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Everything posted by waylaid
I'll spare sending my photo. Can imagine what you would think. Kinda harsh.
haha, Thanks, George. You know, it's funny. A lot of former Way Corps get the bad rap just out of association. I think there are a few here with an axe to grind that must make it hard for those like you who truly just want to help others not make the same mistakes or accelerate their healing. You and I would have gotten along in or out of the Way Corps because we both have the same basic goal - to help God's people. You seem like a nice man. Waylaid (Well, that's all from me for a while. I'll check back some day.)
Okay, I got it. Thanks for the explanation. Waylaid
Good stuff. What does it mean? You know, for someone just coming in to the conversation. I'm not up on all the 'code' words as of yet. You have a serious amount of posts here and must have some inside understanding that a neophyte doesn't. What's with the Beretta and how is that pertinent to what we were talking about? (Remember, not all of us are 'insiders' and don't know what you mean.) Please be patient and work with me here. It just seemed the conversation flipped to something else. I am not aware of all of the extraneous stuff that happened. Just trying to catch up. Waylaid
Yes, you're right. I spoke out of turn. I wasn't trying to prove a point. Just saying.... Personally, I think you all pretty much exposed it. I think you got it right. Expose on. Not trying to give you my permission, I know you don't need that. I know, I know. You made that abundantly clear. Really no place for me here. I was just trying to let some of you know that there is something beyond what we experienced. Not at all being condescending, just trying to help some. Good day, Waylaid (You need say nothing more about my post or try to dissect it. I get it.)
Yeah, I get that. Not a doctor. I meet plenty of people that misrepresent themselves. I mean, how many times are we going to say that? There are still 'paper mills' today. I just don't know. Not trying to be critical here. Didn't God say, "Vengeance is mine..."? He is keeping score. Don't sweat the petty stuff AND surely don't pet the sweaty stuff. I think sometimes I want to get even for someone doing me harm or who has done me harm. I let God take that one on. Is He not still in the picture? I understand 'righteous anger', but it has it's limits. I don't want to get to the point where I am trying to do His job (not saying you are), I just have confidence that He will keep His word on this one. Really coming from the heart here. Truly sorry some of you got so hurt. It grieves me tremendously. I wish I knew then what I know now but I didn't. I would have tried to protect some of you if I had the ability. Wish you all well and Godspeed in your deliverance, Waylaid
I know I've said it before, but I will attempt to say it again in another way. I really think that using terms like 'The Way Corpse' , the 'Forehead' and 'Vee PeePee' are a bit immature. I totally understand that there are some here that were wronged. Very wronged. I truly sympathize. I do. But, what is gained by reducing ourselves to that level? Therapeutic? I don't know. Not a psychologist. Please don't 'pigpile' me on what I am saying. I am just saying. I personally didn't participate in the wrong stuff that went on. I graduated from the Way Corps. I should not be lumped together with those that hurt some of you. I understand having an open forum for talking things out. It gets offensive at times. I agree that Dr. Wierwille had great faults. Same with Craig Martindale. I had issues with each of them, even in the Way Corps. I won't, however, let that cause me to stumble today and say things I wouldn't say to their faces yesterday. I should have spoken up when I strongly disagreed. I didn't. I will live with that. They will have to deal with the way they treated me personally some day. Several times they made me feel like garbage - no matter how hard I tried - and I tried. Like I said - God keeps score - He will deal with them. I only say this in the love of God and hope some of you can let go and experience what I have - a new lease on life without the guilt of trying to constantly live up to a false standard. Waylaid
How Many People Accepted or Knew About the Sex Stuff?
waylaid replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Good points, all. I (speaking for myself only) don't reminisce about the 'good ol'days' with anyone. I didn't like a lot of it. I despised the control and the unsolicited advice from my coordinators. Hated it. I just said I wasn't aware of how horrific things were. I know now. It must seem crazy to some of you that there were some innocent ostriches involved like me. I just didn't see the really bad stuff that I have learned about since. I totally believe the stories and feel terrible I didn't see it. I am ashamed I wanted to be like some of the worst of them and used to go to bed at night wondering why I didn't have what it took to be a top leader (never was a top leader). Okay, I will sign off for good. I shared my piece. Wasn't much but it is about all I have to share. Really sorry for some of you that you had such heartwrenching times. I mean that. God bless and I pray for your healing (even saying that makes me (shudder) pause hoping those particular words aren't considered offensive or salt in the wound these days). Waylaid out -
How Many People Accepted or Knew About the Sex Stuff?
waylaid replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Hi Ex- Dirty Dozen. Waylaid -
How Many People Accepted or Knew About the Sex Stuff?
waylaid replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Looking back, I suppose there were quite a few of us that were completely oblivious to the sex stuff. No doubt it occurred. I think they didn't bother with us 'spiritual nerds'. We weren't nerdy looking or acting, just goofy for Jesus. We were like the 'Untouchables'. Even if they asked us point-blank if we wanted to have sex, we probably would have said something like, "Yeah, right, good one." and rolled our eyes and reported for duty to Bless Patrol at 3 am. To answer the question, no, it wasn't something that was taught to the masses. The only stories we (us nerds) ever heard about stuff like that involved John L. , Dave S. and maybe a couple of others. There were actually some good doobies in the 'Way Corpse' as some of you condescending refer to us as. Waylaid I meant 'condescendingly'. Sorry. -
HCW - Thanks for sharing that. Great memories. Still, has anyone answered the question about the Advanced Class 98 debacle? What was that all about?
I am truly sorry that some experienced those type of things. It grieves me beyond explanation. I was one of those that had no idea. To those that endured that stuff, I am sorry I couldn't help at the time. I certainly would have - just had no idea. Real spiritual awareness and perception, huh? Take care, Waylaid
Shellon, Tzaira, Copenhagen and others - Thanks for the heartfelt personal emails. I learned a bit about this place today and will be careful not to step on toes in the future. In the words of Ace Ventura, "Alrighty then!" Take care, Waylaid P.S. I don't feel picked on. I deserved it.
My head is starting to hurt. I give up.
Thanks, Jeff and Chockfull, Sometime by tomorrow I should know how my new .... works. I don't think we need to spend anymore time on little ol' me. We can now go back to our regularly scheduled program - "The Corps (or Corpse if you please) and Witnessing". Back to you in the control booth, Jim. Thanks, Waylaid.......... Waylaid
Chockfull and Watered Garden, Great points. I really don't have a chip on my shoulder about anything. I seriously don't. I came across all wrong on my first comment. I just don't know how the hell you say 'I am sorry' around here. I am home from the Emergency Room after the first dozen comments on my post and understand my place here. Actually, starting to feel like I don't have a place here. It's not my business to comment on how many posts an individual makes, yet the number of posts is shown below each members name. I was told to mind my own business. Now I am asked what I am doing here. Is that everyone's business? I suppose so. I told you I graduated from the Way Corps and how I felt about the Way International (I didn't say one nice thing about it). Now I am asked if I am 'extolling' (excellent word choice there by the way) the MOG's? I just figured out what MOG's meant. Still working on 'innie lurkers'. I will sit back and learn (hopefully). Tough crowd.
Tzaira, Thanks for the straight-forward reply. I understand the Home Depot thing now. I suppose it's an avenue to 'vent' frustrations. It took a while for me to get there, but I get it. I'm not being sarcastic, but I always thought that type of thing was 'rejoicing in iniquity'. Maybe that was something I learned in the Way that I took the wrong way. I personally get no satisfaction with that type of thing, but I will respect the fact that it helps others work things out. See? I can understand this stuff. Thanks again.
Gee whiz, George! I said I am sorry. VP also recommended 'The Myth of the Six Million'. 'Tone down your attitude?' Okay, Dad. Sorry to get your blood pressure up. I seriously apologized and you guys keep lobbing them over my bow. I get that this is a very sensitive group. I will be more sensitive. You really don't have to do a 'word-study' on every thing I say. I GET IT! 'Don't make waves!' I personally found a lot of the material here pretty offensive to people I knew and cared for. Yes, a lot of them turned out to be not as nice as I thought. It was a huge disappointment in my life to realize that. I can clearly see that a lot of folks here are close-knit and that outsiders must tread carefully. I will do so.
Ouch! I'll be more careful in the future. Reproof accepted. I've actually been able to help a bunch of people, but enough about me. But how about the 'LCM being president of the Home Depot' comment? Was that a fair opinion of mine? I really think it is a stretch to say I referred to a 'genetic fault' of the nice people here. I don't know what that was all about. But the rest of your comments were fair play. So, for my education here at the GreasespotCafe, what is up with the Home Depot post? What is to be learned, garnered, gleened from those comments? What is the message? How will that help anyone? If you think I am being sarcastic, you are quite wrong. I made an unthoughtful comment - like Oakspear pointed out, 'knee-jerk' and I sincerely apologized. Now I am just asking a question.
Thanks, Geisha. A far better welcome than 'misguided comments, pinheaded drive-by poster and knee-jerk ignorant' comments I received from Oakspear. What was all that pent-up frustration about? I think for now I will accept your offer to stick around for a bit. I was asking an honest question and feel that perhaps I pushed some wrong buttons that offended people. I am sorry for that. For example, I just read the 'What if LCM was president of Home Depot' thread. What's with that? To me (and I repeat, to just me) it sounds like a bunch of p*ssed off people ranting immature comments. What is the profit in that? Is that really how healing occurs? Is that how people get over things? Just asking a sincere question. It's almost like Tourette's Syndrome is the expected cure. 'D*ckface, scumbag! VeePeePee! The Forehead! Martinpail! Corpse! Der Vey!' I'm fairly new here but, yikes!, seems like a pattern. I will admit, some of it is humorous, but you're scaring the dang out of me. Sounds like a bunch of postal workers at times (I repeat, AT TIMES). I will go away as quickly as I came if my comments are offensive to some. No biggie. I thought we all had something in common and that's how I landed here. No other explanation. I was a brother in Christ. Don't feel it here. JeffSio, You are right. I apologize. I read that again and I suppose you and Oakspear both had valid points. I guess it all caught me by surprise and I should have thought it through before I sent that first post. I can see how that would sound condescending. MAJOR APOLOGIES TO BOTH OF YOU! I pretty much meant everything else I said (I think). I am beyond certain that you will correct me if I was astray.
Oakspear, Okay, my point exactly. You have spent 7953 posts getting your point across. That's a lot of time brother. I am not a 'drive-by'. What's the matter? Challenge your world? Wow. I apologize for mentioning 'therapy' if it is against the rules of the forum. Seriously apologize. That said, you seem to have an automatic aversion to anything that flows against your experiences. I guess it's a good assumption (perhaps I am wrong) that you never experienced the Way Corps. Most severe critics did not. Not hanging on to any cult. I have nothing to do with the Way International. Like you, I think it was despicable. Have not for a long time. I suppose I am not welcome here because I am not permanently scarred - is that your point? My post was not intended to be rude. I personally think you are quiet rude. Thanks for the welcome.
Make fun of my name? Immature, like I said before. That's a character issue. I did not condemn 'everyone'. You did. You said: Simple answer is no, they hated to witness. They loved to teach. I think they liked to teach so they caould look so spiritual. Speak for yourself. I walked in other people's shoes. I graduated from the Way Corps and was not like that. No, I am not here to 'grind my axe', I just made a comment. If you have really been here for three years like your profile shows, I think you might come to the realization that you might (just might) explore another road to freedom. I am sincerely glad you think this helps - I was just making an observation. I won't bring it up with you again. I'm not the one with the 'Daddy issues' here. I went through, I saw and I left. End of story. Yes, I was screwed like you were. On to better things. 'Won't Get Fooled Again'. Is it not fair to express my opinion? Do I have to 'pig-pile' to get accepted here? That's unusual. Seriously. If I don't dump on the Way, I'm the jerk? Come on. I was just commenting that I don't see the benefit in some of these posts. Real forensic bitching at times. Go ahead - I have an open mind - explain it to me.
Some of you should really get a life. This is a pathetic topic. Does it really help you deal with your bad Way experience? 'Corpse". Pretty immature. Can't say 'Corps'? You just might do better with therapy. Still struggling to find a topic that has not been covered? 'Christians can't dance' = funny. "Rocky Horror of the Spirit" = hilarious. The forums - what is the point of some of these posts? Wow, I know bitterness can be like a sickness, but this is way over the top. I just don't see how some of this stuff helps you 'get over it'.
Belle, Perhaps you are interested (perhaps not), but the lead guitarist of your favorite singer is none other than Stu Kimball. Stu was a Wayfer for years - a really nice guy. He was in the band "Face-to-Face" that at one time was all Wayfers or former ones. He is mentioned and there are photos of him on Dylan's website. He has his own website somewhere - something like Stukimball.com. I'll try to find it. Waylaid
Ralph is a great Monday morning quarterback. Sounds like the Inspector Clouseau of the ministry. Talks about operating the revelation manifestations but somehow all this stuff escaped him. Wow!