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Everything posted by JeffSjo

  1. Hi brideofjc, Thanks for the reponse. That was more well thought out information on Priscilla than I've had up to now. VERY INTERESTING!
  2. Hi nandon, I have resembled your reaction from time to time, but after further consideration have decided that acting on that kind of impulse would be wrong. But hey, I understand how you feel.
  3. It's a complicated topic, I try to focus on whether or not the topic is worth it. (The trouble that is)
  4. Hi Bumpy, Even while I sympathise with your thoughts of "What justice might have been", There's something that helps me to consider. The promise of justice coming. I believe the promises in the bible about this, (but that's just me) and I don't know for sure if it's a comfort to you, But I hope it is. If I can help any of the injured go on, It's worth talking about it to me. I AM VERY WEARY OF IT WHITE DOVE, I'M JUST SAYING
  5. JeffSjo

    Dad update

    My fingers are fully crossed for you and your family nero.
  6. For me it's hard enough to figure out if it was proper or not when I'm fully aware of the specific actions in question, and the events that lead up to them. I try to stay away from hypothetical situations where there is no context at all. But that's just me.
  7. I don't know about a lot of this computer stuff. I'd like to hear what's on your heart. E-mail perhaps?

  8. Hi guys & White Dove, You all have been talking about a lot since I posted my respomse to White Doves post on the 15th. Since White Dove requires accuracy I hope you all will bear with me as I answer his question to me. I'll have to catch up with all you've been talking about after that, I hope you all don't mind me bringing it back to the 15th. White Dove, In response to my rebuking you after both pleading with you to stop calling people dishonest, and reproving you for your dishonesty; you asked me if I wanted to "sideline critic mine," refering to yourself as the critic I believe. My response is as follows, I believe this is a valuable topic where we could help hurting people a tremendous amount. If we were alowed to consider rascal's post of Dec. 15th, 01: 16 pm we would see that she's not demonizing anyone. She's balanced as far as placing blame and isn't talking down to anyone. cmans response right after rascal's post is balanced too, it has a lot of good things to consider in terms of helping someone overcome abusive religious pasts. So because of the hurting people and the potential for people being actually helped right here and right now, I am very weary of you succesfully coopting this topic on to another track for your own reasons. What are Your reasons?, I'm not sure because I don't know your whole history. But what I am saying is your handling of this topic is off track, unhelpful, and brings to mind for me the bullying sometimes done by leadership in the old days, as many on this site have experienced for themselves. Yeah, If you can't track with the topic here, go to the sideline critic you.
  9. Hi brideofjc, I think this is a wonderful topic where a person is entitled to an opinion without having to argue about it. I'd just like to hear other's well considered opinions. There's gotta be others besides my first choice.
  10. Yes White Dove, let's make it all about you instead of helping.
  11. Some of you from time to time resort to sarcasm to deal with these issues. I don't know why. I mean what's up with that? I think that if you can't face these issues without resorting to sarcasm please just be quiet. Maybe without your foolishness something can get done here. If you can't call anyone dishonest without having the facts to prove it just be quiet WHITE DOVE! Your attempt to claim to help people stay honest is a sham. If you were honest you would just say, "you're lying, that did not happen." But since you can't say that, you have a pose of " Being honest is a good start to help." Please WHITE DOVE, don't falsely accuse these folks of dishonesty. You are the one who needs help staying honest, and if you won't, just please be quiet.
  12. This is a topic that I'm thankful is being discussed. If I've gotten it correct, it's supposed to be about helping people deal with offences. I don't care if the offense is new or 20 years old, if someone is hurting they deserve to be helped through it. White dove, your posts have been very counterproductive as far as anything good being accomplished. Quit forcing hurt people to defend the very fact that they're hurt. I don't know what kind of mindset would lead you to take a lawyer-like approach in an open setting like this where we can verify virtually nothing anybody is saying, but it is very off track with the stated purpose of this topic. PLEASE WHITE DOVE, EITHER HELP PEOPLE OR BE QUIET.
  13. Frankly it catches my attention about Apollos that he "helped the brethren much." Acts 18: 27 If that was just a man's opinion I would view it with a grain of salt, but when God's word credits anyone with doing something helpful it's a big deal.
  14. I think the worst thing that I can think of would be to end up like one of Job's miserable comforters. All full of knowledge, but only able to end up accusing the one who's been hurt.
  15. Thanks rascal, the same right back at you. :) cman The best rule I can think of to govern who to tell it to is "love and care for God's people." I already know that it's easy to say and hard to do, but a guy's gotta have standards.
  16. See you guys You just hurt people You probably think you're doing the right thing Look at the results If I hurt rascal like you did I'd feel ashamed
  17. Nope, you can't meet them, they could be hurt even worse.
  18. This is how it works for me. Personally I'm sure there were and are big problems with TWI. I refuse to not take a hurting person seriously or at face value just because they can't document the events that hurt them. I'm certain that often TWI just covered their you know whats instead of doing the right thing and confessed their sins. So I am compelled to do the decent thing and take care of the one who's hurting, even if I can't document the source of their pain. Just for the record, I consider covering the sin up to be the cowards way.
  19. That brings to mind an old saying " If it doesn't say, you just don't know." I'm not saying Apollos's qualifications means he's the writer of Hebrews. But I'm willing to say that they fit, better than anyone else that's written about. I know that is only my opinion, but in all honesty it is my opinion.
  20. I've heard a few reliable reports from unimpeachable sources. The amount of pain that I see is undeniable, and it's never right to attack an accuser. That's something the guilty are better at doing than the innocent.
  21. Chokfull I know how you feel. To me it's God's grace and mercy that we ever get to see anything good. It is a painful part of life to have to learn how to deal with deception, false motives, and the like. And it's just doesn't seem fair that so many have been hurt in the mean time, but that's how it is. It gives those of us with experience in it (however painful it was) something to give to others. Wise council
  22. There's another little tidbit that fits with Apollos being the writer. Acts 18: 24 & 28 These say that Apollos was "mighty in the scriptures" and "mightily convinced the Jews and that publically, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ" In my observation, this fits the writer of Hebrews exactly, Many of the topics in Hebrews fits both these descriptions. And while I'd be willing to consider Priscilla as my first choice, she doesn't seem to have as many qualities plainly stated about her in God's word that seem to fit. What do you guys think of that?
  23. Hi Nathan Friedly and welcome, Thanks for your sharing and your heart. Often times roughness is just a cover for weakness and gentleness is true strength. You've just reminded me of that. :)
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