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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Tough love, hate….. potato, potato Surely your UCSD support group of PhD philosophers can enjoy basking in more light after you clean their windows.
  2. Right you mean like you hating me and the logic I bring up so much you need to invent new terms to deal with it in your mind?
  3. The rush to set up an idol was set by how VPW set himself up to be “The Teacher” Then people constructed idols of “the teacher” in their minds and desks and lobbies. When “The Teacher” was shown to be a flim flam artist with a fake degree and really sticky fingers they had to invent an alternate reality for themselves. A kind of Alice-in-wonderland type of PFAL land where reality doesn’t apply and logic doesn’t matter and you can exclude all of those pesky outside sources and references because they are not “the teachers word”
  4. Yes! Two of the sixteen keys to chasing your own tail! Eye contact and effort!
  5. The Sower and his Cult Way Tree Forestry department. Plant a tree today save the future. One branch at a time. You are a leaf on a mighty tree. When life overwhelms your branch has the nutrients. The trunk is there just to distribute the nutrients which is the heart of the BOD to the leaves. Yes the “heart of the BOD” is in the Way tree job descriptions.
  6. Isn’t there a Capn Obvious to help instruct the young Private regarding interpretation?
  7. Actually anti idol is Mike speak for idol when the idol is VPW. When it’s anything else it’s just idol. It comes from the Peewee Herman school of logic “I know you are but what am I?” School of philosophy.
  8. Or you could stfu and read the book with an open mind leaving your judgmental comments alone instead of spitting out each mouthful as you eat because it’s not McPLAF tasting.
  9. I gave $20 to a homeless lady on the side of the road yesterday. She and her husband had a sign saying “Homeless. Please help. God bless.” I feel a lot better about my Christian giving there than I would about sending that $20 to TWI so they can buy food for Craig to produce new tapes to put on the internet.
  10. Perfect illustration. The message travels out quickly from the rumor of someone with reported inner circle connections. May be true or not. May be a surface stated policy where inner policy differs. We don’t know. But locally they know. And little bird information travels back to them through the same channels. Like “you know who so and so let come to the meeting?” This goes back to sis gets right to high and holy Trunk Coordinator. Who goes down his chain and makes sure said coordinator is reprimanded. But oh they will never say it in a recorded meeting that could be used in a deposition.
  11. Because they hide it and only talk about it where it can’t be traced? Point me to any one source of policy information on that in any version of TWI.
  12. I do not believe as former Way Corps I would be permitted without special exclusive permission from leadership. If I was I do not believe anything I observed would actually represent accurate info because the dynamic of me being there would change what they shared. Also most of what I talk about is invisible at the twig level. It’s hidden in leadership Pharisee inner circles. Of course the ABS hasn’t changed in decades take all the money fill the blue form pay yourself for the money order. Send to HQ. Then watch USA office deny a $50 rental fee on a room for a branch meeting. I guess they need the money to pay Craig’s mortgage or rent or whatever.
  13. In a genuine Christian allegory of farming, the seed of the crop is sewn to grow valuable crops for food. In TWI farming allegory you are planting Way trees. This is one very clear area that Christianity and TWI are vastly different from one another.
  14. Recycling the “Living Victoriously” theme at the height of VPs influence. It’s 40 years later. The numbers are a fraction of what they were. The new class is an outline shorter teaching of the original PFAL. No controversy topics handled. Unlike the “original revelation”. Re started the WOW program calling it Way Ambassadors. The new poster is rooted in the imagery of substituting the “Way tree” for the “Tree of Life” picture. In fact it was either lifted from a TOL photo or hand copied. So the same tree you see in “Avatar” for imagery you see in TWI poster. The Way tree is nothing more than a Biblical justification for a quota sales model instantiated by previous leadership. It uses a non existent allegory in the Bible to create a strong image in the new Christian in place of the allegories that ARE in the Bible. The Way tree counterfeits the farming allegories all spread throughout scripture. You have the sower and seed imagery all on the outside of HQ. But the function is Way tree agriculture not Christian farming.
  15. IMO the evolutionary nature that aspects of this cult have shown means that it will by no means be easy to unravel even if all parties were motivated to do so which they are not. All the years of policy decisions and changes have left them looking inside to their collective years of wisdom as opposed to anything outside their closed loop for help. That train will continue to run on the rails that got it to its destination for another generation. We mostly have to jump train and leave the VPW idolators on board toward their destination.
  16. Okay reading thru this I find it hard to believe the lack of empathy. Mike is always looking to run down anyone who went thru the Corps as a problem. Actually, I don't find it hard t believe. The window washer philosopher is most likely on autism spectrum but without the idiot savante angle. He has this delusional view that the creator and initiator of the Corps program somehow was not involved in every aspect of it as are current leaders. No sitting around stuffing your head with PFAL collateral material which amounts to sermon notes by Rhoda for 10 years does not produce anything different in believing than stuffing your head with them for 1 year. You also are judging penworks every single chapter. I know you don't want to accept TWI has had sketchy research since the start. Maybe you're really just struggling with yourself here not intending to be a complete a hole.
  17. This is pretty accurate. No action outside of a 2x4 between the eyes for the mule. Corporations don't change because of morality. They change through pain. Right now that pain is the Pharisee exclusive inner circle structure doesn't really support a large crowd. So they need to put out the “go run classes “ message. Not themselves of course, but their underlings with VP titles will ensure that the average believer is out witnessing. The latest documented “push” was 2018. Now with the stock market down turn the $65 million cash cow isn't making as much interest. So every down turn look for the witnessing push. This is the “why” of all the come home talk. What you think a new group of leaders is going to have a sudden morality change and reset the whole structure behind how the ministry works? Okay. Prove it. Rescind worldwide all your shunning orders you made privately. Announce it from the stage. Should only take a 15 min BOD meeting to approve it. We will wait here.
  18. I actually wanted to say thx for the summary. I was curious about the direction he was taking but couldn't stomach sitting thru all of it. I wonder how much issue the average TWI member has with ABS going to support the silenced Prez. I'm sure they don't know about it any more than they do about the settlement $$$. They stopped publishing their books, although most non profits do. It sounds like the men in tights focus has him digging into allegories. I do think Bullingers Figures of Speech has some value if you adjust out the spectrum OCD he has. It's way too much.
  19. Wow Mike can sound like a psycho analyst and a Corps Nazi all at the same time. The pattern I see here is the exact same pattern when you put a bull in a pasture. A whole lotta Bullshonta!!! Mike is like “you know reminiscing back to 10 years ago when I first stuck my head under the bullshonta I thought x,y,z. Glad to see it finally coming to fruition growing mushrooms today” Just gotta beeeeeeee leive
  20. Nice find on William Branham. I ran across this a couple references deep: https://www.wayoflife.org/whois/index.html The Way of Life Apparently this gentleman has carried on a Christian ministry to Asia for quite a while. Interesting.
  21. I guess one of the issues with recovery is coming to terms with your own story and history. Some of the great links provided by you all talk about overcoming a sense of loss and waste in life. Personally I just have become more comfortable with the duplicitous nature of life. How was the Corps? Like Dickens describes “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times ….” I mean how can one study “the names of God” and not perceive at all a sliding manifestation of the Creator? How did my life history go? I made the best of choices. I made the worst of choices. Still got more to make. Peace
  22. No. Possibly an alt account of an inner leader. But that will get you 20 pages of protest suggesting it. At times he seems too dense to be a real person. Comes off like an alter ego of a person with other motivation.
  23. Any current TWI member I have run into won’t talk to me. They know I used to be Way Corps and now don’t stand with “the ministry” so any conversation is cursory at best while they mentally take notes to go back and recite how they stood against the adversary talking to a “cop out”. I am blackballed and prevented from discussing anything with average TWI members. And the leadership are way too ch1ck3n sh1t to either contact me directly or engage on this platform. Game over. It is a hierarchy of Pharisees just like described in the book “The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse” Pharisees construct inner circles and only communicate within them so they don’t have the stress of dealing with non Pharisees. That’s your Way leadership.
  24. Umm he already has let all of us know that family is some of the greatest source of trauma he has experienced. If TWI 4 is as great as you say why isn’t that information public? Why couldn’t you just call HQ directly to get it? Maybe because TWI 4 has a different view of you than you do of them?
  25. Sorry cultists no matter which Batdad chart is truth in your mind My Lord and Savior is and never will be a lifeless iron man suit constructed to pass along smells. Cult doctrine smells bad without the suit.
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