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Everything posted by justloafing
Send me a ticket!! No I am not gay ask anyone that knows me. I don't dress well enough to be gay.I'll buy the mai tais.
May want to clear one thing up.. You may not know that there is a "Mary Poppins" that posts here. I am pretty sure it is not the one and the same. markomalley, Right on brotha. Can't say it any better. As rascle said, be yourself with her. Try and leave the door open to her because when and if she leaves she may think you are the only friend she has on the outside of that cozy little cornfield cult.
My name justloafing is from a friend that had a boat named just loafing. He used that name because when he was out on the water that is what he was doing, just loafing. I borrowed it from him because when I first started on the internet that is what I thought I was doing, just loafing. Little did I know how busy I would get on the net at that time. I just like the name and have stuck with it. My avatar: I need to get it working again. My avatar of a man pouring gas on himself and then lighting a match and setting him self on fire, no way represents me. I saw it one day on the web and I just thought it was funny. After all it is a stick figure and that is what I took it for. That's me
Can we leave foreheads out of this? :unsure:
Does that make us an &$*#(* ?
I know in the 15th Corps it was said many times and illustrated in a film clip. It was said that when "we were told to jump and not ask how high". The film clip was a jet taking off from an aircraft carrier. Something happened to the jet and the pilot did not know there was something wrong with the jet. The pilot was told to eject and he did, then the jet blew up. The leadership of twi told us if the pilot had asked "why" he should eject he would have died. The point of their (twi) story was. We were to follow and do whatever they(leadership) said without question and to KNOW it was from God. Talk about opening a door for guilt trips when we either left or were kicked out. We had the seed planted in us that if we failed the leadership we failed God.
To funny. Go get'em Rush
Most users ever online was 187 on Dec 19 2005, 06:44 AM :blink: :blink: :blink:
Geeze Rascal........You made out like a bandit. We did'nt get nuttin.
I was in res in the 15th corps. Sent to HQ my last block. That put me there when vp died. When he was in Gartmore. lcm said at a lunch time that vic was very tired and to keep him in our prayers. For some reason I was not working on the concrete crew the day he came back from Gartmore, I was weed wacking. I believe I was around the fountain when his coach came in. As it passed me there was vic staring out of the window. Not an expression on his face but it seemed like a far away stare. We were at the sns during his last teaching. He was laboring all the way through it and you could tell he was in awful shape. That I believe is the last time he was out in the "public". It was the last time I saw him any way. We were told to pray but no mention of his health was made to us either. When he died we were all woken up and told to go to the Wierwille home basement. We all sat and JAL came in and read us the same paragraph about his (vp) passing. It was sad indeed but for the most part everyone held up pretty well. It was time to mourn our pop so there was not a lot of work being done at hq. A day later all the "heavys" came in off the field and walked around like mummys. It was wierd, like they knew the ministry was in trouble. People dug his grave by hand (shovel) and took turns. Someone would dig 10 or so scoops of dirt then jump out of the grave and then someone would jump in and heave out a few shovel fulls. The grave was dug quickly. During the burial I was at the road holding up traffic until the service was over so I did not get a chance to see it or hear it. My interm year I went wow too rascle and yes it was something else at roa that year. It was just as you said. I am very interested on how the death of vp was handled on the field. Seems like whether you were out on the field or at hq the same thing was told and handled in the same way.
That just about says it all ;)
doojable, I know your point you are driving home and yes I did meet great people and I met some real jerks, just like in life. Were the people that became close friends, good people? Yes sir ree. Did I have some fun while in twi? Yes sir ree (at the time). We were all there for one reason IMO. To love God and to learn his Word, live his Word and go teach it the way twi wanted us to. Well as I have found the twi doctrine sucked the head honcho's sucked. So did I have good times? Not looking back on it now. Yep I believe a lot what was taught at twi was truth. Just now I still have a tough time figuring out what was the truth since they took scripture and twisted it so bad so they could have their own edification and screw everyone else. It was devilish then, now and from day one IMO.
Here is what I remember. We die the instant we give up the will to live. ie. My dad died of stomach cancer. According to what I remember twi taught he died the instant he did because he gave up the will to live at that instant. It could'nt of been because his body and organs were just ate up with the stuff now could it and they could not function?
Glad you had a great time learning all these great things while your brothers and sisters were being raped spirtually and physically.
Very good rascal. Like I have said before if we knew how rotten the roots were of twi. Probably not one of us would have joined if we had known upfront. It was good hearted people (us peons) that thought they were doing God's will and believed in their hearts that the top guys at twi were Godly people.
Well I may get slammed for this one but.............from what I have read since WayDale twi was off the Word in so many areas. They twisted areas to meet their own perverstion. So yes they may have believed what they were teaching but they did not believe what the bible said.
I wonder if they believed any thing they were teaching. I think it was a buisness and all the bad things that happened to people was for their enjoyment. It also seems they did not care who they hurt.
Or does that tell us he knew he was wrong all along as far as how he treated our sisters in Christ? I think he knew it was wrong all the time but did not care until he was on his death bed and knew the next thing he would face was God.
Two men were sitting at a bar. One man says "laywers are a$$holes". A man at the end of the bar heard him say that and said "I resent that remark". The man who said it said he was sorry and asked the man if he was a laywer. The man responded "No I'm an a$$hole."
royal-gorge, That brings back some memories. Thanks for sharing. Shellon, (((( )))) to you and your daughter.
We saw it in the 15th while in res.
How many TWI leaders follow the sex doctrine of VPW?
justloafing replied to themex's topic in About The Way
she spoke for me ;) -
BG Leonard's book "foundations"/Plagiarism
justloafing replied to Dot Matrix's topic in About The Way
I think your talking to Jonny and not me but none taken here. I do understand what you mean. :) -
BG Leonard's book "foundations"/Plagiarism
justloafing replied to Dot Matrix's topic in About The Way
I agree with both of you. I too can say I knew a lot of great people in twi and had good times but what I found out about twi in 1999 ruined everything about it. Nope not one damed thing can I think of twi can I say was good. If the "root" was rotten how could the "leaves" be any good? We as the "leaves" wilted away quick and fell off the tree. It seems with twi tree it bloomed in March but all the "leaves" fell off in May because of the poisen it was being fed by the "root". twi may have started out well intended but when the MOG could not put it all together by himself he went to plagerizing pafl and claimed it for his own words. So in other words that way tree was dying very quickly after sprouting. Now it is a tree that blooms once every other year. If it was in your yard you would call the tree cutting company and have it cut down, mulch it and put in a toxic waste dump. :) -
Hi freeindeed :) Great place here and exactly what Jonny said. Very wide range of opinions here and there is a lot to see and digest as you see fit. I was out in 86 and it was not until I found another website called Way Dale (no longer is around) in 1999 I believe that I had any "fellowship" with ex twi people. I felt a lot like you when I had no one to talk to about the twi. Glad you found this site and look foward to hearing what you have to say. Merry Christmas.