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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. What's a Children's Fellowship without hand motions?. I also have some hand motions to go along with my assessment of their twitterfeed. But I won't share them publicly.
  2. So I just checked the Way home site because I needed to feel better about my life, so I went there and looked and realized my life couldn't be that bad because I still am not in a cult anymore. So I've got that going for me..... Anyway, right there before my eyes is the Way twitterfeed: "God is good to me. He holds my hand. He helps me stand. God is good to me!" So now Way followers, you too can have a Waybot make up new modern nursery rhymes to send you daily. At first I thought this might be artificial intelligence. And then I realized, no, it is just another Way Corps job LOL. I'll tell you, if I had that job, I would change it into the Way haiku feed. Or I would shoot myself in the head. One of the two.
  3. Yes. And this new event "Walking In the Household in New Light" would actually be the name for re-defining darkness as the new Way ministry standard by the BOD. LOL.
  4. Correct. Hence fulfilling the proverb - "Q. How many Corps does it take to screw in a light bulb? A. 6. One to do it and 5 to tell him how they could have done it better".
  5. Ah yes. The continued devaluation of the Way Corps. More examples of Pharisees separating themselves from the general crowd. The only educational institution on earth where the paper you earned from a degree in the college loses value quicker than taking a new car off of a car lot.
  6. Me too. They sound like River Road Fellowship refugees but maybe not that bad. We all have dysfunctions to get over from the Way me too.
  7. And yes, the Way knows about as much about counseling as it does about running an accredited Christian college. See the following: nothing, nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch, zip, zippo(adverb) a quantity of no importance Synonyms: postal code, nought, zipper, zero, vigour, zip, energy, goose egg, postcode, naught, aught, cipher, nix, zippo, nil, zero point, nobody, secret code, slide fastener, nonentity, vigor, zip fastener, cryptograph, cypher, zilch, nothing, nada, null nothing(adverb) in no respect; to no degree .
  8. An open letter to a closed mind. This Pharisee has emerged from the council of Pharisees as being the Pharisee of Pharisees. Scripturally, he is projected to be threefold the child of hell of the predecessors. I just think he's off to a slow start on ruining people's lives and isn't quite as efficient at executing the bum's rush as the Wizard of Roz. Pearls. Swine. Wineskins. Peace Out.
  9. Good lean protein healthy, delicious if prepared correctly. One of the list of phobias / dysfunctions I had to get over after leaving the Way. If chicken is undercooked it still will trigger me a little.
  10. There actually is only one plausible explanation. Because he liked it.
  11. Like a good little cult, WOW was the LDS Mission.
  12. Indiana campus. Where I developed a temporary eating disorder. We did chickens in the morning. The rocket scientist in charge of the menu served fried chicken for lunch. I vomited. 2 years later I could eat KFC.
  13. To me you were dealing with lower level intelligence there. Well, sh1t, maybe that's what we all were dealing with. Let's compare here mothers. On one hand, we have that lady's example. I'm sure that little girl at 18 will get as far away from that woman as possible, and have a lot of damage to deal with. Do you think they will have a multi-generational connection? On the other hand we have you who showed Christian love to a troubled adopted child and saw him through a stage where he was weak. Now that he is stronger you have love and a multi-generational connection. Who was the better mother? Who does God approve of? Who has rewards now and eternally? Not even a tough choice answering those.
  14. F'ing Lally0s and their anger issues finally got served up a heaping helping of their own karma. Now they live in the real world where they aren't important, like everybody else.
  15. Um yeah. So is an alcoholic, a serial adulterer, and a narcissist. All seperately. Little less all rolled together into one dysfunctional personality. Somehow the "prophet" part of it looking back probably wasn't the problem. Other than to logically say the delusional vision probably was tied in to the other dysfunction.
  16. Bet Forts aren't M&A so that their inbred family can visit them.
  17. Didn't get past the opening first minute where he asks if anybody has seen a counterfeit $13 bill. My thoughts after that immediately were "now I have".
  18. Yes I recall talking with many from other countries, and their schedule would typically involve a 2 month journey and a large expense. Come over for an Adv. Class stay for CF / ROA. Eventually the cost and burden of maintenance grew much greater than the return, especially as the large push for WOW's ended.
  19. Dude I remember getting reamed out for asking if I could have one day off from working concessions as that was our only vacation time work would allow. Apparently us lowly corpse didn't work quite as hard as all those Region coordinators in the Way of the USA tent, with their 14 hour days. Funny how whenever I would stop by there they were all sitting on their @$$es BSing each other and sending the pretty young attendants out for free food. I mean I could go on and on about the ROA, but will just leave with one thought - R@lph W in a little Bobcat with all the Haitian tent crew. Now if someone could just post up a picture of a hippie cutting hair to get their WOW money together we'd be all up to date.
  20. chockfull


    With cheapness it's funny I was re-reading one of WordWolf's posts where he made the point that what people spend money on is what they value, when we are talking about cheapness. So with the Way ministry, with simple clear logic, I just ask you to compare the following 2 categories: 1) How much money the Way has spent on covering up sexcapades. 2) How much money the Way spends on the Way Corps. On the Way Corps it's like - "go study the collaterals, we don't have any real college level professors". Or "You're going to take the Dale Carnegie class, but instead of paying someone who is certified to teach it or spending money for one of the dooface Corpse coordinators to take it, we are going to have this schlub teach it". Or "your tuition doesn't even begin to cover the cost of training you" - oh reaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyy? You mean those empty rooms that you are already paying electricity and maintenance on cost a lot? Oh yeah? Well how bout you try and rent them out on the open market and tell me how much you get for them? Put up rooms in Founder's Hall on AirBnB. I dare you. You wont' make a million - you'd be lucky to break even. I would say you could examine the Way's finances and see where their priority lies.
  21. chockfull


    The Way ministry history of the day named for "Uncle Harry" VP's brother local millionaire from a furniture business. Burn the Chaff day used to be called Uncle Harry day. Why did the Way rename it? Because Uncle Harry, Harry Wierwille, at best was an enabler. An enabler of Vicster's wild scheme's, a coverer of a mutitude of sins with cash, a funder of the cult. Without Harry Wierwille's millions, the Way would not have gained the exposure worldwide that it did. Uncle Harry was known to see lots of miracles. In all actuality, if you want to get down to it, Uncle Harry was the first to institute a "pay for play" position in the Way. To this day followers of the "pay for play" philosophy in the way are treated differently than the common folk.
  22. chockfull


    To me lately it has been opposite of the Way Burn the Chaff. All those things they said to get rid of, I think are worth collecting. Childhood memories, old vinyl albums, family and time with them, good friends in the community who are not Christian, hobbies, relationships at work where you are not witnessing, neighbors, and in general the story of my life. I've got an artifact from cub scouts in my office because it makes me feel good. All those things they said to prioritize, I think are worth getting rid of. For example, Sunday Teaching service tape collections. Bye Bye. Boring the first time you heard it live, it doesn't get more exciting on tape. Way magazine articles and boxes of them. Bye Bye. You don't need them anyway, as all personality and authenticity in the teachings have been surgically removed. Besides, before long they will be further cleansed and regurgitated on a ministry website. Next, Ministry notes. Bye Bye. Somebody's rantings and personal commentary on a book of the Bible aren't worth re-reading. Ministry Bibles and all their stupid notes - also's marked, color coded to way classes with underline, whatever. Bye Bye. I'd rather read a non-annotated Bible in modern English thank you. I could give a flying rat's @$$ whether or not the italics in a Bible say somebody "changed a word". HA!. VP changed more words with his literals according to usage than any Bible scholar did anywhere with a translation. Besides, I'm not a fundamentalist anymore. I just read the Bible for positive inspiration, and sometimes for the crazy stories, and sometimes for comfort. You say it contradicts itself? Well, so does the entire human f'ing race. So what? So you know Way ministry, you were right and you were wrong about Burn the Chaff. You were right about the concept. It is nice to travel light. In modern times this concept has gained ground under a different name. Minimalism. But you as usual were wrong about the execution of it. That's because you, Way ministry, are The Chaff.
  23. well, you know, they are really only missing one word in that description. that word is "abusive". As in "This book of quotes by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille and others shares great heart and insight. For many this learning process of a teacher and student grew into so much more; it grew into an abusive father with his foster kids...."
  24. Grace, that is so true. Thanks for sharing. You experienced boot camp too, right? Didn't you say you had a military career? Which branch?
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