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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. All of this is playing down human creativity. First in the comic field. Actually IP is very well known and accepted among comics. Dave Chapelle in a recent appeal to boycott his show repeats talks about a comic when he was young in his career asking to borrow a joke, then later offering to buy the joke. Comics know when they steal others jokes. They also know about the edge cases where someone shows similar jokes on stage in different places with no known contact or trace. So no it is not difficult at all for comics to know about the origin of the joke. The video I posted was an example of Joe Rogan confronting Carlos Mencia on stage at the comedy store for stealing jokes. Rogan was banned from the Comedy Store for years for that confrontation. But it was true. People stopped working with Mencia and he lost his 15 min of fame quickly. For plagiarism. Koestlers big idea that there isn’t anything new but a new combination of old ideas is ridiculous. He should have traveled to Arizona and taken a ride in a driverless Waymo car. God can inspire and has inspired great creativity in people throughout so many fields. Dont put Him in a little GP box. Dashboard Jesus just wiggles the head. Real Jesus saves.
  2. Resilience training. (Resilience is a common synonym for anti fragility seen in a lot of psych literature) https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/resilience-training/about/pac-20394943
  3. The first thing that comes to mind after reading this diatribe is all the fear that was attempted to be injected into all of our lives by a TWI President declaring that we would be “greasespots by midnight” if we ever walked away from “gawds ministry”. I am certainly thankful for Jesus Christ my lord and savior for the strength to navigate through that false teaching and it’s impact upon me and the community of Christians I have interacted with. The problem with this line of reasoning is that it ends up in uncertainty. People exposed to and adopting the teaching view their own past and others lives with a lense of “mental assent” and “cultivated fear” as their boogeyman and never truly certain whether boogey is gonna get them or not. Like you. Suggesting that somehow repetitive reading of 6th grade level material is going to either jump someone over the “mental assent” gap or somehow after 20 years they can read, understand, live principles but still be “mentally assenting” This instability and insecurity is not introduced by the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ it is taught by conspiracy theorists with a view to isolate and control you for their own benefit. My response to VPs horse $hit is mentally he can F off down the road with that garbage. Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” So if your personal doctrine twists you up and does NOT provide genuine answers it’s probably a false prophet in back of it.
  4. Yes that is because Christianity is intended to be a grassroots movement among the people as opposed to a vehicle to make money in the world as businesses are.
  5. Hmmm. Interesting choice of illustrations. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had faith to withstand a fire. That level of fire melts idols. But dogmatically clinging to the false words of a charlatan don’t produce that kind of faith. You would most certainly burn.
  6. Hmmmm. No implications from me. Jesus spoken words were recalled from a direct teaching. You added in some malarkey about how if you had revelation then bla bla bla. A pedagogical device. That is quite an intellectual term for chart. Data structure interface is now making an even more far fetched analogy that even fewer have a background in to understand. You keep on insisting God has difficulty communicating with humans. He doesn’t. He does what is necessary at the time. The difficulty lies in your difficulty with a limitless God, some semi contradictory areas in His instructions, and your own ego which puffs up making you feel more superior to your fellow humans. This makes you lose even your humanity while getting all sorts of mileage out of labels like “natural man”. That wasn’t a zoology statement it was in a section explaining the different nature of logic between natural focus and spiritual focus. Maybe one day you will get it all down exactly and you will be like your bronze idol.
  7. Ok thx for the apology. Going back to what we were talking about it was the concept that you can’t add a cubit to your stature by believing. Jesus taught this. TWI turns attention towards epistles not Jesus teachings. Instead of simply working the Word in the context of what Jesus taught VP invented a complex mental model called the GP which has done nothing but isolate Way members from other Christians and cause confusion as to living a spiritual life. So instead of all the confusion to do with whether or not you have revelation to instantaneously grow a cubit, you start from Jesus teaching as being 100% true without adding on to it. So the “law of believing” would be a whole line of thinking basically against what Jesus was teaching. Steer clear of it. Trust God to take care of basic needs. Like the birds. If you trust our Lord you don’t need to waste all that time and mental modeling on increased beeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeving.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strengthening_Church_Members_Committee Here we go. The Mormons have a committee for detecting critical statements from members. Findings are forwarded to local leaders for excommunication due to apostasy. I think every cult has one of these!
  9. There’s some confirmation that the “re-search” done on the new PFLAPT class basically found the same content in the old classes. Who knew? You can’t explain better bullshonta. You can either step in it, eat it, or avoid it. Pick one.
  10. You gotta beeeeeeeeeeeelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeve when you’re sending in that tithe or you won’t see the results. Well, the suckas gotta beeeeeeeleeeeve Ken to send in their money so I would say this is a works great for Ken but not so much for the suckas situation. Im sure the same situation applies to the modern prosperity gospel gurus: Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Olsteen with the red Ferrari and many others. I beeeeeeleeeeeve I will support local Christian ministries as there is more return to the body of Christ than paying for electricity on a mostly empty auditorium has.
  11. Very interesting reference material T Bone. I never before realized how evil and widespread this “faith movement” is. Name it and claim it. Wow. No God involvement at all except for God needing to “obey the law of believing”. Come on dashboard Jesus where is my prosperity? And the manifestation of believing is kind of a “hedge your bets” word of faith. Why no results? Either no revelation or you didn’t beeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeve enough. I guess the more you look at PFAL the more you see since it is a hodge podge of plagiarized sources it is not tremendously coherent between the sources. The Frankenstein stitches are pretty visible.
  12. That is a completely nonsensical deflection of the point I made that Jesus did not say what you attributed to him. You added to the text then said you agreed with him and me.
  13. Look I can understand covering that scripture section as it is an illustration of the parents and the boy born blind experiencing hardship in life due to the nature of life and not due to their own fault. Jesus healed him. Everybody heard about it. He just moved right in and handled it. He didn’t pray to God lo shonta lo shonta oh Father please give me a cookie. My hand is reaching up there Father. Oh I can heal this boy. Let me beeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeevvvve and it will occur. True life Christianity is much simpler than the twisted up instruction manual left for being spiritual from the Great Principle. But charts take up space and lengthen classes. More content for your money.
  14. Jesus did not say that only those with direct revelation can believe to grow an inch. But like Pinocchio your nose grows an inch every time you insert the leaven of the Pharisees into a verse.
  15. No your lingo is culty and is not backed by any ideas of substance
  16. And when you get those damn Pharisees and their judgement off your back and just go live life without their evil gaze around things just work out, don’t they? Plans fall into place, hanging out together opens up new avenues, the community and medical advances help, and you’re not semi suicidal due to a gaslighting guilt trip being laid at your responsibility. I’m speaking in general and in analogy of my own life but I suspect that is the same with yours.
  17. Your language is so culty. ”Missed the mark in believing” There is no “believing” in that section. Literally no word close to believing there. You have a lust to insert VPW logic wherever you see a gap. Look if this BS is so sketchy after multiple decades somehow people studying or don’t get it, it’s because it is fake and non existent. PFAL isn’t one of the top 10 math unsolved problems. It is just a pilfered outline and a faked result. ”Worked this angle of the law of believing” culty I have not started with a PFAL promise and “worked it” to prove that scripture backs it up in more than 10 years. Instead I start with scripture and just study that and PFAL logic can F off.
  18. Actually Jesus mentioned nothing of “power believing” there. But I note your condescending tone to others. Funny how right after I correct you in class materials you get a big head and start mouthing off like other people have forgot it. All those collateral studies seem to be like helium to you. You just can’t shut off the ego before your head inflates like a weather balloon. You missed the savior once again. Jesus is literally saying right there that mental gymnastics like “power believing” will never change anything in the physical realm. There is NO iron man suit with a super believe button. All that including the Great Principle is a mental model VP invented because his stunted morals would not allow him to display the gift of the spirit in front of others and needed remedial lessons from a charismatic preacher who led over 10,000 into SIT from reports. The scriptural evidence for a manifestation of believing is slim to none. Calling the heroic acts in Hebrews 11 that is robbing the glory from the saints whose lives mattered and switched it to a stupid formula that magnifies VPW.
  19. As a different direction with respect to all of the philosophical angles on the law of believing, I am considering Jesus teachings in Matt 6:27 “which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?” Jesus contrasted all the wasted mental effort in the “law of believing” type of magical mental focus and instead told them to trust God and enjoy life and they would be taken care of. He highlighted the fruitlessness of whatever form of mental thought game a person plays actually changing physical reality.
  20. Here’s a new podcast by Dr Stephen Hassan on Detecting Deception: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ak2QdYhJXyBY7V8T11cik
  21. I wanted to comment on the change to the debt policy. This came at a great cost. I personally know 5 different people who lovingly presented correction to the BOD regarding the debt teachings and policies. From scripture. All 5 of them were excommunicated over time.
  22. Yes we were all taught that also under the “manifestation of believing” The more you inspect the “manifestation of believing” the more it looks like one more invented concept squeezing a single verse of scripture to say something it doesn’t say in Corinthians. There is no iron man suit function that you have to press 3 buttons in sequence to perform the correct move like a video game. Alt Ctrl X left left right down up down up. First you press the button to “reach up into Daddy’s cookie jar”. Then you press the button of “extra special believing that involves God but not Mr Crowley”. And finally you get the “miracle” button lighted up to push. The absent Christ must have written the assembly instructions in Chinese, because I have yet to see ANY leader in TWI show forth evidence of that particular iron man suit sequence being executed. Somehow their “miracle” button never lights up. Maybe we need a new class to interpret the Chinese iron man suit instructions.
  23. It was pretty logical to VP that he shouldn’t have Oleo on his table as a Christian manifesting an abundant life. Once he stole the correct IP and resold it he didn’t have to.
  24. I think we need to do a cartoon depiction like “conjunction junction” for all those followers of the Way. When telling a story ”Cite your source” When writing a paper ”Cite your source” ”Bibliography junction source your function” “No conspiracy journals” ”Peer reviewed journals” I can see the cartoon characters looking like Stepfords for the greatest reach in appeal to TWI followers. It would do them so much good. It could help them pass college.
  25. Do you remember right after that where he said most Christians don’t manifest an abundant life, little less a more abundant life? If you do remember it why did you leave that out?
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