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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. For someone who pontificates on helping people, Mike seems more concerned with being right.
  2. You got to ove it when they hang themselves. You said you don't buy the you believe it or don't meme and that it was bad teaching. What's the difference between believing on and believing off and you believe something or you don't? Further, how does something that's binary favor believers?
  3. How is it pretty logical? You repeated this. Are you trying to convince me or you? You're trying to set yourself up as a standard. You're not.
  4. So you're saying believing can be quantified? How? And if I've gotten bad teachers, they were with Twi. Did they explain things the way you explain things? That would explain a lot. You know details? What has knowing those details done for you? Your believing sucks. You're always whining about being mocked or misrepresented. Both reveal your believing.
  5. Why would it be more logical for believers to use something that's binary better?
  6. Once again, it's often been stated that you believe or you don't. Under those circumstances, how would it work better for a Saint? And just where does Saint Vic say that, as I don't remember it?
  7. Great idea Mike. That idea is so good, you should start washing windows for free. Don't worry, you'll get the rewards for your generosity at the return.
  8. I handle it quite well thank you. Unlike you, who lives up to Ambrose Bierce's definition of an April Fool, a March fool thirty days further into his folly.
  9. Still rationalizing I see. Now after taking PLAF, why would anyone want to she'll out more money for Leonard's class, just to get the same information. Ditto all the other people whose work Saint Vic stole. Your sarcasm in the matter and your lack of empathy speaks volumes.
  10. Make a holograph?! What the-- Was God an Anunnaki, one of the supposed race of ancient astronauts? Well, I'm thankful he remember to bring his holograph project with him on that long journey from another star.
  11. Typical troll tactic, make a statement, then when called on it, try to palm it's irrationality off as a joke.
  12. You're talking out both sides of your mouth. You copyright something to prevent others from copyrighting it, stealing it, yet it's okay for Saint Vic to steal it directly.
  13. So he never copyrighted the SNT. Big deal, considering the tapes acted as a commercial for PLAF. Even Mystery Science Theater 3000 used end of their early broadcast with "KEEP CIRCULATING THE TAPES." So why then didn't he freely share the collaterals and other written material? And again, why did you say you were going to copyright Raf's position post on the Absent Christ.
  14. If God doesn't care about intellectual property rights, then why did Saint Vic copyright the works he stole from others?
  15. So, God, who claims he's a just and loving God, would take the bread out of one of his kids mouth and give to another one. Not a very just and loving thing to do. Also, if God doesn't care about "silly" things like intellectual property rights, why did you state you would copyright Raf's position on the Absent Christ? Shouldn't that be freely shared? A bit hypocritical, don't you think? (Now's your chance to see how big a hit you'll get.)
  16. If your moved goal post now claims PLAF can only be proven it's God-breathe by living it, I and 18,000 others prove your postulate false. I spent most of my life believing PLAF and trying to make it work. It never did.
  17. So, what specifically would make Jesus a cult leader? And, using on of your previous arguments, wouldn't it be to the devil's advantage for Jesus to be labeled a cult leader?
  18. Again, nobody's mocking your statements. They're showing you a flaw in your reasoning. Also, you started the tangent, now you want to go back to the threads purpose? I guess it's because you picked a bad tangent.
  19. Hitler brought a bankrupt nation to near world domination. I guess that makes him a Saint.
  20. The structure is a lot like "The House Jack Built" or "For The Want Of A Nail..."
  21. According to your reasoning the Greasespot Players have prepared a short skit for you. Joe Sixpack: I have an invisible six foot rabbit that follows me around. Johnny Jump up: That's not possible. Maggie Muggins: There are no six foot rabbits. Snowball Pete: Invisible? Joe Sixpack: You knowingly wrong people are objecting to my statement, so I must be right. (Everybody bows. Exit stage left.)
  22. Known wrong people? Known wrong by who? Is there a possibility that you're wrong and the time and effort you perceive as being spent to bury what's said is actually them attempting to correct the record and give a balanced view of the facts?
  23. The sad part is he's not taking it from you, your taking it from you. You come to a site set up to expose the evil part of the Way spouting off about all the supposed good it did and what do you expect? You forgot to tell the rest of the story. Where did Ralph D eventually wind up? Doing what? There was no word during the first century. no gospels. So either the 1942 promise is false or God doesn't know anything about His own book.
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