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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. So you don’t think they have specific flag fields in “the book of life” for the purpose of indicating the status of the person on the record? You don’t think they maintain an active distinction in “status” between “inactive” and some form of “mark and avoid”? I disagree and feel that what they call their record book and the status fields they enter in there absolutely define a cult. There’s a picture of an old computer interacting with the “book of life” as well as personal accounts of people interacting with it. It is a real thing that they hide from their followers to lessen the impact.
  2. Yes we would consider doubling down on no research and the 1942 promise and redoing PFAL while marking and avoiding your peers who had viable changes suggested as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. No substantive change in any sense. Same structure same whitewashing same denials same false statement of beliefs to draw in unsuspecting Christians looking for a church. Actually the change in evidence is in returning to VPWs work as opposed to discarding it and going in a new direction dictated by scripture. So the change they are enacting is in exactly the wrong direction. Because they are too blind to see the direction. They aren’t able to do this because they have never changed the organization to support genuine Biblical research. The only type ever done is re-search assuming you have the 1942 promise as a given then constructing logic from there. One more version of an old wineskin does not comprise change.
  3. https://read.cesletter.org/first-vision/#contradictions So one of the sites that debunks Mormon history is CES letters above in link. More recently the “apostles” of Mormonism have determined that the “first vision” that Joseph Smith had is of utmost importance to people’s life today. This page shows that there were 4 versions of the “first vision” that Joseph Smith had of the angel Moroni, he was between 14-16 years old, and that he never told another soul about it for 12-22 years. Moroni in the vision supposedly told Smith that all of the denominations had apostasized away from the true church and that he JS would lead Gods people into a church with latter day saints. This story led to the creation and development of the worlds largest cult at 17 million followers. I see quite a number of parallels between this story and the “1942 promise” that VPW claimed and that the Way loves to have rumors circulating about but no official commentary on or support of.
  4. Yes thanks for filling in details. Looking back on that word study the difference in how Jesus taught versus a class with posters on the Great Principle is exactly what someone should be getting out of that word study. The way to have “exousia” in life is to first have an ongoing relationship with the One who has it. Not one where he is limited to a dashboard idol version. Next, more Jesus Christ = more cowbell. Instead of ignoring the gospels and being relegated to epistle study only and restricted to “collaterals” - which will dumb down the brain cells to the point of self induced stupidity, a free study of entire scripture inspired by its message accepting of its self contradiction and general translation error, and an imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ, are the steps that will produce genuine “exousia” type of authority to live with Christs power as opposed to a false authority based on whose idol is bigger.
  5. Cool. I’ve read various versions even while in TWI. The things I really had to ditch were ministry related paper and my extensively marked up Oxford Bible which had been through a bunch of reconditioning and binding. That Bible was my scribe idol I call it so it was good to dispose of it. Now I seem open to reading any version and the multi versions like TBone posts are usually what I see in any Bible software.
  6. Well it seems they took our criticism of the fog path postcard and have upgraded it to the burial site of the charlatan. The fountain of dead wineskins. I think the most appropriate response would be to send a postcard back with a person in pensive thought with the question ”Time to Change?”
  7. What organization calls their records “the book of Life”? One that acknowledges other Christians or one that does not acknowledge other Christians? A denomination of Christianity or a cult established upon exclusive control of the individual? Little things that are “fruit” tell you a lot about big things.
  8. No but advanced human automation can be very entertaining
  9. Having done word studies on exousia in scripture I think the first place it shows up is when Jesus taught with authority not like the scribes. I would exhort them to leave the idols in human and written form and get back to the true power of our Lord Jesus Christ - who wasn’t a fundamentalist scribe.
  10. Yes we are not getting a postcard lol. BRB have to go get over my major disappointment in life at not being on a TWI mailing list. We are still here and still telling the unpopular truth. They even have an active troll to distract and obfuscate here. It doesn’t matter. I’m still telling the truth and that is still their worst nightmare because their existence in life is to whitewash the truth so they maintain their Machiavellian power that they so desired and prostituted themselves for spiritually.
  11. In addition to the “come on home” pressures to exmos from people who are “in” there is tremendous familial pressure to not “lose your testimony” about the warm feeling you got when you heard about Joseph Smiths hat tricks. That religion is probably a little worse because their beliefs about the Celestial Kingdom involve being with your family forever so those pesky kids that lose their testimony are getting in the way of their eternal ascension. But I see the same level of familial pressure on some posters here at GS.
  12. Wow. So it seems targeted. How would this work? Well they would have to divide up the mailing list they have. And have classifications. So the mark and avoid people like those they suspect of posting on GS aren’t sent one. And those the BOD has shunned like the RnR folks aren’t sent one. And probably ex Corps aren’t sent one. They are looking for compliant tithing followers. Ones who don’t do research and send it in, or who don’t challenge any of the Ways operating methods or tactics. Definitely not those who call for published books in finances to see all the spending and salaries attached to these Pharisees operations. This would be more surprising if the tactic isn’t already used and overused in the Mormon religion. From what I’ve read it is almost impossible to remove yourself from the Mormon rolls once you have been baptized. Bishops who are the richest Mormons serve in a volunteer calling. Numbers matter to their internal ascension. So they sick the Mormon missionaries on ex members. Call them all the time. The missionaries have a quota to fill about how many times they share their testimony so that matches up well with pairing them with ex Mormons who “have lost their testimony”. They will nag people to the point of angered response. So no “come on home” is not a new tactic. It is a strategic action meant to increase the Ways bottom line. While it may be the first time in history you have ever seen this kind of action out of TWI it is the exact same cult tactic employed by the largest most successful cult with 17m members. The exmos even have a defined legal process and help to “remove people from the rolls”. They share how it doesn’t work all the time but is the best option available. Be ready for Way Ambassadors helping you to “regain your testimony”. Or for that terminology to start creeping in. For anyone wanting to see any of this I just joined the /r exmormon Reddit channel and they post there.
  13. They probably sell them in the bookstore and it's people sending them. Or something like that.
  14. And here is the fool’s ego coming out for another turn. To answer your question I have run far more Intermediate Classes than you will ever run and have run hundreds more Excellor sessions than you will ever in your life. I’ve had plenty of people progress through both successfully and I can’t remember even one unsuccessful dropout. But no don’t listen to me listen to the big Fathead Mike because he and his ego know how to adopt a parent - child tone while trolling. The main goal was to perform on command immediately. That is the doctrinal error. Johnny Jump Up stand SIT and interpret. In a true loving environment there is zero fear of “performance” because people only speak when they feel led to like a “season of prayer” and they can SIT or offer another common language spoken inspiration that could be interpretation or prophecy depending on timing and viewpoint. VPWs clear butchery of Greek prepositions has a whole other look and feel all very controlled by the coordinator. The true love is in correcting the doctrine and practice. It frees rather than binds.
  15. Yeah koine Greek is not a spoken language today. That’s why I think Fundamentalism is a fools game.
  16. Yes. The strategy is the more you have people take action themselves in a class, the more money they are more likely to give you in the long run. That is the single key idea in play here. The rest of it is bullshonta on command. In order like the Way tree structure.
  17. Did you find all the tor sites on the dark web set up for instructing people on how to run “Excellor sessions” ?
  18. Yes me. I gave up my life as an assistant elf to Lo Shanta Claus leading a cymbal and gong orchestra and have moved on to more quieting things like music and pets.
  19. Lo shonta excellorosis! Now we are Harry Pottering in the INT class!
  20. I think what struck me most about his accounts were that he viewed love as an action verb. Instead of a passing feeling, he was more about the transformative effect of love to change a person for the better. All of his definitions fit very well within what a parole board is looking for, as well as his good works. I’m sure that his environment shaped his understanding. I usually only pick up one main idea I carry away with me from a book I read mostly. In this case it was the transformative quality of love. VPW was a rationalization looking for an excuse. I’m sure he marginalized sin. I don’t pick up the same vibe from Starrs book but that’s me.
  21. In my HS church youth group a guy who was a year older and a mentor to me went to an Oral Robert’s evangelistic meeting. There he spoke in tongues for the first time. He came home and privately led me according to how he was taught. I did it. It was just praying and doing it not all the speech mechanics BS. This led me to search for people with knowledge about it. I would say at least half the pastors in my denomination did not believe in it or do it. My home church pastor had a Tuesday night prayer meeting where people did SIT and interpretation but it was another person interpreting not the directive for the same person to interpret. I still feel that is a more accurate handling of it than TWI. When I met the TWI folks they talked up SIT so much that it impressed me as they actually knew about it. The pastor I was working with then did not. So I decided to take PFAL over his objections. All the logic of mechanical instruction didn’t get to me because I had already done it. So some curiosity over gifts of the spirit and a false display of scriptural knowledge on it hooked me into TWI for all of my youth. Since leaving TWI and thru some of our debate type discussions here I came to the inevitable conclusion that it is easily faked. For that reason I have just relegated it to my private prayer life and don’t make a big deal about it. It’s just a form of prayer. Other things matter more.
  22. I mean VP was surely grasping at any available straw to justify his behavior. It may have been his own private Idaho. If Glenn Clark and Starr had some other scam going on I was never aware of it.
  23. Who is that “new thought” group? The book just reads like a personal account of each chapter love freeing Starr from something. Are they parasites trying to stake a claim? What is “New Thought”?
  24. I read Starr Daily’s work Love Can Open Prison Doors. It is a powerful account about his time in prison and changing the lives of many and his ultimate release from the prison. I’m sure some of his view has to do with overcoming his past. He seems to share that with Paul. Who knows what VP used it for. Maybe making excuses for ongoing missing the mark idk.
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