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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I think they certainly set the stage. The conspiracy theory I think grew as the ecumenical push faded. The 60s Way Ecumenical Bible Center (BRC) faded as few stayed with and tithed to VPs ministry after the PFAL class and went back to their churches. The 70s brought a younger more drugged up group with less critical thinking. Conspiracy theory there was easy to plant and maintain. All the heads of denominations are “seed of the serpent” a Branham based term. The 80s were transfer of power and loss of 80% of numbers. The Poop paper further enhanced conspiracy theory and made directors extremely paranoid. The 2nd prez antics caused lawsuits and defending them became more important than truth. This continued for 20 years. Now in the 2020 era we have a new invigorated group. The ongoing investments from the around $65m left don’t cover all the bills. So they are doing a membership push changing nothing. The culmination of their “advanced” teaching consists of reading OT records, devil spirit zoology and conspiracy theory. Taught in isolation over 2 weeks, with share groups overseen by Corps, this class cements in the isolation from the rest of Christianity. And sets the pattern for all your laity. The leadership body has no backing but a label like the most extreme of the military branches the Marines. The most extreme get the biggest rewards. Underlying it all is victim blaming and the law of believing and mental assent being the monster in the closet that a leader can bring out on the attack in any situation. Those are some patterns I observed.
  2. Yeah. I remember him wearing bright red boots and telling everyone he polished them so he could see up ladies skirts. He taught some practical business type class in the corps that mostly was about turning off lights and saving pencils. And how God is your insurance. That one came more after we went to work for the Way without health insurance. Or self funded insurance with the Directors evaluating every claim. Who is he married to now? Wanda?
  3. He exceeded his budget on good will and now the double doors can hit him where God split him?
  4. You didn’t read fully what I wrote. I said Christianity in its genuine form. No I do not agree. Yes there are plenty of examples of it being in corrupted form. TWI is just one. That is not the fruit of genuine Christianity. Mike can make any illogical argument he wants. Nobody is saying he doesn’t “get to”. You also can leave out words and change concepts to make “Christianity” mean the corrupt people and practices of the religion who are not true or genuine. You also “get to”. But no it is not a logical argument without twisting words or concepts. It is ridiculous to hold PFAL and the Bible as equal when the fruit of both of those when taught and applied is different kinds of fruit. But you “get to” be ridiculous. Probably because you are mad and have ptsd from two of those groups. But you “get to” be mad and recover in your best way. But that doesn’t mean I don’t “get to” view Christianity as genuine in its pure form and acknowledge that people corrupt it. And I “get to” do that without accepting people gaslighting me by changing what I say.
  5. Yes digging into the dragon in the garage it cuts across this concept: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Non-Overlapping_Magisteria Non overlapping magisteria. Man that is a mouthful. It separates science from religion into buckets. It seems to have been adopted by a couple of philosophers and would apply to ANY religion not just Christianity. This is a topic that has seemingly been handled through the ages - I don’t have enough references on it yet.
  6. So on ruling out PFAL vs the Bible. Jesus taught to look at the fruit not the logic. The fruit of the TWI organization shows one kind. The fruit of Christianity as a whole shows another kind. By following Jesus instructions I feel that I am able to effectively distinguish between the two. The fruit of the TWI org manifests similar to the fruit of the JW org and the LDS or and the Scientology org. It manifests with the abuse of the small person the least follower. The fruit of Christianity in its genuine form shows the love, community and sound logic it was intended for. It manifests with the building up and advancing of the least follower. So in conclusion no the Bible and PFAL are not in the same category of “God breathed”.
  7. Well from my biased perspective it’s more fun quoting Spider-Man 1:17 than it is quoting Mike 3:20 sooooo…..
  8. Wow this looks like the scripture Mike 3:20. When you worship your own thoughts and the thoughts of a huckster then why not canonize your own thoughts?
  9. I guess there is one point I disagree with you on here. That being the Bible not describing a God who avoids detection and the rewards being tangible evidence of His power. God doesn’t “avoid detection” He is spirit. Which is the essence of detection avoidance. Catch spirit on radar for me. The Bible does describe the need to be a “spiritual man” to receive “spiritual matters” or whatever that natural man verse says. So yes the Bible describes natural man as having detection avoidance in the makeup. This is not God doing any iota of anything. Next “tangible evidence of His power”. To whom I say would the evidence be required to present? A “natural” jury? I mean the most spectacular miracles would make the bill but not the “budget miracles” lol. So the non existence of power could just be describing living amongst the Amish for a modern person. Do I see enough evidence of proof for myself? I do. I think that is part of faith. At least for me.
  10. Yes. Non profits protect all sorts of evil. Like the Jared from Subway one I watched a docu on recently. On the other side they allow for some pretty beneficial community endeavors. I wonder if they could regulate the BS out of them or if it’s not worth the effort.
  11. So continuing on in my folly - RAF for your benefit my proofs thus far have involved what you view as fictional characters, I will keep moving ahead. Lol. I really don’t engage my brain on the “what God should do” side of things much. For me a simple faith approach works better. Jesus Christ as Lord means I need some help on some things - most things actually. On the other side I engage the action like it’s me 100 percent responsible. And I’m happy with the results. As far as the scarcity of miracles, why is it that the only undefeated NFL team was the 1972 Miami Dolphins?
  12. Our educational system is broken. But part of the problem is parents check out in the process and do not augment public teachings with personal involvement in their kids lives. So many kids turn to poor alternatives as the only place they can get needed attention. Some private or charter schools can be beneficial for an alternative curriculum, it depends on the area of the country or world. At times they are not as desirable due to lack of funding. They have building rental that comes out of their funding that public do not. Home schooling can be varied as well. My friends who do that have large families or live in the country or pursue competitive sports for a career. All of them I know do well with it. The kids can play public sports too on local public school teams so that helps with social exposure. All have a curriculum that is standard and a set schedule. And we can teach them to be critical thinkers and avoid cults so they maximize their potential. No approach is perfect but I pieced together what worked for us. For ours college was better than earlier schooling so glad we modeled that for them.
  13. The Dissident Home School network. Another article…. https://www.vice.com/en/article/z34ane/neo-nazi-homeschool-ohio
  14. Scarcity. Well then what power is it that brings the scarce ones to pass? Why are there all the sick kids in the cancer ward? Yeah no answer here. I don’t really fully buy into the all Satan is unrestricted here for a time stories. Maybe Satan is unrestricted here for a time. I just don’t fully know understand or trust that to the point of feeling I can use it in a discussion about proof.
  15. Personally for me I mean unless people are talking about parking space miracles which is another story completely I don’t have periods of time in my life of walking on water in any sense. And so other times where I sink in water are pretty much normal. Should God make the Yankees or the Red Sox win the World Series? Which one would be bringing good to pass? How about war? Do Gods people always win? Who should God make win the next election? ”With great power comes great responsibility” Peter Parker, Spider-Man
  16. And you have the “millions still smoking” on your SIT lift list. You go paradigm PFAL grad you. It’s your birthday. !!! I’m reminding you of this so we can see that frown turn upside down!
  17. Congrats!!! Milestones achieved !!!! You are awesome and deserve to live on in success and happiness.
  18. There is no temptation. Stop distracting by referring to fictional material. If it’s not fictional then post it. This is not the VP era of its true because VP says so. We require actual work done prior to referring to it.
  19. So instead of discussing the absolute truth of the detail of what I posted on TWIs doctrinal error in I Cor 12-14, you come up with “I’ve got a folder” Sounds like Dr Phil’s wife Robins podcast “I’ve got a secret” Who cares about your dumb folder when it is just a ploy to focus attention OFF of the logic and truth of my post ONTO Mike and his “I’ve got a folder”. ”I have been received well”. First I call bullshonta on you ever having these conversations. If you do, screenshot one of them or I don’t believe you. You make up backstory as you go. Bullshonta to the Nth degree. Mike you have no exposure as a lay person in TWI to this topic. Next if you are talking about it to TWI clergy you are being handled. They consider you in a different category. As does HQ. That is unless the whole Mike persona is a made up identity and the real you actually does have exposure. Just saying. Yes post up the folder or don’t refer to it. I do not believe you until I see it.
  20. The “training period” you refer to is taking PFAL. Once you are through PFAL there is contained all the material in it to both blame victims and blame yourself for “not believing” Yes I did see the mass spam post of scriptures you posted yesterday. No I do not agree that beyond an attempt to DDOS attack the thread with misapplied scriptures that are too numerous to dissect individually that it proves anything. Much of Jesus action was dual natured. He had to bring Gods solution into the present while balancing keeping the critics at bay - the very same Pharisees who would denigrate his name and negate his efforts. No Jesus was not “blaming” people for “mental assent”. But your PLAF saturated brain cells most certainly do exactly that.
  21. Is the Word of God the Will of God? Sure you just have to follow the Plaffy logic and do proper substitution because “things equal to the same thing are equal to each other” - straight outta Plaffy. What is the Word of God? Well it interprets itself but you have to take this class first. Then when you still don’t see it “interpreting itself” in places you can ask your overseer. And he can ask the top TWI leadership so they can really get you the Word of God on tough topics like debt. What is the Will of God? Well it involves obedience. Otherwise you are “self willed”. And since the ministry is the Word and the Word is the ministry, the will of God is basically what your overseer told you in the situation. So to reach the full actual conclusion: The Word of God and the Will of God are both available from your overseer. Just ask them what to do and you are “walking in wise counsel” and will be fine. Got it?
  22. To put this in terms that Mike can understand, this is like God saying “I have a jack, but I’m not going to help you. Why? Because I like to play games around mental assent. Now go back and study your collaterals until you really, really, really, really truly “believe”. “ And the leaders can follow the example of the woman in the class whose kid got hit by a car due to her “believing” and similarly accuse those below them of the same, completing the victim blame cycle.
  23. Yes this is telling. The only record of any “gift ministries” you would ever have is the spoken prophecy at the time of ordination. Then the rumors spread by those attending. The definitions of “gift ministries” is still vague and random, despite dedicating months of Corpse night teachings to try and teach them from scripture. I don’t trust what they teach in I Cor 12-14 any farther than I can throw them. The fruit of their teaching is an isolationist fundamentalist cult who by their lifestyle literally says to the hand “I have no need of you”. Why would they all of a sudden have less sketchy truth on long suits and abilities? That teaching really does prop up all the little fiefdoms set up by the smaller Way moglets though. I concur that the “Word” taught by TWI in that category was fueled by VPW idolatry to prop up the idea of VPW being the only man on the planet functioning in all 5 “gift ministries”. Genuine scriptural teachings are not multi level marketing and pyramid scheme tools to isolate and control.
  24. Thomas Jefferson was a deep thinker and planner. I have been on his home tour in Monticello. He was so far ahead of his time in engineering plans on that place it’s crazy. I’m sure his views on philosophy religion and Christ were nuanced. I would have loved to have a conversation with that guy.
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