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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Insightful observations T-Bone. thanks for sharing.
  2. Genuine Spiritual Suspicion When it came to homosexuality, there actually were only a small number that would qualify. Most of this was spearheaded by J@net Myr@cle. Her "genuine spritual suspicion" along with a few others is what most others in the general population would term "gaydar". This indicates the propensity of a person to detect others with the same sex orientation because the person themselves has a same sex sexual orientation. Nowadays they have charts that help to explain all this sexual orientation and attraction stuff. I'm not sure I understand it all, but I like the fact that it preserves individual respect and identity. The rest of what you had is more of what you would term "Imitated Redneck Okie Spiritual Suspicion" (IROSS) - accuracy level - way below 50% What about stories of some of our Corps grads who had been delivered from that lifestyle when getting into the Word? They would never again experience life without IROSS. Many left just due to feeling ostracized due to persecution and false accusation.
  3. To me "The Way Tree - TM" was one of the greatest cons the ministry had going for it. Early Way Prod - "I am a leaf, ....... on a mighty tree......" There is absolutely one purpose for this brilliantly engineered extended metaphor - to keep the $$$$$$$ flowing from the leaflets to the root just as surely as life's true pure water - the genuine Present Truth - TM taught from the platform of the Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over the World Auditorium flows so freely to the leaflet. I don't even need to ask for verification from some of the 60's and 70's members if the timeline of when this emerged is during the purges of Doop and Heefner from their positions in Way West and Way East over the issue of sending in the $$$ to HQ. DWBH, Your observations on forehead boy are accurate. It is also interesting to me to note the interplay and little power plays going on in the Trustees themselves. How does that bode for the future? De Loser - HQ inbred, little to zero field time R@pp - same - little field experience
  4. I will get to examining some more detail of this V & D document, but to interject the story into timelines, how does this story change after all the lawsuits and when Rosie ascends to the throne? It gets infinitely worse. Why? Rosie is a micromanagers micromanager. The other way to put it is that she is on this spectrum of behavior labeled OCD. Except with her, it should be labeled CDO because old schoolteachers need things alphabetized. If spectrum is the way to describe a range of behavior from 1 to 10, Rosie is about a 12.5. She is the ideal Gepetto, the master puppet maker, sitting in the background pulling all the strings, getting all the info fed back to her (including printouts of GS threads because she hates technology), like a huge old black widow spider sitting back in her web waiting to sting someone with another series of purges. Anyway a little foreshadowing into some years we don't have buckets for yet.
  5. So what is it about V & D that is especially oxymoronic? It is like a hamster wheel. Flurries of activity. Frameworks of how to dress, what to teach, when to teach, when to study - all very prescriptive. A handbook. A corporate way of rolling out job descriptions. But one of the things this pesky Paul the apostle guy said that the Way who tries to idolize him just doesn't get - "no other foundation can be laid except Jesus Christ" When a ministry's foundation is built upon plagiarism, conspiracy theories, purging, and an elite swingers club, no matter how much you whitewash the history, polish scriptures taught, change Power for Abundant Living to the Way of Abundance and Power, or proclaim the Word is over the World to change your theme to your own branded "Prevailing Word", the crabapple tree seeds that were sown are eventually going to show the crabapple fruit with a tree. Hiding the nature of the seeds will only serve to make the crabapples taste even more bitter when discovered. So with V & D you can run around on a wheel like a hamster all day long in a world of artificial reality, framing your own language, code, and terminology to become farther and farther removed from mainstream society and even the mainstream body of Christian brothers and sisters with your same proclaimed overall belief. What actually happens is that the only people that are attracted are those with deep-seated problems, who need others consistent oversight just to live life. Dependencies upon dependencies. Those who are willing to have their life framed in an artificial series of interdependencies to escape reality. And this ladies and gentlemen, is "The Prevailing Word to the World". There is a document that talks about "Vision and Direction" . There is no real Vision - just screaming. And purging. And new classes to run the same people through, included mandates for their kids. And pirate's booty to send in to HQ. Direction? well there's the hamster wheel - start running.
  6. One note on this here. This is complete horse puckey. There is only one source that consistently taught planning, scheduling, and organizing. That is the little old schoolteacher from North Carolina. Martindale was more fly by seat of pants type.
  7. Now this V & D stuff it pretty much warrants a little deeper investigation, as this will become the framework the Way will run on pretty much for the next 20 years. " O: The Way Corps FROM: Trunk Office/Bill Greene SUBJECT: Vision and Direction God bless you. Rev. Martindale is very excited for each of you to receive a copy of this document, which we are calling "Vision and Direction." This vital document has been developed over the course of the past several months with input from the Board of Trustees and the U.S. Trunk Staff. In addition, it has been reviewed by and has gained the full support of all the ministry leadership present at our 1997-98 Corps and Staff Placement meetings. Rev. Martindale has consistently taught us the Biblical basis for planning, scheduling, organizing, and implementing so that we can function as the most brilliant ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Vision and Direction provides us with a strong framework to more effectively move in the direction Rev. Martindale has clearly set for us. This will result in increased growth and productivity in the household at all levels. You will want to study this document in detail and be especially knowledgeable of the job description that applies to your assigned responsibility. We would like for you to be ready to go into full operation with the guidelines of Vision and Direction on October 6, 1997, after the fifty-fifth anniversary. This means that the Limb coordinators will send their first Vision and Direction Report to their Region coordinators by September 30, and the Region coordinators will submit their first Vision and Direction Report to the Trunk Office by October 5. We anticipate great days ahead as we cross the bridge together into the promised land of the prevailing Word. " So the background on how this has developed. Basically, as the story has been told, Martindale gets the heavy revy and puts all the Corps on salary for the Way. What exactly does this mean at every level? 1995 immediately Region guys - well, they were full time anyway, so no change there. Except for now their life was made more miserable by more paperwork Limb guys - very few were full time - only larger states. Branch - basically none fulltime So the problem here is the Branch guys have zero job description and zero idea of what to do during the day. I mean they had already been doing a double duty 40 hrs on a normal job and another 40 on a volunteer position. Now you're going to pay them to do only one of those jobs? Cool. But 80 hrs a week down to 40 and most of those 40 had been happening nights and weekends. And those nights/weekend hours are pretty static when other followers aren't working. So a whole lotta free time on the hands for those guys during the day. Limb Coords - most scenarios same as Branch - but they did monthly publications -Heartbeats, and had a few other extra tasks like petty cash and bookstore if they didn't have a coordinator for that. When the hierarchy paperwork stepped up, these got busy real fast. Region - with the above 2 things becoming apparent in 1995, 1996 - these guys are going to be deluged with paperwork. Much more than 99 luftballoons. They protected their memo book with their life, and elaborately tracked movement on every fax and memo. So the first idea of this V & D document is benign and logical - get some good working job descriptions for branch and limb coords like any organization and provide the structure to get movement going.
  8. One time, I counted all the faxes going in and out one weekend. There were 99. It reminded me of this video which I watched to avoid becoming depressed:
  9. I like the topical threads that span time. They are interesting to read all in a package. I'll fill in some detail too from my perspective more over time. One of my greatest fears during that time: thermal.........facsimile.............paper. It was a nightmare. You couldn't work with it. It didn't fit into notebooks. It curled up. After a year it faded to be unrecognizable. It was just very very troublesome. They didn't have the all-in-ones like today - receive a fax, just print it out on normal paper. Well, the Regions did. And our buddy B1ll. But those fax machines were much more expensive than the $40 models the Corps had to pick up from Sams club to be approved for petty cash or sometimes not. We would travel to Kinkos regularly just to reprint the stupid f'ing memos on thermal facsimile paper to normal printer paper. Hey but you can log that as office time. And also, since the "corporate culture" from the top was being set at 110 decibels, he/she who were most spiritual as good little growing sycophants would imitate that. You didn't get your fax response back in on time? Scream. Your memo you got has a red line across it and is cut off halfway through? Your fault for running out of paper. Scream. I kind of wonder how I tolerated all that. I guess I just kind of developed an insensitivity to volume. I related it to a tough coach I had growing up as a kid who took us places we wouldn't have gone ourselves, and thus could tune a good deal of it out. I remember in-residence one lady screaming at me at the top of her lungs, a Corpse Coord. wife. I remember it was really hard for me to focus on the words she was saying. It was so much easier just to be entertained by the different shades of red and purple her face was turning. that is definitely red. now, it's taking on a magenta hue. it's definitely purple now. i really hope we don't progress to the blue stage, because then I would really be fearful of the poor woman collapsing on the floor for lack of oxygen.
  10. https://web.archive.org/web/20120104103431/http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-corps-notes/opening-corps-night-09-07-1994.html Here is another link - to a Corps night teaching. This kind of gives the flavor of the homo purge. Pretty radical opposition there.
  11. Expense cutting: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/emergency.pdf
  12. Bribery purge: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/bribery.pdf
  13. Class gifts: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/lcmgift.pdf
  14. Second lawsuit clippings from newspaper: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/lawsuit/leader-062700-page1.htm http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/lawsuit/leader-062700-page2.htm
  15. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/homos071294.pdf Homo purge doc from Martindale.
  16. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/openseason060894.pdf Letter from Martindale doing the purge - one of the various.
  17. One more additional bit for context. B1ll Gr33n3. One of those early Corpse leaders - both he and wife were ordained. Now we've heard so much history on the sexual escapades of the earlier Corps, it does make you suspicious. In my opinion, if B1ll was having sex with anything during that period of time, it was his fax machine. The ministry was run completely by thermal facsimile reports.
  18. Cutting in skyrider's input on this from the other thread as this is a new topic. Just for topical reading ease. Quote - skyrider 1997: In JanuaryFebruary......martindale attacked the whole issue of "gift giving" to field corps. He cited examples of BRIBERY from the scriptures and then launched into several incidents where corps received a gift from someone that, he claimed, had a bribe attached to it. No corps were to receive any gifts from their area followers.....not even some tomatoes from someone's garden. It became an insane mandate. Yet, martindale still received gifts. "Vision and Direction" policies were implemented in September. Vision and Direction 1995 Full-Time Corps "revelation" Here is a sample of reporting and paperwork sent to region/trunk: .....all the corps were inundated with reporting back to twi leadership. I tend to believe that the trunk office issued this paper blizzard to appease martinfail's screaming episodes and micromanaged leadership style. Quite obvious to me.....martinfail didn't trust the corps to do their ministerial duties.The paperwork was multi-faceted. Branch guys reported to the limb, the limb to region, the region to trunk, the trunk to bot. The following are some of the reports that I recall: --Time-Analysis Report....each week, this report was a projected schedule of the corps person's week detailing 6am - 11pm in 30-minute time slots. After about one year, lcm instructed region & limb guys to scrutinize these reports and strongly recommend changes (each week). --Witnessing Report....each week, this report was a detailed analysis of how many in your area went witnessing, the number of contacts, the number of follow-ups, the number who attended fellowships as a result, the number who signed up for WAP, etc. --Petty Cash Report....each branch, limb and region were allocated a level of petty cash. Branch corps, generally, consisted of two or three fellowships and didn't utilze petty cash reports except for times when lcm designated 8 consecutive public/formal branch meetings during the videotaping of WAP. All expenses over $100 had to be cleared by the region guy. The region guy could spend up to $300 before the trunk got involved. --Yearly Budget Reports....this report had to be cleared through twi's personnel department. With some 600+ corps/families on payroll, this was a monumental task to sort thru the "needs" of every corps family, every situation. Some parents had a child in a musical instrument class, or a karate class, or a voice lessons class, etc. Martindale blasted the corps on a corps meeting for spending "excess money" on their children. --[Note: Pet policies, gift-giving policies, pregnancy policies, traveling policies, cable tv policies, etc......these came into play as the mountain of corps expenses soared far beyond anything martindale had foreseen.] --Monthly Progress Report....(whatever it was called??) detailed each branch's progress on class sign-ups (fnd, int, ac, etc). Month after month, it seemed like there were always goose eggs (zeros) in the blanks. --Trunk Faxes.....reporting back on specific policies or corps meeting assignments was common. The corps were responsible to listen to lcm's sts tape on tuesday or early wednesday each week BEFORE the corps phone hookup. Trunk faxes were common and demanded a quick response. Sometimes, corps would be up until midnight to meet the fax deadline. --Greetings Faxed to Trunk....as the paper-insantiy escalated, the corps seemed to be competing as to who could send in the most heartfelt greeting for twi's anniversary, for thanksgiving, for twi's holiday party, for the new year's, etc. --Thank You Cards.....it became mandatory for each branch, each area to send a unique, handmade, personalized card to lcm after each WAP class. Every student was to sign the card and detail what blessed them specifically in the class. Those who had bigger branches, bigger limbs, bigger regions had MORE paperwork to do. It wasn't any secret why MANY region couples had no kids. No time.
  19. So first off, about the oxymoron bit. As part of our oh-so-expert Biblical knowledge we had in the way, we were invested in "figures of speech". These figures, kind of plagiarized from a few different sources - first was Bullinger has a book published on it, then eastern input from Lamsa and KC Pillai I think. Figures of speech to us, were God's little highlighter pen in the Bible, speaking to us more personally so as to catch our attention. Sounds a little fishy to me. I mean the fishermen writing tomes probably had different local expressions than the tax collector. That's not God's highlighter, that's the fisherman's language, idiot. Learn to appreciate personality in language when reading, d1psh1t and stop being such a Stepford wife fundamentalist tool that has been fed a consistent diet of vanilla Way magazine articles to the point they can't appreciate a hamburger. Sorry, sometimes my inner dialogue comes out when I tell these stories. :) I talk to myself about fundamentalism it seems. Where was I? Oh yes, figures of speech and oxymoron. What are figures? Colorful language. Or as it says in italics below Rhetoric. You know, what the vicster got a doctorate degree from a cereal boxtop university for. I really really like the origin of oxymoron below. Comes from the Greek sharp dull. That certainly describes Vision and Direction. Sharp dullness. Definition below. noun, plural oxymora [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] (Show IPA),oxymorons. Rhetoric. 1. a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous,seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”. Origin of oxymoronExpand Late Latin Greek 1650-1660 1650-60; < Late Latin oxymorum < presumed Greek *oxýmōron, neuter of*oxýmōros sharp-dull, equivalent to oxý (s) sharp (see oxy-1) + mōrós dull(see moron )
  20. All right. e. then. Timeline: 1997 - current. Yes they are still doing it. Why? Because they are going to "run on the rails that got them there". Does it matter that those rails travel over a wooden bridge built in the 1940's to span a 600 foot canyon drop? Apparently not. Does it matter that the rails were built on d-bag high pressure corporate sales principles of mandated 20% growth year-over-year quotas that result in high turnover rates wherever it is implemented? Not so much. (Now somebody told me the origin of all this BS was Bo R3t@rd? Any input on that elderly Corpse dudes ?) What's important here folks is that this is an easy plug-n-play McDonalds manual for franchising Rise and Expansion - TM - in your area. This is an optimal thing to have if you are a ministry as dedicated to "The Purge" as the Way is. You just never know when you're going to need the next franchisee to move in to the trailer-park-furniture furnished home the last franchisee left and pick up the slack flipping burgers. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/html-docs/vision.htm So there it is in all it's glory. Let's take a look....
  21. Now I'm seeing why I don't remember a good deal of this sh1zzl3. Repression is the brain's way of protecting itself. ;) And.... Paw's GOT SOME DOCS UP RESTORED IN THE DOCS SECTION ON GREASESPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't have to link to the Wayback machine anymore. YEAH! Thanks Paw.
  22. Old documents section links hold many more details plus corrections on some timeline stuff..... https://web.archive.org/web/20120911095016/http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/pdf-documents.html Covers years 89-97: Loyalty letter in 89 - who do you stand with? end of fog years Fog years confrontation - 1990 debt purge - 1994 Homo purge - 1994 Spouse Corps purge - 1994 Bribery purge 1997 Plus many more details surrounding this story thread.
  23. Timelines for this story - will integrate into timeline stories threads too. live DTA filmed in 1992. Purges - most in 1995-1996 - vision purge (fulltime corps), expense purge, bribery purge, WAP class filmed 1996, INT 1997 Bahamas trip - 1996 (2 yrs into Corps expense cutting endeavors)
  24. 'Da Fog Years - TM. 1985 - 1989 Basically after 1986 - Yak twig stuff, that group (BOT expanded) kept wandering around like they got hit by a bus for a while. Geer tried to teach some BS on Corps nights about Legalism vs. Grace - some attempt at hypnotic mumbo jumbo about how he was the true ambassador of grace and everybody else has fallen into legalism like the 1st century church. Geer published to books that were by VPW but said "edited posthumously by CG". A real necromancer of a guy. He also was real mean and ADHD so eventually he lost interest tormenting the BOT and flew back to Europe to bring the blessing of his personality back there. Eventually loytoy figured out the fork sticking in his eye was being wiggled from overseas, and gathered cowterd and dingdong out of their combined drooling state, and they basically signed a document telling Geer to f off. Well, it started as a document. Then it turned into a teaching. Then it turned into teaching the book of Galatians. The Galatians tapes. Part 1 and Part 2. Oh my. The drama. The emotion. The discerning of spirits. The number of things orbiting around Geer's head - straight out of a scene from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. His face even transfigured itself into Dr. Wierwille once accidentally when reproving loytoy. Oh, and also, this teaching series was the first to feature the "F" word in all parts of speech in a sentence - noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Masterful piece of work there. In the midst of this, what else do we need to have? Purges, of course. The "loyalty" purge. Loytoy sends out a letter to all Corps asking people to respond who they stood with. A popular response was "why God and His Word of course". BZZZT. Wrong answer. People stood "with" the apostle Paul, not just with God and His Word. You are foggy my friend. You probably need to hear the Galatians tapes, which will be running for all believers on the field. Except Adv. Class grads only on Pt. 2 with the unique adjectives. So the "loyalty" purge in various stages consumed about 4/5 of the leadership of the Way - 80% of the Corps left, along with about that many in the ministry. Walter tries to teach Thessalonians on Corps night, or reteach the Univ. of Life Thess actually. It is horrible. A snooze-fest. Loytoy decides since he is all that in a set of tights that he can fire the research department and just teach it all himself. Except he knows jack about research. So he taps Wayne to do it all. He starts teaching Acts - the 8 sections from somewhere. Writes the Rise and Expansion book. Does R & E weekends at Emporia and around the country to try and regain some of the 80% that left. Re-does the Foundational Class. Comes to the premier in I swear to God an identical robe that Hugh Hefner wears in public. New concepts come from all this Acts stuff. Loytoy gets the heavy revelation that the Word is Over the World. Yeah, we have accomplished it. Since the PFAL class has been available in every region of the world since sometime, it has been available for everyone in the world to get the Word. So what's next? Why, "The Prevailing Word" tm - to the world. And of course we don't need WOW's anymore. It's Way Disciple - the disciplined ones. No more going to the Rock and believing God for your money for WOW cutting hair. We're prevailing baby. More later....
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