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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Ok I’ve got something for Vern. Hey bro melt down the golden calf image of VPW on your desk and in the lobby of your teaching center. It is in the very least clouding your judgement.
  2. And here on this site it is the old guard Corps graduates who actually studied all the ministry material in depth and can call you out when you misquote it or get it wrong. So yes I can certainly see where it would be easier to lump them all together with a label and ignore them. It wasn’t Wierwille’s Folly when I went through it, the man was dead. It was his #1 protege and best student in charge then. The one that he placed a mantle upon publicly and transferred leadership to. Da forehead 4 days. We did the same things they always did except for when there were a few more people around who had a degree from an accredited institute they taught classes. I think you misquoted VP there too. What he said was if it came down to it he would sacrifice the Corps program before he would sacrifice the WOW program. He was not dissatisfied with the Corps it was his baby. He dismissed the zero Corps. Was dissatisfied there. This is not some great in depth spiritual truth. WOW ambassadors are a free proselytizing force. They produce immediate returns. The Corps is a 4 year program that filters people out. Only a small percentage of them over time produce returns and that is mostly holding things together not running thousands of classes for the millions of people in the public wanting to take the class. That doesn’t exist.
  3. William Branham introduced a mixture of the occult and Christian mysticism into his study and teaching of scripture. VP and the PFAL class taught a variation of the occult with the seed of the serpent partial logic and the convoluted original sin. The rote manual soul less handling of gifts with manufactured practices to “excel” is erroneous doctrine. Mix scripture and a little plagiarism and a little mysticism and a little of the occult, and what do you get? PFAL in any day and time
  4. If they were honest about fixing the past and setting a new direction you would not need to press them at all on this. They would already be publishing that paper, correcting the teachings and practices. Why does a group need to bring this to a leaders attention if they are genuine? I heard they passed out something to Ac grads called “Just the way it was”. It's a huge secret but great whitewashing and excuses even in the title. Grease spot is the writer of history on this because it is the only place you can avoid the lies and whitewash. They are not posting up just the way it was to challenge any of the accuracy of threads here.
  5. Yes the issue is the multi pages of off topic content obscure threads for those interested. And it is interjected everywhere not constrained to one topic. It is accomplishing what TWI wants which is people not to read this site or track on topics and interact in a godly fashion. Quite obviously since our opinions affect TWIs bottom line and expose how they use people to accomplish their aims, they consider all of us to be devil possessed here. As Mike said he thinks we are so used to fellowshipping with the adversary that there is a seed of serpent like wedge in our brains so that we can be possessed at any time. I would conclude that there really is no honest interaction with Mike here and that he should either voluntarily go off with his wineskin folks and kick around PFAL for the next 30 yrs, or we should seek a ban for all the trolling. He will not contribute even any honest details or answer logical questions about the new class. He buries detailed questions and doesn't answer but cherry picks things. And it's starting to stack up. Thoughts? What do you guys think?
  6. Hilarious. Don't want to clutter your mind by discussing the new class here. Why not? You are happy to clutter all our minds with your trolling. They are doing a great job love bombing you to bring you back into the fold. They may be doing this with others because they are desperate for numbers and money. What they are not doing is pouring new wine into a new wineskin.
  7. They have this in common with the Mormons, the JWs, and every single group I studied in the cult class. However, their isolation from the body of Christ is practical error. Their justification for it is doctrinal error. And instead of really studying the word they redefine the word research as re-search. To limit yourself to VPs plagiarized works and repeat them to yourself over decades.
  8. So let me ask the troll the one question that could allow him to contribute to this thread. Mike, do they teach the unforgivable sin in PLAFT ? What do they teach about Adam and Eve and original sin? There are 2 opportunities they would have had to correct glaring issues and false doctrines.
  9. Wow so nice that the leadership will lovingly correspond with you. The suggestions sent in by another group of leaders in the RNR paper submission resulted in Vern marking and avoiding these people. Mainly because term limits and voting for positions were suggested. GS tells the truth. They lie and whitewash.
  10. I don't think a devil spirit gave him that revelation by the pattern easily evident in his life he manufactured the story after the fact.
  11. Hey guys look at me. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
  12. And yet 4 more pages of trolling distracting from the thread topic. This is why I view actions over words....
  13. An interesting thing to note about Branham is that he mixed in Gnosticism, the occult, and mysticism in with the Bible to arrive at his viewpoint. Similarities in teachings by VPW are seen in the seed of the serpent area as well as one God apostolic area. Branhams teaching on Gen 3:15 include that the original sin was sexual in nature and that Eve had intercourse with the serpent producing Cain. Also Adam participated. So a 3 way with a snake. VPW didn’t have any 3 ways with snakes. Just roofied young women in a motor coach from reports. Oh and Branham was the 7th angel to the church of Laodaceia. And opened some seals in Revelation. These leaders seem a tad mentally distorted to me.
  14. Teaching in the modern school system is crazy. Way too much going on in schools. Probably most teachers feel anxiety and depression for more than one reason. Pay, mass shooters, pandemic, gender related items, lack of budget and staffing, classroom management, mental issues in class and it goes on. Plus the observations by leaders. I don’t know if that environment is 100 % you but if so give yourself a break and thank you for your service to our community!
  15. I know that certain folks need more attentions for themselves on threads than others. But back on topic to William Branham hoo boy. Here we have another guy setting himself up to be the next coming on earth of Jesus Christ. He too has a personal angel he too is called to heal people and teach the truth. He considers himself with a second anointing like Paul and the fulfillment of prophecy in Malachi. The story reads a whole lot like Joseph Smith to be honest. And VPW with the snowstorm story. Branhams teachings are like PFAL for modern Pentecostals all the Pentecostal movement preachers study Branham. Also, Branham embraced the oneness doctrine which is One God no Trinity. I believe the logic there is similar to VP and JCNG but they don’t have the same shell game with scripture. As VPWs contemporaries in the Holy Spirit field you can see several of the ideas VP had running in parallel - one God SIT and the modern worship type gifts or manifestations- just blending that for now not making a deal of it. Also seed of the serpent teachings seem to be wrapped up in this as well. And yes this is cult like logic WITHIN DENOMINATIONS. They DO make a mockery of the worship related things of the spirit.
  16. Yeah Mike is really going hard in the paint on this one. It must be an area they really want to cover up with static with the new class just starting to run Why did they or did they not include the born of wrong seed stuff? Is there a faux research by editorial selection going on with the new stuff? But wait, that was an integral part of the snowstorms from the first century
  17. Balaam’s @$$ says “naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay”
  18. The GP comes from one place - VPW. The first example quoted - Elijah / Elisha has a contradiction in VPs GP logic. It requires him to dance around with more bullshonta logic about how spirit was “in measure” in OT as opposed to the unlimited Jesus iron man suit available after Pentecost. Oh by the way VP also taught that Jesus had spirit upon him from the time of his Baptism by John so your little sob story about him being separate from God and not able to talk to him is flat out wrong even by PFAL teachings. But maybe you got distracted from learning all the PFAL deeply enough in the 30 plus years you have been studying it.
  19. Yes you are a troll. I’m still waiting for the logic on how Numbers 11 shows that spirit can only talk to spirit. #2 strongly against? You mean like you have an anti idol regarding greasespot? #3. Lmfao at your perceived impact beyond your stated goal which in essence amounts to being a troll. #4 the active posters find the definition of the concept of anti idol lacking- I have no rage towards you or your illogic I do however find the statues of VPW golden calf-like #5 I see more active research going on at this website than has ever existed through 80% of TWIs history. People looking up scriptures, sharing concepts, considering views of other Christians as opposed to viewing them as seed of the serpent or stupid, sharing external philosophical concepts that tie in to scriptures, sharing some of the textual history of scripture. And then there is you, the ostrich with the head buried in circa 1965 collaterals - secretary notes. And still drinking the KoolAid snowstorm story replete with misogyny.
  20. You can use the search magnifying glass thing to look for them. Here’s the main one.
  21. There is a stigma attached to any mental health issues. It is one that needs to be overcome. There is no shame in any of these variances in a spectrum behavior or the need to seek help for mental things in life. I have migrated to looking at it like my annual physical. Check up the body. Check up the mind. For very specific things I seek out targeted counseling. This usually runs in a 8 week cycle mostly because of insurance. I also did a therapy cycle leaving TWI. Over time I have learned about myself (not a diagnosis from MD) that I have a showing on the autism spectrum a little but not extreme. I have been depressed but am not clinically. I am on ADHD spectrum as well but no diagnosis or meds. That’s mostly it. So the spectrum showings for me are lower not extreme. I control them by becoming aware of my trigger points to avoid agitation and self care. Maybe that is also God telling me to use a little common sense and not to be too huge of a mystic. Or me figuring that out or whatever. Practical advice about living scripture.
  22. Undertow is a cool book. Little Napoleon and his Biblical Research department. You know the Way is a great reason why accredited education is a good thing. If you have people with advanced degrees in languages and Biblical topics that work with the rest of the body of Christ in higher education it can root out all the little bullshonta idiosyncrasies and illogics in scripture. But the Way has never been able to achieve accredited status for its college or Way Corps training programs. Without credits, classes, topic schedules there is no accountability to what is taught or the quality of it. So it degrades to a self study half day work program where you are assigned PFAL. No research because nobody has legitimate credentials because nobody went through education in Biblical studies. Instead window washers, gardeners, and people with degrees in engineering and pharmacy teach spiritual topics. And the logic is Jesus 12 apostles had no formal education. It’s logic that does not want a standard it wants subjective power.
  23. Exactly that. Not trying to be mean but there is a certain level of cognition needed to read a verse and determine the nouns and verbs to see who the actors are. Saying Numbers 11 proves that spirit can only talk to spirit is very far from any logical cognition necessary to carry on much of a conversation. I wonder if the new class teachers have all their logic bound up like this in a similar fashion where they just block out any apparent inconsistency in VPs teachings and go on thickly.
  24. How I personally feel about this is that the still small voice mentioned to teach Samuel about revelation is described that way for a reason. The opposite of that is an agitated loud voice. So many mental illnesses and disorders manifest themselves in agitation. Whether it is spectrum related items, depression, PTSD, ADHD , OCD or anything else in the mental health field, calming one’s self and getting to a non agitated state where you can think clearly is paramount to hearing anything from God. In agitation you hear your own thought buzzing around like a bumblebee. The new psychological manual the DSM V talks about things related to a spectrum not a disorder. So it is managing things on a scale. Meditation, reading scripture, praying, self care all help to calm my mind and get it into a non agitated state where I can more easily distinguish the still small voice of God amongst the noise of the world. In the Way being on a never ending hamster wheel to run a class witness to this guy solve this problem that never happened so they just wanted unqualified unquestioned compliance. Self care. There is a unique and new vocabulary word for Waybrains. No it doesn’t mean work yourself into a frenzy while SIT for the BOD and your lift list.
  25. Quite an amazing section of Numbers. God descending in a cloud, a miracle involving diving up the spirit given to Moses and distributing it to 70 elders. This section is where Mormons get justification for their leadership quorum of 70 and the first presidency which is how they govern their church. They feel a group of old elected white men, 70 in number, today prophecy in the latter days for Jesus. Other groups have various interpretations of Numbers 11. You here are simply cut and pasting it as an offering of proof that spirit can only talk to spirit. You miss even the most basic logic. The 70 and Moses who had spirit upon them and were testifying WERE PROPHYlESYING TO PEOPLE WITHOUT THAT SPIRIT UPON THEM. Trying to explain it so there is some awakening of the brain and logic from a brainwashed sleepy state.
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