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JeffSjo last won the day on December 10 2009

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About JeffSjo

  • Birthday 08/13/1961

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    Grantsburg, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Hearing from old friends in/from River Road Fellowship as led by V. Barnard.

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  1. Just a quick visit if anybody is paying attention. This is part of "my story" as it applies to the internet now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I recently wrote this:"I don't really know much about you, I don't know for sure when I'll be back. But I do know I've seen treasure in your heart and even though I don't have the right to ask anything of you I nevertheless hope that one thing, your precious treasure is true." I can't speak for what the children of Wayfers believe, heck, I'm still working on what I believe. And as far as the internet goes, people can and probably should be careful about what they reveal. But since I happen to still hold the scriptures dear I mostly don't want to be overbearing, paranoid, needlessly cruel and/or judgmental, or come down hard on people who I don't know that well and end up just hurting them worse like some kind of manipulative douche bag might. And I wouldn't want them to be brought into any kind of pseudo-TWI culture where the top dogs hide their douchiness behind a few grateful supporters who aren't necessarily wrong in being grateful while they don't know what a douche bag their chosen leader really is. And I wouldn't want to be quick to forget how The Way International suckered almost all of us into following them under the guise of the leaders being our protectors from imagined dangers that us poor saps couldn't possibly ever learn to deal with. While in truth these same leaders were more concerned with their own status with in the group that allowed them to nail one gal after another. I might be proven a fool in believing and hoping for the next-gen to be proven true and good, but I won't be shamed for hoping for it and giving a damn.
  2. I recently wrote this:"I don't really know much about you, I don't know for sure when I'll be back. But I do know I've seen treasure in your heart and even though I don't have the right to ask anything of you I nevertheless hope that one thing, your precious treasure is true." I can't speak for what the children of Wayfers believe, heck, I'm still working on what I believe. And as far as the internet goes, people can and probably should be careful about what they reveal. But since I happen to still hold the scriptures dear I mostly don't want to be overbearing, paranoid, needlessly cruel and/or judgmental, or come down hard on people who I don't know that well and end up just hurting them worse like some kind of manipulative douche bag might. And I wouldn't want them to be brought into any kind of pseudo-TWI culture where the top dogs hide their douchiness behind a few grateful supporters who aren't necessarily wrong in being grateful while they don't know what a douche bag their chosen leader really is. And I wouldn't want to be quick to forget how The Way International suckered almost all of us into following them under the guise of the leaders being our protectors from imagined dangers that us poor saps couldn't possibly ever learn to deal with. While in truth these same leaders were more concerned with their own status with in the group that allowed them to nail one gal after another. I might be proven a fool in believing and hoping for the next-gen to be proven true and good, but I won't be shamed for hoping for it and giving a damn.
  3. Better considerations concerning "forgiveness IMO.

    1. JeffSjo
    2. bowtwi


      Better than what? Better how?

  4. THE FOLLOWING I POSTED ON MY FACEBOOK PROFILE,while speaking to someone who I will not condemn who is still somehow involved in Way International culture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have been considering how tough it can be for someone who has been led around for decades by The Way International to come to terms... with the truth that starting with Wierwille, top leadership is a bunch of lying, deceitful predators who are very skilled at spinning the truth to suit their purposes. And on top of that they have turned the Grace of God into unbounded lust, trying at every turn as far as I can tell to promote within Way International closed culture that allows them to excuse their sins while carefully picking out folks who are willing to collude with them and hide their shame. And oftentimes, after using these folks, but especially the women, they discard them like yesterday's trash. Now since you have expressed nothing directly to me except a desire to see me healed I bear you no ill will. Heck, if I wasn't completely certain of the things that I speak to you I would wish I didn't have to say them at all. But as things sit now I am fully convinced that for all our sakes we should come to terms with these things out here in the light." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What the heck folks, how could I not come back for a bit with Johnny coming clean here for a bit!? :D See, for me it's about motivation of the person asking Way victim's to forgive the abusers. And while someone may be willing to make a good case for it, if they have shown themselves already to be thuggish or a bully, it tends to discredit the sincerity of their suggestion IMO. And while someone may be well intentioned in their desire to see folks forgive in order to be healed I think in this case they just might not perceive the real need. Wouldn't becoming clear about the abuse, clear about the real character of the abusers, and clear about the nature of their continued deception be better than walking away from these hard realities? But since we are all different people I happily and needfully allow each to make up their own mind.
  5. I found a questionnaire at a cult recovery site run by somebody who is for real IMO without any control issues. :) Legal help doesn't necessarily represent an answer for everybody, but if anyone is interested, I can hook you up with them. I hope posting this provides food for thought if nothing else. Here is the substance of their questionnaire which they let actual, qualified lawyers look over..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please take the time to complete this form. At the bottom of the form, when you are done, press the "Submit Questionnaire" button to send the electronic form. Please also send any support documentation you feel might be meaningful. And remember to save letters, group literature and/or other relevant material that may be helpful. Name: Age: Male/female Home address: Your phone number: Work phone: Best time to reach you at these numbers: Your e-mail address Current work or profession: Is your work somehow related to the group and/or leader in question? Marital Status: Spouses name? How many children? Ages of each child: Name of group, leader or counselor: Name of person most related to your situation in the group: Name of local group and/or leader in your area: Group location address: How did you first come into contact with the group, leader and/or counselor? Where & when did first contact with the group, leader and/or counselor occur? What was the length of time you were involved? Was anyone else, such as a friend, business associate and/or family member also involved? What type of abuse, exploitation and/or personal injury did you suffer through your involvement with the group, leader and/or professional person in question? Describe this in some detail. Approximately how long and/or how many times, did you suffer such abuse? Did anyone else also experience personally injuries through abuse and/or exploitation that you can recall within or through the group, leader and/or professional person in question? Did an adult or minor perpetuate this abuse? Were any minors abused or harmed in any way through this situation? Have you required professional care as a direct result of the abuse, which you have cited? Has there been related physical and/or mental/emotional problems as a related result of this abuse? Explain. Have you ever been ill within the group? Did you receive proper medical and/or other professional attention? Who paid for this treatment? What money, material goods, property, etc. have you given to the group, leader and/or professional that is involved? Were other members of your family, close friends or professional/business associates somehow also involved with the group, leader and/or professional person in question? What specifically convinced you that the group, leader and/or professional person is destructive/harmful or negative? Are you now in contact with other professionals concerning this situation? Please name any professionals or persons you have contacted. Please include any additional information you feel might be helpful or in some way meaningful.
  6. To echo a sentiment from my facebook profile....If anyone want to resolve anything with me you actually have to talk to me.

  7. Feeling nostalgic for some of my earlier threads, these are three of my favorites, and yes I believe in the resurrection. hehehe "Grieved By The Way International" "SPIN DOCTORS, BLECH!" "This one's for Hona Lee" (On my part this thread was partly botched but directed at The Way as pertaining to the old "Johnny Lingo" video.)
  8. Check this out..HAHAHAHA http://www.topix.com/forum/city/sedro-woolley-wa/T970M2MMNEP0FME29 Here is the content of the conversation............ This is a Sedro-Woolley public message board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Victor Barnard victim Comstock, WI Here is a link that gives some information on some newer Sedro-Wooley residents. The leader of this group was taught how to dominate people and prey on young women by The Way International. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/topic/20709... " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all the money Whittier, CA sir are you making any sence?.......I just can't figure out if u r hating these people or with them?......this forum is dead.......do you know why? Well I do.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Victor Barnard victim Comstock, WI Dear all the money, It's not really all that difficult to figure my intentions out as they are self-evident for the most part. Information for the sake of public welfare. I think the residents of the Sedro-Wooley area should be made aware of the situation. Here is a related link: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/topic/19360... From that link, here is what one woman said as recorded in post#72: "If I may add another aspect of this... in the splinter group I was in and I will only speak of this because I can from first hand experience, anyhow besides me I have heard that Victor Banard who was the MOG(blah blah blah) has slept with almost all of the women in the ministry. Yes he is his fathers son. But heres my point. As the saying goes you never truely forget your first love...meaning the one you give yourself to. Alot of these girls I have heard he slept with (possibly even my own daughter) were definately virgins, what better way for him to steal, and control their minds and hearts? It's first love and apple trees my foot its more like I'm your first love forget Jesus Christ I have all you need. Yuck!!!!!" And one little thing "all the money", thanx for bringing my public notification to the top of this message board.:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" IF THERE EVER WAS ANY DOUBT FELLOW GREASESPOTTERS, THERE ARE WAYFER LOYAL FOLKS WHO THINK THEY ARE BEING ALL "SPIRITUAL" WHEN THEY CALL THE GREASESPOT CAFE "A DEAD FORUM."
  9. Thank you kind sir, Yeah, I hear you. I would be lying if I said that such a response NEVER even crossed my mind. But I think my boy is better off in that I didn't completely go off the deep end.
  10. Dear friend........... I hope and pray we get to continue this conversation some day soon, before we get to find out for ourselves. :)
  11. Hi folks, just'a passin through.

  12. JeffSjo


    I am so sorry for your loss Dooj. I never had the pleasure of meeting him but even here at GSC his presence was felt. But those of you that actually knew him sound like you are suffering a great loss with his passing and I feel for you all.
  13. Thanks everybody! :knuddel: :knuddel: :knuddel: Just came back for a bit in order to answer a pm and print out "My Story". I've been asked to keep my Facebook account open, but I've also seen that they are/were planning on making folks pay a monthly fee later this summer. If they do that it probably isn't going to stay open. After a week or two I will get this account closed out, Speaking just for myself, I don't think I can afford to be addicted to The Greasespot Cafe. But it is real nice for me to be leaving when I'm certain that for the time being at least the bullies I knew here aren't up to their old tricks........some of them thought they knew them all. And just for the misled Wayfers who think that debil spurts are jumping out of my posts....(My ideal ending here)........ :jump: (Edited to remove a grammatical error)
  14. Came back to answer a PM and printout "My Story." I will miss you folks!

  15. Thanks Shellon. :) I'm just doing some pm's but I'm sure we'll talk later.
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