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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Yes penworks I agree with your logic. In mainstream Christianity this is known as a Fundamentalist viewpoint, regardless of how they label themselves. The most extreme Fundamentalists are the Westboro Baptist Church well known for gay bashing holding signs protesting saying God hates America because of tolerance for homosexuality. There are other viewpoints in mainstream Christianity than extreme fundamentalism. Knowledge still puffs up and love still builds up. We know a gay couple where one is a minister in a small community church. Their congregation accepts them living together and don't care. Their church is growing and has an active drama club that everyone in the community loves and participates in. The minister is also an accomplished musician and they have a great musical contribution to the local community too. I don't think the Bible is the problem. I think people are the problem.
  2. Queueing up Netflix based on TBone's movie review.
  3. It was just supposed to be a 3 hour tour....
  4. People need lists. Wasn't this part of the "16 Keys to Walking by the Spirit" ????
  5. Wow. 1) CP#5 changes to areas of concern interest and need in the household. I think this represents the cementing of doctrinal error into the leadership body. Practically they ignore the community and focus internally. There are marriages to be manipulated, budgets to control, people of weak and unstable mental habit patterns who need a controlling force to make all the major decisions in their life. This also cements the guiding principle in the doctrine of a cult. To get the attention of vp worshippers, "the Dead Sea is dead because it has only inlets, no outlets". Nice quote there from PFAL that applies to the current leadership body of the Way the Way Corps. I mean who cares about the community you live in? Except to instruct fellowship coordinators how to lie and say there isn't a business operating as a church in your residence in opposition to zoning laws. Use the community, manipulate people. I absolutely believe the "household of God" teaching of the Way is false and erroneous doctrine from a false prophet. We are not a nation of Israel anymore since Christ, not one blood, one nation, one group. The body of Christ is all encompassing to those who call Christ Lord. He is the head of the church. Just because man judges and can't see the working parts doesn't mean they aren't there. All Christians are brothers, Catholic, Protestant, Apostolic, community church, Messianic Jews, and hundreds of others that are beyond my knowledge and grasp. The seperatist doctrine of the "household of God" is much more suited to a cult. Like Victor Barnard and the River Road group, a documented nightmare on Dateline. That is what seperatist cults produce. The New Knoxville cult is not that much different - just a different shade of veneer, a different coat of whitewash. Also, hypocrites. I heard one of the things kicking up the Revival and Restoration group was Rosalie confronting all the field Corps towards the end of last year for not running enough classes. Their main tenet communicates circling wagons and focusing on household, but it's their fault for not "moving the Word' when your teachings are so dull on the services that nobody wants to dial in. 2) CP#1 - this was always in my opinion kept nebulous enough where people could accuse or excuse. Treated like a superstitious spider-sense of sorts. "Why did you get in that car accident?" "Your CP1 must not have been functioning". or "You must be dull and not operating CP1". 3) CP#2 - training doctrinally and practically in the whole Word - this to me sounds like a cover up for not having a certified teaching staff with PhDs. Or master's degrees for that matter. Doctrinally, by any measure other than a "withdraw from the body of Christ and make up your own measure" is deficient in training. Corps in-residence re-take the classes, and study them in-depth. They don't study the Bible. Training in the whole Word practically makes no sense. So you're going through the Levitical sacrifice processes? Or just the ones that have to do with gay bashing and tithing? 4) People like lists - it's true - research has proven that articles that consist of a list get more clicks than not. Constructing a list of this nature, even though he spent 10 minutes on it, is kind of genius. I mean how many people have dedicated their entire life to living that list? I knew plenty of people in the Way who were not happy unless they had a list. A calendar list of events, with teachers and topics, a list of outreach events, a list of annual events, a list of things they must do daily to be a "good" Christian. Many groups and organizations boil their list of beliefs down to a list. Many religions guide people towards a list of virtues. Other lists are just moral code tenets. For example, when i was a kid I took Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art. What are the "5 Tenets of Tae Kwon Do?" Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit, Sir. I would say that living those tenets probably catches God's attention more than the cult tenets, or "Corpse Principles"
  6. If you want to talk about threats and all 9 all the time the only thing I can come up with is that I make a chili I call "Dante's Inferno" that has 9 layers of pepper in it - one for each layer of hell. Now if you were to consume an entire bowl of that then I would definitely constitute that as a threat. And it would definitely have you manifesting all 9 all the time (for about a 24 hour period).
  7. Dumb and Dumber was a quaint movie that most humans chose to ignore, but it seems to offer an appropriate analogy on this thread. Here in this clip, Jeff Daniels is fooled by Jim Carey, who to pull of a gag pretended to be asleep for 20 years. Jim Carey is like your brain on stupid PFAL analogies. You, like Jim Carey, can wake up after 20 years, and then say "gotcha". Boy, you really did get us. See I can write analogies too.
  8. So again here are the details. Early 80's - 82 or 83 - The Way Living Victoriously timeframe, before Craig became President Rosalie and Donna had an intimate relationship. I call this a firsthand account actually even more reliable than any Craig Martindale account, because there never were detail revealed like this about his escapades. Thanks excie again, and glad to have the account documented.
  9. Excie - this is a firsthand account that people right now are wondering about or discounting. Glad to see it documented.
  10. LOL T-Bone. Rocky sorry I hijacked your thread here it seems. I'm linking in an old thread for the interested....
  11. Yes WW those are clear accounts that put the pieces together. Of course they hide it. I've even heard that Rosalie did something so that some of the ladies with a more open display of their relationship at HQ did not display that any longer. One of those ladies is Donna's sister. Rosalie is past the age where a romantic or sexual relationship is of extreme interest so it is highly unlikely now that anyone is going to catch them staying at a one bedroom B and B nowadays. One other point is that the 2 ladies in her basement sleeping in the same bed and exchanging vow rings still are partners and Rosalie personally visits them even though they are not in the Way now. She is not known to visit even her own family. No Rocky I'm not willing to support their lie any longer just because nobody has literally caught them in the act. That hidden relationship is why Donna didn't get kicked out with her ex husband and why she is in a position of power now. Oldskools accounts of how placements run further exposes this. Rosalie and Donna basically decide where they want people. They should stop living a lie and run off like Sharon and Janet into the sunset together.
  12. IMO The color of a cult is YELLOW Scared. They know their own BS
  13. Bolsh you are one of my favorite posters on this site because you are different. You have a keen intellect and a grasp beyond us all at times.
  14. Bro this is old. But what is a practicing Christian beyond someone trying to live a life with principal and a personal relationship with our Savior? You are more of a practicing Christian than those false prophets ever will be. And you are an inspiration around here. To me that speaks so loudly of Christian fruit that to me you should never doubt again anything in that realm despite your consciousness trying to condemn you for sin that God has long forgiven you for. Our faith post TWI in my opinion is well grounded and allows God to bring blessings in life we never would have experienced in the Way. Although for those choosing a different healing path God supports you. He is not fickle or unseen regarding justice
  15. chockfull


    Grace thanks for digging up this 5 year old post. It made me reflect. Do I still feel the same way 5 years later? HELL YES!!!!!!! A thousand times over. False prophets. Yes you Rosalie Fox Riverbank are a false prophet, hypocrite, micromanager, and abomination to God Yes you Donna Lombardi Martindale are a false prophet hypocrite and liar. You should be DFAC yourself 10x over by any fair evaluation and publication of the rules you yourself have cast others out with. Yes you Jean Yves DeLisle are a false prophet and hypocrite who is fully knowledgeable of all evil acts but has sold his soul for pomp and circumstance. You control $65 million yet you still are a condescending entitled d bag. Just because you aren't a swinger doesn't mean you aren't accountable for the evil you have failed to confront. Your ministry sucks @$$. What are you going to do about it? Nothing because you are still Rosalies pawn and a spineless coward. Yes you John Rupp are a two faced false prophet. Your personality changes every time you talk to your sycophant council. Find a spine you posted your delusional resume after being passed over for President. How much did you get for your aoul? Anyone who allows these morally bankrupt individuals any spiritual authority over their lives deserves the consequences. The truth is out there you have been warned.
  16. Yeah it looks like a comic book written by the Westboro Baptist Church. Oh wait. It's a comic book written by haters worse than the Westboro Baptist Church. I personally have no issue with homosexual relationships. I do however, have a problem with someone who is the 3rd President of the Way International and current Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Way International living in this fashion while being the head of an organization that publishes this kind of content. The hypocrisy and double standards there mean that they don't themselves live what they require of others. Double standards create circles of Pharisees within Pharisees. But personally could care less about sexual orientation. The most interesting couple at dinner last weekend was a lesbian couple, and also recently attended a gay lawyer friend's dedication party with his partner. None of those people were living a double secret lifestyle.
  17. The latest on Sunday Teaching Service attendance brought to you by the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  18. You know, over the years, I'm sure a lot has been said about the Greasespot Cafe Forums, and its participants. I'm sure at times over the years, posts have been used from this site to ferret out folks unhappy with the Way and mark and avoid them. I'm sure the general consensus to all the Waybrained is that we are all devil possessed, have turned our backs on Gods ministry and Word and are working evil. It's OK. They can have their opinion. Mine differs. But you know, in a lot of ways all the behind the scenes stories we tell here really serve a higher moral purpose. You see, the Way as I mentioned in another thread, is continuously engaged in what I call the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society I call it that because everything we post about here, originating from Victor Paul Wierwille and the Way International and his perverse drunken sexual behavior, including what has carried on with second President Craig Martindale, his lurid and perverse sexual behavior, public lawsuits, divorce from his wife, and the 3rd President Rosalie Fox Rivernbark, her rise to power, illicit lover's relationship with the 2nd President's ex-wife, all of this is nowhere to be found in any material about the Way International. We have a biography of the founder Victor Paul Wierwille, called "Born Again To Serve" highlighting a fairy tale life and ministry, which ended well before the people running the show now were involved. If there were a sequel to this biography encapsulating everything to the highlight of the 40th Anniversary of the Way celebrations of Wierwille, his turning over the mantle and retiring, and the end days of his life where he incited an antagonist Chris Geer to tear down what he built up, all of his escapades on private motorcoaches and at Way campuses, all of these things were not written about. In fact, the sequel to "Born Again to Serve" probably would more appropriately be entitled "Born Again To Be Served". Served - young ladies, drugged or not, copious amounts of Drambuie and Kool cigarettes. Served - conspiracy theories by the dozen. Served - cancer by cigarettes. So because "Born Again To Be Served" will never be written, and all of the people involved including 3rd President and current Chairman of the Board Rosalie Fox Rivenbark and 4th President Jean Yves De Lisle are currently and have been involved in a campaign to cover all of this up, they are living a lie. How big of a lie? Well, the wife of the 2nd President Donna Lombardi Martindale, and the current BOD Chairman Rosalie Fox Rivernbark, have had an ongoing lesbian romantic relationship for decades. Donna is divorced from Craig Martindale (I don't know about the legal papers involved), and lives currently in New Knoxville at the Way Headquarters where Rivenbark lives. The Way's Biblical teaching classes have always taught that homosexuality is wrong, and have taught it was Adam and Eve's original sin in one of their foundational classes, with Eve supposedly mentally getting it on with the devil in a serpent format or something like that. You see the Way is and has been for some time now living a HUGE GREAT BIG LIE. Greasespot Cafe helps with this. How? By telling the truth, and encouraging the Way to live and tell the truth. You can't change what you don't admit. So thanks patrons for all your support in HELPING THE WAY TELL THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!
  19. You do realize, however, that all of this is predicated upon you actually existing and not being an artificial intelligence bot on the internet. Do we have supporting evidence of that yet?
  20. Yeah most threads hit a wall here. I think what most Waybrained people do is if someone has the Trinity, they go all "mean girl" on them, label them, tune them out, and look upon them as a lesser life form, all while denying doing that vehemently. The "household of God" effect as separate from the "body of Christ". So God can't inspire someone to rescue a kid from sex slavery overseas with a mission, to pick up on spiritual intel, to bring justice and healing, all because somebody cites ritualistically a 1000 year old creed with the Trinity in it weekly and got taught an outdated doctrine in Sunday school once? I think God is not bound by the stupid things people are bound by. Including man's view of God mysticized into a doctrine or some dumb catch phrase trying to make someone feel more spiritual about themselves than they are.
  21. Just curious. Is this you pulling your own trailer here? Or you cut and pasting someone else's words into GSC's "trailer" ???
  22. Sometimes, though, because the origin of the discussion is a hypothetical question, all the stimulating thought and conversation translates more into something like a hamster wheel that goes round and round, but having no attachment to or traction with the ground, it never gets you anywhere.
  23. Yes. He was encouraging them. It was figurative language. Like I tell my kids "you'll grow up to do so many greater things in the world than I have". Now perhaps Dake, or others with extreme OCD would want to enumerate works and compare. But the whole "see I told you so Jesus prophesied that we would do all 9 all the time" vision of John 14:12 with acrobat logic over to I Cor 12 is a very PFAL like interpretation of all of that. I mean I haven't watched those tapes in decades but the ole VP logic of "what are those greater works?" SIT, no, no, no. I mean when I read John 14 the whole chapter in context it doesn't really seem to flow to drill in on minutae to try and prove something in one of Paul's letters. That doesn't seem to be looking at it in the spirit of Jesus' intentions speaking it. He was preparing them, comforting them, and shedding light on a few details to be seen later about the comforter.
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