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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Nice work Charity. SMH at these fundamentalists who say God has a reason for everything He says, where,why,when,to whom out of one side of their mouth then use “implies” in a rich creative sense of interpretation injecting things into the text that aren’t there and removing other things that are there. I would say they are fundamentally confused at what they are pumping themselves up to be experts in.
  2. Yep. If the kool aid snowstorm promises are verbally maintained but never acknowledged from the top you have a lot of monkey see monkey do phenomena. The most compliant monkeys survive the longest.
  3. Yeah that nasty old snake that seduced the wifey. He saw too much of himself in Genesis and not enough genuine research. Of course the paradigm he followed for “re-search” was pretty much non accredited story making and stealing so “you can’t go beyond what you are taught”.
  4. I found 2 or 3 other places on the net with similar sounding goals. Its a good illustration how “each one reach one” is a 5 senses motivational goal as opposed to anything originated from scripture or God.
  5. I would like to talk to ANYONE in TWI that has actually won one person to Christ per year. Maybe in TWI-1 with Heefner, Doop, and Fugit. All the other people I ran across that all the rumor buzz called “evangelists” 100 percent used 10-20 year old stories of their accomplishments. “Back in the day we ran back to back classes. That’s when the Word was really moving. We need to get back to that. Now get out there and win one”.
  6. Ah yes PLAFT-2. Where men in tights met Michaelangelo.
  7. Wow they have the same in depth spiritual perception that the apostle and Q15 Mormon Russell Nelson has. He proclaimed that black people were finally good enough for the priesthood right as the whole BLM movement was spinning up. Mormon leadership made similar decisions they attributed to God about Coca Cola, tattooes, and the LGBTQ+ community. Apparently God also chooses to limit himself to both popular opinion and local laws. Amazing how that works to protect the tax exempt status of organizations.
  8. They had their own Jesus substitute Victor Paul Wierwille. And those idols are jealous idols. Anti Christ cult is anti Christ. Except in their “statement of beliefs”. There they sound like a denomination to hide their cultiness.
  9. I would say yes you need to add the sarcasm flag. There are far too many reading that support this kind of illogic and lack of accountability. Yes stealing lying and bearing false witness are all wrong in ANY administration. Do the excuse makers think that “loving your neighbor as yourself” include committing adultery with his wife, stealing his work that he sells for money, and giving yourself false credentials to prop yourself up better to do the stealing and adultery? My own earthly Christian father provided a better living example than that.
  10. Exodus 20:15 thou shalt not steal. Does that clear it up for you?
  11. So is Jesus then the “Lesser Principle” ?
  12. Forms are important for idols. If you didn’t have them how would the metal be held in place to make a picture of The Teacher or The Teachings? If you have more than one form, you can make multiple idols of the same Teacher just from a different angle. These forms are great. Just like in an art gallery you can stare at them for hours trying to detect some hidden inner meaning.
  13. By simple logic if one chick is a “procuress” in legal terms that’s what it means practically. I mean they weren’t madams running an escort service with a financial trail. Yes I have heard stories about details of that BS. Leaked from inner places. Disclosed from deposition pressure to Way lawyers and from subsequent interviews with everyone involved. Yes the hypocrisy of these idiots approached insane levels.
  14. We didn’t use one on our son much at all despite the ministry teaching. He’s a good kid. We don’t beat our dogs either. Amazingly we are all very close. Kids and dogs. Outside the Way.
  15. I would agree that VPW teachings are not automatically false. Instead of automatic thought we have been discussing them and comparing them to scripture at length. So I would say that “in addition to” the snowstorm fabrication, investigating VPWs work shows flaws. Some of the flaws are predictable, like when VPW plagiarized someone else’s work because he didn’t spend the time in the area to develop it himself. You can see the sketchy stitching in the Frankenstein even from a distance. One denominational pastor J Juedes was so motivated by accounts of VPW victims that he put up a whole website of materials to refute VPWs work. They are linked through many threads here.
  16. Yeah it seems there was a whole inner Nexim like cult within the cult that was involved with those kind of things. Since that is really bad and hurtful and cost lawsuit money instead of the VPW Nexim Cult we have the VPW Whitewashed Cult the second one comes with your own VP bronze WITH COLLATERALS.
  17. Yeah the pattern there was Craig’s “harem” found others to participate in their play. I mean the Hugh Hefner jacket he paraded around in after he finished video production of his PLAFT -2 class he probably took literally. And all those stories inside TWI are just as sick as the accounts coming out now about Hefner. All happening right under all our noses while they were telling in residence Corps not to “date”. I mean OK Hef. Can’t have 2 meals together but the 3 some in the spare Founders room is OK? I guess Hef was just missing the polygamy step. With only one life to live you can only accomplish so much lol. And this pattern was established by VPW who passed women he perceived to be damaged around to his inner circle of friends like Howard and Don.
  18. Sorry that happened to you Twinky. It was truly his loss, and Christs gain. You are a fantastic person and deserve the absolute best in life from God.
  19. Yeah Jesus is probably gonna make that b sit in a corner and write him a letter at the return. Sorry that happened to you B. With that and all the interference into your marriage.
  20. And we see a 5th tactic taken here not mentioned by the national debate winner investigating the political battle in presidential election past between the Orange Jesus and the Anti Christ. 5. The Pee Wee Herman ”I know you are but what am I” Here Mike takes every single criticism against himself and turns it into what other people are doing to him. This tactic is used to elicit sympathy from some unnamed audience who doesn’t post here and can barely stand reading anything here. Well Mike, you must be the woman who kept confessing her kid was going to die. You just don’t have enough beeee leeving to keep from getting attacked. Either that or you and a small soap dish both can read a room equally well.
  21. I see the VPW idolatry so clearly. In OT times the people needed to make a golden calf image - the symbol of prosperity. This image in their mind prevented receiving the spiritual truths in the 10 commandments brought down from Sinai by Moses. I mean as virtue codes go the 10 commandments aren’t bad. Check out virtue codes for other religions and verify with me if you dare. And Christ fulfilled the law with the two commandments. But he wouldn’t buy the bullshonta of re defining “love your neighbor” to involve smashing thru 3 of the 10 commandments with zero conscience either. So adultery, stealing, and bearing false witness are pretty much par for the course for an average VPW round of golf. And the current group may have curtailed the adultery but they have the other two commandments fractured just as effectively. Golden images prevent seeing truth. In any “administration”
  22. Fake cult is fake. VP crying tears and performing with antics on camera about “Christ in you the hope of glory”. But daily practice makes “Christian” a dirty word and prefers a cult substitute “believer” It reminds me of Christian Grey Poupon mustard. ”Are you a Christian? Pardon me and pass the Grey Poupon”
  23. Yes you are 100 percent right. An organization with an identity crisis. What they say they stand for is a lie and hidden to gain power over people. A Biblical research ministry that accepts no other organizations input even on a common goal, that doesn’t use normally accepted publishing standards or channels, that meets in homes, and is very evangelical. They suck at research, the teachings are vanilla, and with leaders consistently shuffling bodies through “placements” and shunning people there is no genuine fellowship either. Just a cult identity bond which disappears the instant you choose a different Christian org.
  24. Wow I’m remembering this now. Yes there is an internal buzz about how “Christian” is a derogatory term given by the persecutors. Because they talked about the “Christ in” stuff they were ridiculed with the name. So they prefer the term “believers”. There is a whole slew of other jargon attached to the Way that is similar. It produces an egotistical derision and looking down upon other Christians and established an internal cult name that true “believers” latch onto. So “believers” would never spend any time on that “vomit fest” Greasespot because they are too busy “moving the Word Over the World”. Putting the Stepford in. Taking the Christian out. One of the first steps in a cults dominance in a persons life is establishing a secret inner knowledge that folks outside the cult don’t have. You see the cult idols are very jealous idols. They can tolerate no other names or ideas among them.
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