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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I’m going to go more off your latest post intent than quibbling over details of the long old one. The whole paragraph that precedes the sentence you quoted to me came off a lot more fundamentalist. I would say that most “fundamentalist” Christians would maybe be familiar with Theo pneustos. Maybe. Of all of the conversations I have had with various Christians I have yet to meet one who knew enough Greek in that scripture to argue semantics about VPs interpretation. Most just accept scripture as a kind of “God inspired”. Yes if you accept fundamentalist major premises you cannot avoid fundamentalist conclusions. I remember taking a college class on the Pauline epistles. The teacher was a Catholic priest with a doctoral degree in theology. I will never forget the puzzled look on his face when I was trying to go through PFAL “how the Word interprets itself” and “remote context”. At the time I felt that showed his ignorance of scripture. Now I think he was just astounded at the logical leaps. VP set a fundamentalist context, then set up a straw man with 4 Crucified and other similar insignificant arguments, then set a wedge with the extreme anti trinity position, then used that to set himself up as an anti Christ teaching an extreme conspiracy theorist oriented advanced class that promotes a Way tree and the structure there in place of the believers own intuition into scripture and self set up circles of faith and support. All in all I’m not trying to justify anyone’s acceptance or rejection or either religion or the savior. The methods of a cult stay similar regardless of the product or story. I guess my question to you is more “are you a Fundamentalist atheist?” If so how does that work? If not maybe you more identify with being like RD father in the other account - need to see spiritual evidence under a microscope. That’s cool. I personally feel that Mike is trapped by his Theo pneustos vision in either sense and can wander around there forever. There is just self mental torture down that path trying to make man’s word Gods words.
  2. So it is perfectly feasible that Herod acted in a way different than “his custom” whatever that means - a standing judge “customarily” does pardons? To appease the ruled Jewish populace releasing a prisoner would be an olive branch towards the Jewish Passover custom that a judge may or may not extend at any time during his rule. The absence of something there really proves nothing. “Silence” as an introduced evidentiary item? Seriously? I mean there are plausible reasons on up to the dog ate the manuscript in translation. That is a super rigid fundamentalist line there. Your example in the Franklin Chronicles is quite a different story. That is an author tactic to talk to himself and convey inner struggles to an audience. Apples and oranges my friend. On the flood stuff there is this one old paper we had on carbon dating. I need a bit to locate that. There is a pretty interesting study to read on all that. So I’ll not agree with you there and hold off on that point for a bit. As I said before summarizing Josephus. He only is helpful in casting the characters on the stage as real.
  3. I’ve got the solution. Dashboard Jesus has to go on a budget. These are hard times.
  4. Yeah I remember moving in to an apartment my FIL asked if it was government housing lol. We were sooooo broke. There was this one ex Hells Angels biker in the complex with a destroyed knee with a big old Cadillac he used to give me rides to work in when my car broke down. They did a spaghetti night Thursday and invited everyone in complex over. Tommy and Lisa. She did hair too for free or cheap. They were so sweet. Never interested in or involved with TWI. Good people. Good times.
  5. Being broke is always cool lol. You can survive somehow with no money because somehow you can always scramble for a bite too eat. You cannot survive without love.
  6. Sorry homie apparently you were too broke to be a Scientologist lol.
  7. Dayum. Way Ambassadors you gotta step up your game lol….
  8. Yes she fills the bill in a number of categories. 1. Education - PhD in psychology 2. psych background - social / emotional education 3. BLM - just saying diversity doesn’t hurt to have a black woman on the board with all the old white dudes leading other cults. All the education was pre TWI though. Because student loan debt.
  9. Here is a living example of “Corban”. https://www.gotquestions.org/corban.html
  10. Here we go. Kingdom Hall storming is becoming a thing!
  11. Isn’t this already published in book form called “Lifelines”?
  12. They mock your muse so your muse can’t be true? Most Christians believe “god breathed” means x. No they don’t. Try getting in a trinity discussion with someone in mainstream Christianity for instance. They have no background no depth no scriptures and just a creed to attach to. Most Christians probably go on the new birth and community honestly.
  13. I have similar feelings but a less technical description. I view faith as a source of inspiration but have departed from fundamentalist views. This whole topic is starting to sound like a Dan Brown novel - the Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons. Faith vs Science
  14. So for what it is worth there are similar views of Muslims toward scriptures they see a little different. And my Buddhist friends see evidence of Jesus having reached what they call enlightenment by his teachings. I think you are stretching defining common terms. Because that forms the major premise of a syllogism. And you have a motivation to prove something. There are 7 billion people on this earth that I am sure will not understand my personal motivation. Don’t be a muse killer lol.
  15. I think the discussion itself of the topic is the answer. If your ego is puffed up to the point you are doing an analysis of Gods job in how many and where the “miracles” are performed then you yourself are the reason. What do you consider a miracle? There’s another thing. There are the major accounts in the Bible. And there is life. If you get into static analysis on “is this sunrise a miracle?” “is the birth of my second child a miracle?” “is this answer to prayer a miracle?” then you will end up at the same Mike based level of frustration for your entire life. ”mental assent” is an overblown concept. It is basically saying I agree in concept but not to the point where I will take any action or have any skin in the game. That certainly is not the case for believers experiencing delayed answers to prayers or not getting an answer or grinding to make something happen by way of action. ”mental assent” when arseholes use it describing something other than their own selves is a form of gaslighting. It is victim blaming. It is being a zero in emotional intelligence. It is anti Christ activity
  16. Harmony in the home lol. How many personal accounts of divorce am I aware of that 100 percent trace back to TWI meddling in one way or another? A whole lot to summarize. They are a detriment to harmony in the home. VP was misogynistic and an adulterer as was LCM - how the f does this promote “harmony in the home”? I am not aware of one single instance of GSC splitting up a marriage. Now let’s talk suicide. I’m aware of a handful of these directly attributed to TWI. And if you add in accidental deaths due to TWI influence it would be higher. GSC? Even our most prolific trolls enjoy a healthy life outside the sphere of our influence. Academics - the Way basically takes the credentials the individual earned and diverts it for their own purposes. Like Don Wierwille. Like Chandler Greene. This doesn’t benefit the person or anyone else other than stealing their credentials for propping up their legitimacy. No accreditation for the Corps program. Home ownership - the Pharisees in TWI get around this restriction by having relatives carry mortgages or like Rosalie buying supplies for pennies on the dollar and getting free labor to build a house with no mortgage ever. GSC would pass along mortgage tips, resources etc.
  17. One of the challenges is the lack of available source peers to Josephus. Maybe there are a lot. I’m not aware of any that are like that. I think Josephus was the common history book regarding the Jewish wars. He was more focused on Herod than Pilate. Yes as you accurately observe mostly he just confirms the existence of these characters as opposed to a detailed account of any actions. I mean I agree with your major premise - but would mod it. Faith asks for acceptance of the unprovable. I view faith and religion as quite a bit different personally. I would offer that religion asks for acceptance and compliance. Faith is more of a motivation based change as opposed to a checklist to avoid hellfire. I also would say that calling out Josephus for not including Pilates court history or Jesus is a bit disingenuous. I mean we should also call out all American historians for not including the adventures of Pancho Villa. Jesus was not on Josephus radar for whatever reason.
  18. Yes this is an objective list. Now let’s talk $$$$. GSC - probably Raf pays for a good chunk of it. That is a good call out to hit that donation button. Minimal expense. TWI - requires your “abundant sharing” to access classes especially the Adv Class. Finances are hidden. Why? Because they are doing things they are proud of and want everyone to see? Or because they are doing things that Jesus will expose as corrupt at the bema? Or for the atheist they are doing things that would look bad publicly and get them in legal trouble due to unequal distribution of benefits. So for every “believer” not the Mormon tithe because “God won’t even spit in your direction” but an added burden of 15-20% to play their games. And they check and take action on ABS or lack of it. I think if you do a simple ROI even a simpleton can see way more benefit per $ at GSC than TWI.
  19. I can confirm that the miraculous in my life follows this pattern. I can recall an audible voice saving me from a motorcycle accident. I actually laid a bike down and was looking for whoever yelled at me and couldn’t find a soul in any direction besides the large truck running the stop sign. I didn’t see any reason why I deserved this beyond the normal fatal accidents of this kind everywhere. That was pre TWI. Post new birth. I had SIT but didn’t do it regularly - had not much for a couple years after the initial experience. I had no exposure to the law of believing or the greatest secret in the world today or the great principle. I guess if I had to try and logically break it down I would wonder why God doesn’t yell at everyone prior to a crash or an angel or whatever. Or wonder if there was a prairie dog or a mole hiding that screamed at me like Balaams foot. I still can’t explain it other than to say that maybe God being just and righteous finds different ways to put his thumb on a scale or something. I know the depth of that explanation is astounding lol. But I truly have an aspect of my faith that is very childlike.
  20. Dunno. Rosalie was the paranoid technophobe. I’m sure it is still an unwritten directive. Or at least a teaching “avoid the appearance (form ) of evil” or some such nonsense. A hushed phone call. “Did you know that so and so is ….. gasp …… posting on Greasespot?” “Oh no that vomitorium? They are losing their salt”. “It’s so negative there” “they are stuck in the past “ “they are re crucifying a dead man” “there’s nothing profitable on GSC”. I don’t know if currently it is the rules or if it is just the extreme whitewash and gaslighting that they do internally about the site.
  21. Here is a start: https://bible.org/article/josephus’-writings-and-their-relation-new-testament This is a first century historian in case readers need the background.
  22. Cool with me. God's Breath: Sacred Scriptures of the World -- The Essential Texts of Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Suf https://a.co/d/3S6lmXF
  23. Ok trying to process this one. TWI is a small cult. Not as small as Heavens Gate but small. PFAL grads is a larger bucket I suppose. When the world population gets this information, what would they do to us? Mostly blow us off because it’s essentially zero? I mean even our resident troll is blowing us off because we are so few in number we are insignificant. Or are you saying the evil impact of my posting here far outweighs the insignificant numbers to the point of endangering other posters here? Because of lurking family? I mean if you got stalkers you got stalkers. I am not sure how TWI.org or GSC are going to influence that either way…. But I’ll try not to anger all the hit men who silently lurk on this site lol.
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