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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Hi John. I appreciate your perspective. I however do not agree with your conclusion as it seems to do the same thing TWI is trying to do. Label the unknown banished President the scapegoat for all the ministry’s problems. Hide all literary references to his book that he wrote from VPW teaching and fully endorsed by VPW. I was in the ministry during the cutover between the two. I actually viewed Living Victoriously as probably VPWs apex as a preacher and teacher. Yes LCM was an idiot. But he also taught right alongside Walter Cummins who taught with the personality of a band aid. Meaning it was difficult to even pay attention to him for over an hour. I disagree that Walter being President would have significantly altered the course of the Way history.
  2. Yes I do not believe that I ever would have discovered the truth outside these websites. There are so many layers of whitewash and limiting access to things that only by multiple people comparing stories that we actually piece together anything. It’s not like the Way published a truthful version of their history like Matthew Mark Luke and John did for Jesus story. They removed the main KoolAid snowstorm book from the library and hounded Mrs VPW to finish that book she really wasn’t much into writing. No they obscure the history for their own filthy lucre benefit preserving their power in their positions because they are pathetic and that is all they have in their whole life.
  3. Yeah leave it to me to pick the one fruit example that doesn’t hold up lol. How about tomatoes? Hot house vs Roma? Just trying to understand scripture without the influence of multi clitoris snakes. But hey you’ve got something there. Hook up the Australian scientist, and Branham, and you’ve got the whole Genesis sex sin figured out. Now just add a conspiracy theory that they fathered Cain, who is the ancestor of the founder of Canes and you really got it going on.
  4. I actually tend to look at Gen 3:15 to be figurative in the gardening allegory. Maybe I’ve got a fixation on it lately lol. Fuji apples versus Golden Delicious apples. The genetics are in the seed are they not? So if you don’t get all whacko about needing to read into it basically it’s saying that genetically down the road the nature of the offspring is always going to be polar opposite and enemies. Its all figurative and prophetic referring at least in part to times in the future. So what is seed of the serpent with those caveats in Gen 3:15? Whoever follows the path of the serpent. It leads in a different direction than the path towards Christ which is prophetically the woman’s seed. Plant, water, weed and harvest according to one of the two paths. Is it permanent? Well it’s not death or taxes so no. I just do not read all that complicated bullshonta into scripture any more. Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion of mental wedges, sex with snakes, and the unforgivable sin.
  5. Yeah that happened to this one guy went to a Way fellowship was grossed out then he joined a Baptist church and after a few years became a pastor teaching a class on cults that I am watching on YouTube. It didn’t happen to him on the internet but I found his teachings on the internet. I dunno. You used to quote Encyclopedia Britannica sold by traveling salesman now you get hit up by Wikipedia for donations lol.
  6. Yeah for sure we’ve got Plato’s cave as well as the “square of depression” which I’ve heard our mobile devices described as going on. Your stay at the asylum was on a different wing. it takes us a long time to relate but eventually I think I get a better picture.
  7. Oh but they are all better now that new people are running it. Prove it. Rumors are cheap. Actions speak louder. Take even one step in the direction of accountability and reform if you dare. Or get back on the knees before your golden VPW idol.
  8. Another description of research and how it has played out over time is the topic of debt. TWI has been mostly guided by lawyers on this. So to avoid the risk of losing non profit status and their clear overstepping of boundaries in personal lives they have shut down any Biblical presentations views or discussions on the topic. At a region coordinators meeting with all trying to bring it up the BOD shut down the open Q and A session and would refuse to discuss the topic except one on one with Region coordinator couples. I am personally aware of other personal attempts to get the BOD listen to any scriptural reason, and in each case the person was shut down, and eventually in Way Corps cases retaliated against usually meaning dropping them from a position or shunning them. The fallout over this and their general strong arm Machiavellian tactics basically gave rise to the RNR group which split off the ministry over this and refusal to consider other points such as a voting voice in Corps assignments, term limits on the top positions and position applications as opposed to the Rosie and Donna rolling dice method or personal whim decisions for placements. They were all mark and avoided. Kind of like the LIV golf tour where the rebels were kicked off the PGA right after teeing off in the LIV tournament the mark and avoid happened after they appeared together on a video assembled for the purpose of presenting their reform suggestions. Dictators gonna dictate.
  9. Another point that stood out to me in T Bones post is the Advanced Class story really illustrates how the Way works with Biblical research. This timeframe is closer to the heyday in research that penworks talks about in her book. All research like here is subjugated to the Ways leadership structure. So the twigs were where it was discussed then passed up the chain of leadership to handle the dispute. VPs ego was so big that he never would allow someone to challenge his work. He would escalate zero to 100 and go postal on the perceived dissenter many times labeling them possessed and kicking them out of programs and mark and avoiding them - instructing all followers to shun them because they are possessed. In a real ministry and healthy environment for Biblical study there is none of this fragile ego accompanied by scorched earth tactics. There is a functioning household which Christ uses the allegory of the human body to describe.
  10. Hey Rocky this is one of those side videos that I knew I needed to check out but put it off. It is excellent and very pertinent. One of the things is that systems need to be tested to develop anti fragility or resilience. Resilience is huge to develop in a world that spins faster every day. Thx for the link.
  11. What I want to know is if I order my normal wedge salad that I prefer with a steak, and it never touches the microwave at all, am I still possessed?
  12. Nice write up T Bone. One of the outstanding questions for the VPW idolators is Was the teaching on seed of the serpent part of the KoolAid snowstorm, knowing the Word since it hasn’t been since the first century, or not?
  13. I know I’m down a rabbit hole tangent lol. It that’s why it’s on its own thread. Carry on spotters nothing to see here lol.
  14. “I always use protection.” “Then why are we here?” “Dammit”
  15. Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other Duh duh Shout out to Yogi Berra
  16. Adam, Eve, the Serpent What did they do or not do with whom to what in which version of PFAL - and in which famous painting? Duh duh
  17. DTA class The Great Principle vs. The Great Princes Pull Duh duh
  18. So more recently it has struck me that some of the guiding principles of studying the Bible in TWI are a bit ridiculously comical. To me they are coming across similar to puns that I’ve seen by a certain celebrity YouTuber Batdad. I’m going to start a thread on this as it seems to have some good comedy potential in the holidays. 1. Research / Re-search in TWI it is consistently taught that the word research, instead of what it means in definition at say an accredited school, it means something entirely different. Re-search means to search out what has already been searched out. Where? Well VPW in his tireless ministry searched out the scripture more accurately than it has been known since the first century and taught it to us. So there is no need to re-invent the wheel, just search over and over again the scripture in the context of PFAL. Oh and mark your alsos from Bullinger. And color code the scriptures to which Way class they are taught in with highlighters. Re-search. Batdad college tenet #1. Duh duh!
  19. Sure makes perfect sense. We have already defined the research / re-search tenet of Batdad Bible College. No whitewash just history with luv. Has potential as a new Corps class. Batdad’s History of Da Way - just what you need to know, when you need to know it, from the only true loving perspective really available, the BOD.
  20. I don’t know what it is. I heard about it in passing mention and the impression I got was that it was a handout at the Advanced Class in Gunnison. The younger generation is always “spared the details” of negative things by the older generation. They restricted the Corps from reading Passing of a Patriarch in the Way T2 or T3 or whichever it is labeled chronologically. Whitewash is as whitewash does. Forrest Gump 1:1
  21. Mike it’s fine I can give you the time to collect thoughts and assemble them. If u want to post your letter to BOD it’s cool. Make a new thread “My Experience Taking PFAL Today”. Either write it all up ahead of time and post it or if you want we will stay completely out of the thread. We can put comments on it in a different one. I am not calling for your banning just let’s try and stay on topic and talk about things in an ordered fashion for the sake of the 2 people who care and read all this.
  22. As former Way Corps I also dealt with people returning to TWI. And listened to them b1tch about the leadership. And protected them from the next layers of overseers. They are accommodating you to fulfill a goal. Part of that goal is to call people back to PFAL. And show increase in their reports. oh they’re not like that. Sorry every evidence of the fruit of their decisions show them to be every bit as self preserving as their predecessors.
  23. Sure but that leaves you an open forum to talk about yourself on every thread. Distracting the readers and making it about you.
  24. No I was honestly discussing the idea of enforcing some forum boundaries if people like you insist on posting the same nonsense to distract from the thread topic. Everything here turns into a discussion about you. Why don’t you start your own website and post your own opinions of you feel they are so important? I actually look forward to responding to your posts exactly due to the audience as you have some common illogic to people who have also buried their heads in the sand of KoolAid snowstorms.
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