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lucygoosey last won the day on April 2 2013

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About lucygoosey

  • Birthday 04/29/1972

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  1. Well good, I'd hate to think I raised a horse from the dead ;)
  2. I faked it. Every time. I rehearsed ahead of time and by the time I was 11, I had a notebook full of ones I'd made up and would rotate so I didn't deliver the same one twice in any week. (BTW I only managed to read the first 15 or so pages, so if y'all already changed topics 47 times, sorry)
  3. Last time I saw their family was Abilene, TX in the mid 80's. I was good friends with their daughter Rebecca who is about my age (I'm 40). Would love to reconnect with Rebecca!
  4. I was going through my dads photos (Ron Spruill 10/28/51-10/27/09) and came across one of our WOW family in Abilene, TX circa somewhere around 81-83, don't remember the exact year. Reminded me of the GSC, and thought I'd drop in and say hi!
  5. lucygoosey

    Amber Alert

    AMBER ALERT -Retirement home in Minnesota looking for elderly man off his meds.Very delusional, he thought he could play football & beat the Saints! Description 6'2, 222lbs, age-older than dirt. Goes by the name of Favre. Last seen in New Orleans wearing a Vikings jersey with his pants on DA ground and black & gold confetti in his hair.
  6. Steve is still in Kentucky, so if you knew him from there, his info has not changed. He is out. If you'd like to pm me your info, I will pass it along to Steve.
  7. Can't get the real thing where I live. Doesn't sound very tasty anyway :)
  8. Just wanted to pop in and say I've run AVG Free and AdAware for several years, and I'm on my 3rd computer (I keep upgrading and selling my old ones) and have NEVER had a virus do ANY damage. AVG has always caught them when they tried to get in. I also run MailWasher on my Outlook, and I can bounce spam from it without ever downloading it to my computer.
  9. Yes, my mom has asked forgiveness of all us 5 kids for this, but I can't tell you how many wooden spoons I had broken across my backside as a wayfer kid. Then when dad got home we got the leather. I've had no idea until reading this thread that this was a TWI endorsed method of 'correction'. As a kid, I guess I assumed everyone was disciplined that way.
  10. Thank you Dot, your words are a comfort to me. I've read this whole thread, but I just will not respond to most of it. Thank you for your words of love and support.
  11. I've put out a lot of flowers, and just transplanted some day lillies I got from a friend. As for my edible grden, my dill is growing like wildflowers, and I've already seen the first crop of swallowtail caterpillars on it! My chives, garlic, fennel, coriander, basil, lambs ear, spearmint, lemon balm, and catnip are all doing well too. My tiller bit the dust, so my veggie garden won't be as large this year as I'm doing everything by hand, but I've got several tomatoes (roma, grape, and better boy's) and strawberries going well, and my swiss chard is coming up. My yellow squash already has blooms, as do my cukes! After the rain passes this afternoon, I'm going to go plant my green beans and purple hulls. Usually, I have corn, and I'll do 4 rows about 12' long, and once the corn gets growing good, I'll plant my beans alongside and they use the corn for a trellis. I usually plant my corn on top of fish heads and guts (sounds appetizing, I know) but I haven't even been fishing once yet this year.
  12. Ah yes, completely missed that one :) Carry on then!
  13. My occupation isn't listed, and it would fall under all the above categories. I'm a mom.
  14. Excelently timed thread. I have one that seems like she'll never be potty trained (she's 4) and she peed on the living room floor this morning. And we're trying to litter train a new kitten. Ugh.
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