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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Finished up the Cults class teaching on Heavens Gate. The impact that had on me was that the tactics were similar to other cults isolating people into a small group for control purposes. However this one really brought home the impact of remaining isolated in a group like that for an extended period of time. Like the Stanford prison experiment which had guards turned into gestapo tyrants inside of 3 days, this group drifted further and further off course directed by two people, which eventually ended in mass suicide. The battle is real folks for your mind and the freedom of your mind.
  2. Right. The section where Jesus says “who is my brother” in response to a belittling message from family downplaying his mission and request he come home likely to help out with the family business, carpentry. Like Mike under pressure, their warped minds grasp at the nearest scripture for the purpose of justifying their immoral decisions and actions which are anti Christ.
  3. He did a great job depicting being brainwashed with the robot dance. I mean what more appropriate expression for VPs “renewed mind” is there? Hey audience, renew your mind and you will break out into miniature expressions of the Stepford robot. It instantly connected with audiences seeing it for the first time. Unfortunately some of them were comedians.
  4. I think these conversations exist just so that Mike, under pressure to explain, comes up with new and inventive ways to re write history. While I do acknowledge VP had the narcissism to invent a “self referential mnemonic” It just gets weirder and weirder at every turn. But I guess that is the nature of an old wineskin. You have to attach a spiritual significance to the history or it is just another disposable aluminum can that the homeless gather for the recycle fee.
  5. Whatever it’s the key to needs to be locked back up in the shed. Put R2D2 back on the charger and turn it off too plz
  6. So since folks are talking about forgiveness and like every single splinter group as well as critical Wayfer sheep like to rail on posters on this site uncontrolled regarding the topic of “forgiveness” as if somehow the abused people are the ones with the problem not the lust controlled filthy lucre and power driven a holes who inflict the abuse, I thought I’d share a little bit from therapy after leaving TWI. The therapist diagnosed me as having boundary issues. Said I was “too compliant”. Said that an offense that came in at a 10 level I was only responding at a 1 level. Also in that category is PTSD. Other times an offense that was a 1 level I would hyper react at a 10 level. This was 100 percent attributable to the cult. It took reading a book on Boundaries and implementing safe and solid practices to recover from this. The therapist basically said to not listen to Way leadership because there was ample clear evidence they cared nothing for my life. So in conclusion, no I do NOT suffer from a lack of forgiveness toward people whose conscience is so seared they would never ask for forgiveness because in their estimation they never did anything wrong. Continually pointing out their abusive, illogical, and damaging behavior is the MOST loving thing that could be done for the most amount of people in the situation. I am not bitter or angry towards these people any longer. I feel nothing. They are living their lives according to their choices as I am. I speak the truth because I like to. And the flame blogger guy doesn’t realize there are like whole periods of time I have left this place for a year, two, whatever. So sorry Charley no your remote diagnosis over the internet somehow doesn’t seem that accurate lol. Good talk GS see you later.
  7. Ah yes a familiar one with cults. Utilized very heavily with Scientology and JWs. Separating family over hard line cult stances.
  8. Apparently the person has some anger issues wanting me to say certain things to his “face”. And seems to want to fight me lol. Since he and I both are anonymous should I suggest pistols at 30 yards on the Meta Oculus Rift? Original Street Fighter arcade version? Hunt the Wumpus? Sorry running out of online combat arenas there.
  9. We will be organizing a witnessing weekend every week this month to meet our class quota where we will be striving to run a class a number of times a year. The BOD have lovingly granted us extra time on our exception to put the class together and we are now officially allowed to call the old non grads new students to meet the standard so we can run a new class. We really know you miss moving the Word over the World. We are trying really hard to come up with a service oriented slogan that will attract your money, I mean you back. God bless, you are the best! Lifelines
  10. BRB. Changing online name to Montana Chippendale.
  11. Ok I’ll take that as an honest answer to my question. Regarding how the brain works is pretty complex. Most technology advancements we have today model only one aspect of the brain. Like fast compute. Or memory. Or picture recognition. One answer is it is a complex bio electrical machine. Also a human muscle. An unending topic of science to explore. And it’s a reasonable Bullshonta detector if it’s not too bound up with categorization like attempting to separate soul and spirit. If you immerse a detector in the Bullshonta it detects nothing because there is no basis for comparison.
  12. Yes. I am gonna have to thank this blogger. Every single substantive link external to this site is crawled by search bots and it helps to elevate this site in search engines. So it makes it that much easier for people seeking out of their particular bondage situation to find grease spot. Oh and I’m flattered by the attention lol. To think a creative writing pseudonym is famous. Lol.
  13. Dude I’m not trying to make false statements. That is why there is a question mark at the end of the sentence. You are still “tied to the Way”? I used to study knots. What type of knot did they use?
  14. So it was a different group with the same tactics then. Sorry all things look similar from a certain elevation lol. Your birth was a miracle. I’m sorry if I don’t believe that is a unique thing. But beyond that awesome that you being born was a medical emergency miracle! I am believing that is fricken fantastic. I don’t think it has to do with masked occult mind control laws personally though. Maybe the missionaries had a different perspective. Did they leave you with a token of some sort?
  15. Lately I’ve been thinking that Ethelbert more than resembles a crazy uncle with an uncontrollable urge to re arrange your sock drawer lol. I mean not OCD but CDO because it needs to be alphabetized!
  16. Well unfortunately for me I don’t do study groups with intellectuals. Hell I don’t even play chess anymore so there’s that lol. All I do is sit around work and listen to stupid podcasts like Lex Friedman and Joe Rogan. Once in a while I can enjoy Andrew Huberman but that guy really packs a lot into an episode lol. What has your brain trust contributed to you? Mine has me sleeping better and doing deadlifts lol.
  17. Yep and the Mormon missionaries receive all the contact info of inactive members and make it their duty to call upon them so that they will return to the fold of tithing and long underwear wearing.
  18. So awesome thx for all the details and the beautiful instruments!
  19. Axe #1 - my Jackson Frankenstein. Re wired it all with high output pickups.
  20. Pretty cool all of this is inspiring me. I’m a bit behind you on the setup stuff. Got Reaper vst downloaded and looking at it also upgraded my FL Studio version because it is like Reaper but has a lot of plugins. All that for a backing track. But worth it. I’ve seen some guys with a one man band setup with loops that look real cool want to play with all that also. That is one of my New Years resolutions.
  21. Yeah me too. I figured if wave particle theory is something physicists can come up with by examining the creations behavior then certainly a dual natured Christ is not a stretch at all. Similarly that Schrodinger cat video lays out possibilities. I just think the deterministic absolutes that were taught regarding JCNG is just another form of mind limiting bondage. In truth Jesus Christ catalyzes everything spiritually.
  22. An interesting concept I was thinking of recently with respect to he trinity doctrine is Schrödinger’s cat experiment. The cat is placed in a sealed box you can’t see into. The box has a radioactive isotope a mallet and a vial of poison. There is a 50% chance at any given moment that the isotope will decay causing the hammer to hit the vial and the cat to die. So from the outside perspective the cat is both alive and dead. You can’t know which outside of opening the box. Opening the box causes your perspective to synch up with the cat at a given time so it will have one exact state upon observation. I look at the Godhead like this. There are three distinct natures all true at the same time. The act of human observation and interaction causes the manifestation of one of those states. So in other words Christ is both there and not there at the same time. And the trinity is both true and not true at the same time similarly. Does this make sense? Or is the concept too far stretched to conceive?
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