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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I know. The biological protection is garlic.
  2. Oh I see. Is there also an accompanying scripture for the idea of the communication being crude, brief, cumbersome, and extremely inefficient? Or more Lego set construction into the abyss off of your PFAL starter set? oh and BTW the REALLY word in capitals you have was from PLAF where VP shoe horned SIT into a bunch of places. It is private interpretation and not in the text.
  3. I don’t find wedges all that interesting. A person who is flesh and blood can’t fellowship with spirit according to your GP. They are just body and soul. They don’t have the special iron man suit to fellowship with spirit. So this is really cool another concept of a wedge or a tube. This I think I remembered kind of referenced in DTA. There was also a chart - The Great Prince’s Pull. Yes that was it. Research by batdad I guess there. Is this wedge thing a Biblical concept like we can read it in a scripture somewhere? Or a tube?
  4. Yes that is the story. It was during the middle of a Corps night teaching. I thought it was Donnie with the elbow lol. He also told stories about some hole in the floor in the Emporia dining hall that they would drop down to the lower floor and play billiards and cook extra food during announcements which were extra long.
  5. I really am not interested in making up an alternate plausible explanation for everything erroneous about the Way. I think God designed Christianity as easy enough for the average man to grasp and live. Pray, read scripture, fellowship, interact in your circles and communities. Be inclusive not exclusive. The more I get cornered in thinking into needing to explain away and replace each detail of PFAL logic the more self enveloping it is, pulling me back in to the obsessive and destructive mindset of my past. And the more idiots will dissect whatever I say in closed rooms to justify themselves. Not you Charity we are having a cool talk. I mean the others who watch in silence with evil in their hearts towards those of us on this site.
  6. I can relate to this it reminds me of a joke. What is the hardest known substance to mankind? A man’s head.
  7. From recollection the Christ in you is now your personal hs handcrafted so God can speak directly to you spiritually. But it only works to energize the manifestations. They teach Christs hands behind your hands eyes behind your eyes etc. part of your hs gift. It’s why so much emphasis on the SIT part. Yes I personally believe HS hs to be another inaccurate doctrine contrived to explain away VPs particular fundamentalist approach to gifts and manifestations. No I can’t explain more about it it all is a large cyclical logical hoax. To keep the mind of the hamster as occupied as the body is running on the wheel of weekly scheduled fellowship activities. I believe the truth of the Godhead to be different than VPs version I believe the Comforter to be real. However I don’t have a rote explanation for everything all worked out into a nice package yet. Maybe never will. Maybe part of that is working out my own salvation with respect and obedience. Being honest. Remembering more. The Great Principle. God who is Spirit teaches His creation in you which is now your spirit. Your spirit teaches your mind. Then it becomes manifest in the senses realm when you act. Thats the PFAL teaching. To me today that sounds like a recipe to develop a split personality. I’ve got my lo shanta personality. And I’ve got my regular personality. God energizes the Comforter who is Holy Spirit. He energizes and catalyzes the needed power. As part of the godhead. I pray, study, act virtuously. He supplies my need. In many different and wonderful ways. More than 9 ways. That could be an alternate understanding of whatever Bullshonta the GP is. I’m not teaching it like it’s my class just an idea of a different view. All I got now.
  8. From what I remember from my time it was an extra session offered in the class available if you want. But was discouraged. So nobody actually listened to it. Maybe later in Corps apprentice preparation for Adv class. I wonder if they just ignore the topic in PLAF-T4.
  9. This article from Redeemer Bible church has a write up on symbolic Gen 3:15 serpent seed http://redeemerbible.org/insights/2020/2/18/seed-of-the-serpent-and-the-seed-of-the-woman It pulls a few other examples from symbolic references that are plausible. an interesting footnote he calls Paul as first seed of the serpent then when born again and scales fell from his eyes seed of the woman. So not permanent to that Christians view
  10. And the snake plant had fellowship with Lucifer and it was good. Until it wasn’t lol.
  11. Ummmmm how about “idea whose origin is the crafty serpent” ? seed as a figure of speech. Why do the people who so teach figures of speech so durn bad at seeing the most basic ones in scripture? Edit: rhetorical question men in tights is the answer
  12. It looks to me like you are making things up as you go. That’s not what VP taught in PFAL he taught that it was confessing Satan as Lord, not close fellowshipping with the adversary. BTW how exactly does one go about this close fellowshipping with the adversary? Does he run a twig? Or do you just randomly go out Satan witnessing and see who you can convince to do a goat sacrifice? Logical minds want the breakdown not more fabricated bullshonta. Also, what biological protections are you referring to against possession? Didn’t hear that one in PFAL series either? So you dedicate yourself to PLAF logic until it fails, then make up something plausible on the fly? I know we could do dueling revelation battles about who is possessed like they did in John Lynn’s spin-off. “ I saw a snake with your head in it” “I saw a black cat and it reminded me of you” Hocus to the pocus.
  13. Upon reflection that is probably years longer than VP himself thought about it or “worked it”
  14. So one of the things I’ve done in conjunction with this cult class study is I joined a Reddit group for exmormans. You can search for it but it basically is a lot like this site. Exmormans posting threads and commenting. Much of the Mormon content I posted is from there and the pictures. Why do I care? Mormons are probably the largest functioning cult worldwide. Their membership numbers are over 16 million now worldwide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membership_statistics_of_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints The Way International at its highest even rumored point with the most inflated numbers I have heard say that 100,000 people took PFAL. More realistic numbers I’ve heard over the past decade or more put USA total membership numbers somewhere in the 2500 - 3000 range. So orders of magnitude lower in impact and influence. The exmos have their own lingo and acronyms that are funny and interesting. Here are a few: TSCC - the so called church TBM - true blue Mormon PIMO - physically in mentally out IHOH - international house of handshakes (the temple) Funny and interesting. I would probably say when I was a leader in TWI that over 50% would be PIMO.
  15. Clear easy logic. The B part I think TWI explains away with a custom hs lower case that is your personalized Iron Man suit. There is a little dichotomy in God being subjective and objective at the same time, but I have grown more comfortable with dichotomies in my viewpoints.
  16. Literal versus figurative sure get jumbled up in Fundamentalism I think VP on the serpent seed how to just reversed Ron 19:9,10 and said that they performed that with Satan instead of Jesus Christ. The king of partial logic. An expert in research who plagiarized.
  17. Hey Twinky, I think you live that allegory a lot better than crass old fools with PTSD like myself lol Interesting aspect of that allegory in Revelation. I will say that Tree of Life has the most amount of artwork done ever lol. I wonder if the healing of the nations is symbolic for world peace in the new heaven and earth? New and wonderful fruit awaits us all! Peace and love.
  18. A lot of great stuff in this post T Bone. I agree that the simple reading of I Cor 12-14 and Rom 12 right together seems to present a great picture of how to live in the new birth with love and harmony as opposed to rote manual instruction on operating manifestations. Gifts, talents, manifestations many of those words are used and interchangeable in that section. The individual work helps the overall body. 100% opposite of a fundamentalist and separatist view and teaching of those sections, that they contain exact instruction for rote operation of only one kind of thing. And 100% opposite of a separatist teaching of the household that practically isolates the member from true integrated interaction with the rest of the body of Christ for the duration of their life. Interesting on the movements. The higher life movement sounds like a Pentecostal background. And the quietist Quakers showing a stoic influence. Oh and I almost forgot you describing developing different personas. The adaptive self vs the real self. Very perceptive. I remember we used to call it “twig face” Except some of these clowns have royalty versions of that bullshonta lol. Harry and Megan twig face
  19. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Branham OS I see from your link as well this is probably the origin of the idea of VPs that the heads of denominations had the mark of the beast. Branham taught membership in a denomination carried the mark of the beast.
  20. Wow pretty wild. Branham is known as the father of the modern or second Pentecostal movement. Pentecostal church leader.
  21. 101. New and diverse teachers for PLAFT but no new or diverse research. A Biblical research teaching and fellowship ministry without research or a research department. Giving a new group of teachers the same PFAL outline does not correct any of the problems with the original, nor advance research in a biblical way in any sense. The components are still lifted from various sources and twisted to make somewhat coherent. One of the main teachers from the PLAF-T3 class left your dumb ministry over teaching the class with no research department. That act still did not make the leadership any smarter or take any corrective action. Instead they doubled down with new faces and old wineskin doctrine. There actually never was a ton of research in TWI. Read penworks book for a description of how it worked at the height of the research in the way functioning.
  22. Next up in the series is the Rosicrucian order. I personally had not heard of this group. It is an example also of something I had not run into, “Christian mysticism”. This concept based on mystery teachings conveys a personal sense of connection with a deity, and basing an approach and philosophy from that. I personally see a boundary highlighted here for myself. If your viewpoint approaches more of the “good buddy” type of personalization for God and Jesus Christ, then the danger is to sway into mystic religion and abandon scripture for seeking experience. I see a true Christian relationship with God and Jesus Christ having elements of both - a personalized experience especially in prayer, and a respect for scripture and engagement in study. The Way is over the boundary on the fundamentalism side, and the repackaged class does zilch to address any of those errors and get honest about their past. These Rosicrucian types are over the boundary on personal experience. Degrades to a mystery religion with no teaching text and study that represents a common standard or common virtuous goals.
  23. https://www.heavensgate.com Following up on my Cults class, here is the website for the Heavens Gate group. Since they all mass suicided, someone with some affinity to the group keeps up the website and correspondence. Ti and Do the leaders were known as, and recruited members themselves with others by “love bombing” as is a common cult tactic for recruitment or to enact an agenda. They would isolate members and sway them to their cause. Immediately upon accepting the convert received a new name and was only called by the new name. Family members said it was just like they dropped off the face of the earth, extreme isolation and the adoption of a new identity. Cults offer the promise of virtue but in actuality the power in the virtue is diverted for selfish causes.
  24. I guess logically in the allegory since we have incorruptible seed as the new birth referred to, of the spirit would trace the genetive origin back to the seed. The new birth is like a seed that is planted. Inside the seed is the new nature connected to Christ, where the Word is written in your hearts. A virtuous new nature. This seed has to be watered and tended. Weeds must be removed. It must be cared for. Plants that are cared for by a gardener who is diligent with love produce a greater harvest of fruit than a forgetful or part time gardener, or one that doesn’t weed or feed or prune. In time the seed of this new man nature along with careful tending produces a bountiful harvest of fruit. Allegory. I think the figure of speech is tracing and developing an idea in 3d color so to speak.
  25. Naw some story Donnie Fugit told me. Actually same shiz different Corps on the hitchhiking. HQ to Gunnison. Reproof session for arriving 3 hrs late. Got luckier on way home and arrived a day early and slept lol. Stanford prison experiment bullshonta.
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