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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. “The Word interprets itself with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision” You just have to redefine math and science as “consulting secret conspiracy theory writings” and “stealing Jimmys math and science homework”.
  2. People don’t need to focus on “the mechanics of speech” to do anything. If it is a miraculous occurrence then it will happen by not faking it. Wierwille spoke small phrases in known languages to dupe the ministers onstage at Oral Roberts function where he met JE Stiles. Stiles professed to have led over 10,000 people individually into SIT. No idea if that number is accurate or how many of those were real as opposed to fake. No idea what mechanics he shared with VP to get him over a personal hurdle, or whether or not VP was faking all the time. But likely it was different things shared personally for each person. Over emphasizing mechanics of speech and speaking weirdly or slowly was not a way Jesus taught ever. But it is a way to record bullshonta on video to dupe the masses. Now let’s hear some more bullshonta about how “deeply” we need to stand in bullshonta to “get it”. Mike stands in bullshonta up to his eyebrows.
  3. 139. PFAL is the first steps into a quicksand that pulls a person down into a mire of illogic ego and stupidity dedicating your life to help others take the same class. No class output by man as a work product should do that. No class should be substituted for the new birth like “did you take THE CLASS yet?”
  4. All these leaders fear only one thing. The loss of their perceived power which they revel in telling themselves about their great calling from God and their unique ability and position to “save the ministry”. Their god is their position and that is what they worship lauding their position over others. Yeah with a just God they will be cleaning windshields at intersections at the return of Jesus Christ.
  5. Yes Mikey reminds me of what a conversation would be like with JL or a director who has a different undisclosed reason for being “all in” on such nonsense. And certainly lying to himself about the history of the poor treatment of the Jesus movement leaders by VP and his strong arm tactics to replace them. Mike is living proof that strong arm tactic came off with success as the dumb sheep at the time didn’t have the wherewithal to notice the distinction of the wolf in sheep clothes. So sycophant Corps right in the very same room as Mike took over as VPs mouthpiece lauding PFAL to the sky. And the dumb ate it all right up. I remember hyping the class and all the surrounding antics about “moving the Word over the world” and the WOW symbol. I went out WOW ambassador on the program. It resulted in wasted time little interest and mostly next to homeless people in our fellowships to the point leaders that were supposed evangelists were giving directions to witness to people with teeth, a car, and a job. That is the same message the current president is hyping around the regional anniversary of “living victoriously” meetings around the country in US. “Word Over the World” And pushing the work in the third world countries. It is remarkably similar to Russell Nelson’s focus on numbers in the Mormon church hyping up building overseas temples while combining wards locally in the US in the Mormon church because of low attendance and interest. Wierwilles Word - thrice regurgitated and re consumed. That is the true meaning of Word Over the World
  6. Yes Nathan agreed. He made a circus show out of a portion of those scriptures and completely brainwashed others concerning the “body of Christ” “household” in other portions of the same verses. The result of PFAL is a bunch of puffed up “ambassadors” fully convinced they have no need for the body of Christ.
  7. Wow Mike you are really going off the deep end here - basically accusing me of whatever I pointed out you are doing. ”Get into the Word”. Take the class - every facet of your communication can’t break free of Waybot braindumbing programming. Not qualified to say what is error. Lol. Any blind fool can look at the isolationist result and practice of people in “Wayworld” and see the fruit rotting right out in public view.
  8. No lies. Early Rye was the Jesus movement that VP usurped. By design. It was a power play like Haight Asbury in the west where he invited the principles out to the farm in Ohio to obtain their allegiance, then removed them from being the head of the congregations they started. You were a stooge that started lying to yourself about all that stuff right around when it got started. I was young and enthusiastic about PFAL once also as it represented a counter culture to a many times dead church environment. But the path it led toward and the fruit of PFAL over the world I eventually had to face the fact that it was dividing really great Christians off from interacting with other great Christians. Once people took PFAL they would never again in their lifetime accept as genuine or collaborate with other Christian denominations and movements. It’s different saying you do but proselytizing all Christians to VPs scriptural errors and poor moral example. And deifying Wierwille not Christ. No statues of Jesus in the lobby teaching center. Just a studious VP teacher statue called the “Timothy” statue
  9. So Mike now you are reverting back to the groovy Christians of Rye NY - which actually was a Life magazine article. The roots of that group are Heefner not VPW. VPW was the one that came in and removed Heefner by taking power and put his newly graduated Corpse man in there - Bob Moynihan. Then all the followers were diverted to the cornfields of Ohio to be indoctrinated at the Way farm. So the church on fire there was part of the “Jesus movement”. This was a grassroots movement that was a genuine body of Christ realization. VPW usurped the Jesus movement for his own selfish needs.
  10. Another disingenuous pile of horse puckey. Somehow VP struggled with the topic before going off the self publication isolationist cliff. Oh but Mikey was solid on all the concepts way before the book even came out. Then latched onto it with all of his minuscule ostrich head burying tactics. The only “systematic scouring” that ever happens there is censorship of material presented by the entire body of Christ. Jesus Christ appeared to Thomas in his resurrected body. Jesus Christ exhorted Thomas to touch his side and to look at his hands with the nail prints from the cross. He confronted him and said “stop doubting but believe”. When Thomas followed the instruction of the resurrected Christ he said “my Lord and God”. Jesus didn’t correct him. If VP was right in his apostasy, then Jesus would have said “Thomas all glory goes to my Father, as I am just a resurrected man”. You see God Himself has foreknowledge, and would have seen what a large divide that would be caused by Arianism in the future so would have protected His Word and Body of Christ by a simple clarification there. But He didn’t. Why not? It was the perfect opportunity to correct a slight error in statement. Jesus corrected them on so many other aspects of scripture and concept that it would be ludicrous to assume he would let go such a major error here in his perfectly renewed mind and body. What is the hucksters so called solution that I supposedly didn’t pay attention to or retain according to Mike? Oh it’s an “orientalist” that supposedly means “my godly lord”. What in the literal f? Orientalisms or eastern expressions do not substitute the infinite for the finite. But what it does illustrate is VPs absolute dedication to the stupid “keys to the Words interpretation “ where he feels that the “difficult verses must be understood in light of the clear verses”. Chapter and verse on that one? Not a chance it is something made up in the mind of Wierwille. You can’t magnify 1 Tim 2:5 and throw away John 20:27,28. Well obviously you can because that’s what VP did in the JCNG book. To me that verse in John 20:28 indicates that if you don’t accept Jesus as “my Lord and God” like the paradigm example in the Bible did, then you are doubting and do not believe. Understand the difficult verses for themselves, don’t dumb them down and force square pegs into round holes. Or you are left with an idol. A dashboard bobblehead Jesus, and a bronze statue of Wierwille. Emerson wrote “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”. That is what all of this artificial shoe horning or scripture is. Apparent contradictions introduce a duality in concept, as opposed to a logical fallacy that has to be resolved. There is no need to resolve logical fallacies. Just accept the duality as it was given. Then like all the rest of the body of Christ you have a common goal with so many other non cult followers in the world. Also I think Mikes motivation to pick on this topic is to cause division amongst those seeking to eradicate the illogical Way Bible interpretations from their lives. Regardless of what you believe regarding the deity of Christ, accepting him as Lord and Savior gets you born again and part of a large family and body of Christ.
  11. Yes the Oxford double wide was my Bible. Plenty of room for notes. Unlike some I did not highlight the verses for each PFAL class in a different color. I did have extensive notes from various sources, and of course all the holy spirit markings and Bullingers “also”s marked as part of Corps requirements. I think that is in a box in my garage still haven’t dumped it. But I read a shelf of various other Bible versions in its place and software lists them in views for the same verse. Regrets? Yeah all the hamster wheel time put in underlining, marking, etc so that our “Gods Word” would exactly align with VPWs Bible interpretations. Then that large monstrosity became my “only rule for faith and practice” like a good wayfer, then the hamster could “run Forrest run” in the obedient simplistic path to “run more Plaffy classes”. I regret it all and it’s all interwoven like a tapestry of Dante’s Inferno.
  12. What the leadership fears is the one child in the audience that speaks loudly “the empire has no clothes”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes
  13. An interesting detail is how some people put snowstorms on gas pumps as related second hand by a hippie conquest chick and banished from the bookstore on the same equality as God’s written Word. Then as a corollary they deify all the guys sermons and written notes publishing them into bound book volumes edited by his secretary. And on top of that they continue to re study a class stolen before they were born. If that in itself isn’t enough they literally make bronze images of the guy and place them in teaching centers and as a gift to all the unquestioning bondslaves they ordain! And they refuse to look honestly at these things or discuss them! These followers are so deluded there is literally nothing God can do to get through the 9 miles of cemented ear wax for them to listen. Unbelievable? Sure is.
  14. What if it was a holographic image powered in speech by a LLM large language model like ChatGPT? Scooby Doo?
  15. Yes. So the garden of Eden was Eve’’s dowry from her Father towards the marriage. But they got tricked by the snake in the grass and lost their dowry.
  16. 135. PFAL teaches “keys to the Words interpretation” that mangle mathematical logic. For example “things equal to the same thing are equal to each other”. This is kind of a fuzzy logic approach to the transitive property of equality in mathematics. Buuttttt it’s different. In PFAL you use this in the “where it’s used before” angles to come up with fantastic insights like Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Thorns are people you see by this “equality” principle. So the word means the same thing despite thousands of years separating the statements, different cultures, people, primary language. And that Paul talks about himself somewhat sparsely in his letters. Buttttt this fuzzy equality certainly doesn’t apply to Jesus and God for example. And certainly not to “Holy Spirit”. For those we have to have a separate apology book explaining why the keys in PFAL don’t work like advertised. JCNG. To start there you have to unlearn all these fuzzy math principles from PFAL. “No they are not the same”. Even Jesus saying “I and my Father are one” that has to have a fuzzy logic interpreter attached. The I am statements further highlight this. But nooooo no transitive property of equality there. RHST. Same thing. Even the exact same Greek words (nothing was capitalized or not in Greek texts) they don’t equal each other, but we need these charts with circles and triangles and capitalization on it to show you it’s not equal there - pneuma hagion. But Word of God = Will of God Hooh boy the fuzzy equality works for them there for sure. Especially that Gods will for your life is VPs scripture interpretations. Oh and ministry is the Word and the Word is the ministry. That fuzzy logic there they will defend to the death.
  17. I highly suspect that if you look in Tozers sock drawer you will see the same “beautiful harmony, a harmony that is ordered by God Himself” right there.
  18. Anthropology. Ok. Well there were no anthros before that so no need for an apology. Lol. I can’t speak to the myth versus literalist interpretation of Genesis. I’m inclined to think since LCM and Michaelangelo both could come up with interesting pictures and interpretations it probably is figurative or a myth origin story. The husband / anthropology question is interesting as marriage has differing customs attached in different societies. In the first society I guess that is a vacuum with no previous custom or culture. Another view would be to look at marriage like the Blue Lagoon movie where two kids on an island tried to survive. There in Genesis like the other end of the Bible there is a fair amount of figurative language as well as men living well past any age people live today. Im kind of inclined to think it was like Blue Lagoon except with office hours with God. And no child exploitation like Brooke states now.
  19. Mike your budget idea shows the constraints of your self censorship to PFlappy collaterals for 3 decades. I don’t come up with your ideas just comment on them. There is no hate in my heart towards you. That’s ridiculous. I just comment on the bondage that I see from the path you have taken. But instead of taking to heart what I am saying you have a natural defense reaction of accusing others of the very thing they are pointing out to you. The only mind control is your self imposed control from running with blinders on. I’m not winning arguments this isn’t a debate. It is a forum where comments flow sequentially in time though. There is no condemnation to any in Christ. But the bondage of self censorship to plagiarized materials is definitely damaging to any Christ relationship. You come up with a half baked idea. Then you sling it out here and whine when others say your cake is half baked. It is not belittling to point out ideas that are little because of where they grew up. Look it is a very very very simple concept that if you live in a sheltered world in Biblical research you will form ideas that are not going to jive with the rest of the body of Christ. VPW was the king of conspiracy theories. He could find them in a single comma in the Bible. Caving in to conspiracy theorists will leave you trying to protect your mind from aliens with a tinfoil hat.
  20. This record is a clear example of unlimited power. All discounted by the PFlappy expert as saying God was trying to have a budget discussion with Jesus. Hilarious. I mean exactly the opposite is true. Put yourself in the moment there. There is such unlimited power available that a woman is instantaneously healed by touching Jesus clothes and he felt the power (dunamis) like dynamite energize and cure the lady. Then he turned to make it a teaching moment, not on budgeting by Ramsey but on believing the fulness of the truth to receive the fulness of the power. I think we are bound by “budgeting thinking” more than we realize. And it’s a bondage thing not a freedom thing.
  21. So first of all I do not automatically accept all the Wierwillisms bound up in your explanation as they don’t make logical sense. John 3:34 talks about in many Bible versions spirit without limit. There are 2 ways to look at it. One is that Holy Spirit is like a cake recipe and God added one cup of flour in the OT but the NT gets 2 cups of flour. With God not being a respecter of persons and me not being brainwashed by Great Pranciple charts there is another apparent interpretation even within Wierwille constraints. Without limit. What was the limit? In the OT it was conditionally based where it could depart from a person. In the NT we are born again of incorruptible seed. So it doesn’t depart. However Jesus refers to those with seared conscience who seemingly no longer see whatever messages upon the heart the Holy Spirit is trying to work there due to a deep thickening of the veins from a high fat Pharisee diet and practice. Then we get into the real meat of the relationship with Christ and that draws a distinction. Those who magnify the “law of believing” and those who magnify the Christ relationship. The law of believing folks have to resort to smacking that dashboard Jesus and wondering why it doesn’t talk back. The others have a prayer life actually. So my conclusion comes back to the limits being introduced by the false doctrine of PFAL and limits imposed by cults that explain why their followers never win in life. With an unlimited power source the self restricting budget experts who study collaterals for 20 years and no other free thought will predictably have a limited budget on how much God is able to help them. Breaking free of the false doctrine however places the Christian in a place where the truth can set us free.
  22. 132. It’s a plagiarized class re worked 3 times. It’s a perfect representation of a dog returning to its own vomit. My dogs will even drag in frozen poop to eat inside on the furniture. Plaffy is the perfect poopsicle. But in my house the dogs have to eat it in the yard but can’t bring it inside. Poopsicles don’t melt well on carpeting.
  23. No better way to illustrate how God has a budget than you yourself having a budget of what you will look at when. Thats because your God is more of the key chain figure type. Your Jesus is a dashboard bobble head. Budget in = budget out. Most non brainwashed people would prefer the Jesus Christ that has the unlimited version where the power is based upon the creator of the universe and not limited by self censorship of attention.
  24. It is true that interactions surrounding “the class” more fit descriptions for either brainwashing or whitewashing as opposed to “learning”.
  25. Yes I am aging apparently and life is going towards eulogies slowly. I mean pretty soon we’re gonna have to start to wonder what kind of a world we are gonna leave for Keith Richards.
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