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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. If God and Christ don’t have to get the approval of your overseer in TWI then the relationship is a lot less hindered. Fruit is an extended metaphor I suppose. Is that called an allegory? Maybe. The only real practical example of that figure of speech I have from TWI is men in tights seed of the serpent dance. Which probably would require multiple threads to talk about what is wrong there. Anyhoo back to allegories. Fruit as an allegory indicates God wants us to pay attention to the farming cycle and plant life cycle. How does that work? Repetitive action and key ingredients are met by God and energized and a plant grows up and bears fruit. So live a godly life and you will bear godly fruit in time. Sorry if truth isn’t rocket science.
  2. Ok I’m gonna say that while I really don’t understand this it totally sounds like it could be written by David Byrne and performed by the Talking Heads. The implication is not……. that the internet is an entity……… with a hidden agenda… (synth guitar break) A collective …… that dices human interaction…… Into numerous commodities…… (Byrne ostrich dance) It also does have the cadence for snap poetry. Good job!
  3. Sorry that happened to you oldies. I remember upon more than one occasion of needing to turn in various little slips of paper indicating my compliance with, stand with, or support of various leaders having a particularly strong paranoia attack. But the 6th Corps was also legendary for other shenanigans like the downstairs grill and pool area and the guy sleeping fugit elbowed in the gut to stand and do manifestations in the middle of Corps night teaching lol. Any similar stories there? Curiosity lol.
  4. Probably not. It is also not wise to take advice from talking donkeys. But don’t tell Balaam that lol. George Carlin did a good job calling out an inconsistency with humor. If you look at him from one angle he does look like a talking donkey. But funny not inspired. Don’t know about limbo babies. Maybe God does a bookstore story time with them twice a day. What do you think?
  5. Did Mikey take the PLAF-T4 or the PLAF-T3? Is it true if you take them in order PLAF-T4 PLAF-T3 PLAF-T2 PLAF-T1 that you can achieve liftoff?
  6. I think I found them and made it about 1:30 in to one of them before the sound of the voice induced an almost vomit like sensation. after that I really tried to fight it down and listen and almost made it a full other minute before throwing in the towel. and cookies in the bathroom. but hey, some people like all sorts of strange and different food. Like menudo. And liver. I can’t do it sorry. same for me with da forehead 4 miles. Can’t do it.
  7. Reason 117. Don Quixote It causes you to construct windmill battles in your mind like Don here above.
  8. Hey Charity Gods real plan for me would have been better if he had more to work with lol. Wherever I was at the time with my viewpoints, my Christianity, my need for service and purpose, He knew that. I could have chose to go on with my denomination church and not taken PFAL. But there also was an appeal of the free spirited Christians that were part of TWI then too. And an appeal for knowledge. It was a baited hook that God knew I would fall for. The pastor of my church told me personally not to take the class. I told him I wanted to take it and if they were wrong to show them where from the Bible. So I didn’t listen. I did experience good in TWI and reading the Bible a lot doesn’t damage you lol. God preserved my heart through it all. Led me through like Psalms 23 says. Provided me a spouse and family. I’m thankful. I am also thankful He led me out. It is freedom for self and family as opposed to a hamster wheel like existence to benefit mostly a small remote group in power somewhere. I am still broken by life in general. The good news is that broken people need Saviors more. Peace and Love in the name of our Lord and Savior.
  9. You are not aware you are a newer poster and contributor to this site? We can get a list of nicknames going for you so you don’t get so triggered there noob.
  10. My prediction for 20 years
  11. It’s all fine. No worries. The scribe mode snarky comment is as much to myself as anyone on this forum. I wasted so many years of my life on meaningless bullshonta arguments over the minutiae of scripture all while missing out on meaningful relationships with other Christians and honestly distancing Christ from my relationship. We can talk about whatever you guys want it’s fine. I finally had a wake up call regarding my old 3x5 solution for the universe scripture studies when I ran across a verse talking about how Jesus taught like one with authority not like the scribes. So I looked up grammeteis in the Greek and saw too much of myself there. And changed.
  12. The internet is more impersonal. In this sites case we have documented history of way leadership action trying to take it down, attack it legally, pull shenanigans. I actually don’t agree with you in censoring or restricting comment to only those who have a current one on one relationship with someone in TWI. Even if their personal connection can minister more or better. Being away from that influence and continuous lock step call and response as a control measure is probably the only thing that has allowed me free deep thought. Having no outside influence or control or input is one of the main problems of the Way and one that ensures them not improving ever. This brings up a good point also though. Boundaries. I usually don’t bring up my history with The Way in Christian circles unless I know someone well. I don’t overshare. This used to be a problem but over hundreds and thousands of interactions with Christian brethren it is wisdom to me. TMI for most convos.
  13. Thanks for explaining some. It comes in pieces to different questions not all at same time I know. To rephrase you were a minor in TWI restricted from leaving until you turned 18. When you could legally leave you tried to find a Christian group to connect with. This group was not trusting of you getting involved due to rumors surrounding TWI. All of those rumors are stirred up to the top of Google search despite the Ways attempt to drown it out with meaningless filibustering sister sites. So our discussion here could potentially hurt people’s lives if they are negotiating a quiet exit. I can understand and accept that. I would personally have to balance that against the perceived numbers of those potentially seeking an exit but are too bound up by Way doctrine and mentality as I used to be. Maybe they don’t care and can’t be helped anyway. Also I don’t have a fellowship in my home town with the same interesting friends I have here on GS. There are different friends there. To all those seeking a quiet exit, maybe you could learn from quitmormon.org. They have forged a clear path through there for an org with similar tactics and delusions.
  14. I’m not familiar personally with that group but it’s great to expand horizons. I’ve attended a number of different denominations as well as local community churches, participated in and led small groups post twi.
  15. I think you are hyper personalizing a conversation. I was just answering the question you asked. Are you saying you are not and have never been like that ? Just asking. Is the only thing you are gaining from this conversation a series of hyper personalized perceived “accusations” or slights? If so does not this obsessive type of mindset lead you to a conclusion in and of itself? Yes this like many others are posed as rhetorical questions. So I think I am going to stop answering the answers to rhetorical questions sorry.
  16. Does God interact with you at all? Does He answer prayer? Or is He just up there as a rule enforcer and lo shanta interpreter? Who gives an approving smile when you SIT enough during a day?
  17. I personally used to carry around 3x5 cards of word studies. A lot of them surrounding the various adjectives and adverbs around the Holy Spirit field. I used to agonize over making every last detail of every scripture fit. A harmony of the gospels where each book was written many decades after the events occurred is going to have discrepancies. They were written by men. To try and enforce a foolish consistency among them is hogwash. To use that to exploit people to pull them away from their Christian support groups and home churches to follow a pied piper is more wrong. It is lust and power personified. There is great learning in scripture study, prayer, discussion of scripture topics. My views on extreme fundamentalism are kind of echoed by Ralph Waldo Emerson a famous writer. ”A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”
  18. The Greek word for scribe is “grammeteis” Meaning grammatical expert. They were the ones in the day wandering around correcting Jesus on various things like healing a man on the sabbath. I think some of my later posts after this get what I mean by personal experience.
  19. Christ describes his relationship with the church in terms of a marriage. To those that have been or are married how does this work for you? ”The word of the spouse takes the place of the absent spouse”? Sounds like the perfect recipe for harmony in the home no?
  20. How about ”scripture study, prayer and Christian community augment the present Christ”? Its logical and makes more sense than horse manure lifelines from VP.
  21. So what I am getting at and how it ties in to the absent Christ is I am starting to see a pattern in the heavy fundie mindset (fundamentalism) that basically PFAL version of the new birth is to go thru a Rom 19:9,10 checklist and then forget about Jesus. Replacing Him? “the Word takes the place of the absent Christ” Horse manure. 1000000 times over.
  22. I like that you included the much forgotten context, even if just v8. How about focusing on the other question rather than back into scribe mode on this? If God would not discard the young child for possibly doing 2 out of the 3 steps of the above, or not being mature enough to comprehend the above detail, how did we get here for everyone else? The new birth is a personal matter. As is a personal relationship with Christ. God looks on the heart, not the rote activity of an individual.
  23. A very interesting detail about this that is not really widely know I discovered by researching Baker & Hostetler legal actions over time. I discovered a lawsuit filed by them against the insurance company for the liability insurance they carried on the BOD. They were trying to collect back insurance money from the insurers over the lawsuit settlement. So whatever the payout was, which is surmised to be a multi million dollar lawsuit, was paid out straight out of your ABS. I’m not sure if they successfully collected it back from the insurance company or not the settlement of that suit was not public.
  24. They were not criminal but part of the Allen lawsuit. So this is a civil litigation matter. Thus they went away with the lawsuit settlement as opposed to criminal charges pressed by a district attorney which are pursued by tax dollars.
  25. Here’s another question for you. Confessing Romans 10:9,10. What does this entail for you? A rote formulaic approach to the new birth? Like PFAL taught SIT? You do 1,2,3 and by fulfilling the formula God come through His end? Where is the detail regarding accepting Jesus as Lord? I find this common in Way logic. People naturally gravitate towards numbered lists. OS brought up Darby and administrations. Yes Jesus Christ changed the landscape. But when you have Biblical researchers like Darby and Bullinger who likely suffered from extreme mental control issues, little inconsistencies really drive that type of mind crazy, and they can’t leave it alone until every last little piece is in place. So they squeeze and squeeze the scripture trying to get blood from a stone and extract some hidden meaning by mental gymnastics with dead languages. Outside of all the scribe like mental waste of time, do you think our Heavenly Father who is love and light would leave an innocent in some state of outer darkness because of a poor choice of a parent? No, God is not like TWI who discard people after their usefulness to their lust for power is gone.
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