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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yes Branham was baptized and ordained by the Imperial Wizard of the KKK who he remained friends with throughout his life. He was also instrumental in starting up the ministry of Jim Jones. And televangelism. Benny Hinn is from Branhams sphere of influence.
  2. So regarding jealousy and being a musician. I have found out throughout my life that there is a delicate balance between a man a woman and a man’s guitar. Somehow the Bible being involved or not has not made much of a difference there lol.
  3. Cool video RTS - religious trauma syndrome. A form of PTSD - references Marlene Winelle “Leaving the Fold” Marlene is awesome https://www.journeyfree.org
  4. Yeah I know. And one of the Sister Wives on the show isn’t going to continue on in polygamy either. There was some kind of problem with each sister wife having their own house or something. After a while the expense adds up.
  5. Cool! I enjoyed playing and singing a bit myself. Playing helps my quality of life so need to do more of it. The summer jam you describe sounds like the exact same thing they did that was labeled the “Youth Rock” or “Youth ROA” in the summer. Sounds like about same number of participants. We always did “coffee houses” in the day. That idea is cool - spending time educating people on a unique individual talent. But we always were doing those as a “PX” or “public explanation”. Of what? PLAF.
  6. Just watching the PNC championships this weekend with Tiger and Charlie Woods playing together. I’m sure I’m confused about history here too, the ex wife Elin was really excited about sharing the dominant male, right?
  7. From an accuracy perspective I view the promise as an invented story after the fact where a minister faked SIT on stage at an Oral Robert’s convention, this debacle was witnessed by an attending minister, who took the time to placate the ministers misogyny and help lead him where he was stuck. Then the faking lo shonta minister stayed in touch with the helping minister long enough to obtain a copy of his gifts of the spirit book to copy. Back then there was no internet, and no way for multiple people in different geographical locations to compare stories, at least not quickly. VP figured he owned a printing press and nobody would be the wiser to his lifting tendencies. So if a man steals a manuscript in the woods where nobody is around to witness it, is he still a thief? My own story SIT has an interesting parallel. I attended a denominational church as a youth. One of the youth group elders 2 grades ahead attended an Oral Robert’s convention, where he was led into SIT. Without all the fakes. He came home taught it to me privately and it worked. Anyway there’s my story and viewpoint regarding the whatever year it was supposed to be made up in promise. This is sounding more Mormon by the moment. ”Go home and pray on it whether the Joseph Smith story is true”. “ we know the apostles just changed the story about the Moroni tablets and the hat reading but it was God durn it in a historic event”.
  8. I see. God raised you up to write a unique version of Way history this is not how you say ”shallow, wimpy, lifeless version of truth about the Bible” So much so that you won’t even read a full firsthand account of another historian. Wow that is certainly a unique perspective. You seem to prefer the real manly man version of truth about the Bible. The one where all the women belong to the king. The one where you censor yourself in research to secretary notes for 2 decades. The one where actual idols are OK but “anti-idols” are hate filled and not loving. It does highlight 100% how anti Christ the hardcore TWI brain is.
  9. The only thing huge there are egos. Huge and frail.
  10. #1 and #2 good plagiarism, #3 keep that revenue stream coming in, #4 -#7 thanks for the sermon notes Rhoda, #8 and #9 ecumenical doesn’t pay the bills, #10,#11 undertow City. I guess our perspectives differ there…
  11. Just out of curiosity Mike have you had a chance to read penworks book yet? You have a lot of speculation going on about a time period and people that are very well documented in her book. She was there, was Corps, worked for Walter as head of the research dept, and writes a great history about that time period. Have you read it?
  12. I think he’s more warring with his own windmills than GSC. I don’t care if he goes on and on disconnected from his audience and reality. If he holds his breath until TWI gets back to him on the ECNs it would go faster
  13. Whatever you are as delusional as ever. Sure if I’d just let your delusional musings be the last word on everything here the world would be perfect. Right? You hate this place and are the next savior to convert everyone and bring them back to TWI 4 and PLAFT.
  14. No spiritually He is not absent for you. But by your continued rejection of Him by your actions your mind is closed off to His words
  15. Dude anyone with the search function can find over a decade of your diatribe here on this site. The fact you’re not banned is showing love. Even as you are spitting in the face of those showing it. So quite obviously nobody is trying to deter you. Nobody here wants your solution to TWI problems which seem to echo the postcard saying come on home with exactly zero evidence of any change ever. I’m not seeking to be represented to TWI 4 my message to them is clear. Melt down your golden calf images of VPW and come to Gods Word. And the pathetic tactics of calling this place a cult and making up “anti idol” as a fictional term tied to hate are pathetic.
  16. It’s easy to understand how you missed “the wineskin doctrine”. Its a teaching of Jesus that didn’t make the collaterals lol. How bout instead of polluting up every thread here you just keep us posted on how fast TWI is getting on your change notices there.
  17. Right. Ugly truths are to be augmented with prettier truths so they aren’t so ugly. Ugly facts that could lead to ugly truths need to be hidden, because really young believers to the cult need time to build the prettier truths into their head before facing the ugly facts that could direct them to the ugly truths rather than the prettier augmenting truths. And it’s only the prettier truths in the Word that will make them free not the uglier truths. I see it all now. I can see the difference. Thanks for making it all so clear for me. I think you are the perfect person to write the Ways history from 1982 - present.
  18. So you are running into the same ethical dilemma that the ministry leadership is in trying to put new wine in old wineskins?
  19. Naw man I’d rather celebrate with you the victories you shared. Awesome. God had your back. Peace out.
  20. Yes and watched a movie on lions as well. The dominant male has sex with all the females and fights the less dominant males off who don’t have mates. This animalistic behavior is evident in many cults. Warren Jeffs, the Jack Mormon in prison for underage polygamy, still runs his cult as a prophet from behind prison bars. Humans seeking a religion to help bring out virtue in their lives should choose one that is not cult like and that helps to elevate life above the animals.
  21. So your hope is to elicit a “ECN” from a group who just like “the Fonz” in “Happy Days” cannot actually formulate the words “I was wrong” with the mouth?
  22. I also heard about this. It was an external speaker VP brought in to speak to a group. VP prior told everyone he was born of the seed of the serpent so it was an experiment of sorts with the speaker being a test subject unbeknownst to him.
  23. It is true we need not mention hope. But on the other hand, why not?
  24. For finding old Way musicians lol? It’s more viable than a lot of places lol. One dude has been trolling keeping a number of folks occupied. You may or may not be into the banter. I guess I would still ask though viable for what? It’s viable for what it is - ex way members connecting and telling stories. It’s more anti way than like the common Corps groups or whatever on social media. And FB groups are usually policed by Way zealots.
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