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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Awesome I like peace. It sounds like you are working out a relationship and philosophy from scripture and guidance. And Christian community at GS. Cool. Go for it. Don’t let anything stop you.
  2. Sorry for that bro. Ive got a cousin in law that got remarried a number of years back. She was a stewardess and hooked up with a test pilot on a layover. She has two kids from a previous marriage. So he shows up at her hometown condo with flowers and rings the door. The boys tell her. He keeps doing it every day for a week. A year later they get married. But since it’s her 3rd and his 2nd and they both do drink they said they better go to counseling first lol. They have been married for 5 years the kids are off in college and they are traveling the world posting photos. They look pretty happy. We gotta visit them. Always potential for a new beginning in this life.
  3. So on the cults topic this is nothing new the Way has faced this criticism from forever, back when I joined and before and up until this day. I remember when I was in how I used to think it was so unfair to compare the Way to all these other groups like the JWs, Scientology, the Mormons. I used to think “they don’t know us at all we are nothing like that”. Why did I flip my views? I guess over time I gradually started paying attention more to the actions and results of the group and less to their sales pitch. And personally I experienced my average fellow community member caring more for my life as proven upon many occasions than the leadership of the group I had dedicated my life to showed. When you look at the fruit as Jesus taught and tune out the static it starts to emerge more clearly. A small exclusive group at the top. No outside oversight. A free proselytizing force. Money flowing one way on the wings of obligation. The fleecing of the sheep for as much wool as exists on the coat, regardless of the upcoming winter for the sheep. Hamster wheel like activity for self perpetuating motion. Excommunication and shunning. Isolation, even from others of similar cause. All those things exist in common for cults. The schtick varies, from L Ron Hubbard and the self enlightenment path, to Joseph Smith and his golden tablets from the angel Moroni and sessions in a hat, to a Watchtower Society of the 144000 in the end times, to a fictional snowstorm and a promise to know scripture hidden since the first century. Everybody has got a pitch. What happens in the delivery of the goods though?
  4. Yeah because I’m commenting on der vey and marriage I wanted to point out this example. It is a good example of what I believe the Bible does teach about marriage. Harmony with different opinions through mercy and grace. Not lock step obedience through rigid unyielding mental patterns and absolute trust and obedience. I mean dogs aren’t even like that.
  5. The Ways shenanigans and anti Christ operation has broken up more Christian marriages than I have actually seen any other place. The only “more harmony in the home” you see in Der Vey is the woman walking 10 steps behind the man in obedience and subjugation. Ladies here’s your chance! You can live the Word of der vey at home. Or take a similar risk and go out on an ambassador program to Saudi Arabia. Really move the word there lol. I mean there are real examples of affairs causing suicides. Yes in residence these idiots were much more onerous. When I think about what they were doing behind the scenes at the time they were controlling us with respect to marriage and dating it makes me sick to my stomach. Yes if the Way never spoke again publicly on Christian family marriage and sex it would still be too soon. Their witness in that area stinks to high heaven.
  6. Hey Charity thanks for sharing your story. Like your name says I’m sure love and Christian connection and community will heal a lot. I like the big daddy cool brother adjectives. That surely reflects a personal relationship. I think the love and light will illuminate the depths and crevices and burn out the bullshonta. But I’m weird like that. Best chocky
  7. Hey oldies pretty cool about the progressive Catholic group. Glad you found some Christian community. It’s in a lot of places we never looked much before.
  8. So the budgets for Way of USA were set up I think on an 85/15 budget where 15% is supposed to remain local. How that plays out is one full time salaried staff (usually both husband and wife working) per region. And petty cash. The 85 % goes back to really spiritually critical stuff. Like forging molten cows I mean Timothy statues, keeping grounds clean, paying lawyers to ensure tax exempt fleecing continues, and constructing large empty auditoriums. Oh and broadcast quality video equipment to ensure the class cycle continues. Oh yeah and paying off victims no it wasn’t insurance there was a separate lawsuit they filed against insurance company to try and collect back the money from the Allen settlement.
  9. He had better Lifelines than VP ”When you come to a fork in the road take it” ”90% of baseball is mental, the other half is physical “ ”Always go to other people’s funerals or they won’t come to yours”
  10. 113. Excellor Sessions Why in the name of the precious baby Jesus on a pogo stick do we need to practice the mechanics of faking something that God gave freely? A-shonta b-shonta c-shonta d-shonta Oh boy I’m feeling more fluent already And spiritually pumped up by Hanz and Franz. Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd just a little bit better than you because of my works based spirituality.
  11. Yes in the world we live in tolerance and acceptance more illuminates the path than hard core stances. With compromise, to me, like in a marriage, that means being ok with having diverse viewpoints on topics, allowing others the freedom to see things their way, and not being such an a hole with a corncob stuck up the butt looking down my nose at other Christians. Like I was taught to do in the PFAL series. People blame the Way Corps but that was just a Stanford prison experiment with free time to study collaterals.
  12. Love your perspectives. Compromise is the harmony of life, and it flows much easier outside of a fundamentalist extreme viewpoint.
  13. All right I’m speculating here. I think he went along with the trinity topic for a long time as a pastor. He states this. Then at a certain point he reached critical mass with the ecumenical Bible center at the Way because people and their money went back to their churches after taking his stolen class. So he delved into conspiracy theory, and got controversial with edge case views in JCNG and ADAN. And drove them home so hard that he ended up teaching in his Adv class that all heads of Christian denominations are seed of the serpent men. Oh and what is that anyway? Something else new? Destination : Gillian’s Island at the Way Thats where it ends up a splinter off of the ship of the family faith. And bondage and damage and Pharisee clutches within clutches in the group.
  14. Spot on. Personally the way I was led into tongues was a friend who went to an Oral Robert’s stadium meeting and brought home teachings. Ironically a different year from VP faking his way on stage at another one of those. But the guy just taught me a couple things we prayed and then it flowed naturally. I later attended another one of Orals offerings or one of his kids. They don’t really do any of the evangelist style tent meetings or stadium meetings made famous by Steve Martin in Leap of Faith any more. I remember it was encouraging and inspiring. When I got into the Way I liked the detail on the manifestations but didn’t really question the whole package taught and lived and what the fruit was. Today I just pray and it goes back and forth and who cares but God hears and knows. And like Corinthians says without love it is more cowbell only lol In a space of silence in an extended prayer meeting I may be inspired to bring forth a message where there is tongues. Or not. Or what we called in twig prophecy. But the format of controlling Maggie Muggins in the name of controlling the flow of a meeting is repulsive. It’s more about the control than about the power shown or the message. That produces elevator music Christianity.
  15. I just find that for me personally JCNG supposedly handles the edge case scriptures regarding Christs deity or equality status with God the Father but in reality falls flat on its face with questionable scripture interpretation that 100% smacks of proving a personal theory in scripture with a mallet and shoehorn. Fitting a square peg into a round hole by carving. A workman who needs to be ashamed of the BS lazy tactics utilized in his workmanship, leading thousands to delusion.
  16. Hey thx for answering! I love people talking about Christ and yes the household in Biblical non Way terms IS the body of Christ as you referenced above. Yes I agree honoring the Son honors the Father and vice versa. I don’t find it that complicated more like a convo in a good family “Son you are awesome” “Dad it’s because I was raised in a good house” One interesting portion of the gospels in question here is doubting Thomas, who after touching Jesus exclaimed “my Lord and God”. Now I have read Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, which does bring into play eastern customs. Which VP can stretch along with other angles when the text doesn’t fit his preconceptions. But the guy seemed pretty specific there. Why was he so confused lumping them both together like that? I know it’s metonymy of Greek for Aramaic. Metonymy of one shoe horn for a bigger one from a different country. Anyway more ramblings about my Jesus Christ views and philosophy.
  17. Context I think is Jesus saying worship in spirit and in truth. Prophecying of something new at Pentecost. So for figures of speech I believe Bullingers Figures of Speech come into play there as opposed to a textual variant. I just don’t agree with VP there. I think he is shoe horning a miscellaneous type figure of speech in saying “oh but what it really means is this not that” This would be a metonymy type or change substitution.
  18. I think SIT is mentioned so infrequently directly in the Bible that there are places that reference it by implication. In John these are Jesus words prophecying of the future. He didn’t know exactly what it would be in one sense. He as a man had no experience of that. He is speaking clearly as the Son of God in gospel entirely from the perspective of Jesus as the Son. Language and perspective is different in the other gospels. VP in RHST says there is a figure of speech there meaning “truthfully via the spirit” and goes on with that logic to build the case for nobody really being a true Christian without SIT. To me that is a stretch. How about just literally reading the damn verse? Sorry fighting off the waybrain triggers me lol. In spirit and in truth. How about pray in spirit and with understanding personally including SIT in personal life as you feel it? And in truth meaning to actually live the rest of the sections in Corinthians 12-14 about a viewpoint that supports a whole functioning body of Christ operating without the need for decrees from a group of ninnies? Or a special snowstorm and a flaming rocket trail of destruction following? Or golden Timothy statues of dead guys not Timothy?
  19. I got you. Because of past teachings any idea of JCNG being wrong freaks you out. Any reference to labeled trinitarian ideas or practices causes a lack of comfort. But there is a sense of wrongfully judging and excluding brothers and sisters in Christ not connected to the Way. Thanks for the song from Lauren Daigle. The lyrics are pretty. I’ll look up the song. Sorry if my progressive views on Jesus Christ shocked you. I’m not selling them or proselytizing. I just don’t believe a system of logic that got me to an anti Christ place while being labeled Christian. I will pray for your peace.
  20. No I was illustrating the personal difference I feel in connection with my Lord between Way infused brain and now. With Waybrain and the SIT teachings about being “spiritually built up” strong and the teachings in the Advanced Class which amounts to faithful in least (SIT) faithful in much (more impactful manifestations like signs miracles and wonders), the focus shifted from the personal relationship to checking boxes for an absent Christ. However, regardless of all the teachings about them, the signs miracles and wonders definitely have never been evident in the Way household and less and less evident the farther up the organizational chain you travel. Instead you run into golden idols like the Timothy statues and idolization of VP including excuses and whitewash. No I think true Christianity involves melting down molten images and developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. Many want the Savior. Few want the Lord aspect as it requires subjugation of the ego.
  21. It sounds kinda like when I visit the in-laws lol. So is here a pandemic small group fellowship? I mean who knows. Feels a bit like community to me. Post cult I have filled up community in my heart. Community is powerful. Different types of communities help augment the human. I have communities locally and online that I participate in oriented towards different endeavors. Maybe that pattern could help you out also.
  22. The Lord Jesus Christ is with you this moment. A personal relationship involves emotions, not going over your SIT chart for the past month to determine if you are good enough to operate other “manifestations”. Oh and it’s not blasphemy to talk to Him either. The deity of Christ was discussed much and written about much in the first century after Christs ascension. The Christians in that century all agreed and only one rogue author disagreed. I think he shows up in VPs book of course. Question the foundations we were taught. I mean VP said if you can’t trust them on 4 crucified how can you regarding the new birth? So lately I’ve been seeing what works from the opposite perspective. 4 crucified is BS manipulation of harmony of the gospels about details that matter little. And VP does some shuffling around of languages there mostly to look like he is an expert in languages which he was far from. I can’t trust the flim flammery there so I’m sure that I can’t trust it in the weightier matters of the spirit the new birth and worship.
  23. Hey Charity welcome! When I first was born again which was as a young person before TWI, I felt a deep need for not only a Savior but a Lord in my life. Because I wasn’t strong enough or smart enough on my own to feel I could handle it. So I became born again. Tracing it back it was teachings like you mention about the absolute error of JCNG and the trinity that really closed my mind off as well to considering the rest of the brothers and sisters as members in the body of Christ. Instead the doctrinal error led me to denigrate and discount my Christian brethren. Today I am not a hard core Trinitarian looking to argue. I love my Lord and Savior and learn more in that relationship daily as my hard head permits.
  24. Let me know when you get to 2.0. The 2s are always more appealing than the 1s. I mean when you can get to version 3.0 or 4.0 then you are really talking. I mean no person can truly say they have changed before they label themselves “version 4”.
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