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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I’m sorry I didn’t understand if there is a request in there for me. Do you want me to stop answering any posts here?
  2. So we are holding the site hostage to incentivize a troll? Don’t anger the troll as an incentive? Why would instead of that a ban or a temp ban not be more in the sites interest? Actually personally I’ve left here for a while. I would probably do that over incentivizing a troll with the choice of censoring what I say here regarding VPW idolatry.
  3. No she has zero interest in reading this site. But like anything else I say there is some twisted way you’re going to interpret it. Between ad hominem and Putin puhleeeeease. I asked the “like ten” active posters on here if they would prefer a rest from your drivel, as it is nonstop and has not gotten less delusional or changed in any fashion for over 20 years. Mitigated regurgitated - are you really that twisted up in the membrane? What am I desperate for? A rest from bullshonta? Sure I can agree to that. I only brought it up after everyone is saying how tired they are of it.
  4. No Mike BS again no pedo card was pulled. What actually happened is I asked a 14 year old girl how that paragraph you wrote sounded and she said ”whoa that’s total cringe” What a Nazi Corps thing for me to do. You must be struggling with your inner self or something.
  5. Repeating the same secondhand account does not make my firsthand account and research any less valid no matter how many times you put it on a loop.
  6. The other thing I would support is digging down into the idol logic. Worship of an idol is a combination of proximity and laziness of mind. Every time I try to break it down past the barrier of “the collaterals” it never goes anywhere except back up to that generic statement about believing “the collaterals” were God breathed. What part? How? Can the component parts be handled? No they can’t. We have discussed MANY component parts of collaterals, like CSBP, TDNC why division, and RHST but it never goes anywhere except back up to the blanket statement that somehow “the collaterals “ were God breathed. Well if so, then it wouldn’t fall apart upon closer investigation now would it? That golden calf image is so huge that Mike can’t even see stealing being wrong in the 10 commandments. Proverbs 26:4,5 highlight the dilemma in responding to Mike or not responding to Mike.
  7. The reasons I respond to Mike I stated on other thread. If you find confronting the same things for 2 decades plus tedious because there are never any new arguments, then as the most prolific poster on this site over its history I would support you in seeking a ban on the troll. No I don’t think leaving him alone would accomplish anything other than for him to claim a moral victory in all of his Facebook groups where he straddles the fence. And silence any doubters who might have looked here.
  8. No I don’t think confronting illogic, presenting facts to support truth, and correcting illogic with logic and scriptures is harming Mike. I think Mikes idol is harming Mike. I think it is also harming those who mentally hang around TWI with the same illogic. I think Mikes idol is harming the leaders in TWI. I think Mikes idol like the golden calf that Moses dealt with is preventing the larger part of the grads of PFAL from hearing God. I leave him alone when his mouth isn’t moving to spread idolatry. Otherwise I usually try to respond with truth and logic and mostly have drifted away from humor, but sometimes indulge. I find the dilemma in Proverbs about addressing a fool regarding his folly to be a real one. Yes I also find it tedious and would join you in a vote to ban the troll as more than 10 years of tolerance without any indicator of any change to me is enough evidence to see it is not going to change.
  9. The intense evil VPW idol worship is even stronger and actually IS a thing that the Bible teaches you not to do. Stealing and lying are wrong no matter how many times you call it a weak argument to say so. Tell it to Jesus at the return we don’t care. The reason you post so much is because the intensity of the idol worship in your mind is so strong you can’t help but speak about it. You think you are doing good.
  10. Sorry they don’t award doctorate degrees based on the perceived feelings about the positive effects of a persons life. Just to repeat one more time even after OS linked my thread from over a decade ago I have been to that location and as I said there’s the Zillow link. Also fact checking Research Geek - he got the masters degree college wrong. The “experimental” coursework was none except what I already described as correspondence work. It wasn’t something different that was unique and not accepted. It was exactly that - written papers and grading them by the Drs in that house. No classes. VPW only went there once - not weekly or even monthly to attend classes. There was no internet. He wrote a few papers including a thesis and gave a verbal presentation on it like his wife who was there recorded in her book. It seems that hate idol is keeping you from reading the facts I’m presenting.
  11. Holy unbelief Batman! We need to smack that dashboard Jesus on the head a little so he can look up in the orange book how to help our unbelief so God is LESS LIMITED.
  12. All you need is fifty dollars and a dashboard Jesus
  13. A new phase in the recognized mission here? Now we are getting somewhere. What is wrong with the stated mission again ? Me personally I don’t agree with your faulty logic or question. I’m not “going out” anywhere except in the community I live in to interact with other Christians and help them and others serve. I am in touch with some RnR folks and have a copy of the letter the original ones sent the BOD before they were shunned. They are if I had to characterize it largely pro PFAL. Also I don’t think “anti idol” is a thing other than your personal mental model to avoid dealing with the overwhelming evidence of an “actual” idol made of either VP himself or the body of stolen work with his name attached to it. Most of the audience here used to be dying under the thumb of an authoritarian fundamentalist cult. Now they are free from the bondage mentally and in life.
  14. No VPW was a fake man of God because when you do as Jesus Christ instructs and don’t listen to a man’s hype but look at the wake behind their boat all you see is faux. And destruction in the wake. When I was in the Corpse I looked up to the extreme stuff. Now I don’t. I don’t need to start all over again. My story is complete and makes sense. There a so many more people in todays time who “teach me the Word” than there were in TWI. There used to be VP taught me the Word, and later “the teacher” was replaced by “the ministry”. That was delusional, because “the ministry” is not “the body of Christ” but a fake tree farming organization that gives you a fake tree of life and an absent dashboard Jesus. Now I can accept the Word as taught by Christian teachers all over the world in many different organizations working towards many different individual goals. I am no longer isolated and controlled and as such I am no longer of interest to “the ministry”. They want young compliant tithers wanting to save the world.
  15. Jesus bringing a copy of PFAL orange book at the return has to take the cake there. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuuuude. ”Hey Jesus how do we get born again?” “Wait just a sec I think the answer is on p. 156”
  16. On a new set in a new experience. Yes I’ve seen clips. This means nothing.
  17. I’ve done all the things that Research Geek has done. I may have even posted up the Zillow link to the property. Two PhD students rented rooms in a large house for many years. After they graduated with normal degrees they started a correspondence school named Pikes Peak Seminary. This was not an accredited school like where the renters studied. There were no classes. No language studies. It was all a series of written essays sent in, along with a thesis paper and presentation in person. The written papers were on homiletics. The thesis paper and presentation were on homiletics. This is all in Mrs VPW book. The “time” VP put in was minimal. Assembling papers from his multi sources was easy. I would not be one iota surprised to find out Rhoda did all those papers by dictation like she wrote down all the stuff for the collaterals. They all drove out for the presentation and graduation. There was no masters degree audit done before admitting VP to a doctorate program. Just send in the $$$ from the congregation to pay for it and off you go. Far beyond a PhD - only if your mind is far beyond reality.
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_steal
  19. Yes I started seeing that also in my Cults class. Vastly different THINGS or CONCEPTS being sold. Very very similar tactics to accomplish it. like the following 1. A specific date of Christs return - those cults many times end in mass suicide 2. A new understanding of scripture from the 1st century 3. An angel with new “God breathed” scripture 4. A self help series of classes supposedly built on the natural way the mind works But all of those organizations pull people away from their support circles and extract all available free spending income so that the leaders can live like kings. Whether it is riches, land, popularity, influence, or all the little servants scuttling around to meet their every need, all have the love of power. All have mandatory financial flow in to the center of the leadership. All have free obligatory proselytizing operations, where the youth and the laity do all of the work while the leaders do not do that work. All set up communication systems of inner Pharisees to insulate the top leaders from ever having to deal directly with a problem. Proverbs describes the inner signals they use to each other. The benefit to all looking at common tactics is so that they no longer remain hidden to the investigators.
  20. So in logic you can’t use the source to prove itself. Verification comes from an outside source. So p. 83 as a source for “God breathed” indicates very clearly that Mike places the collaterals above the scriptures in his hierarchy of worship. I am not buying the camera shy bit. Not from a man with a correspondence school doctorate in homiletics. That’s what he studied. He was anything but camera shy. In the real Christian world published works go through outside verification and editing. This is why VPW was so adamant on getting his own printing press. So he could print up hundreds of thousands of orange books without them being fact checked by anyone.
  21. A lot of detail about the young hitchhikers. I actually think you are more naive than the serial adulterers in leadership in TWI. The biggest serial adulterer was VPW by far. And he groomed the 2nd Prez to be the exact same way. It is written in a book called “VP and Me”. That was Craig’s book of arse kissing which showed how he got to be Prez. It was never published even by the fake American Christian Press which printed the orange books. I really don’t even need to point much out to an audience that reads a guy thinks our Lord Jesus Christ is going to be holding an orange book at the return. You for example never witness Christ and always witness PFAL. Bow down before your golden calf statue of “the teacher”. Maybe it will come to life and meet all your needs.
  22. It is not thinking evil to point out the words someone says. Those words did not come out of my mouth they came from your fingers to your phone. One of your plots is to never own up to anything and then play the victim. I never said you did anything physically with those girls. I said the way you are talking about them has inappropriate language for describing 14 year olds. That is my opinion and I would call out a random person in a grocery store for the same thing. So own your cringe talk or move along and don’t. I have seen you own exactly one thing in all the time posting here. That is using a psychotic break term in one of your long mental model discussions. Also along with your ohhhhhh I’m a victim talk you always strike back with BS. Yes I have female friends. I’m married with a daughter I raised. What I “locked onto” is cringe language from YOU. If you don’t know what “cringe “ means ask a 14 year old girl. That language is jargon coming from Gen Z.
  23. I don’t think I said that. I object to the free hippy underage love type of image that he seemed to be promoting when we get down to challenging details of his belief. The 14 year old girl thing triggers me because I have a daughter. No TWI wasn’t better off when VP talked one of the free love movement leaders into attending an orgy. It wasn’t better with the sex drugs and rock and roll movement. It wasn’t better in the rain. It wasn’t better on a train. It wasn’t better when in school. It wasn’t better in a pool. It wasn’t better not getting paid. It wasn’t better drinking kool aid.
  24. Yes it’s not unique to TWI. It’s especially heinous with Mormons and their temple sealing to the celestial kingdom.
  25. I’m not questioning that the hitchhiking was different in the 60s and 70s. And yes I did the cross country hitchhiking stints in the Corps. Those weren’t tremendously safe either as some accounts here detail out. The cringe to me is how he is talking about it and them. I too have stories about young hippies and attraction as part of TWI. But I’m not talking about it in the same way. Some of the young hotties I knew in the ministry would flirt with plenty of people and “undershepherd” them through the class. But they were like puppies. They were selling a false relationship. The hotties had a policy of never having sex with a believer, and especially not the ones they were undershepherding but they would go off on a binge weekend hooking up with unbelievers. There was internal terminology connected to this that I have long forgotten.
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