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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. 'Da Fog Years - TM. 1985 - 1989 Basically after Yak twig stuff, that group kept wandering around like they got hit by a bus for a while. Geer tried to teach some BS on Corps nights about Legalism vs. Grace - some attempt at hypnotic mumbo jumbo about how he was the true ambassador of grace and everybody else has fallen into legalism like the 1st century church. Geer published to books that were by VPW but said "edited posthumously by CG". A real necromancer of a guy. He also was real mean and ADHD so eventually he lost interest tormenting the BOT and flew back to Europe to bring the blessing of his personality back there. Eventually loytoy figured out the fork sticking in his eye was being wiggled from overseas, and gathered cowterd and dingdong out of their combined drooling state, and they basically signed a document telling Geer to f off. Well, it started as a document. Then it turned into a teaching. Then it turned into teaching the book of Galatians. The Galatians tapes. Part 1 and Part 2. Oh my. The drama. The emotion. The discerning of spirits. The number of things orbiting around Geer's head - straight out of a scene from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. His face even transfigured itself into Dr. Wierwille once accidentally when reproving loytoy. Oh, and also, this teaching series was the first to feature the "F" word in all parts of speech in a sentence - noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Masterful piece of work there. In the midst of this, what else do we need to have? Purges, of course. The "loyalty" purge. Loytoy sends out a letter to all Corps asking people to respond who they stood with. A popular response was "why God and His Word of course". BZZZT. Wrong answer. People stood "with" the apostle Paul, not just with God and His Word. You are foggy my friend. You probably need to hear the Galatians tapes, which will be running for all believers on the field. Except Adv. Class grads only on Pt. 2 with the unique adjectives. So the "loyalty" purge in various stages consumed about 4/5 of the leadership of the Way - 80% of the Corps left, along with about that many in the ministry. Walter tries to teach Thessalonians on Corps night, or reteach the Univ. of Life Thess actually. It is horrible. A snooze-fest. Loytoy decides since he is all that in a set of tights that he can fire the research department and just teach it all himself. Except he knows jack about research. So he taps Wayne to do it all. He starts teaching Acts - the 8 sections from somewhere. Writes the Rise and Expansion book. Does R & E weekends at Emporia and around the country to try and regain some of the 80% that left. Re-does the Foundational Class. Comes to the premier in I swear to God an identical robe that Hugh Hefner wears in public. New concepts come from all this Acts stuff. Loytoy gets the heavy revelation that the Word is Over the World. Yeah, we have accomplished it. Since the PFAL class has been available in every region of the world since sometime, it has been available for everyone in the world to get the Word. So what's next? Why, "The Prevailing Word" tm - to the world. And of course we don't need WOW's anymore. It's Way Disciple - the disciplined ones. No more going to the Rock and believing God for your money for WOW cutting hair. We're prevailing baby. More later....
  2. The Advanced Class Specials I remember were definitely preparations for filming the live DTA class. Why am I thinking that one of those was not in Indianapolis but in Dallas for GWIB that year? At any rate one of the live audience films was used for a class until the final DTA class production. As with every new class coming out, Corps is required to take first with mandatory participation and "old wineskin" purges for any not 100% gung ho. The DTA class was filmed with new production cameras at HQ in the auditorium in 1992. There was a live audience for this, but they were all silent. It was too hard for Loytoy to teach to a camera with no audience at that point. He overcame the need for a live audience filming the WAP class - there was no audience for that. 1992/93: Martindale taught live adv class at rome city.....mandatory requirement for all active corps and adv class grads to attend. This was a purge. Martindale was stepping forward to purge the old advanced class grads (wierwille allegiance) from the ranks. New syllabus, new nametag. New, improved Twi II. Rise and Expansion book was released in '93 and martindale was gaining confidence, once again. By the fall of 1993 (or Feb/Mar 1994).....all limb coordinators were to teach an R&E weekend (fri/sat/sun) seminar in their respective limbs. 1994/95: A series of purges, like waves slapping the rocky shores of an inlet bay........1) new adv class purge, 2) debt purge, 3) homo purge, 4) word over world purge, 5) full-time corps purge, 6) into the promised land purge, 7) wap class purge, 8) etc. Before the full-blown "1995 roa homo infiltration proclamation".....several corps and staff were caught "in the act" in homosexual relations: girl/girl and guy/guy. On corps nights, martindale called out these corps/staff and trashed their names across the airwaves.....giving them the bum's rush. The 1995 roa was first full-throated, open-exposure of this "whole ministry homo infiltration problem." And, as I've stated earlier....it gave martindale cover to cancel all future rock of ages......when corps went full-time after 1995 roa. All old twi-music tapes and teaching tapes from defector leaders are anathema. Need to be suspicious of anyone in twi who listens to this stuff and/or harbors attitudes for "old wineskins." Start confronting. If need be, bring 2-3 witnesses. If still unsuccessful, bring them to group confrontation. Purge the old-wineskin nostalgia. 1995: From September-December, these four months seemed like one year. The paper blizzard of faxes, mandates, updates, etc. was cranking up. The trustees and trunk office were totally ill-prepared for the onslaught. When martindale instigated the all-corps full-time policy coupled with wierwille's (illegal) need-basis staff-policy....the paper blizzard had major headwinds. The job description of field corps was not yet written. The trunk personnel were scrambling, caught between martindale pontificating and real-life corps situations. EVERY CORPS ACTION had to examined under the microscope of being a productive/unproductive, necessary/unnecessary, etc......with money, money, money at the basis of ever scrutinizing decision. Bottom line: How much did martindale trust corps leadership to wisely steward twi's funds? This was the birthplace of "Vision and Direction - the Oxymoron". On my list of thread topics to start :) The Way has never trusted Corps leadership with funds. The fund limit approval levels for Petty Cash expenditures were $100 at the Limb level, $300 at the Region level, $500 at the Trunk level, then needs BOT approval. Can't even rent a hall for a meeting without the dummies involved. Unless it's the library or fire station - free. Another way to control expenses - increase the red tape necessary to approve them. The full-time corps revelation....er, experiment [August 1995--October 1998] was a pivotal episode of martindale's tenure. A whole chapter could be written on its implementation, adaptation, regulation, subordination and institutionalization. The pillar that wierwille constructed, the needs-basis policy.....had a MAJOR CRACK going down thru the center of it. On the field, what constitutes a need? Every time a corps person decided to drive his/her car for witnessing.....that was an expense. Extra air conditioning a limb/branch home for meetings/classes.....higher expense. Your teenage kid needs braces......that's a need, right? The list is endless. What all this full-time corps policy exposed was........twi hierarchy was/is a non-factor unless they SUCK OFF THE ABS FOR EVERYTHING. A small minority at headquarters governs,....er, manipulates the followers to separate them year-after-year from their hard-earned money. The spiritual mandates are nothing but a ruse. 1996: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power class (WAP).....the foundational class. Red syllabus. Later, a systematic running of these new classes for every active follower. If one didn't take this new class, he was not considered to be involved with twi.....pfal was old wineskin. 1997: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power intermediate class. Same pattern....everyone in twi must take it to update status and involvement. Systematically run throughout the usa. 1998: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power advanced class. The series is complete. Big fanfare and celebration for martindale teaching this series and completing the work. This wap-series is the new standard in twi. Each limb had to structure 4 separate weekends to run this adv class on the field. Major work and involvement......trunk/region/limb. Dress code. Break out groups to absorb info. Class picture. Thank you card sent to martindale. Then, in June at headquarters.......the sexcapade that involved in-residence corps and martindale ensued at the advanced class. Sexual favors at 1998 Adv Class And, soon......the walls came tumblin' down. Awesome detail addition - especially the WAP series dates. Thanks so much. With every new class, the pattern was: Corps takes it first - they are all fulltime anyway so they have nothing else to do. Limb coordinators run the classes. then they run it for grads. Then they run it for new students. With each running of the class offers the opportunity for more "old wineskin" purging at every level. Plus, running 3 classes for every new one put out helped indoctrination, and keeping all the Corps with busy hands that are happy hands. All this would occupy time until "Vision and Direction - the Oxymoron" can be developed.
  3. WordWolf - after thinking about this and some of my threads, I think I will cull some posts as to particular years. However, the thing I think is missing in the analysis of breakdown by years is that some of these threaded stories and their timelines actually take over a decade to go through with all of the tentacles attached. i don't think those posts or stories would be well served by breaking them down by years and putting them in multiple year bucket threads. This is all just organizational approach. Do I like your buckets? Yes - very easy for people to find years involved and get to stories. And you are definitely the man with the sk1llz for that approach. But I don't like that I find the potential for losing context within a story split out over multiple thread buckets. So what do I want to do? I think I will do both - cull some individual posts that fit into year buckets, and link threads that cover multiple buckets of years. Thoughts?
  4. Year of music challenge - Tr*dy B@ynes/Y@tes wins. At Corpse fellowship Geer reads PooP paper. People lose it, are stumbling into walls. Most people at Rock - 10,000 - 12,000 ? Most conveyor belt fried chicken and WOW burgers sold in a week on record.
  5. yes as it covers crucial periods of major transition like lawsuits, pres transition, etc.
  6. Hi penworks, I'll try my best and hope for help from others. In my above post that you asked about: The last Rock was 1995 - this was the one with the problems that the WOW's were canceled I believe. Homo purges - end of Rock - 1995 - 1999 - ended by lawsuits kind of The Acts classes were taught I think 1990 - 1992 - Rise and Expansion Classes ? Live DTA 1992 Corpse full-time 1995 - 1998 (Vision purges, expense purges, bribery purges) WAP class - I think during that timeframe 1997? Don't have a copy of Craig's book anymore so don't know publishing date of R & E Lawsuits - 1999 - 2003? Sorry that so many of those are guesses - I don't have a lot of my records and materials or the some I do are buried and I will have to update later. As you can see, unlike your well-researched and put together book I am freestyling it and looping back around to fill in details. Please don't hold that against me ;)
  7. Sure - or you can link the older threads here too. Anything for cross collaboration filling in timelines and details.
  8. People wonder about money and where it all came from to pay for all these lawsuits and how much they are. The exact numbers are sealed up in court documents but from what I have pieced together at a certain point the Way took out liability insurance on all of its Trustees, and paid annually for it. I saw a charge in an annual financial report - I think AZ had some state requirement for nonprofit and so to keep the Way bookstore there they had to publish financial annual reports which actually had itemized numbers on it. I thought they paid I thought I saw at least $30k a year for that insurance of ABS. I don't know any backstory there. But it probably was that insurance that paid out the first lawsuit. The first with all the numbers I read I speculate settled out at 7 figures. The second again nobody knows but I would guesstimate at 6 figures. I also saw a legal action initiated by Columbo later suing an insurance company for dropping them between the first and second lawsuits. They may have had to pay the second one out of pocket or out of believers pocket our out of ABS if i need to state it in any more ways to get the gist. I think they didn't pay the first one out of pocket. Nobody has disclosed any numbers, but I heard a private source reference on them not paying the first one out of pocket.
  9. By this time Rosie is on the BOT and Vice President. dingdong retires and falls asleep probably from too many Kools like dad. cowterd is forced into retirement. he bebops around for a while and later shows his inbred nature by marrying dingdongs widow. Rosie power plays Loytoy into accepting that he can't be President with all these outstanding lawsuits to deal with. During this time Rosie develops one of her tightest and most prized relationships - that with a lawyer named Columbo. So Rosie and Columbo get together and piece together the clues they confront loytoy, and I'm thinking this had to be on tape, because there was no way to capture quickly enough all the conquest names pouring out of the confession that anyone could write it down, even in shorthand. The mogfodt harem is exposed. Names in there are astounding, until you consider the greater context of the way's culture being more inbred than any backwoods town in West Virginia ever could be. The list was there to be dealt with later. Loytoy is put on a short leash. Actually we learn he was put somewhat on a short leash by Rosie earlier after the Indiana incident - she put him on a schedule and made him report in and submit a plan and actual to keep him out of trouble. Since a universal truth is sh1t flows downhill, loytoy puts similar pressure on b1ll gr33ne the trunk coordinator and that's when we get all the pressure for schedules. Planned and actual. Although B1ll is a tool and like your average TWI top leader sycophant puts more pressure on you than the leader puts on him. Initially when Loytoy steps down, he is put in charge of research. he can huff and puff a bit back and forth with W@yne. However, very shortly, Rosie secures D0nn@s 100% cooperation and expells Loytoy from Jerusalem. He is sent to Holey somewhere and put up in a house where the Way pays the rent to this day, and controls him by having him "report in" or did for a while. In honor of our upcoming Christmas holiday, let us take a moment of silence to reflect on Loytoy's first job after being President of the Way - a UPS seasonal worker slinging boxes in the holiday season.
  10. well the bunny is dancing, and his nose is powdered. the mogfodt complete with harem and procuress is going strong. its a wonder we don't have a lot of "Ah-nold" Jrs. running around by this point. definitely loytoy is ramping up on his training with inspector gadget linder and his go-go gadget glock 9's. you never know when some disgruntled husband is going to show up who just won't be able to see the spiritual maturity of allowing his wife to be in a mogfodt harem. And incidents like this do arise. One of the first we know from piecemeal stories on GS is loytoy is involved with someone's wife at an Indiana Adv. Class in 1995. W@yne confronts him, he says he'll stop, Rosie covers it up, de Loser is involved dealing with those in I/O - other countries like Allan here has shared. Then, boom. P@ul All3n. Not going to back down. Not going to be intimidated. Confronts loytoy over his affair with his wife face to face. yet All3n isn't the one all glocked up in that meeting - that would be Loytoy plus Inspector Gadget. He leaves, gathers wife, starts Waydale and files a lawsuit against Loytoy naming him and the BOT as conspirators. I thought you could find that one up on Wayback documents section. The Sh1zzl3 is starting to F1zzl3. Why is this stuff problematic for Loytoy? I mean adultery isn't illegal, its just immoral and as age-old of a fall from grace as Jimmy and Tammy Faye Baker, with all the mascara. It's this little organization called the EEOC. They are the ones that have the laws in place in our country to prevent Sexual harassment in the workplace. It is there where is defined a "quid pro quo" sexual relationship as being against the law and something someone can sue for. This impact isn't so much in the first lawsuit with Allen, who shotgun broadcast a bunch of stuff and had a settlement. This queued up a cute and perky little blond stewardess whose husband used to run the Rock in a secondary lawsuit - quid pro quo. As easy to prove as 2 questions. 1) Was he your boss? 2) Did you have sex?
  11. A new era. A new mogfodt. What could possibly go wrong? Another story, with its roots back in 1995 at the Advanced Class at Indiana, is starting to take shape. Waydale is about to be born. Next, "More Sex and the EEOC"
  12. After the class filmed, ridiculous and lavish gifts were sent in to HQ and people spent so much time on cards. It got put into the Class coordinators guide that you were allowed to allocate 2.5 hours on the card for the teacher and only 1 hour for the class coordinator. That was put in to restrict things down after people were doing originally framed artwork as cards and other outlandish crappola. All stuff that the housing department is going to have to remove out of the Auditorium, Founders, OSC, BRC, etc. later on. The INT class is redone too.
  13. The filming of the class wraps up and oh boy, we have a Hollywood Premier going on - loytoy in his Hef red velvet smoking jacket, being toured around like a superstar. This is going to change the ministry. This "new revelation" first needs to be communicated out through all the Way Tree to all the little twiggy leaflets. Except now it's not a twig it is a "household fellowship" and a "believer" (not to be misconstrued with a Belieber - fan club of a certain young pop star). We get to re-mark the education of the ranks once again. Where is this reflected first in the Way? Nametags. Of course. The nametag was oh so extra speshul in the Way. Nothing says "status" like a nametag. Now no more are the old "Adv. Class Grad" nametags of those who took the Adv. Class in the late '60's and early '70s and smoked weed on the break. No, we have a new era. Complete with new nametags. And Way Corps II tags. Oh my. With a new "green marble" finish. So speshul. I can recall being dressed down at the head table for not wearing my nametag, and mrs w having to address me as "hey you". We start running WAP classes for the masses - a little break from the monotony of logging 25 teachings a month from the collaterals. MC'ing a WAP class becomes a desired skillset. We stockpile a lot of ridiculous add-in resources. Whosoever had a bigger reprint of Michaelangelo and the Eve snake lady was the most spiritual. Other props too. The BOT celebrates with loytoy going on a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate the victory of this lifechanging class. We get a postcard with a picture. It got put on the fridge with a magnet next to the cupboard full of hamburger helper. After we were instructed to cancel our vacations and do "staycations" to save expenses, and replace traveling with vacationing locally.
  14. to tie up the Myr@cle/Cr0wthr story - I mean overall it's like they thought they were like soul mates. they exchanged rings with each other, said vows. But it all was so secret. J@net with her aspirations of ascension among the ranks, fueled by Rosie's backing, acceptance of them, and hiding them away. Sh@r0n, pressure mounting more and more every day she took a great deal of it. But with the direction the new ministry was taking and all the original sin teaching, it just wasn't to be. So they eventually left HQ, off for parts unknown. Not to take an assignment, just leaving. Funny though, despite all of those whose lives had been ruined by J@net's gaydar outings, it never happened to them. Rosie threw them a great big party that all the staff was invited to, and they left for out on the field. Together. Afterwards I found out secretly through some of my inner connections that Rosie would take vacation to go and visit them often and has for many years. I'm sure part of that is to buy their ongoing silence.
  15. So activity to rival a Hollywood production commences. Who coordinates this? Why Rosie of course. The perfect production queen. The matriarch of High Country Caravan. The President's Cabinet Coordinator. D0nn@'s secret solace. And you know, this can't be the same class as VP's. It has to be newer, better. i am Loytoy the Magnificent. i have tights and production experience. And a trusty lumbering large sidekick to help with the gap in the Research department I fired. What was that Greek word again W@yne? Powder. Right. Got it. From the Greek podare. And the Bunny Dance is off in full production force. It seems kind of like PFAL. Some different words. Change a word. Re-arrange a word. You know, kind of like Eve's error in the garden taught in PFAL? Oh, except we have some really, really new insight on this one. Fueled by a picture of Michaelangelo on the Cistine Chapel ceiling, no less. Whoever said that Loytoy didn't cite sources? What is this heavy revy? Oh yes, the snake appeared to eve not in just a snakelike form, but actually it was a snakelike lady form - a lady snake, a snake lady. Eve's original sin? Homosexuality. And let's wrap it up by emphasizing that section in Romans that was probably a textual addition to cement the homophobe viewpoint in the Way about how evil all that gayness is, and especially that gay women sex thing. it was the original sin.
  16. And to wrap it all up in a tight little bow, the policy is instituted that anyone wanting to be "reinstated" as active Corps they would need to go back in-residence again and do the 4 years all over again. Many actually accepted that frame and went and did it. What were they supposed to learn the second time through? IMO compliance and political savvy.
  17. After the live "Defeating the Adversary" class, filmed, and all of this excitement going on with $$$$$ hemorrhaging, Corpse alumni, and the rest, even though we are just as spiritually sharp as a tack there, somehow the numbers aren't increasing. As far as purging, there are only so many old rodeo clowns you can fire because their horses cost too much or people you can make an example of because their kid takes tae kwon do lessons. But hey, we are a cult. We can do so much more. Let's start by the Pregnancy Policy. Ladies, if you are under 35 and don't have any kids, you are not allowed to get pregnant. After all, women are a commodity in the ministry. They should walk 10 steps behind their husbands and only speak at home. Thus we have successfully implemented the same cost cutting controls as Communist China. We are really making progress here. One dude with a few kids already makes the spiritually betraying mistake of copulation with his wife ending in a pregnancy. He asks for an exception. 3 hours of screaming later on a Corpse night and we have a new purge victim, and plenty of fear of unprotected sex. Except for the mogfodt harem though - they were all on the pill. No pets allowed. dog food costs money. Thus, the "Expense Cutting Purge". Many fall victim to this. After this comes the "Bribery Purges". All the fulltime ministers now are dirt poor. One starting teachers salary for 2 fulltime employees. Some cull additional income through working the populace for gifts. Free cars, free computers, etc. Oh no. That is evil. That is bribery. We need to purge that and implement a law. Purge, purge, purge. Now full-time ministers are no longer able to accept gifts, they are to suffer in silence. I just don't understand. All of this purging going on - surely God must notice it. Surely it must turn the ministry around. Surely we are the most pure spiritual beings you ever encountered now. Classes should just run everywhere. But they don't. Somehow, basic common sense is bypassed - how can you expect to increase numbers and revenue by kicking everyone out and chasing them off? But hey - I guess that is one thing you can't expect from a mogfodt - common sense. What is the culprit? The PFAL class is too old. Too out of date. Too hard to balance getting the red on the rose to balance with real live flesh colors on a TV set. Too many outdated jokes and references. We've already had tremendous success remaking the DTA class. The live one worked for a while, then we bought cameras and crap to film before a live captive studio audience at HQ. That was great. We found so many devils to kick out. So let's ramp up to take it on. The huge one. The mamba jamba. The spiritually most significant event of our lifetime - the remake of Power for Abundant Living.
  18. I've heard variations of this story repeated with people seeking healing from several top TWI members. Loytoy, R@pp, VP, and 1 or 2 others. I'm glad you brought this up. There is a great life disillusionment when you find out the mogfodt ain't. It's less devastating when you see more of their stupidity. But the Way instilled false hopes and visions in people, then blamed them when they were not fulfilled. The only other option would be to openly admit they didn't have the power or abundance to help the person.
  19. Yes, props to Paul All3n for sure. Without his response, so much of this would have remained covered up forever. As well as many of you, on Waydale. I had pieced together that P@ul got a 7 figure settlement with a confidentiality clause from his lawsuit, meaning he'd have to give it back if he kept up with Waydale or similar activity. If any are wondering that is why he doesn't post on the internet anymore. skyrider, dwbh, thanks for pitching on on some of these history stories I'm trying to tell. This is not normally how I would approach writing or talking about it, but to me in spite of loose organization what i like about it is it offers so many others the opportunity to "open source" the story. One huge collaboration effort, like Wikipedia. to me it makes it more complete of a story and with your details more accurate. Initially people criticized wikipedia as a source being biased and inaccurate - I remember one point in college not being allowed to use it as a source on papers. Over time the peer reviews and corrections turned that around in a lot of instances. It still is problematic in the area of focused bias. A great example of that is looking up The Way International on wikipedia and comparing what you see there to details you might find at GSC. The differences you see you can attribute to Rosie's Great Whitewashing Campaign. Does that mean these stories we are telling here are going to be biased and inaccurate? Well, I've come to the point of view that any retelling of history introduces bias, as it is written from a person's viewpoint. Accuracy is going to be increased by collaboration.
  20. i just finally caught Leah Remini's first 2 episodes of the Scientology expose. WOW. Great stuff there. One of the things very interesting to me is how the cult invents their own language to increase control. Phrases that sound benign to the public, but carry devastating effects, like hearing Amy's mom say "I don't care if they declare me" with stage 4 cancer. "Declaring" means labeling a person as a "SP" or suppressive person. This means their family will "disconnect" from them. The unspoken expectation. The framing of conversation. It's not what appears out front that is the problem with cults. It is what lies underneath.
  21. sorry bro. In my defense it's Christmas and I was in a cult.
  22. All accurate. I remember there were 2 Adv. Class specials, one in Dallas (was that Word in Business that year?) and one at HQ. The HQ one was filmed and turned into a "Defeating the Adversary" class. The Corps going fulltime. Penny pinching. Faxes going off by your head at 2am because your office doubles as your bedroom. Yeah. Yes, money brings on the next purge. I'm going to label this one the "Vision Purge". Apparently all Corpse under vicster's original vision were supposed to have "gift ministries". What he meant by "gift ministries" seems to be a blend of adeptness at bootie smooching, plus the ability to be confrontationally obnoxious to underlings. Also highly valued was if you had your own private harem, and kept it on the down low. Unfortunately over time, this vision had become watered down. Apparently people had started going into the Corps for less lofty reasons. In fact many of them - gasp - had gone in just to become a good fellowship coordinator. We need to purge them to bring expenses in control. We are hemorrhaging funds, and we have do do something to cover it up. loytoy admitting it wasn't revelation to send Corpse fulltime wasn't going to happen. So let's distract by other activity . Purge purge purge. Corpse are to be branch coordinators and above, not fellowship coordinators. If they did not have that ability, then they were to be dropped from the Corpse. DFAC. Mass confusion among the rank and file. Hurt, turmoil - you know, the norm. Whatever vision it was that sent Corpse into the Corpse, now they are questioning. The rocket scientists on the BOD figured out that it was actually that group that was the most profitable to the Way. Habitually sacrificed themselves. Worked 2 jobs. Sent in $$$. Put up with all the antics. And now they are upset and many are leaving. To turn the tide, revelation changes again. Now instead of DFAC, we are going to praise these people and let them know they fulfilled their vision. "Corps Alumni" is a term that is invented, and from that point carried on ever since. These people are to be the salt of the earth the household fellowship coordinators the advanced class grads the abundantly sharing populace. A new layer in the caste system fits the bill. Not only this, but we have the perfect setup for even more political purges. You have a Corpse Alumni group with thwarted life goals. And you have fulltime Corps. Perfect formula for the one to grow to hate the other. Over the years this will provide a great harvest of confidential informants, of great use to purge even further.
  23. LOL. I wouldn't worry about search engines. With the loss of the documents section we're almost on the dark web here. Yes, I'll still obfuscate names. w/r to those likely not still a part of TWI, whenever you're speaking about TWI history you are talking like 95% of all the names involved there, statistically. Lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid. I did that for the search engines ;)
  24. yes if my memory serves the last one or the last 2 they ran.
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