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Everything posted by brideofjc

  1. brideofjc

    Cat whispering

    I've had my cat now for 8 years now. Rhapsody was abused as a kitten. I used to work in a half way home for teen males coming out of prison. They could earn time out in the community and one evening they brought home a tiny black and white kitten, too young to be separated from mama really. They claimed that the kitten jumped out of the nest and followed them home....yeah right....clean across a major thoroughfare :blink: Personally, I think that they probably tossed the kitten around to each other on the way back to the home, but the rules were that they couldn't have any pets. So, I agreed to take her home, at the time I was catless again, so I did. But Rhapsody was terrified for that short walk home with the boys, and it was only around her 7th year of life that she really has come out of her fears of people, noises etc. It took a long time indeed. Although she is still frightened of my string mop and broom, which I think is because they make a swishing noise. Just a thought about mother's love: When I got off shift that night, an adult cat was sitting in the driveway, spitting image of the kitten, so obviously.... Apparently, mama followed either the scent of the boys, her kittens' cries for help or the kittens' scent in the air??? What amazed me most, was that I spoke to the mama and told her that her kitten would be well taken care and she didn't need to keep sitting there, waiting for her kitten. She took one last look at me and turned around and left. I firmly believe that animals can somehow understand us, or perhaps our tones, and respond accordingly...or perhaps the Holy Spirit translated my words to her. But anyway, Rhapsody meows, will sit on my lap, although still not much of a purr-er and will allow herself to be put up close to my face on my shoulder.
  2. I remember having to clean the base of the toilet with a toothbrush so that demons wouldn't be attracted to live there, after all, they might make a grab for my feet.
  3. The words in the Greek are: These are the adjectival forms below; πονηρός - evil, bad, wicked, afflictive, malignant, malevolent κακoς - bad, worthless, corrupt, depraved φαῦλος - evil, vile, refuse, wicked I don't really see any degrees of corruption in these adjectives, just different words for the same concept. So if LCM applied differing levels to these words, then it was just another manipulative attempt to show how his followers were sliding down hill. The only thing I would note here, is if he was such a great teacher, why were his followers sliding down any hill? I was already gone for 5-6 years apparently before these teachings came out. God be praised!
  4. The Living Word pre-existed you or moi (.) period
  5. As I stated in my post Mstar...past ministers who couldn't teach/communicate?...assumed that everyone was understanding it?....remained aloof and no one would ask him/her any questions?....so where, again, the line of broken connectivity in the teaching experience? Unknown. That was one of the reasons for the Reformation, because the Catholic church had deliberately kept the bible in Latin and Greek for the NT and Hebrew for the OT, so the parishioners couldn't read it for themselves anyway. Therefore, they were kept in a state that required spoon feeding. But in today's society, a proliferation of bibles exist, you can even get free ones from the Gideons. So if I was encountering this problem where I was...what was in other churches? So yeah, these were just some of the thoughts that ran through my mind. I think I had better stop....else I'll unload.
  6. The opinion was mine, Tbone....first year seminary....rudest awakening I ever had....shocker really. What a difference from sitting on the receiving side of the pulpit to the giving side. My seminary profs spoke of it, and sitting on the student side thought that they were making it up or something....HAH! Unfortunately, they weren't! Back in the church, for instance, a woman was a member for the last 25 years and one day comes up to me to ask me about... baptism.....the simplest aspect of it too, (had to force my mouth to stay shut, it wanted to fall on the floor). So whose fault? Past ministers that couldn't teach? She had no desire to read the Bible? Couldn't read very well? So where was the broken line of connectivity to the teaching experience? Unknown. Then did I understand what the writer of Hebrews meant when he said that you should already be teachers, and yet I need to feed you milk and not meat. It's not a low opinion Tbone, rather a sad one. The Reformation was meant to cure this very ill....and behold....the ministers afterwards slowly incorporated the very evil they sought to stamp out with the church that they left. Behold the fruit.
  7. I'm glad you put the qualifier in, because had you not, I would have! One thing I've learned (finally) is that God's LAW transcends covenants even while it does not negate them. However, I slightly disagree that they have been made higher, in that they were high in the first covenant and could not be always attained. We probably in this covenant have a better shot of attaining them only because we now have the Holy Spirit living within, therefore, the LAW of GOD is within and not without. So whenever in those moments that we are in obedience to the Holy Spirit, we attain, but when we are not....alas! And your last line....a sad Amen to that one too.
  8. No, Rachel is a completely different person, Twinky. I wasn't really offended, just rather amused that you put it that way....but now that I come to think about it...hmmmm....maybe you were thumping me on the head....another poster once did that to me.....
  9. The mentality behind this post is that of someone who has seen just that....therefore, I posted! Having been in churches now for the last 12 years and seeing church goers who still can't find the Gospels after sitting there for 25 years, kind of tells you something, T-Bone! So save your FLAMES for another poster. I only wrote that which I've seen. Some of it is as you say a "learned helplessness", brought on by such leadership that waters down the Word to get the moustached infants to eat. Then there's other church goers that no matter how hard the minister tries to get them to study, to try and raise the bar...they sit and balk like mules with an attitude of "you can't make me learn if I don't want to!" But if you disagreed with one of my posts, just say so. When were you ever shy?
  10. Young and dumb is the right label! As for the interview with the Lord, DARN! I had everything counted! But after learning the TRUTH, all I'm afraid I would have heard at that point in my life was, "Depart from me, I never knew you!" Degrees? Did somebody say degrees? Uh-huh! Guess what Ham, you don't need to be in TWI post or current to hear that one. Well meaning pastors and church goers have already told me that one and said things such as "What do you have to pay all of that money for to learn about the bible, when all you ever had to do was just open the bible and the knowledge just falls out for you to pick up in such rich handfuls. Some of the pastors were jealous that I knew more than them, me thinks.
  11. The following errors were found This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger. This personal message has not been sent Jeff, click on "MY CONTROLS" at the top of the page, when it comes up on the left side of the page down by the bottom, you'll have to scroll down perhaps, you'll see "BOARD SETTINGS", click on that and when that comes up, in the middle, half way down I guess, you'll see an option for "PERSONAL MESSENGER", change the settings to "NO" you probably have it checked "yes" which means that the messenger is disabled. Blessings.
  12. There is a real world equivalent, Ham...Doctors must keep current and continue to take classes to maintain their licensure.
  13. Of course, there are always lessons to be learned. This is why the WORD of GOD is always alive and real, a fountain of living waters.
  14. Amen to that too, Mark and Bliss! I pretty much did the same thing, but it just wasn't tears, my knees were ready to buckle under all the way up to my room on the elevator and I had to steel myself to not cry in public. Although, our spirits have been made righteous, it is our souls and our bodies that need to be reigned into obedience to the Master and to obey the rules in His Kingdom, in heaven and on earth. And you're absolutely right about the smugness....which is what I think isolated us even further from the rest of the body of Christ, because they were on their knees and we were strutting ourselves in the other direction. It's pretty much the same response I sometimes would LOVE TO UTTER, even in the main line churches, that the LAW is still very much alive. Simply because there is a difference between the LAW of GOD and Moses' laws and we are very much under the LAW of GOD to this day. The Ten Commandments, or the Ten Words or the Decalogue are still in force today. Hallelujah, that our heavenly Father has loved us so much that HE has given to us HIS Boundaries. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely Meaning Literal meaning. Origin This arose as a quotation by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902). The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." Another English politician with no shortage of names - William Pitt the Younger, The Earl of Chatham and British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1778, is sometimes wrongly attributed as the source. He did say something similar, in a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770: "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"
  15. Because if it drags on into winter, they want to keep toasty warm by the fireplace and roast their chestnuts! Jack Frost nipping at your nose, yuletide carols sung..... dang I forgot the words.....ahhh, well
  16. Hi Socks, You list retention as the primary goal, and it should be, but you also mention that containment isn't. Complete containment or isolationism is not, but yet you don't want your flock to be prey to the wolves either. Bible colleges and seminaries segregate their enrollees as well, they usually do not isolate but they keep the flock together in a sense so that the less instructed have the seniors to guide the freshmen, etc. They also offer dorm living so that the younger can learn to share and cafeteria style dinners where all eat 'en masse', so there are some similarities, however if the campus needs any work done, the colleges pay them at least minimum wage.
  17. Sounds just exactly what an old coot would do and say! Thanks for the giggle at 5 am
  18. Are all of the waydale posts gone except for THE?
  19. Sad, to say Ham, the world does just that and it's not a bit humorous in the least.
  20. I knew why Sometimes, sister....I have a very dry wit and a lot of times if I'm on a roll...well, it can turn into something not too nice. We'll just leave it at that. #8....got to have a new beginning did you????? something like....OUT with the old????
  21. WG, Lighten up, will you?! I understand your desire to keep it truthful, but as I recall you did the exact same thing with one of my posts.... you twisted my words and said I saying your diabetes was from a demon.... Not reading posts correctly happens....Geez!
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