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Everything posted by justloafing
CM Have you ever seen Fire Fox? Seems like you know what you are doing on a puter. If you have not and ever have the time you may want to download it and try it. It moves everything over from IE for you too ie. favorits. I still have my IE just in case. There are a few things but very few that don't work with Fire Fox. I think I have used IE maybe twice since I loaded Fire Fox last spring. The Thunder Bird Mail.... I could take it or leave it.
Did you get in and post anything? :blink:
Heck yes a wasted youth and some a lot more than their youthful years.ABS You Betcha. While you lived like a popper they spent your money on anything they wanted. Needs and wants parallel. Remember that teaching? They did not live it one iota. So I guess because some things have not come out in court you believe it did not happen. Let me ask you John. Have you spent time on other ares of GSC besides the forums? Is it (GSC) all a bunch of lies? Or maybe just maybe some of it is true. ie. Rapes that happened in the Name of God, suicides IMHO happened because of TWI. Along wrong translation of the bible Nope just to much info to discount it all. To tell you the truth I discount very little of it. If a tenth happened what is said on this board did happen. TWI is cruel and of the devil, JMHO. To add to the above...........................I guess I believe a lot of what is written here at GSC and I guess it is just my nature to not want it to happen to anyone else. If I can help anyone along the way I sure hope to be able to do that too.
I don't mind agendas either. Some see things one way and some see them another. I for sure don't see cliques here either. I think that is a very unfair tag. There are some here like me that agree that there is nothing good about twi but yet we disagree at times and state it on these forums. There are other forums and a chat room here that IMO you can really get to know someone and do not have to deal with twi things at all. I was in chat last night and the hour or two that I was in there I don't think there was hardly anything said about twi just talking about our lives and joking around.
I use Crap Cleaner too. http://www.ccleaner.com/ Great little program IMO I also use Fire Fox as my browser along with the Thunder Bird Mail. I think that Fire Fox stops most pop-ups which will just fry a hard drive in time. I do once a month clean everything off my puter internet related. Fire Fox is very easy so you can choose what to wipe off your hard drive that is internet related. I also think Fire Fox is a much faster browser. For spy ware a good free program is ad aware. It works pretty well. http://www.lavasoft.com/ Download the "Personal" one. I know that is free. Of course don't forget to Defrag your hard drive. I do mine once a month after I have deleted everything that I don't want on my inernet things and hard drive.
Bagpipes, Your last post thanking us all for putting up with your "jibberish". Not jibberish to us since many of us have gone through some if not all of the same things.
WRONG........................Atleast Grahm has led the lifestyle of what he has taught. As the few of the people that stick up for the twi here say, I paraphrase "It does not matter what twi did the Word is the truth". Grahm speaks the Word. So are you saying when Grahm speaks the word it is worthless? Reminds me of the waybrain that there is nothing good outside of twi. Edited to say...........It is just not the "sex and the lies". It is also about the destruction of lives. Have you looked around the web site(more than just the forums)?
There are people on here with different agendas. Mine is to slam twi for all it is worth. I see nothing good about it. Never will. They made to many people pay the "high price" for their(twi) own pleasure. Nope absolutly nothing at all good about that cornfield cult not even a single word that came out of their mouths. Then there are some that don't care a whole lot about twi, They believe what they were taught to be good and life changing. That is fine. People can think a prt of that corfield cult was good. To me, sort of like saying Hitler had good ideas so he was not all that bad. Some are here to heal them selves. Either they have just gotten out and still have that doubt about leaving. They still have bad dreams about twi and sometimes guilt about leaving Gods ministry. Some are still in wondering if it is okay to step out of that cornfield cult and just read to see what life is like on the outside wondering if they should take the leap of faith and wonder if there is a God on the outside of twi. Let me assure them God is out here, a heck of a lot more than the strangle hold that twi has on them. I wont even discuss the next party, "The WAYGB" So what happened to the Word in Twi? Personally I don't think they ever had it. I thought about that the other day from reading GSC. Their founder was a liar from the start. Starting with Pikes Peak and the snow on the gas pumps. Twi was never rooted in truth but lies so a man(vp) could make him look "God like". He taught other peoples works in his own name. He raped our sisters in Christ in the name of God and telling them it was a blessing and a healing to them. There is no doubt in my mind between twi I and twi II thousands of peoples lives were ruined. A trail of destruction is a better picture. Sort of reminds me of the picture of the Highway of death in the first gulf war. All in the name of God.
Take your next pill yourself allen. Your wife has more sence than you do. Your not defending the Word, your defending twi. Maybe your wifey needs to slap you.
You are correct. I guess my point is we could not reason with the Scribes and Pharisees (twi). If we did we were either thrown out or labled "possesed". As many times I did not understand some of the teachings of twi. I thought I would see it as I grew in the Word. Many times I had that gut feeling a teaching or part of the teaching was wrong. I guess I should have gone with my gut and ran when I heard for the first time "Do you know what killed that little boy?".
Dove, you are correct about the word being the truth. There is one difference though in what you are saying. Jesus was taught the word correctly he studied and taught it and applied it correctly. We were taught only some of the word correctly. That is where vp,lcm and others were able to impose their will on us. We believed what was said while they raped and and destroyed peoples lives because of what we believed. It was because of what was taught by these people. Twi did not apply the word correctly. As the debbile told Jesus to jump, Jesus was not stupid and did not. We can only go as far as what we were taught. As we got older we found out we were taught wrong and very wrong. We supported these people so they could have their way with us. They misued the Word for their own benifit not ours. The Word is the Word but in twi the Word is what they(twi) say it is even if they know it is wrong. And we bought it and some with their lives :blink:
ckmkeon, This thread is "What happened to the word??, The Bible" By the time lcm got to a top leadership position the "Word" had been thrown out of twi as far as the top leadership. Martindale preached devlish shiat from day 1 as Prez of twi. IMHO he learned how to teach just enough truth so that he could throw in the Word in his own pervertion. He used that word to ruin or should I say RUIN 1,000's of peoples lives. He to this day has not seen his wrong doings and never will. He says he has done nothing wrong to this day. What happened to the Word? For some who heard it under VP's reighn or lcm's reighn. They heard a little of the truth but were told a bunch of lies. More lies than truth. The lies IMHO were lies to cover up for greed and to hide their carnel sins. They did not give a crap about you or anyone else that was not in their ring. We were used as the privates to keep the generals living in their high life. Throw out what they taught you and run for the hills. There was little to no word in what or how they lived. We were held to higher standards than what they lived.
QUOTE(I Love Bagpipes @ Feb 20 2006, 05:11 PM) * Did any of you have difficulty with consumed preoccupation with all this STUFF? Could you share practical hints on how you handled it? blink.gif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Bagpipes I have had exactly that happen to me. I have told this story before but I will again in hoping it will help you. I left twi in 86. There was no exway sites like this at the time and I knew know one else that had exited twi to talk to. Every year since atleast twice a year I would have twi thoughts that just bombarded me all day long. I don't know what triggered them. I would just wake up one morning and BAM there were those thoughts that lasted all day and every minute of the day. I too went on with life and could laugh and smile during those days. Then I found WayDale and found out what happened at twi and felt vindicated in why I left twi. The one thing is........I still had those days. It was not till last year that I posted about what was happening to me here on GSC. People were wonderful to me as well. It is nice to know that people really care. I talked to one person about this problem last March. I mean I let it all out. I have not had one of those days since. I am so glad for the people here because I know after one of those days I was just so drained. May I suggest............You have been out a short time and are having a hard time at times. Time will heal a lot of these wounds. The way brain will start going away. I don't know if you have been PM'ing anyone here or if you feel you can trust anyone with your heart yet. If you have met a person here that will listen and understand I would PM them and ask if there is a way that you could exchange phone numbers. I really think it would help you if you could contact a persn that has been in twi. Someone who knows how you feel because they were once there themselves.
I guess the key words are "help you". Hahahahahahaha "Help us(twi)" Is the only thing they know.
I was just reading a thread there. It seems some things never change. Two guys in the armed forces. They both do not have a twig around them. One has one(twig) 3 hours away and one(twig) one hour away. Problem is neither have cars.
We will be here to help them pick up the pieces. :)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I looked at some profiles. They are mostly younger, teens and twentys. I did see some in their 40's
I think it is page 5 where someone told what they thought about twi.
Gotta love this blurb from Mel, "Just a reminder--our website, www.theway.org, is a tremendous witnessing tool to utilize. It provides a great deal of information about different historical facts surrounding the ministry's growth as well as practical teaching on numerous topics of study"
We were told not to worship them (MOG's). Look what we had to do though and what was said about them. The MOG said this or that. The MOG did this or that. We were supposed to look at their lives and follow what they did as an example. At twigs there were pictures of the BOT to look at. Never did see a picture of Jesus at a twig, did you? We were supposed to follow the MOG's instructions to the letter. If not we were out of fellowship. Free to do our own research and send it to HQ for consideration and for them to look at and atleast consider even if it was contrary to what they said? Nope you were more than likley kicked out for thinking for yourself. So yes the MOG's said not to worship them but look how they were treated and demanded to be treated and how we were to hang on to their word. So yes I really think it was and still is a state or worship. So yes Mickey, I think 2 out of the three things you said happened. I think he was worshipped and praised. He probaly would have perferred to be prayed to if he thought he could get away with it.
I can assure you she is not a he
Sudo, I have had dreams exactly like that a lot.
for this purpose i was saved
justloafing replied to coolchef1248 @adelphia.net's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
No offense taken Mark. I was not saying that was true. I have seen enough debate about this subject to have changed my mind. I was (I think) just trying to point out what twi taught. -
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman." The priest asks, "Is that you, little Timmy Shaughnessy?" Yes, Father, it is." "And, who was the woman you were with?" "I can't be tellin' you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation." "Well, Timmy, I'm sure to find out sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Brenda O'Malley?" "I cannot say," Timmy replied. "Was it Patricia Kelly?" "I'll never tell." "Was it Sheilah O'Brien?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her." "Was it Kathleen Morgan?" "My lips are sealed." "Was it Fiona Grogan, then?" "Please, Father, I cannot tell you." The priest sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Timmy Shaughnessy, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you must atone. You cannot attend church Mass for three months. Be off with you now." Timmy walks back to his pew. His friend, Sean,slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?" "Three month's vacation and five good leads."