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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yes all that ingrained thinking combined with vested interest and the fear of change at older ages really prevents a lot in TWI from really considering the roots of your belief system. The leaders especially. In one sense I can feel for them like the head guy in charge who circulated his over inflated resume a while ago to find out no other Christian group needed a genius of his capacity. They have 20 years on a resume and they’re not going to go drive for Amazon delivery when their alternative is extending the wineskin out another generation. They have the same problem Craig has. Or they would have if the Way went away tomorrow.
  2. So I had a chance to read through the Way rag that Bolsh linked. What are the articles on and who wrote them? Who wrote them? Corps graduates from various decades. What are topics? Giving Reconciliation - meaning the “ministry of reconciliation”. Meaning witnessing the class to all, not a Christ based reconciling. So like always the Corps are presenting detailed instruction on how the follower is to keep the money flowing in and the witnessing going. Outreach reports - what countries they have propped up with stooges. Not listed are the marked and avoided in the countries who didn’t lobby the Greenes as effectively. Thankful letters of people vomiting all over the directors. A new book containing a rapidly written history of people who have been in the way forever like the George’s. This is to counter all the books published we link here. Advanced Class running in multiple countries. No they are doing a good job of the double down and whitewash approach. The directors explain past present and future to people. It looks like OW-4 is up and running as good as it ever was. Unfortunately being a leaf on a mighty tree Is not the direction I see Jesus Christ not the direction I see Him teaching about His body and not the way I see healthy churches functioning. I do see the same lying whitewashing and stealing that I always did while in. The same systems are there not changing. So they absolutely will produce the same long term negative results in lives such as we see accounted here and in written novels. And the always present sales tactics are now set in stone or shall we say molten metal like the Teacher statues. The Corps instruct “each one to win one” and the goal is establishing Way home fellowships around the world. Who does the giving and the witnessing? The follower. Oh and the Corps talk about the successful witnessing they did 20 years ago in college. Now they are the ones doing the research - re- searching about how the followers should give and the followers should witness to everyone. There is a poem called Witness. And another weird one on face to face to direct the mind off of the fact TWI is a central org that spends no money locally. 100 percent whitewash rag and getting people witnessing and giving. Same placement meeting with same dictatorship structure. Same annual class pushes. Hey if you are just pining for nostalgia maybe the OW-4 is for you. Like Mike. It sounds like that is perfect for a guy with that mindset - never questioning “collaterals” lol - always looking to do what the magazine instructs - witness to everyone. No if you are comfortable in that rut I say go for it. You will be more congruent with your inner beliefs. For me a cult that isolates from society Christian brothers and sisters and family and consumes your whole being is not of any interest.
  3. Well it wasn’t any of us that came up with the example of Jesus having an orange PFAL book at the return. If that gives you any indication of the mindset.
  4. This is pretty funny. If you take all the things we are calling out TWI on you can see a running list of how Mike is pretending to use words that negate the criticism. It’s like someone who is so desperate they will say anything to appear something than they are not. What Jesus would do is what you see him doing in the gospels. He would confront the lying political Pharisees who made life easier for themselves and harder for the average religious follower. He would have tipped over the money changers tables. Like we are doing calling out all the sin in the financial handling of TWI. Like we are confronting the Pharisees of OW-4 with their self serving and self seeking decisions. What Jesus would have done is what He is inspiring Christians to do. Not listen to fake tree planters and listen to those who teach according to His purpose not their own.
  5. No I believe they disbanded the TWI in state bookstore to avoid the reporting requirements. Yes they along with most states run a bookstore for TWI or used to. I do think the law changed after that. I’m not referring to state government entities.
  6. Yes. I already took down my lo shanta tree. Since it is a fake one it goes back into the zip bag. But maybe I should set it free so each one can reach one and it could double in size! Way Trees Over The World! Oh wait you said delusion “free” my bad.
  7. A Mormon joke comedian.
  8. Yes Bolsh. I will 100 percent agree with you that hanging on to delusions harms the individual. It keeps them trapped in a non reality. It diverts energy that could be used to benefit self and society to prop up remote Pharisees.
  9. Yeah like Craig. Keep him on a 60k/ year annuity and have him “check in” with someone regularly. He can use all his free time making audio teaching tapes for the internet that 3 people listen to. Works like a charm. Your ABS at work.
  10. Amazingly, without believing the 1942 promise I am finding little motivation to take the PFAL Today class. Why would I? The teacher showed poor morals in stealing all the material, buying his own printing press to avoid outside editing or thought, and has a reputed poor moral character in family values and substance abuse ending up in his death from cancer. Each subsequent version of the class has surrounded major mark and avoid decisions by the leadership, most of the time taking action on a previous class teacher. What is the appeal? Motivated cult members with a new slogan and growth chart potential? Nostalgia? Tradition and peer pressure? I mean the best students took the class, ended up teaching it, and are now marked and avoided. Can we look at how the claims of how the class betters your life has worked out for all the teachers of the class? I’m thinking it is a trajectory towards either head Pharisee or it’s excommunication.
  11. Wow. First time I saw this. Word Over The World. Each One Reach One. Numbers projections. No they are not changing one iota of anything but doubling down on the past. Zero interest in any changes or fixes. Video another class and get those hamsters back on those wheels. No wonder they are sending the faux Come On Home postcards out. Who in their right mind wants to be a part of OW-4 Word Over the World? They don’t have “the Word” to take over the world. They have a dumbed down DIY Bible interprets itself fake tree organization. That consumes its members in endless meaningless activity and repetition.
  12. The 1942 promise is just one more example of bait and switch. The story is out there in verbal legend and gets repeated all the time witnessing to new people to build up some kind of reason for them to take a video class in someone’s house not a church. But as you say, no official support for the story as the top leaders all know it to be false. It’s a lot like their “Statement of Beliefs” on the website. Many statements masked to look like a mainstream denomination. If you have the goods there is no need to bait and switch. That only comes in as a desperate move when you don’t have the goods.
  13. Yes non profits were required to show their books in the state of Arizona I remember. So you could see the reports through the fog years. I don’t remember but thought they may have actually got rid of the state bookstore to get around this requirement. Most non profits make their books transparent. Sheesh even the ex President Trump was forced to disclose financials. Who doesn’t show their books as a non profit? Organizations with something to hide, to the extent they are afraid of losing their non profit status. Hidden books are never a good thing. I never received compensation for much of anything as field Corps. We were mostly “putting together classes” through most of my time. Pension? Lol. Not even gas reimbursement or enough approved expense to do anything even hold meetings. I remember so many times having to search for a new meeting place because the apartment complex raised their big room rental prices because they really don’t want it used as a church. Or fire houses free to use were the biggest. Or libraries. And the biggest evil impact was to my own mind, corralled into looking at every person in society I ran across like a piece of meat with the potential to be a new student in the class. There was no way anybody put classes together outside of a hard sell, and usually that was with people with major apparent problems. People seldom want to go to a regular church that is mainstream not culty and does spend money locally. So the pressure to “run a class” was always there. And various methods were used to keep that going, from “Word Over The World” slogans, to getting “extra help” to put together classes which usually meant non local people bringing the homeless to fellowship. I remember top leaders giving admonitions to witness to people with “teeth a car and a job” as that was mostly missing in many of the new student groups. With all of the underlying factors still in place it is completely ludicrous to think that a nicer person is going to change that substantially. Maybe for a short time. But probably not even that.
  14. Yeah a few logic leaps from there and you get to the destination - happy platitudes singing “we all live in a yellow submarine” or “I’m a leaf on a mighty tree”.
  15. Cool. Looks like extra study material for the new PFAL intermediate class. Now if we only had a liaison to put it in a meeting.
  16. Yeah some kind of wonky prosperity gospel. I mean if you’re going for prosperity gospel Joel has got better teeth more money and a “Christianity lite” approach that is appealing to the masses lol.
  17. I like the article it is a good direction. The whole mental model of believing and the renewed mind needs a major overhaul. The victim blaming stuff latent in the Albert Cliffe spiritualist law of believing is clear. I have an idea on how some of the Eastern stuff fits in but a good friend of mine is Buddhist and I spend a lot of time kicking around concepts with him. If he comes to Christ it will totally be a group of 3 of us that helps him. One of his things is he sees evidence of Jesus traveling to the Orient area through how he prays. He currently sees Jesus as an enlightened teacher but doesn’t quite grasp the Messiah concept yet. Anyway remove those thought and worry dusts and have believing focus on the things of God. That’s as far as that path has got me to date.
  18. Bible interpretation DIY fast food? Spiritual fast food? I’ll take a #3 McPLAF combo with no commentaries except VPs. In-n-out Jesus.
  19. No but she did organize the annual apple pie bake in the BRC kitchen. Midwest like Betty Crocker.
  20. Edited 3 times to sound plausible. Not buying it.
  21. You know speaking of giving one of the Pharisee things I like to bring up is how those in high places enact this Pharisee law of corban. Meaning they don’t pay a tithe off of their salaries on staff. And the excuse is the government. But at the same time they can sit in judgement of others regarding the same issues. So in reality all the direct employees of TWI don’t have to live in the same environment that the volunteers do. For most positions this balances out because staff means minimum wage. Oh except for the high positions which carry six figure salaries with no tithe burden. What hypocrites! Can you see Jesus at the return calling them out on this? And using the term “whited sepulcres” like he did when Herod had them act outside the law while publicly speaking like he was carrying out the law? Then also many of these Pharisees use their family money to advance them in a system they couldn’t otherwise. And work other ways they can own homes that they deny others from doing. What hypocrites! Don’t you agree ? Living contrary to the same laws and system that they judge others with. Yes paying out what is pretty commonly calculated at well over a million USD out of the working man’s abundant sharing is evil. Yes not disclosing your books and making your Pharisee salaries public is evil. Yes paying Craig a higher wage than a schoolteacher for making teaching recordings for 5 people is evil. These things aren’t rocket science. But they are hidden for the benefit of a few Pharisees.
  22. No other readers don’t have an agenda. Especially new readers. They are here because of damage TWI caused. You are here to blame them and us and whitewash.
  23. No of course ALL the problems aren’t due to VPW. But the fact you can’t be honest about the ones that do exist indicate an unnatural attachment to the guys image. And the blindness to very clear commandments that Jesus was supposed to be sent to fulfill the law is astounding. I am starting to look at what is your benefit to “playing dumb” in certain areas. Like for instance thanking me for information that is 1 click away w/r to who the BOD are. While at the same time selling yourself as some great liaison to HQ. Similarly the mark and avoid of the RnR folks. You steer very widely clear of knowing anything about that, but it was the main issue before the current group’s ascent. To me the logical explanation is you have some form of unstated incentive to being that dumb.
  24. The whole “as a man thinks in his heart he is” has some roots and similarities to Eastern religion concepts. Like for instance in Buddhism, it would not be shoving thoughts to the subconscious but meditating allowing the unsettled thoughts from the dust of emotions and the world fall off and be able to focus more clearly on imprinting a more virtuous path upon the inner self. I thought the Lamsa Bible had similar interpretation of worries and fears as dusts. I don’t know if any of the Eastern customs of the Bible come in there to the mental aspects but thought it was worth mentioning.
  25. What if the incorruptible seed of being born again is a spiritual connection to the Godhead directly? And that connection can manifest any aspect according to the direct need? The Creator, The Savior, The Comforter? So the Christ in you is that seed of the new birth, the connection, the spark. As opposed to the whole eyes behind eyes type of analogy? What I find lacking in Way theology is also the personal connection with a Savior. God is removed to an impersonal spectator position while people be bop around manipulating the universe by the varying levels of “their believing”. Or their “operation of holy spirit “ Bullshonta my lanta.
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