not come from this background so appreciate the detailed knowledge.
  13. Okay but the 10 page first post is not an action that supports your stated intent here. From my perspective you have it twisted up about the Corps program. There were some extreme zealots there. But mostly it was a program where we studied the collaterals half the day and worked a job the other half. There were some classes but not many. But of course since you weren’t there you think it’s the training part that is the issue. The irony is most everyone that went through the program pretty much has done what you think is the answer - focus on the collaterals. From my perspective there is a lot less honest research work done reflected in the collaterals than virtually anything else you’ve read. They are sermon notes picked over a hundred times to ensure that there is a foolish consistency like Emerson writes is the hobgoblin of little minds.
  14. Your filibustering is also a pattern of moving air molecules. Lol. Figuratively of course because we are all typing in the electronic square of Plato’s cave of depression.
  15. So I’m every single thread here I think people accept the idea of God having foreknowledge. Why is it important or interesting to carry on a long discussion about the electro chemical pathways in the brain that are involved when people pray, worship God, or study the Bible? Or make the freewill decision to eat a piece of toast with jam?
  16. In Christian philosophy this is the question about whether or not foreknowledge precedes predestination. If it doesn’t it’s fatalism. The Christian argument is you have full free will but God knows the choices you will make in the future because He is omnipresent with respect to time. This is the standard argument that is a lot different than the little acrobatics going on in your mind.
  17. 105. Picks at perceived harmony of the gospel errors to establish the teacher as the only one in Christianity that “got that right”. Next logical error “if you can’t trust them on 4 crucified how can you trust them on the details of the new birth?” Next step in the path down - splinter off from other Christian fellowship contact and communication and allow a cult to assume spiritual authority for you.
  18. I’ve seen them a few times back in the day when Peart had a big u shaped setup and a gong, and more recently he had a rotating kit half skins half electronics and he switched back and forth in his solo. One of the few true masters.
  19. Along with the tasty licks of Alex Lifeson and the best live drummer I have ever heard live on the planet earth Neil Peart - so tight!
  20. Pretty cool. Yes there probably is ample Biblical evidence to write a sequel to JCNG called Jesus Christ Is God. Could both be sold together as a discounted package deal lol? I’m thinking about this for a while then will get a doctrinal thread going.
  21. Yeah for me it’s going to take some concerted effort to root out all the plaque in the teeth from cult land on this one. I get the gist of it - dual nature, some essence of both, but don’t want to call it a mystery like the Catholics and don’t want to misstep. Ill start a thread Jan 1 unless you guys want to go for it earlier. Im exploring it from the perspective of getting to know my Lord and Savior better and eradicate false images of Him.
  22. Come on now let’s get logical. Your local neighborhood pastor loves God Jesus the Bible but doesn’t believe in SIT. He really in Gods estimation has a lower level of commitment and love for the Savior than the puffheaded lo shantaists? He really can’t say Jesus is Lord really? I mean he can enough to be born again but that doesn’t count? Condescending bullshonta. God put the whole section right in the same vicinity about clanging cymbals and worthless noise in I Cor 12-14. Those 3 chapters check and balance each other. And none of it is accurately taught in PLAF The further I get away from it the more ridiculous the Holy Spirit teachings of the Way seem to me. Like an iron man suit as opposed to a Lord and Savior.
  23. Except the “via SIT” is 100% added and private interpretation against the holy tenets of the PLAF. Not even consistent within itself. As most copied works are… Maybe he should have spent more than a weekend with JE Stiles and actually talked with the man as opposed to copying his book.
  24. Yes I am not conflicted with a dual natured Christ either. I don’t have the energy to do that thread now but a thread in doctrinal in the new year would be cool to explore. I also can see aspects of divinity as well as aspects of humanity. The mind bender is 100% dual nature. VP keyed off of that seeming discrepancy and drove a truck through the wedge there. The fruit was division and a splintered shipwreck off the body of Christ. It would be good to explore that aspect of way brain some time.
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