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About dakotawind
- Birthday May 16
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((((((((EXXIE))))))))))) I hope, over the coming New Year ~ that many bright, light, happy, funny things come your way ~ It was a pleasure to know you here, and personally! May we meet in Vegas and have a blast at the Bellagio ~ let me know, I'm free anytime!!! (; Peace and Lots of Love. Dear Friend! I also miss the list you wrote too.... (thanks Mstar & Linda for the shout out also) How is our fav Satori, and so many others????? Sad to hear about those that are gone now... ); How's Adios and heck, what's her name? DOH! How's Pam and the mod team ~ have they had a chance to recoup? So much to know ~ so little time! Love Again, To Ex xoxo
Good Luck to You Dear Pawtucket, in all of your endeavors. You did well here, and helped many. No need to feel obliged anymore to anyone or tied to something that needs to evolve into what people will find next on their paths. Your generosity of spirit and will is something many will always aspire to ... you are a fine example of a man helping his fellow man. Be well and move forward knowing you have done as well as anyone ever could have with an ex cult site... maybe even that you did it is remarkable enough! People found their way through either their experiences or their emotions after such a time or experience as The Way International! You will always be a sort of 'hero' to me for putting up the mirror and the light, for all to see where they came from, and some, a glimpse of where they could go from really being down and out. Precious and Few are people like you .... I am sending the most positive thoughts to you and yours during this transitional time. Wish for all the Beat and ...bam! See it staring right back at you. Peace and Love Always, Ginger Tea Have a cup of ginger tea with agave sweetener (raw and organic, of course,) and some meyer lemon and passion flower... to stay relaxed, you know? xoxo
Thanks Pawtucket, You did a great thing here... all good things must come to an end, after all, nothing lasts forever, not even us. Another positive about GS closing is that people get to move forward with their lives. There was a slight co-dependency (needed for many at times) tp reaching out to GS, yet in the bigger picture, it's not the answer. Each person, moving ahead, towards embracing their lives fully ~ in forward motion, is the gift GS can give now to those that held on to it for the shifts and changes their lives experienced. It's like a graduation time.... and you bring many to the next class... LIFE 101 w/o a religious cult that was destructive possessing themselves and their families! What marvelous things you have all done for each other, allowing the healing to surface, and the letting go to be an honorable thing. You are all ready to move on ~ to LIFE! Enjoy yourselves, knowing you are all good people. Do your best and you will all be alright! Peace & Love, Ginger xoxo
Yellow... Coldplay... The Painter, Neil Young and when I figure this out, some Leonard Cohen and some downloads! Oh yeah! xoxo
Hi to some old and cherished friends, and bye to all of you now ~ I hope that your experiences here have helped all of you to embrace your lives without middle men and hokey-pokers (bah, you boogie salesmen), and rather, that you have found that this life is truly a process... It gives us many new and surprising paths to choose, and through it all... we ultimately make it what we want it to be, regardless of injustice or the crap... Nobody is to blame for our detours and shenanigans, unless, of course, we are children... that's completely different. We have all heard things in exciting ways... back in the day ~ 0(yes Hope, I said, BACK IN THE DAY!) (; We are all so lucky to be living in a time and place where we choose our own paths. May you never choose a path to lead your life, in vain. Peace, Ginger Tea How are you all doing?
George, not when you are an honest, self-sufficient woman. shame on your remarks. they hurt me. they are sexist. I have been more helpful to women than almost anyone i else i personally know. it's because i believe we need to give a hand up. in most cases, that what women all over the world are doing. you sound like a jerk!!!! you are a jerk!!!!!! how dare you say this! because you have a problem with women in your life doe not mean women in general are the problem! hey, come to think of it, you were not supportive of me either when i was here giving GS my heart and soul. so, if you can say what you did - i still will not say what i think! ginger
listen, suicide is the end result of severe deep depression...a clinical depression, meaning it is also a medical diagnosis. it is real. it has NOTHING to do with the bible or anything even close. if you see anyone you love severely depressed, you better get them to their doctor or to a hospital because it is an actual illness, like cancer, diabetes, which can affect our loved ones, in more self destructive ways than we care to imagine. there is help for the those who suffer suicide ideation. this seems the best opportunity to put facts out.
GEO - WHILE I PERSONALLY DON'T KNOW YOU, THAT IS AN EXTREME STATEMENT. DO YOU HAVE A THERAPIST? oops, sorry about the caps Exxie, hope you have shown your value to those who employ you. If this is not resolved, the best thing for you is to move on. It's not so bad ... you mighy find your dream job on the journey. love, ginger
you can e-mail thru GS and i will get back to you right away
well robi, sorry about the loss of this person in your familys' life. as far as what perspectives you can share, if you are open at least, the point that these ideas are based on superstition, nothing more, so no one can tell you anything more. it's from man, not a universal loving god, after all. sympathy to all in robi' family
hi again vick, i have been where you are too. i take this whole 'religious thing' very lightly these days. i was on deaths door a few years ago. the best thing that happened to me besides surviving was that i let go of all prior judgments of myself, and people in my life, (which included the religion i subscribed to responsible for guilt), all wrongs done to me, perceptions of others that were less than loving - i forgave, and ultimately, the only thing that mattered to me (and my recovery) at the crucial time i had to experience was - who i loved in this world and throughout my life. in the end, that's all that matters. ask any hospice worker. forget the priests unless they aren't blind. it's people on earth, not god and heaven. love matters. i've been hospitalized about 7 seven times to get the issue straight that nearly killed me (i'm fine now, not to worry), and this realization has not wavered for me. religious faith might do something for many people, obviously, who are frightened and i respect people who have to rely on faith as i understand why they do, as do you. the thing i learned though, in the face of death, was, that religion or my faith mattered nothing (to me) in the big picture. what did and still does matter to me every day is 'love' by love i mean those i love, such as the children,my life-long friends, but most importantly family (no matter how bad, lol, in my case) they matter still, and all i respond to is love for them ... what causes a love response in you? knowing what does, and the people you love who matter regardless of what they have done to you or not done, and how you feel you were treated - that's handled by forgiveness by us anyway, and in the end, we do forgive. today if we are basically honest, all that matters to us and our peace of mind - especially if we are prepared to leave this world peacefully - the thoughts are on those we love and who love us - and the kindness and peacefulness we can inspire or create or reap.....sometimes religion is the opposite of this, yes? anyway, i thought i'd share this with you because - love is the answer - not religion - in my book - and many others i respect feel this way as well. one might learn good behaviors or how to love from some sort of religious training, as Christ did, but in the big personal picture of our lives as mere humans in the 21st century, in the personal seat of our lives where our lives emulate from, and where importance to love is key, and effects are sublimely peaceful and open in our loving, it's about who we feel love for, throughout our lives, in OUR experiences, not a religious one, that is what really matters. to me. i must say, to me. i appreciate what others feel though. i was open to that prospect once that my religion was the key to life once too. it doesn't work for me now. i don't rule out a benevolent ear in the univrese to the human need - some call that god. i think love is the greatest thing humans are capable of ... gods' history (according to the bible) doesn't show me that throughout dogmatic history, actually quite the opposite. i can't stand the old testament, let alone the horrors in the new. i don't ask myself too many questions that people do not have the answers to anyway. i'm happy about how our positive emotions and mindsets get us far ... using our own biology. the rest ... who really knows? don't knock yourself out trying to figure it out. just be happy!
my best friends mother was an organic zucchini grower who sold her veggie at a farmers market back in the 60's, plus harvested from her apple orchard on her ranch at harvest time - sold her organic apples to del monte. The point is you can grow what your soil and nature allows, and the rest is up to nature. it's good practice, and physical exercise, and gives another a job maybe, to grow SOMETHIN' in your yard...it makes you feel connected to the basics in life, even a tomato plant - it's a beautiful endeavor. if that isn't your thing, maybe you might be like my daughter, they fish! I mean FISH on their boat in their spare time, and have a blast at it! (person use is great for them, they have businesses). if growing isn't your thing, then preserving might be, and you can buy and preserve fruits and veggies at harvest time and do something with the economy from that avenue. canned designer goods brings a decent profit. there issuch a thing as having enough land you can not possibly attend to what grows, so you have a company come in to pick and pack and bring it on to the distributor for pennies on the dollar. you can do anything you want. if you want to make money, do it. if you want to build a designer label on little supply, do it. if you want to give it to food banks and write it off at tax time, do it. whatever - when it comes to utilizing your life, with your land, the bounty you have, or even have the possibilities for a flower re-sale business, WHATEVER it is, you can do it. it takes growing conditions, commitment, a few hours a week personally, and a dedication to better your life. it's available! when i think of years ago, before i ever made an extra dollar that didn't have to go to anyone or anything, i was growing exotic flowers and herbs. i started a different path down a new career by growing herbs, buying books, taking classes, networking with others and returning calls from others people who cared about me, and thought that what I was doing would take me to the next level in my ongoing, yet loved, cosmetic business. ____ not only is this green - it's where anyone with a planters thumb is headed, or a distributer will look, etc i could go on about how how people have made good livings doing what they love, from planting at home, to taking natural photos, to potting herbs for sale at florists, to chefs in the top restaurants in the country, to private labeled lines of products, such as tea and herbal bodycare products, to designer label foods and other products. wherever there is a will , there is a way. btw, the field is wide open. as it stand now, there is room for many, many thousands of others to join. something to think about huh?