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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. He has to be. I mean his earthly ministry was only a year long or three years depending on the viewpoint. That certainly wasn’t a sufficient amount of time to really master PFAL. I mean he could have just had a cursory understanding of it causing him to “snap” towards love of his earthly ministry. That would later cause him to “snap” towards hate. I mean if only our Lord and Savior had enough time on earth to truly digest the material like Mike has, maybe we would be in a much better place.
  2. Once upon a time there was a man. He took the easy path always. This led to using people rather than serving them. He left a statue of “The Teacher”, a manuscript of “VP and Me” an idol and a case study in arse kissing to paint the way for cult followers to follow in his footsteps. Many chose other paths. Some chose any path but that one. A select few were chosen to repeat history. We pray for them and are sorry for their lack of learning.
  3. Wow cool story. The missing part is how the VPW idolization happened with YOU. Because it did. You are the most rabid VP idolizer on this whole site. Want to fill in that part of the story? Or now that the anti idol schtick did not fly you’re going to try a different tactic, the “snapped” to love and hate idea. I can see tactically how that lines up with painting Karl Kahlers book negatively. So “The Cult That Snapped” historical account written by a Way Corps member now instead of it being a cult that snapped instead it was the author. What did he snap too much towards love? And thus it led to snapping to hate? Victim blaming. The side B to the Law of Believing single record. Play it Elvis
  4. Ah but what if the A/V guy and the music coordinator are THE SAME PERSON with two different job titles at the same time? Is it he or just one of his job titles that’s absent?
  5. At the right hand of everywhere of course! That makes him so much easier to find than that pesky Waldo fellow
  6. Actually, Logic along with God and Jesus is also absent. Somebody text him and tell him he’s needed. Merry Christmas
  7. I was misinformed by the extreme focus you stated about only reading the epistles. Yes, yes if following VPs advice after taking the class you most certainly WILL not make a regular habit of learning from Jesus past ministry and walk. You won’t even be reading about it, remember?
  8. See absence doesn’t mean absence but presence as “an upgrade”. Prior to PLAFT where we learned to rote mouth Rom 10:9,10 to receive the Iron Man X 2.0 version Holy Spirit suit “sorry autocorrect keeps capitalizing”. God and Jesus are there talking to each other and present in you as the suit designers. All you need to do is walk around muttering to yourself in tongues to build yourself up spiritually for greater things like going Way Ambassador or Corps. Clear all my little lemmings? Ready to rush the cliffs?
  9. Aren’t absent fathers one of the main problems with society nowadays?
  10. Can’t stop constructing windmills out of nothing can you? It must be some hate filled logic that indicates pointing anyone TOWARDS accounts of Christ as misdirecting them AWAY from Christ. Talking down to someone else with cult elitist logic is definitely not Christ like. Your opinion about what scriptures teach us about is just that - your opinion. Part of your problem is that you don’t see the ministry of our Lord and Savior as directed to you. So you denigrate His words as to a different nation and time. Practically in TWI “for our learning” is equivalent to “ignore and don’t pay any attention to”. Unless it’s the tithe where you need to construct many dispensations of jumping to keep the obligation going in your followers.
  11. I am feeling right now about PFAL the exact same description an exmo gave about the Book of Mormon. ”it is a steaming pile of plagiarized whitewashed dogsh1t”.
  12. If our infinite musings can benefit another soul I’m glad. Broadening the horizons to an RC group outside TWI sounds like it would help even more. Real live people with active faith not in a cult.
  13. Ummm no. “We” were not slow learners of PFAL. That’s you. By your own testimony. And amazingly I can look at it objectively now too. Unlike you. You have gone from fundamentalist elitist a hole to inventing your own whole new reality. With new words like anti-idol. You did a great job of abstracting your idol into a concept. Instead of “VPW the man” it’s “The Teachers Revelation”. I mean who really cares whether a person idolizes President Nelson of the Mormon cult or idolize his doctrine where your skin color affects the priesthood. Idiot guy with idiot ideas. That’s a cult.
  14. Actually the advice was different depending on when you took the class. VP said to read the epistles for 3 months. I’ll get back to that. Class coordinators had you read the collaterals. For example, there were exams on Adv class entry from collaterals at one time. Prove you knew the collateral material to be able to take Adv class. Now back to VP. So the instructions to only read epistles definitely are directing the new graduate away from any teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. You see evidence of an elitist attitude developing by followers obeying this instruction. Ultra dispensationalism would take this approach hyper focusing on only one time period of scripture. Step by step instructions to build fundamentalist elitist a holes who witness to their friends to get them to “take the class”. The Idol Makers
  15. His family said differently.
  16. Gluckin did not leave voluntarily. He was kicked out. If he told you differently he is lying. Or you are lying about the story. I was there. I saw the impact on his family. You see when I get into stories like this with you I reach points of inconsistency. So basically I don’t trust your old stories to be true or accurate. You are fibbing and making things up like your idol VP.
  17. This is a very strange letter. I had to read it a few times to catch the gist. Someone who is already a Christian took the PFAL class. From your title and the description not sure if it was the 65 VPW videos or the new PFAL sanctioned by TWI. It sounds like me or most of us right after taking the class. Very emotionally hyped, excited about this new interpretation of baptism and the new charts on HS hs. Spews out Rom 10:9,10 like it is a chores checklist you have to get through before you can do the really powerful stuff lo shanta. Believing from the heart from my perspective involves more than charts and checklists. ”Water cannot save us” ? Whaaaaaaaat? Water never did. You can see how the logic is mixed up and has holes just like VPW research. ”If you would like to know or learn more, I can be a resource for you” Already the false elitism and false household are established. I will pray for this individual because I see them on a path that will produce at least a decade of destruction in their life. While not being able to see it.
  18. I’m starting to understand a little more. Gluckin had an exhaustive audio collection of teachings. I mean he ran his Twig by instead of teaching or having a live teacher every single meeting was an old audio tape of VPW from his collection. He was a casualty of the LCM transition. He never got with “the present truth” so was booted. You were led directly into your VPW worship by a much more experienced clergyman.
  19. Start a new thread rocket scientist. Threads are how to keep discussions focused on a certain direction. I know it doesn’t work on this forum for you but try really hard.
  20. You mean you doubt that with all of Mikes vast background in PFAL and his hobknobbing with the best minds in neuroscience that he is the one called on a special mission?
  21. So miracle man can we still call you Mike? Or does it need to be “GS Answer” ? Who here said they need a solution? And what was the problem again? Other than how to redefine darkness light? My solution is easy. Now that I’ve grown up I’ve put off cult anti Christ logic and worshipping idols and like to be inclusive with the entire body of Christ not being constrained by the bondage of TWI false doctrine.
  22. TWI hasn’t pitched in because the only outside voice on their board is their lawyers. What do you think lawyers are going to advise? 1. Engage on internet 2. Absolutely do not under any circumstance engage on internet It goes right along with 1. Talk to police 2. Never talk to the police No attorney ever in the lifetime of lawsuits is ever going to advise path #1
  23. The parents were talked into it. She was really persistent, prepared a lot, and the guy was in his “love bomb” period. Only turned murderous later when he had her isolated from family.
  24. Nobody’s whole life and walk with God are totally flawed. But there is a real cycle of abuse. A cycle of continued abuse and forgiveness. There was a recent docu on Gabby Pettito a young nature blogger who was murdered in an abusive relationship. I myself don’t wanna get murdered in an abusive relationship. But I forgive them even though they have not and will not ever ask for it.
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