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Everything posted by ChasUFarley

  1. Thanks for the notes and the kind words... We found him via some web searches. I had corresponded with a couple of breeders in Oklahoma, and they have quite a few champions - probably the top breeders in the states. Anyhow, he came available through one's website and I knew he was "the one" - everything just clicked. I already had a good rapport with the breeder, so she thought he'd be a good fit. And he is! Rascal - there's two kinds of Welsh Corgi - there's Cardigans, which is what Tanker is, and then there's Pembrokes, which is the kind with no tails. Pembrokes have their tail docked, which is the breed standard. Pembrokes usually look more fox-like. Cardigans are more easy-going and, in my opinion, are a better dog for families with small children because they're generally heavier and more rugged than Pembrokes. His registered name is "Turbo Tanker" - with those legs, there's nothing "turbo" about him! He can run but he's a lo-rider...
  2. WOW #1: 89-90, Fresno, CA - Six kids, two families, all under 19 years old. We were the poster children for why TWI stopped sending out groups of teens. We broke about every rule you can imagine. The year was a mess - we didn't run a class, but we did have a decent fellowship going when we got moved to Freemont, CA. I'm still in touch with one of my WOW brothers, while one of my WOW sisters is now married to a TWI yucky-yuck (high ranking dude). I'll post more stories about this later... WOW #2: 93-94, Nashville, TN - Three families, mine was 2 married couples. We had a good year - one of the few groups who did that year, I believe. I loved Nashville and even though there were some rough spots, they don't overshadow the good times and successes. No regrets there. accurateisraelite - WELCOME - glad you've joined us.... I'm pretty sure that the WOW Program was cancelled in 1994... for homophobic reasons...
  3. We have adopted Tanker and welcomed him home last night! He's a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 1 year old, and came from OK. He was being groomed to be a star but turned out to have more coat than a Cardigan should have, so he's "retired" to come live with our family. He's great with kids, cats, and just everyone - a real gentle guy. The cats have their noses bent out of shape a little about him moving in with us, but they're cats - they'll get over it... He certainly loves the cats' toys! So, we're off to Old Home Day today - kids and dog in tow (hubby has a gig)...
  4. ChasUFarley

    After TWI?

    Good question. Lemme know when you get a good answer.... I'm sorta in the same place as you...
  5. ChasUFarley

    Guitar Talk

    We have a cat who does the same thing... And both our cats like to get into guitar cases but only one of them has any manners - the other likes to scratch around, which is totally unacceptable. Hubby says that's a tough cat if he can do that with bass stings!
  6. *BUMP* Anyone know how to get in touch with WackyFunster?
  7. (psst - there's medication available for you if you're having problems with paranoia...)
  8. This is just the "flavor of the month" for problems with the country... Ditto to those who posted about the age of the bridges and how they weren't designed to handle today's traffic. When it comes down to it... you're on the road, and up comes a big bridge... Do you stop and research if it's safe and THEN cross it... or do you just roll the dice like everone else? Most likely it's the latter of the two... Another stat... How MANY bridges do we have in the good ol' US of A? - and ONE collapses... THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING~
  9. Okay finally finished the book and here's my thoughts - let's see what you think, WordWolf and you other Muggles out there... I loved the info about Harry's parents and the chapter about Godric's Hallow but it wasn't easy to follow when Bathilda Bagshot was being used like a puppet by Nagini/Voldy. I take it she was turned into nephari (sp?)... but it took some reading and re-reading to get there... What exactly happened at King's Cross - was that just inside Harry's head? I was disappointed in some of the characters who had "crossed over" to Voldy's side - i.e. X. Lovegood. I found it very interesting when Snape died that something silver came out his face/mouth that Harry was able to collect in a bottle and later on we find out that it was a memory. I don't recall that happening in any of the other books. But it did provide an interesting memory for Harry & Co to explore to discover the truth about Snape and DD's murder/assisted suicide. It was rather sad to read about the torch that Snape carried for Lilly - no suprise there, as it was hinted about in previous books. I would have liked more information about the Dept of Mysteries, like WordWolf wrote about - I found that to be a little disappointing... I LOVED how Molly Weasley opened up a can of whoop@$$ on Bellatrix. Also liked it when Greyback got OK'd - couldn't stand that character! Wondered about how Geroge Weasley got on without Fred - wish there had been more on that in the "19 years later" chapter... More to post but hubby wants the 'puter... :-)
  10. New Hampshire just passed the smoking ban in public places... With the state motto: Live Free or Die No mandatory seatbelt law No mandatory motorcycle helmet law No state income tax No sales tax But don't you dare light up a ciggy in a bar!
  11. Corny as it sounds.... I LOVED game night with the fellowship. That was always fun~ OK - who's done it???! WHO has tithed or ABS'd playing Monopoly? Hands up.... show yourselves - ADMIT IT - YOU'VE DONE IT!
  12. Check with social work department at Dartmouth-Hitchcock - www.dhmc.org It's one of the top ten hospitals in the country and not that far from you. It's right on the NH/VT boarder but they do have branches in the Concord, NH.
  13. They should leave the old films alone - I don't think any 7 year olds started smoking because Mickey Mouse in Fantasia had smoke around him... whoop dee doo.
  14. You've come a long way, baby - and I know you worked very hard for this! EXCELLENT NEWS!
  15. We had a cat named Emmitt who could always tell when we were sick and always was at our side. When I was expecting Andreas, the cat we have now, Ginger, was ALWAYS around me. She just bonded with me for 9 months. Prior to that and after that, she could give a rat's @$$ about me... Cats are very perceptive - interesting creatures...
  16. Could be... I remember my dad talking about some horse linament that he made with sumac - he also used it as a dye. (But he was born in 1915 - and loved his home remedies.)
  17. I bet that "canfipah" is really camphor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camphor and Magic Relief - wow.... alcohol, opium, ether, camphor... yikes. That's some serious momma's little helper, lemme tell you. That will cure what ailes ya - and they won't have to embalm ya when you die if you were on that cocktail!
  18. mstar - did you get my PM? :-)
  19. Wasn't JP Weirwille on Security for some time...?
  20. Those are pearls, man... real pearls.... And that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about here... it was real and it was manifested thru the music. It can't be beat and yet it stands the test of time. That music and that spirit that's behind it are alive - you can't listen to that and not enjoy yourself. It's people lovin' God and lovin' the Word - no baggage, no bondage. It's what it shoulda been 24/7 - and into today - but it's not. What a cryin' shame...
  21. Sounds like "Magic Relief" shoulda been called "Magic Carpet Ride"
  22. Threasher shark.... never heard of it! I've cooked shark and swordfish - usually broil or grill 'em with lemon pepper - yum! p.s. Are y'all coming to Chas' for the doo on 9/2/07????
  23. ChasUFarley


    okay - i understand... but really it's just like chat... type in the white rectangle and click "shout" give it a go sometime - you might be shouting along with the rest of us... (keeps me from only shouting at my kids!)
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