I am not only new to this site but am also very new to computers in general and am only muddling through even now. Such terms as "post","e-mail", & "chat room" are very challenging to me, especially as far as using these things. My net access may be limited to weekly or even less often so I'll give this a try. I am very thankful to be a PFAL grad, and I am thankful for Dr. Wierwille. My perspective is as a person who did not see the darker things that obviously went on perhaps farther inside the workings of the ministry than I ever saw.
A lot of what I learned in the classes has stood the test of time as far as I'm concerned. As far as the hard times go, speculating on what went on back then, for me, seems foolish and dangerous. However,I don't think any situation as it may relate to anyone I know, or get to know can't be dealt with. It just has to be very personal in order to not speak about things I really don't know anything about.
My most recent experiences have been very hard on me, but I do think I've come out of them with a clear conscience. It did cost me a lot though. In many respects my life is broken. But the experiential knowledge I've gained from being on the recieving end of some very bad treatment has me thinking that perhaps I have something to give. I don't seem like "very much" by any objective angle I can think of, but my experiences haven't ruined my love for God's word. And I believe that that's enough for God to work with, even yet.
My observation is a simple one, God's word is painfully honest about his peoples shortcomings, I think that is very easy to read but hard to handle when the faults belong to self, leadership, or anyone that is closer to me than words in a book.
I hope my first ever posting anywhere on anything isn't blatantly offensive to anyone, I'm really just looking for good fellowship.