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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. It would mean they came to the truth of the realization that worshipping an idol of VPW is not a viable future for a Christian ministry. It would mean they discarded the old wineskin and were free to seek a new one. It would mean no longer being handcuffed to Baker and Hostetler. It would mean they could tell the truth about the past because they aren’t afraid of the org getting sued. It would mean they are humble enough to see they have no education on the things they are calling themselves expert on and allow them to go to school and actually attend a class that is visible on a transcript. It would mean starting new endeavors with others not bound to their same past. It also would probably mean the end of this website. Which would be fine.
  2. The new set of someone’s marked and avoided their Corps brethren for suggesting term limits, applications and limitations on power for the top leadership. It’s interesting that you either don’t seem to know this in spite of it being brought up here more than once or you are choosing to ignore the fact to prefer getting your whitewashed version out there more often. The conflict of interest you mention here is the whitewashed version verses “the other side of the story” which is not available from mainstream sources because of the whitewash. I wanted to see TWI change when I wasted 20 years of my life supporting them “witnessing the class” and sending them all my spare money. Now I want to witness Christ as opposed to a fake agricultural business. You describing what goes on here as vitriol and the target of vitriol is the problem. You see people were systematically affected by TWI negatively. For them to describe this treatment in a negative light and have it labeled as vitriol is just one more way to victim blame. As taught in the law of believing in PFAL.
  3. You mean VP is not in heaven going through beautification and canonization as a saint for the obvious worldwide miracle of PFAL that has brought multitudes to the Lord?
  4. Paul taught this as people forming sects saying “I am of Paul” “I am of Apollos” Ironically VPW was such a master flim flam artist he could cover those verses externally while internally setting up a system where he is the unchecked unquestioned authority on the meaning of ANY verse. And creating a ministry that is 100% “I am of VPW and PFAL” Have any questions on the class, write “The Teacher”. ”literal translation according to usage” Like Paul taught and confronted who if anyone got anything positive from PFAL and was led to Christ, who is VPW except a preacher or teacher by which th why were led to Christ? All the idolatry that ensued from hero worship led not to the body of Christ in a functioning fashion but to Gilligans Island on a beach shipwrecked away from society.
  5. Looking at the article first off who is the author? They seem unwilling to commit a persons name attached to articles. Are they morphing into “The Watchtower Society” where it is an entity no longer a person writing? Next the ONLY supporting verses they have are gospel verses for the GP. And they state right there in the article “implies” that it works like that. It only “implies” that if you accept VPs noun definition which I don’t as it is horky. I find it disturbing that we can absolutely rule out the dual nature of God, Jesus, HS but we can just accept random capitalizations “as VP was moved by hs”. If the GP was so great why is it only referenced in an implied fashion in the gospels as opposed to stated clearly in the epistles? Wheres that OJ pic lol.
  6. The memoir of my time in TWI exists here interwoven in threads. While I appreciate those who have published works of their time in TWI for me in my path I choose to focus my public and post TWI life endeavors elsewhere. I post here for recovery, public service, and connection.
  7. I mean as a rhetorical question it is one I’ve asked myself regarding what is the impact. Thx for clarifying.
  8. Yes Linder was armed in a confrontation with Paul Allen and Craig. He was named in the lawsuit and others as the ministry’s “strong arm” He knows where all the bodies are buried just like the Scientology former head of security Mike Rinder does on Leah Reminis show. Whatever happened by force in TWI that was the force. He could tell 10x the stories we do here. Should you trust double agents with advice on morality and truth? Is that a rhetorical question? Double agents usually double dip double payoffs.
  9. I see. I look at Messiah Lutherans local outreach page. I see they let the Girl Scouts use the building they pay for. I see they host a fair. I see they distribute videos of Jesus life door to door. Then I contrast the job descriptions of volunteer assignments in the Way. One witnesses Christ. The other a class. One helps the community. The other isolates members from the community. One plants good seed. The other plants faux trees.
  10. I feel that what I have posted and commented on have made a lasting impact. Not on Mike but on sympathetic logic that is not as entrenched. If you are asking the question you don’t feel the same?
  11. Bumping this thread because it is the one color that is ALWAYS in style at the Way. These clowns have whitewashed more per cult member than the KKK.
  12. Happy New Year brother. Peace and love to your family.
  13. I never got an answer from you on how you think this plays out. What I’m seeing here is running from Mike anywhere he filibusters, which is on every thread. Do you think us not engaging and leaving the filibuster out there is the answer? I think it’s the definition of insanity as nothing is going to change that has remained the same for over 20 years. Any true or genuine account he is going to color.
  14. You don’t have to go all the way back to the 70s to see VPW worship. You can see it in your bathroom mirror tomorrow morning. It will still be there like it has for the past 25 years. And you don’t fool any of us by pretending you saw it as a problem in the 70s but it’s all better now in TWI 4
  15. Yeah I feel your pain. My story also is interspersed in these threads also immersed in filibustering.
  16. I would love the lightening of tension if TWI would ever tell the truth. Truth color looks a whole lot better than that same bland whitewash color
  17. Wow what a perfect example of how cult Way trees choke out the forest. Like kudzu. Family sounds like Corps with the CP#1 principle description there.
  18. Yes we are because unlike you we have gone beyond the collaterals in our minds, consideration, thought and sources. Once you are able to get the same separation between yourself and your idol you too can expect that healing process to begin.
  19. Yes people are so desperate for a hero that they will take a charlatan and make a golden image out of him and his work. Then spend their whole life confining their thoughts to never go beyond that work. VPW was that man thinking he had a 24/7 pipeline to God for revelation on mundane matters. This is the cult police.
  20. No your victory is in filibustering to keep readers from focusing on content that has the opposite viewpoint. For example, this above post like many other similar has 27 paragraphs. This is why banning makes the most sense. It would preserve the flow of normal conversation and steer it away from the constant hyper activity and agitated content that filibustering and responding produces.
  21. I have usually enjoyed my time. If I make whether or not I do dependent on a troll he’s already won. I’ve stopped caring before also. I’ve introduced humor to make it more fun. But the basic argument is the same decades after decade. I do believe that makes a difference in the quality of what the site is about - presenting the OTHER side of the story. The whitewashed version is available anywhere rumors fly and publications are removed from site.
  22. I’m bringing up the ban or temp ban as a solution to the problem. It is a result of others suggesting various types of tactics. There is the Prov 26:4,5 dilemma that exists. If we engage with the troll he brings us down to his level. If we don’t he magnified his own thoughts and deceits across the entire site. To me this renders the site confusing and keeps the discussion low and base where TWI and critics of the site want it.
  23. Sure. Be happy to allow him the sense of victory as an illusion in his mind. How does this play out? Since he is basically enacting a running filibuster across all active threads on the site, does this mean everyone else should temp ban themselves for a period of time? How long?
  24. No GSC did not begin with a mission to start free speech. It began with a mission TO TELL THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. Cool. Now we’ve allowed Mike to re write the mission and purpose of the site.
  25. I guess my reply to Mike in general would be if the idea of melting down actual statues of VPW that actually exist in actual lobbies of buildings and actually on leaders desks you need to attack so hard with multiple pages of content non stop in every topic thread and make up some kind of new BS term called “anti idol” with hate attached, maybe I’m really on to something. I mean it certainly is blinding to the heart of the stealing and lying commandments.
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