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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Wow I have personally never heard a better one line summary of PFAL in a long while. Good job. I’m gonna add that one to the Why PFAL sucks thread.
  2. Yes the sexual crimes and abuse have subsided. Now it’s only the normal cult exploitation crimes lol. I had also heard of that debt restriction being lifted. But no teaching correction or allowing that for programs - ambassadors or sea org - I mean corps.
  3. Well I think the Collateral Guru is falling short on his PFAL here. ”The law of believing works for the saint and sinner alike” What killed that boy?
  4. So those at HQ 72-75. You know most of them. Did any you know of check out Stiles, Kenyon, Leonard? Or did they censor to collaterals like you? Those taking PFAL on field never heard any informal references. And there are no formal. So….
  5. That is an easy calculation. It is zero. Because he plagiarized as opposed to attributing his sources.
  6. Sounds like as a comedian you and Carlos Mencia have a lot in common. Funny plagiarism is even more of a deal on the comedy scene.
  7. No they are making no attempt to do so. Exactly the opposite- they are doubling down on his work
  8. No he just “borrowed” them for a while to write the “literal translations according to usage”, which were much better than scripture.
  9. No it means nothing. Substitute one sentence for the other and it changes not one bit of the meaning. You are going after the windmills in your own mind.
  10. Okay then characterize it correctly. As opposed to sniping and hiding. How does God rob Peter to pay Paul? How does this work exactly?
  11. Because it is completely illogical. God does not have one set of standards for property and another for “intellectual” property. Therefore leaving off the second half of the sentence changes nothing. Apparently the density is real high so we need to explain this. Peoples entire jobs exist around IP. Meaning food clothing shelter. I used clear examples which you glossed over like big pharma. This is even more telling. Why do you think you can just skip over logic and ignore it?
  12. Wow here is a new business model for sure. God “loaning” IP. How does that lease model work? Is it like big pharm where you only get exclusive rights for 10 years then it becomes generic? But at least big pharm can recoup research investment in the first 10 years. Here BG got his class pilfered immediately. God is not preoccupied with silly things like earthly ownership? Why then did He inspire authorship of all the detailed OT instruction regarding property ownership? This is very telling. Symptomatic of the uneducated cult mentality when a logical dilemma arises address it with superstition and reject any logic. There are plenty of things powered by collaboration and sharing. The Linux operating system freely powers the world through efforts of a team maki by the product open source. However proprietary things are not free for the public anywhere. People are prosecuted legally for stealing all the time. VP lived before the internet age and owned a printing press to avoid IP issues. Also people who benefit from freely shared IP typically also contribute back IP as well. Not use it to isolate themselves and never give back to the common group
  13. It might be proveable except for the fact it is mostly plagiarized. So did God breathe it into Kenyon, Stiles and Leonard first so VP could steal it? No because God also authored the 10 commandments. In tablet form. Proof completed. 100% not God breathed. If we were to understand it by living it we should rip off famous preachers lie about it publish our own books and start a cult.
  14. The GP is nonsense - the musings of a cult leader. It’s a chart. With repetition. No you don’t hear richer more detailed things. Read Ezekiel. Yes people have plenty of fear in this day and time. God seemed to appear in dreams in the OT. And some say in a sense the book of revelation is a dream. “God is never limited” - direct quote from Baalaams @$$.
  15. Welllll the Christ in you hope of glory wasn’t the presence of Christ in any sense. It was the iron man suit lower case hs in the great principle. They didn’t teach hs was literally Jesus just the power. I do note your point especially since you have no vested interest. Personally my goalposts have moved a good deal in my faith and Christology or whatever the theological official term is. The clearest example I can think of regarding the absence of Christ in TWI is that they can dedicate two full classes to the study of I Cor 12-14 yet never collaborate with other Christians their entire life - the eye saying no need for hand. Blind to a big verse smack in the middle of their wheelhouse. There are other fundamental issues with VPW Christ in you mental models of Jesus appendages being “behind” yours that I have also. I feel a lot more connected with other Christians with dumping fundamentalist views. And with community in general with those of other faiths. I am much more free to interact without the burden of an underlying sales quota to fulfill. Exchanges are much more easy and light as a result. Philosophy or religion. Occasionally most don’t speak of those things regularly. Good talk.
  16. Manipulation tactics used by cults:
  17. Nice! Those guys are super tight as well as innovative musically.
  18. Okay so the PFAL “collateral canon” is FND INT Way mag PFAL/RHST/Studies in Abundant Living and nothing else. Got it.
  19. I think with their postcard they can consider me already home. In absentia. You know like the absent Christ? If my Lord and Savior can be absent then I can certainly follow in his footsteps. Actually I can respond to the lack of a postal card here. Time to come home? No - signed Balaams @$$
  20. I tend to imitate your toddler and have regressed in calculus to the point of saying the area under the curve can find it’s own d@mn self.
  21. So you have neglected DTA? What do you mean collateral’s? Are not class syllabi collaterals? We really need to talk specifics about your collateral idea. I mean what is the canon of the collaterals? Are there non-canonic collaterals? Like the extra books in the Catholic Bible?
  22. What? Your 25 years of collateral study have you completely unfamiliar with the DTA class in all of its formats? Tell me it’s not so, Collateral Guru. This means you can’t recite “The Great Prince’s Pull” from memory? I am severely disappointed. It’s so, so juvenilely formulaiac.
  23. Isn’t it time to dismantle the Way, for the leaders who want to truly serve Jesus Christ to go back to school under an accredited organizations oversight and complete education in their profession, and start a new church plant with others who never have had any association with the Way?
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