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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yeah I think the Waybrain has trouble with any duality logic. I totally agree with you. ”Cman ur not using the PLAFT keys to the Bible’s interpretation” lol focus on the wrong thing for waybrains. Since leaving TWI I can now read Charles Dickens without inner conflict lolz. https://dickens.ucsc.edu/programs/dickens-to-go/best-of-times.html
  2. It took a while of piecing things together before I saw TWI as anti Christ. I never even considered a fundamentalist Biblical research, teaching and fellowship ministry built around the study of scripture could actually be against Christs purposes. But Christs purpose in the Bible is to have all His followers united together figuratively working together like the human body does. And this is not possible with elitist fundamentalist cults. The elitist attitude and false doctrines practically prevent them from fellowshipping fully with other Christians or working with other Christians organizations. Rather it leads to isolation like Twinkys former Way friends who died seeking healing in an offshoot.
  3. Yeah maybe. But after asking that question he did come out with the vision that he is the one called to write the true TWI history. Then listed his long credentials. He goes to a Way fellowship. He hasn’t been kicked off here in 10 yrs because our egos aren’t that frail. Oh and he’s taken the new PLAFT that we haven’t. That sums it up.
  4. Kind of like TWI never apologizing to anyone?
  5. I guess this is another reason you will never see a high level leader in TWI darken the doors of GSC. So many potential lawsuits over admitting anything was wrong. How many scorched earth scenarios do you think these clowns are going to have to go through at the bema in front of our Lord Jesus Christ? So, VP, Craig, RR, John Rupp, Vern, what happened in this replay we are watching here? Do you think the shame of loss in the next life will affect them like it hasn’t in this one? The new generation voted out the old generation then immediately feels not responsible for the sins of those they voted out. So more whitewash, and another incremental numeral in front of the Way - 1,2,3,4 More lies and coverups. And the same trail of destruction in the lives of the people, some of whom hang around ashamed and broken begging for a scrap of attention. This is why the Bible teaches that you can’t put new wine in and old wineskin. But that verse is ignored along with so many other teachings of Jesus due to the hyper focus on Paul and some Batdad charts. Not to mention the entitlement and self preservation.
  6. This study on Galatians 5:15 talks about the fallacies of frail egos like this. https://www.bibleref.com/Galatians/5/Galatians-5-15.html The Christian doing that study highlights how self serving people all fall into conflict. The reason for all of these horrible incidents we all have witnessed is self serving leadership who refuses to subjugate their ego and serve others. There will always be a breaking point with th me TWI leader that causes the scorched earth response. It very much resembles the behavior of the petulant child Elon Musk in the business world. Huge ego, over inflated sense of importance, a lot of money power and prestige and uses everyone around to appease his tantrums. The only people still working at Twitter are those with no other options like H1B visas
  7. Every single stupid generation of TWI presidents has more than one instance of this exact type of thing happening. This is not coincidence. What does an especially frail ego go along with the office? Do they take a certain pill like in the Matrix that is a scorched earth @$$hole pill? This is not a Christian minister that behaves in this fashion towards another Christian over a differing opinion. This is a conscience seared idiot with a huge and frail ego.
  8. So I think that Walter was VPWs head of the research department during the time of penworks book. He had plenty of credibility in that sense. But unfortunately the research department was shut down along with the Army’s “Men Who Stare At Goats” program in the sixties lol.
  9. Wow our historian notes 38 years since the Schoenheit paper. Wow that certainly is a long time to bury a paper and the context of it. When does the Way plan on publishing it and its context? Since you are wanting everybody to get current there’s a suggestion.
  10. Refusal to acknowledge mainstream Christianity is not the issue. An indoctrinating class series whose end result is isolating people off from all mainstream Christianity is the issue. Do your local fellowship leaders work with other Christians in the area like you see some here doing or not? Ask your local leadership about Vision and Direction. Ask them how that has changed. It is ridiculous to put a condition for evaluation of a side of history interaction with the one sided self protecting group who won’t interact but will go scorched earth proven by their recent actions. It’s like saying Martin Luther was skewed and one sided because he stopped interacting with Catholic leadership.
  11. Actually they CAN and DO move very quickly. You saw none of this dragging motion after the RNR folks posted up their confrontation and demands. The shunning occurred fairly immediately.
  12. You have full paragraphs playing the victim card but still fail to answer my simple question of what is your goal in interacting here?
  13. The history is not that complicated. There is a true version found here and not another version except Mrs VPW book covers early history. What does TWI say regarding you taking on this endeavor? Do you have any support from them?
  14. Ohhhhh you mean the real threat of facing up to the actual consequences of actions? No not blind it’s just that their extreme allergy to do anything resembling accountability is telling over 2 decades. So not waiting around another 2 decades for them to maybe wake up. They only changed the employee handbook under threat of legal action. The hearts of the new Christian’s? Lmfao. You mean the ones in the process of being converted over to cult Christianity? It would be better off for them to seek a different org entirely.
  15. I love your stories and learn much from them. Here your community service volunteer work just highlights again to me how many avenues there are to serve outside of TWI available. For especially former Way Corps who have desire to serve and have been taught that the only true avenues of genuine service are a Corps assignment or their hierarchy. No I don’t want to serve on my knees in front of a golden image of VPW. Yes I want to serve in the needy areas of my community where I live. And evidence Christ through fruit not pitching a class.
  16. Ettore Steccone would have been proud lol
  17. How much do you think they paid out of the ABS to get Baker and Hostetler to give them this advice which would be standard to avoid challenging the non profit status?
  18. There is exactly zero from preventing those d1ckh3ads from coming here and engaging directly themselves. They are interested in their power not truth.
  19. I agree. Every single public company I’m aware of has an ethics hotline. A dedicated path for reporting and dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination, and other out of bounds behavior. In TWI they never had this. Except people know to write slanderous letters about others to the BOD to trigger action which they do. No separate path to communicate leaders ethics problems. Except the leadership themselves. So no, whether or not the current leadership has a Harley and a harem doesn’t really play into it. Is the structure in place there to prevent it in the future? No it is not. Actually upon further reflection adding an ethics hotline in to TWI HQ would be like a screen door on a submarine.
  20. I mean if people are interested in prosperity gospel why not follow Joel Olsteen? Mild mannered dude that seems to know how to mint money. Can himself drive a red Ferrari without attracting much attention. Creflo Dollar and Benny Hinn (who has Branham roots) should take a lesson out of his book lol.
  21. If GS were a religion who is the cult leader that makes a salary off of it and doesn’t have to have an outside job? What class can you sign up for? Who does the SNS teachings? Weekly output is key to retaining flowing income? Where is the teaching that you must obligatory tithe to the website that teaches you the Word lol? No we operate on a different DIY principle. You study the Word with your friends in the body of Christ, then the Twig handles finding forming and governing itself in its own local communities with no $$$$ supporting nincompoops.
  22. You can call it whatever you want. There are no BOD here to excommunicate you. Yes people will eventually vote to ban you if you are obnoxious enough and insert yourself into every possible thread trying to convert people. But I will say this. The fact that you have been posting here and still do for what over a decade? This indicates a lot more tolerance than the Way does for opposing viewpoints. We hear many cases where people are kicked out because RR had a paranoid suspicion they were not 100% on board with drinking the Kool Aid. Not even saying anything like they need to change publicly. And 100% of all the debt research dissenters have been moved out. And the research department has been non functional forever and non staffed for the past 2 decades. So gas it up there big boy. Light up your own lights with your own gas.
  23. I guess that depends on how you view Greasespot. If you are a self proclaimed independent consultant for TWI (whether they want you in that capacity or not) and your purpose here is to whitewash VPWs history by obscuring any potentially negative comments, then you might run into opposing viewpoints. If your manner of handling opposing viewpoints is balanced, treats others well and with respect, then most of the time you will receive responses in kind. But not always because people on this site have a fair amount of trauma inflicted by their involvement in TWI so you may trigger them. However if your purpose is to convert or shut down this site then expecting a fair amount of resistance is simply common sense. In turn I will ask you what do you hope to gain interacting here?
  24. Yes a few including him I think built up their empires to make themselves quite rich while paying out little for perceived cheap labor. If that Charlie guy was 6th Corps then if I remember right he was the origin of teaching people how to do that business. I worked for some of those types, in partnership arrangements, by myself, and taught the components to kids if they ever need a what they call today “side hustle”. I also worked for non Way employers who paid a minimum wage type rate too - if I needed the work no problem.
  25. Yep the imitators. The zealots. The future leader society within the Corps. FYI one of those types is the Chairman of the BOD in todays TWI. I myself did a turn at the Ways oldest profession - window cleaning. Worked with and for many people and by myself. More than once took the lessons learned and in hard times went out bid houses on a business card, worked and collected cash. Thankfully none of the people I worked with and for seemed to have your attitude. That would have sucked big time!
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