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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yes he is a pharmacist and educator. Masters from Emporia State University - An educated and accomplished man - who had a threshold limit of bullshonta and hit the road when it topped off over the limit. Like us. Except he’s probably more accomplished. He probably bailed on TWI younger….
  2. This type of personal ministering and care I feel is exemplary of true Christianity. I don’t know how a big church can duplicate it. It seems with the masses comes the lack of personal ministering many times or rather looking at donations and focusing attention on the rich donors is what happens. One mega church I am familiar with did this through small groups or attempted to. They published a 30,000 person membership or participation in their small group numbers. Which is more twigs than the TWI has in the US for example. They have a group for example for non binary single mothers, basically whatever designation can be tagged there is a group for it. The small groups may have done some good but there is still corruption in the larger and scandal and people type problems. Some of this is a problem of human nature and governance at scale. None of this applies to TWI. They are an org that has the control of a large group with numbers of a small group. Maybe they have mental illnesses in the control area and could use some medication. Maybe Drambuie and Kools were a form of self medication. To kill the pain of having to live with his true self.
  3. Drugs are complicated. Many times it involves self medication for mental illnesses. For example the most abused drugs are meth which is basically ADHD medication, and painkillers - fentanyl and heroin. Also people have addictive behavior. For example many of us have addictive tendencies toward religion. I would say this is an element of cult recovery - to establish and maintain boundaries in life. I don’t think that necessarily leads to drugs except maybe unconscious escapism of some kind. This is the type of “guard your mind” skills that are necessary - not the “law of believing”.
  4. That sounds like “mental assent” lol. What action have you taken to confront the illogic and help them get smarter? Anything? I find the hypocrisy hilarious. People victim blame the little people and excuse the leaders all day long. I only pray that you get smarter. And I’m taking believing action on it by calling out harmful false doctrine you post consistently.
  5. The higher up in the org you go the more sketchy the applications of “revelation” become in my experience. A bunch of yes men faking it until they make it. How about dont schedule a damn meeting in the midst of a blizzard you arse head. (That leader lol)
  6. This does not jibe with my understanding or personal experience. I experienced no “revelation” just a really loud voice screaming “stop”. It was not a still small voice and was not in my head but audible to my ears. I got up and looked around for the source. I basically did nothing but freak out and lay down a bike. You are trying to sort experiences into your PFAL advanced class teaching buckets. Which are horse puckey. If God wants to do something He executes on it pretty quickly. And if your consciousness is on trying to control a dashboard Jesus then you will be staring at it for a long time. The curse of the law of believing teaches you to stay there and mentally strain to ensure you are “really believing” like “really taking a crap” or something. What man by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature? Rhetorical question - fooled you lol
  7. Cool interested to read. I’m searching more also. To clarify I do think religion or most of them requires a belief in the unprovable to an extent.
  8. This reminds me of the section in the Bible where Jesus is being tempted directly by the devil Satan and is challenged to throw himself off the pinnacle and trust in the promise that the angels would catch him. I guess then that Jesus wasn’t “believing” by refusing.
  9. Only if the shop rate for Gods service hours are set way higher than 125/hour. So the believer can make a living at a market rate lol. This also is a double set of doors lol.
  10. Yes I see the error. You were picturing in your mind how strong the metallic bars were that held up the Rock of Ages tents. Having worked on tent crew the reality was a much different picture! Lol The gap between the picture in your mind and reality is the error.
  11. Yes 100 percent right on the money accurate. Wrong interpretation of scripture canonized and passed down for 4 generations of lemmings all running off the same cliff.
  12. What I’m finding mentally exhausting right now is remembering a friend who got into an automobile accident on the way to a meeting. After they went through the accident trauma they were re traumatized by the meeting leader interrogating them about where they “missed revelation” to avoid the car accident. Because obviously because the leader set the date and time of the meeting it was Gods will for my friend to be there according to the leader. There really we’re no TVTs that were in a different category than PFAL or scripture. VP used to say “if I tell you to get a glass of water that is the Word of God”. And “the ministry is the Word and the Word is the ministry”.
  13. Lol yes. They did try to out a small dent in this by sending border refugees to the home area of a particularly vocal politician lol. In an attempt to convince of the need to stem the tide with laws. I think Twinky and local ministering groups are awesome! I purchased a blanket recently from a company called Sackcloth and Ashes. They donate a blanket to the homeless for every one purchased and are made of recycled material wool. Durable and helpful for a one piece gift. I feel better about that than paying for BOD personal servants and investments and lawsuit corrections.
  14. Hey Rocky I would say no GSC is not enough. We are just crowdsourcing recovery here in a community. It will take concerted effort and IRL support groups overall for good effectiveness. But crowdsourcing spiritual topics to me is the essence of the body of Christ in action. Glad to discuss these things with you all.
  15. Here’s more on Daniel https://www.julianspriggs.co.uk/pages/Daniel_4 I concur RAF that this archeological thread and logic is not simple. But to claim it is proven not to exist is not intellectually honest IMO. I am trying to find more info on this thread. The essence of it as I am understanding is that there was a discovery of a tablet by a 19th century historian that is presumed to be a journal entry explaining the last part of the kings reign corresponding to the illness described in Daniel 4. Was it part of the prophecy and repentance the Bible claims in the book of Daniel? Or not?
  16. Yeah I’m gonna side on the “not God breathed” side of that one. Whatever that means. Maybe some jack Mormons can get inspired by it lol
  17. Emotional terms like “laughable” don’t contribute to your position of science and fact very effectively. Point out the correct source then for comparison sake.
  18. A person who wants to hold the Bible to fundamentalist standards while not believing in God at all ? Thats how the translation description comes off removing any supernatural references.
  19. No most Christians don’t agree with the statement the Bible is “God breathed”. They don’t know the term. You skipped over that part of my post and only addressed the part about you whether or not you have a fundamentalist bias. I don’t believe PFAL was God inspired. Based upon the fruit in the man’s life and in the followers I view it as exactly the opposite - a cultic Stanford prison experiment.
  20. No that was VPs version of the law especially dedicated to victim blaming. Which is way more hocus pocus send me your tithe than his contemporary Norman Vincent Peale and his bestseller “The Power of Positive Thinking” Oh and mimicking the non pronunciation of a German is kinda creepy sorry. Put your left foot in…. Do the hookie pookie…. Etc.
  21. I blame it on Americans being more gullible in general lol. And no I don’t see Joel Olsteen and his red Ferrari pulling up to the local mission soup lines and serving up meals to the needy. You know who I do see doing that? Dave Grohls from the Foo Fighters. He is awesome.
  22. Your “double doors” concept to me comes off like the yin and Yang of the taiji. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang Convince me they are different.
  23. Also, VPWs “historicity” versions of harmony of the gospel which he didn’t write in JCOP are pretty much snake oil too.
  24. Okay I’m hung up here on your comment about “historicity”. That is not in my common vocabulary so I searched out some terms. As a conclusion I would state I do not agree that historicity is crucial to truth claims about Christianity. Also you state the book of Daniel is proven not to exist. However it seems like you missed a source referred to in the following article: https://www.thedestinlog.com/story/lifestyle/faith/2017/06/15/have-you-wondered-is-bible-historically-accurate/985681007/ That author seems to have an exact opposite perspective you do on historicity. This again seems to be a fundamentalist thought pattern source of a problem. So I would conclude my faith is not based on either your version or that authors version of “historicity”.
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