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Everything posted by brideofjc
Oh, Well..........I don't watch a whole lotta tv.
But I did notice Goey that you LEFT OUT and glossed over my statement about the journalist being fair...if you're going to have a balanced unbiased article, then list both or all types of people. However, if the person who gathered all of these snippets together in one place for the reading public's enjoyment, if they lifted it out of the original context then the yellow journalism award goes to that person. Despite what you may think, when you present a biased one-sided report it is called yellow journalism. Journalists know full well how to inflame the public by what they write, especially if they've been at it for a long time. As far as some of the other evildoers you mention, crooked politician...no the journalists flame them too. Whatever happened to unbiased reporting...like the opening line of Hawaii 5-0 - "Just the facts, Ma'am!" Yes, indeed, God Forbid, Goey that someone might be flaming someone without warrant, without knowing the true facts! If you think that Joyce Meyers is bilking the public...most people have a telephone and know how to dial 9-1-1. Do avail yourself of every legal injunction that you and your lawyers can dream up. Instead of just flaming her...you just might win your case.
Meyer then delivered her sermon for giving. She told them that some Christians are worried that if they give it all, they will end up with nothing. If they give, she said, they can expect much more in return. “Sowing and reaping is a law,” Meyer told the Buffalo audience. “If you sow, you will reap. I believe stingy people are very unhappy people. I want you to give your best offering. I believe one person could write one check to cover all of the expenses of this one conference.” A middle-aged man wearing worn jeans pulled a wad of $20 bills from his pocket and placed them in an offering envelope. An elderly woman in a wheelchair wrote out a check for $100. Right here is what I was speaking about. "Meyer delivers sermon...(1 snippet)" "Sowing and reaping...one person could cover expenses....(2nd snippet)" Now here they focus on middle aged man (who cares what age they are?) and no less he's wearing worn jeans (again, whether you choose to buy worn jeans or they simply wore out, this journalist is attempting to highlight and make it seem that this man (whether he can or not isn't the point) is giving money to Joyce when perhaps he should be saving for retirement and buying himself new clothes. Next part of the same snippet, "an elderly woman" (again why highlight the age? Part of setting it up to look bad for Joyce. She's conning the middle aged and the elderly into giving her money. No, once again the inference is obvious. This journalist knows the right tactics to color his target. If the journalist was going to be fair about the whole thing...leave out the age and their dress OR also point out in your article the rich executive businesswoman wearing 5th avenue clothing and impeccably coifed hair etc etc. No, my argument was just fine, you just simply don't want to admit it. If you don't like Joyce...don't watch her or bother to follow her. I do the same on my TV...if I don't like the program, I click my remote to another channel. All done...no more problem. Whether or not Joyce has money or not, I'm not the one who will stand and be judged because of her...she'll have to stand there herself. Perhaps, she is doing the Lord's will. I don't know. That's between her and the Lord and no one else.
Threats of hell? Condemnation? Where did I post that? Being spit out of The Lord's mouth was another poster's comment regarding Joyce. I simply reminded him that it might be him and not Joyce. Please read more carefully. I do donate my time.
But you have just made my point for me. Do you know what is in Joyce Meyers' heart? Isn't that the Lord's domain? And yes, when people wantonly flame someone because they have a successful ministry...where is their heart. Why don't they just say, God Bless, I hope you're really doing the work of the Lord, and then just leave it at that. Kinda like that even today, people are still flaming Swaggart...what is it....20 years later for his sins? If only we could know what these people's sins were as well. Swaggart had the misfortune of being in the public eye. So does Joyce. Look at the other snippets surrounding that....i.e. (paraphrase) Joyce gets rich while those who are her donors basically get poorer and poorer. No the inference was correct. I didn't lift it out of its context. Rabbi simply is for those in that day and today for that matter of someone who is learned in the Scriptures. This is what Master means as well in the Greek. Kurios is used for Master/Lord which means obviously that they are over you, most likely in training, authority etc etc.
I believe there are two links the last time I looked. Asking for prayer, volunteers, etc offends you. I believe then you know the choices available..... Try Romans 10:9-10, that will start you, the HS then comes to reside and you meet the Lord on a very personal basis. Hope you have.
Really? Perhaps you should check out how many times money is referenced in the Bible, both good and bad. As I said to Belle, if you have some new and improved ideas on how to run a charity without money, do tell!
Please see Revelation 3, but if you're burning hot for the Lord there is no worry, eh?
I have to go now, I'm running out of time. I would have liked to say more on this topic. I won't be able to get back to this until after the holiday.
No, I think it would have had to be 16+ years ago, Garth. I officially left CES in 1995 so it would have had to been prior to this. No, kind of glad you left, it was fast becoming another TWI replication which is what alarmed me in the first place. Which is why when you thumped me for my heretical views which were moving towards the Lord Jesus Christ...well, my rational logic prevailed.... Did you really remember my name or did you look up past posts on Waydale.... just curious...or did you go out to my web site? About eight months ago? I found something you sent me, but I won't mention it here. Couldn't believe I still had it when I was cleaning my drawers out.
Yes it is and yes I am. The true title is, "The Holy, The Common and The Despised."
All ministries will be judged by the Lord Jesus, will they not? Who are you to judge? Bless you anyway.
Well, then please explain why the Lord Jesus never reproved those who called him Rabbi? This would be on the same level today as Reverend and/or Doctor. Just a different century, Cman.
Nah! You did! You were 100% pro CES and I was already questioning because I had seen some dangerous trends forming in the leadership that looked too much like TWI. You soundly reproved me and gave me the reasons why I needed to drop my heretical beliefs, i.e. non-CES... LOL. Kinda looks like to me the tables turned on you. What a hoot! Oh, well, you should really reconsider re-entering the Lord's Temple, Garth. The Lord Jesus, THE REAL ONE, is a whole lot different than any church, denomination, pastor, evangelist or whatever... I wouldn't leave now for anything. As far as you saying "taking some Lord and King's word for it without question..." Yes Garth, you can take HIS WORD for it, you confuse the two because of taking a MAN'S word for it, i.e. church, cult etc. A big difference. Anyway, that's why I stopped writing, I was already out the door and you weren't! God Bless you anyway! Hope you find your way some day.
Pray tell, how do you think that you will reach a larger audience? It costs to run tv shows, ads, host internet things. I know I'm being redundant, but do tell me how you are going to move the Word of God on a pauper's salary? When the Apostles were collecting funds in Jerusalem, do you really know that they didn't also put some to usury to make more money? Since the Bible is silent on these issues, it is only fair to not make unfair comparisons. So let me ask you...so if I pay tuition at a college/seminary (which I did), and I buy their text books...are they making merchanise of the Christians who attend? Are they the only ones who profit? Could it not be possible that some profits remain intangible such as knowledge learned etc.? So if people buy her books/tapes/CD's/videos, is it not possible that both are profiting, albeit in different formats? God Bless
Another poster said all was available on her web site. Why don't you go there and check it out at the horse's mouth? As far as living lifestyles, they must answer to the Lord. But please remember, there's a high price to be paid when you are in the lime light not to mention the untold hours that no one else sees.
quote name='Sunesis' date='Nov 7 2007, 11:45 AM' post='380299'] I heard her somewhere a few times years ago - when her ministry was still small and she was struggling. I think one of the only reasons she became so popular is because the lady is a riot. At least back then she was. She could easily be a top comedian - her stories were hilarious. Thus, she was deemed "human" and frail like everyone else and they could relate, especially women. I also remember thinking, this lady will go to the top. It will be interesting to see what she morphs into when the $$$ comes rolling in. Will she become a ruthless VP close behind the scenes - nasty, things to hide? I know nothing about her now, but this debate is interesting. I remember questioning DM and other people - asking, why does VP need the bus, airplane, fancy clothes, etc. She said because they need it to move the Word, to look the "best" as God's representative. Oh, hmmm..... I guess we were to be happy with our clothes from give away and beat up cars. I never bought it. And, true to form, the "wealth" was shared with other top leadership in TWI who were public. Sounds like history repeating itself here with Joyce. As far as I'm concerned, once the $$ rolls in the you see the fancy compounds, house, buses, entourage, etc. - you're on your way to corruption. Not necessarily! Isn't that kinda up to the Lord to judge her? Even as He will judge all of us, whether rich or poor? It isn't the dollars that will help you slide by the Throne.
BRIDE - "I carry my own water too. Oh, MY GOD...I have an undersink purifier...better get rid of that before I get criticized as well. So, she prefers a particular BRAND NAME....What is the BIG DEAL???? Might there be a difference between preferring Dom Perignon champagne as opposed to Cold Duck? A whole lot of difference I would say. Maybe a .25 difference between Perrier and Dannon??? BRIDE - Again, if you can afford it, you would too. Joyce is supposed to go down to "RENT-A-BOX" and sleep in the ghetto? Didn't Jesus hung out with the dregs of society? Dregs generally don't have rooms at the Jerusalem Hilton. OH, PLEASE! No one here on this forum would do that, unless you are forced to, so why knock her about. I recall passages in the Bible, of the Lord Jesus sitting down with high society as well. Probably slept there as well too. He had rich women following him, probably doing his laundry and cooking too. Now what! Why? Because she happens to be a minister? Even Jesus had an accountant (not too honest), but The Lord still had one! Bet He rode the best mule, too? Want to knock HIM? Be my guest! So, by this logic, Jesus would have stayed at the Jerusalem Hilton, worn a Rolex on his tv show, and driven a Lamborghini Testarossa? How do you know if he isn't already? Do you think the Holy Father couldn't give it to Him? Bless you anyways. I like your tongue in cheek. Hey, that kinda looks like Rocky Balboa, doesn't it? You are supposed to be worshipping the audience of ONE! If you were looking at the congregation, may I suggest that you turn around?
Yes, there is a difference. You do it yourself on your private taxes, Garth. They are called credits!!!! So before you start flinging the muck, better duck baby! The absolute allegiance you refer to is because I bowed to the King, Garth. It is the only way you rise to it. It doesn't come from any allegiance to any pastor (been kicked around too much in that arena) or any particular denomination. You probably don't remember it anymore, been too many years ago, but for a while we were writing privately to each other through snail mail. You once reproved me because I dared to think differently than what CES was teaching. So I will now dare to reprove you for having the audacity to leave the Glorious Throne Room of the King. If you say you were never in it... well then the door is always open. So I double dog dare you to try again and perhaps you'll lose the bitter root that has formed in you. I know, I had to hack mine out as well. So, I wuv you too babycakes! MMWAHHH! No, I only have boy toys!