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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I feel like hope is supposed to be encouraging and uplifting and a source of strength in a time of trouble. This song by one of my favorite bands - brothers - really inspires me like that. Hope is a personification in the lyrics.
  2. Like for example “The Myth of the Six Million” which was for most of history part of Adv Class TWI material and Corps reading list material. I mean anyone stupid enough to back that shiz today is gonna get blackballed faster than Yeezy.
  3. Mike I see how this line of logic can be appealing to people with a propensity for conspiracy theories. The Hebrew language interpretations have always been pretty stable and similar as they have the jot and tittle markings as what they use in computers as a “checksum” marking to verify the truth of the artifact. Greek is a little more free form. It is the basis for math and some other science is a little more precise in some ways and it’s been subject to interpretation. The problem with the extremist isolationist fundamentalist view you are pursuing is that you discount God working in other Christians to preserve the text and working in them to understand the text. So like VPW who made a big deal about burning his commentaries and only reading scripture not his contemporaries who are Christians also basically went the isolationist conspiracy theory route. As his life progressed that became more and more evident in the Advanced class where eventually the statement was made that all the denominations heads were seed of the serpent. I don’t think so. I don’t think the Pope positions have been seed of the serpent men. I think my brothers and sisters in Christ are just that, including the deluded isolationists.
  4. Here we go Corps their latest idea. Scripture reference Ruth. Dispensation OT. Context - land baron survival. Message - stick to the people in the ministry that “taught you the Word”. Ignore context, truth, and present some guilt tripping. No it is not a calling initiated by God it is a program run by man. And by the numbers a largely unsuccessful program as well over 95% of the people who have gone through it no longer support or endorse it. It is a means to use emotional bribery and sketchy Biblical research methods to try and produce some kind of emotional hype. Maybe the guy producing it is secretly not so excited about not having any education in the area he is serving. Look buying into hogwash and running off a cliff like a lemming has nothing to do with God or Jesus Christ. But it does have to do with how important that position you are in is. To clarify God Christ and His Word is worthy of dedication. “The ministry that taught you the Word”. Now wait a second I thought the Word interprets itself. So at best you “gave people keys” not “taught them the Word” right? Oh but those minor details mean nothing when vying for someone’s whole life. What an entitled piece of garbage. The discipline in my life is to identify the error in your doctrine. Not to sluff off true research for a nostalgic feeling and run on a hamster wheel as an indentured servant magnifying those at the top of the cult not Christ.
  5. As a practical person my first response would be to tape it to a brick and write “not at address” and drop it back in the mailbox. That way they would incur more return postage at least theoretically lol.
  6. There really is not a better way to describe the “okie research” that I was getting at than this. It was learned from the master. In reality the field has all sorts of reference checks in it. A manuscript found in South America has different scribe copy errors than a known codex so it can be verified and checked. Known first century other writings are available for comparison - historians like Josephus and others. It is a whole field. People in TWI have zero training in this field other than self reading books. It is the blind leading the blind basically in the field. This field is also how they easily refute the Mormons. At cesletter.org some of the unanswerable questions are like “why does this supposed direct dictation from the angel Moroni have these 12th century scribe errors copied exactly?” Without knowledge in the field the uneducated refer to superstition. Like the “cargo cults” they invent stories and rituals to bring the prosperity. There are two whole separate cults - the Mormons and the Jehovahs Witnesses that have special people dedicated to “feeling” the “Holy Spirit” s direction to lead them to their version of truth. They are called Q15 and the Watchtower society. In TWI they are called the BOD.
  7. I would dispute the earlier goals. Penworks book lies smack dab in the middle of that time period and offers plenty of factual contradiction to your postulate. I would say post 1982 inaccurate also. Craig published a book on Acts. And did a new class. He and Wayne Clapp were doing “okie research” where you try but never went to school for languages or anything remotely related to research which actually shares discipline concepts with archaeology. This is remarkably similar to anything they would have done preparing for the new class. ”Verification research” like many other inventions of yours is not a thing. It is basically a violation of the scientific method. And a logical fallacy. But just like the rest of the way isolationist fundamentalist idolator lemmings the one thing you do is label and censor. Ooooohhhh there is “hate” so that invalidates any fact, logic, or truth. I am starting to come around to the view that the lemming running off the cliff is because he wouldn’t lift his head to look at the path but just kept blindly running.
  8. Good point. True Christianity challenges their origin story. It sounds like the bashers have to keep up a certain level of hype to even try to convince themselves. “We are the really really seriously really true believers in Christ all those others are just imposters” What do they call that ? “Fronting”?
  9. On a recent search I ran across the linked in of the current trunk coordinator. His background is 100% sales. His job description is push growth. He was ordained in 2020. That was before the Vern takeover and didn’t change after. Keep me as far away from bastards like this for the rest of my life please God. I have wasted far too much of my life propping up the exploits of megalomaniacs.
  10. There is a whole myriad of tactics that they use that you probably are not going to hear all of the exact details on because they attack the moral character of the person for their purposes. There are some stories of some of them around here. For every one that is told I probably know about 5 more that are not told. Banning people from fellowship is one of them. Telling lies to the followers about them that are vague enough to avoid legal charges is another tactic. Calling them possessed is a real easy one. Then people are visibly afraid when you encounter them in a grocery store. F ing with marriages is a real common tactic I know of several couple divorced remarried and gone back thru the Corps. I know all the salacious details are real interesting to know about. But I can’t even begin to describe all the bs Machiavellian bs I have observed first and second hand.
  11. I think the whitewash and the VPW idolatry blinds the worker mice to run on the hamster wheels. People discount any truth we present like Mike by saying it’s hate motivated. Its not. It’s truth motivated. But truth to a VPW idolater looks like hate and is rejected. They don’t care he was an adulterer or plagiarist. They tune out anyone who goes there and ignore any truth or point. Its fine. I am not motivated to save the world just a couple of free thinkers in the world. There are so many things in nature that disguise themselves to trap victims. They are going to fall for the disguise and put their lives on a similar path to my past and I can’t do anything about it. Except tell the truth.
  12. Yeah that is their aim to suck all the air out of space in the internet. To so stuff meaningless sites with content like godswordworks.org and other similar sites that the new potential converts never find the results for critical websites via search.
  13. I’m just relaying the general consensus on /r exmorman Reddit channel. There are many accounts of the storehouses of Mormon wards being used as showing the bishop has great potential and the goods not going to the poor due to shaming tactics I described. In your situation with a baptism on the line I can certainly see the bishop approving a bribe. President Nelson is all about the numbers and building new temples so a simple bribe for a conversion would prop up the bishops numbers and qualify him for a stake presidency. Along with his tithing numbers. They do not take care of their poor. I’m only posting this because I also shared the same misconception 3 months ago. Rocky sorry for your experience it sounds like 2 cults have screwed you over.
  14. I want to clear up some misunderstanding here about the Mormons. They are definitely NOT an example of taking care of their poor. They have plenty of $$$$ but for a poor person to get help from them they are subject to degrading interrogations and are pretty much put on bathroom cleaning duty and as such receive ridicule among the members. As a result of this attitude very few actually go through with receiving help. This hypocrisy causes many to leave every year. They can spend $100 million on renovating a mall close to the Salt Lake temple but do not help their own. TWI is like that. Never use abs to help their poor unless someone goes rogue to do it.
  15. https://www.gotquestions.org/The-Way-International.html Wow even more critical content on even more mainstream web sources. Maybe instead of a research department they should start a whack-a-mole department to refute all of these public places that don’t have the right spin on their cult doctrine.
  16. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/1988/february-19/infighting-trims-branches-of-way-international.html Christianity today article - its old but the only reference ever in that mag to the Way. Same issues then as now. Same production of old wineskin doctrine with new packaging in any decade.
  17. It’s funny. As much as they try to hide the truth posted on this site it pops up everywhere else. I have no idea who this is but it’s all over search like the truth pops up everywhere despite feeble attempts to whitewash and hide it. The public sees easily attempts of the elite to avoid accountability. https://jashow.org/articles/jesus-according-to-the-way-international/
  18. Yeah some things are bigger than cults. Family is one of them, especially the one we made on our own outside of them. Christianity is another. Let all those isolationist fundamentalist arseholes all move the word cult over the world and leave me alone while I interact with real people in my community. My Lord’s body is not so narrow minded. Community is yet another. People are not a piece of meat for the class or an empty floating by. Removing the cult mentality means enjoying community with neighbors who are Methodist, Catholic and Community Christian like brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Sometimes we attend each others churches and small groups. Owning a home with a mortgage is a big part of being community paying those taxes and contributing. Career is another. Why not enjoy working rather than suffering through it so you can fully give yourself to a volunteer demanding cult position? I mean why waste our lives on second-rate causes when God has given us richly so many things to enjoy?
  19. Yes they tried to gaslight us into having marriage problems like they have done with so many couples. Gaslight, attack, drop from Corps and make them go back thru. You see absolute cult control is a stronger bond than marriage. It backfired on them. We went to a very qualified marriage counselor who basically told us the only problem with our marriage was these gaslighting arseholes. Amazingly once we dumped those from our lives and no longer listened to the gaslighters our lives improved amazingly for the better. Dropping the cult Bible interpretations we much more easily developed friendships in our community and with many local Christians. All of the other areas in our lives also improved. I guess from my life lessons if you want an abundant life or power stay as far away from the PFLAP cult that you can. And don’t believe one Word that the Pharisees tell you about your life.
  20. Yeah any Christian relationship is better away from them. Take the class go WOW go Corps climb that Way Tree ladder that’s the most damaging path a young person could take. Countless scores of people wind up on the other end of that garbage chute with destroyed finances, career, marriages, family and no ties to community. It is a waste of lives to fulfill an arbitrary goal that makes top Pharisees feel better about themselves.
  21. Yes in contrast to RR who was a technophobe the current group embraces tech. What I see is they are expanding the whitewash campaign to several propped up websites they didn’t used to own. They are stuffing those sites full of basic teachings. They aren’t normal sites but content propped sites. It’s more like “Operation Whitewash”. They are trying to push down critical sites like ours here at GSC so they don’t come up on website searches as high. It’s not working because the content is faked and the search engines are too smart.
  22. See they ARE changing lol. More whitewash. I also see their Pentecost article saying “when a person receives the gift of hs they are born again”. Oh rllllllllllllllllllllllly. I thought it had something to do with Jesus Christ. They at least got the order wrong and then they sluff off the Savior and New Birth for the Great Principle. A cult with whitewash.
  23. Yeah tying threads together - their old AS/400 is their main computer system. It has the terminal interfaces like the picture Bolsh showed. This was a mid range computer in the 90s. It is a small business computer from 30 years ago. I doubt they’ve updated it. The main guy in charge of all that was a class teacher that left over the lack of a research department, thus producing the need for PFLAP-T. No it’s not connected to the internet as Rocky said. Yes it does have status fields. Here someone ran a job to output a list. That list was imported into a label printing package on a PC and labels were printed for addresses then it was sent out non profit bulk costing them next to nothing.
  24. I think every time you say “Book of Life” associated with the Ways books I can see Jesus facepalming. I think the bema for Way leaders is gonna be nicknamed Facepalm Sunday.
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