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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yes so we can divide your life into dispensations then judge you by the dispensation. It supports the underlying view of the free hippy love 70s times being the true Christianity that all of the Old Wineskin 4 (OW-4) leaders are now returning to by being laid back and cool and allowing metal vocals on stage. It paints the Two historical and preceding wineskins (OW-2 and OW-3) as the problem. It also is tremendously naïve and labels the latest OW-4 by the current president who does not weild the power. Two other positions there do. John Rupp. Chairman of the Board. Bill Greene. And the Emeritus couple Rosalie Rivenbark and Donna (what does she use as a last name now?) Vern Edwards is a laid back and cool looking front man though. BUT doesnt change the fact that all of the old wineskins happened under the Charlatan Administration
  2. In most mythology the gods are a family. I am not sure if that is the same as the triune Godhead concept at all. Unless father/mother covered the same portion of the Godhead which sounds logical also like the feminine Hebrew references in that link. They would be the conceptual diversion from the existing mythology.
  3. Yes the misogyny is quite evident in that account. Also the lying. A group of 8 ministers got together at JE Stiles request to minister the Holy Spirit to VP. They tried to lead him into SIT. But he faked it and lied to them by quoting a small section of NT Greek then OT Hebrew from Genesis. He never confessed to making it up to them. Stiles had bragged that he led over 10,000 people into SIT in his ministry. Maybe that was his thing his gift ministry his specialty. That was more motive for VP to copy his book. Standing on the shoulders of giants while maintaining one hand in their pockets.
  4. Delving into the Great Principle (GP) involves investigating the seldom mentioned third figure in the Godhead. Wikipedia is valuable for a summation of knowledge and viewpoints in the Christian world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godhead_in_Christianity One of the sub links is to The Holy Spirit link on Wikipedia which also provides a great summation of mainstream Christianity views on The Holy Spirit. From my perspective a 3 member Godhead makes sense. 3 is the basic unit of either a family or an organization. 3 points form a triangle a stable structure for building. The American government in 3 parts provides a reasonable balance of power example in the modern world. Spirit typically as a concept involves a higher level learning than just a mental learning. Whether a 2 or 3 part person is what a group believes, the concept itself would direct towards a higher level life than an animal. You would expect thought, advanced concepts with society, advanced morals and ethics. Power and purification would be two terms immediately evident together with Holy Spirit. He is also referred to as the Paraclete, or Comforter. We see Him directly at direct points like when John baptized Jesus. Pentecost. Pivotal times in history. I don’t think it would be blasphemy to include Him in prayer or conversation. But from my dumb imagery He is more like the silent fire wielder or the energizing comfort in life. There I’m sure that’s all out there enough for them to do an Advanced Class (AC) grad session on me. Lol. But I am working out my own salvation along with all of you in scripture reading and discussion. I post from a phone mostly so don’t tend to cut and paste in stuff from my Bible software most of time.
  5. Yeah thought I’d be ok with a contraction of the thread topic title but apparently not.
  6. Yes I agree. I didn’t do anything that admirable, just was involved helping family through something. I bet John Juedes church did something similar. This witnesses Christ not a class. It won’t do anything towards increasing those SNS and Way mag subscriptions will it? No $$$ for TWI.
  7. They celebrate 80 years of moving Gods Word together - oh wait except for those guys whose request he squashed and the whole group that has brothers and sisters in Christ that he marked and avoided. But we will avoid that and any devilish talk of limiting our power by ignoring it. Oh and noting how between our re-search of the gemmatria of the number 80 and placing a new old wineskin label on TWI - TWI-4 they too can restore and rejuvenate without the pesky part of giving up one iota of power to a voting majority. They are restoring and rejuvenating exactly one thing
  8. Yes this direction retains Jesus as Lord in your life as opposed to the ego based anti Christ VPW idolatry. This direction holds promise for all true seed farmers. The fake tree of life planters can get lost along with the Mormon missionaries and JW bondage based door knockers and cartoon philosophers in the Watchtower society.
  9. One of the challenges is what do we replace the collaterals with? There is no “package” of plagiarized material we can offer people in a class format here. We don’t have the luxury here of 80 years of refining of the Kool Aid snowstorm story so that it then still doesn’t add up and you have to remove the account of it from the bookstore. This is a prime opportunity for each believer to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. I do like the direction of thought and development in these posts here with respect to replacing the GP doctrine with something that flows more with the rest of scriptures and includes fellow Christians as opposed to the Kool Aid snowstorm steal material and isolate followers model. What don’t we have? A fully assembled McWay drive thru where you can order a McPLAF combo and be on your way to adult onset Spiritual diabetes in 5 minutes. Nice work on true research - replacing illogic with logic.
  10. 80 years of Certainly that can inspire some re-search.
  11. Hey someone was shamed into calling the Way publications role that checks for consistency with past published works a research department. If for nothing else it is to make all of the claims here invalid about not having one. I would still say it is a re - search department. To search out the VPW in the Bible. To seek the source of the 1942 promise and re establish the keys to the flocks fleecing I mean the Bible’s interpretation.
  12. Yeah that’s not his mission. His mission is to tell all of us that they are really cool and loving and laid back and any evil they did was because they were under duress. So his mission is pretty much like if you imagined one of them or their lieutenant came on here and told us what their mission was it would be pretty much the same. They have a vested interest in extending the sham and the organization. It still has shipwreck in the fabric of its operation regarding the body of Christ.
  13. It doesn’t sound like the time was the issue. You seem to have some processing thought going on around some organization changes and mods. But the collateral cobwebs from 25 years may take a while of going after with brooms.
  14. Let’s compare. GS research dept: multiple denominations, many advanced philosophical and psychological sources up to date with latest in fields. Not that many people though. What you say 10 active posters? TWI research dept: Oh it doesn’t exist. Was disbanded by 2nd Prez who so hated research he called GMIR a dirty word. Hasnt been reinstated since in 2 gen of wineskins. Oh except for 4 people were given a project to re work the PFAL syllabus according to their proven re-search = research model. And put it on video for the new class. I will put my money on the former for coming up with legitimate change. As opposed to whitewashing the walls with one more coat.
  15. I know. It’s a big ship and it takes time to turn it. Direct quote in 2 separate generations of the Way from 2 separate top leaders. Meanwhile I see Fortune 100 companies completely change focus towards a new thing very quickly. Stubbornness and idolatry will take up all the time you have plus some.
  16. Of course they still lead from the shadows. Donnas sister and RRs besties son are two of the new teachers in the class. And yes that is how they operate as I’ve been quoting Pharisees and the expanded Word study done on them in The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse for greater than a decade. They probably attend BOD meetings as emeritus and speak there still without voting rights. if you don’t know this already as opposed to eventually finding out about this you have zero business trying to lead people reading on this site anywhere.
  17. These aren’t the changes people asked for though. It’s bait and switch. The changes that were asked for from a group of likeminded Corps they instead of considering them and responding they marked and avoided the requesters. If that was wrong and done due to Rosalie’s undue influence then they can undo it with one meeting and some phone calls. But they are not doing that. They are “greasy” honest because they are hurting for followers.
  18. It’s nice to see the judgement mixed in with the gaslighting. Makes me feel like I’m home at the Way. So you who have refused to allow into the brain any other possibility besides PFAL are NOT living in the past? I mean by the ministry poster that Kool Aid snowstorm promise is 80 years old this year.
  19. I mean if change really needed to happen it happened really quickly as opposed to the hogwash line about “it’s a big ship and needs time to turn”. No it’s a simple decision to set a button takes no time at all. How long after VP met JE Stiles did he plagiarize his book? 6 months or less. Same with Kenyon and BG Leonard. That class was adopted and formed almost immediately. If you can steal something in a moment but it takes 4 generations of your followers to not admit it, how likely do you think that change is gonna be?
  20. We’re still waiting on you to fulfill the promise of reading a book that could be done in a week but hasn’t got done in many months. Your estimation is worth the unfulfilled promises because of a slanted attitude it is written on.
  21. This sounds exactly like the debt topic. They tolerated a lot of Corps and AC grads writing in about it until they didn’t. They dropped all of those. “But the dictators are really benevolent” pales in comparison as a motivation beside heading out of the bondage of Egypt and making free choices.
  22. Well this really is interesting musing about what may or may not have been going on on leadership. I am gonna lean towards the not going on as the only experience I see you have in interacting with said leadership is 2 removed and I’ve never heard anything from any leader ever that has even a conciliatory tone. There’s a good chance for change when it happens. You gaslighting victims on GS is about as far from evidence of that change as I have seen. It’s actually evidence of the opposite that I see. Leaders too chicken to say anything accountable so they remove names from doctrinal articles and send out “come home” messengers like yourself without directly dealing with anyone. Pharisees will Pharisee.
  23. Every active poster I am aware of are victims. You use the word vitriol to describe most active posters. Therefore you ARE describing victims with the word vitriol. Next you are belittling their experience. Hinting that active posters weren’t the real ones that experienced damage, but are more posting due to personal grudges or champions for others is called gaslighting. You are gaslighting active posters. I don’t get the picture this gaslighting is happening for the benefit of the victims the active posters but more for your overall purpose of whitewash. Lastly hammering out a new theology that is not plagiarized and based on a false premise and promise based on a Mormon like experience is EXACTLY what most victims need to do and are doing to recover.
  24. They along with you are in my prayers that the idolatrous grasp that a charlatan had on you may diminish. I see the opposite in evidence though. Doubled down on the original class. New teachers have no new sources or education. Same false Way tree pattern. Its more like OW-2, OW-3, OW-4. Old wineskin versions pouring from one cracked one to the next. Which wineskin do you prefer the taste out of? You know the 3 drops of remaining liquid that hasn’t leaked out yet?
  25. Yes it would be interesting. It was also interesting to watch the movie “Men Who Stare At Goats” and consider the possibility of astral travel through walls. Each is about equally as likely. And has an equal amount of supporting evidence. But the cool thing about the internet is we don’t have to wonder. It is immediately and instantly available to tell people about the changes they have made themselves. From whatever platform they speak from. Do you have links to primary sources like videos where any member of the directors or top leadership mentions this?
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