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Everything posted by brideofjc

  1. I also shop at Aldi's, Dot....I stay away from their chips...too much salt....but a good way if you want to stay preserved until eternity, lol....but I do buy their frozen chickens and cornish hens. I do get their canned fruit...good to keep on hand and I buy their box Asian noodles and stir fry sauces. I stay away from any type of meat that I cannot see with my own eyes, so I do not buy anything that is in a roll, except perhaps ground sausage. Their milk and eggs are ok and so is their yogurts. I have noticed lately that their sour cream has fillers in it now so that they can keep the prices lower. But their dogs and lunch meats are just like Farmland imo. You just have to try it and see if you like it. I do buy their frozen veggies as opposed to the canned ones. The canned ones are just the same as any name brand, except sometimes you might find a stem in the green beans. But when I look at the price of green beans from Delmonte v Aldi's, I know how to pull out a stem and save about 75 cents!!! Their fresh veggies are ok, but you have to look them over carefully as far as I'm concerned. What we do have here in this state, and I have to drive about 100 miles....but I think personally it is worth it even with the price of gas....is a (best explanation) "damaged goods" store where the prices are so low they are unbelievable. For example, most people do not know this, unless you're in the trucking or food business, semi's when they are carrying food products or medicine for that matter, have a little plastic ring on the lock on the doors to ensure safety from contamination. If that ring is broken for whatever reason when that food truck arrives, the entire load is rejected because it might have been contaminated in some way by tampering. This became law after the Tylenol event. When the load is rejected, the food then goes to these "damaged goods" stores and the public is allowed to buy it, with the knowledge that you are buying damaged goods. This doesn't mean that it is poisonous or anything. Sometimes, the food has been accidentally FROZEN and was not supposed to be frozen but only refrigerated, especially if the reefer trucks' A/C malfunctions. But as far as quality, sometimes I've gotten about 25# (no kidding) of SUBWAY brand trio meats for $8.00....I am not lying....it took me two years to use it with the meat in my deep freeze. Usually, when I go I spend about $200 and load up so much (THANK GOD FOR DEEP FREEZES) that I only have to go about every two years. Not lying!!!! Swear! Plus, this is restaurant quality food, because they cater to institutions....so one thing that you must be prepared for if you go....lots of room, because Mayo is institution size jars, etc and jelly the same way. So you have to either have a deep freeze, be able to re-can in ball jars or have lots of BBQ's. Also, you will need lots of freezer bags, because if you buy the meat, it comes in a box that can weigh up to 25# and so you need to separate it out into your family's size portions. Have on hand a lot of airtight jars as well. But common sense will tell you to stay away from their pastries that are fresh, unless you have a big family....because.....there's a lot in that package. Like one time I purchased buttermilk biscuits that only had to be put in the oven and it took up a lot of room in my deep freeze. There was only one time I bought something and it was buggy, or perhaps it did get buggy after I had it, I'm not sure. So if you have a major food distributor in your area, check to see if they have such an outlet that the public is allowed to buy food from them. I do know that my state in my area, or at least relatively close, I have two. I found another one and saw their sign saying "Public welcome!" So I knew what kind of store it was. Because though the food is considered to be damaged, sometimes the only damage is that the box was crushed on one end, but the food is perfectly intact, and by law they cannot sell it on the open market any longer. One final note: if you do find such a store in your area, KNOW YOUR PRICES, in the regular stores before you go...because sometimes not everything is a bargain! :unsure:
  2. The reason that store bought tomatoes do not taste like home grown variety is because they are picked GREEN, and then they are GASSED, which the chemicals that are used in the GAS react with the skin of the tomatoe and BLUSH them. This is done for a longer shelf life and time to get to the store for purchase. You should always let store bought tomatoes sit outside of the fridge for a couple of days or even a week, if need be, before attempting to eat them.
  3. I only knew of an Evan Pyle out on WayDale, funny man, I used to have his email but lost it when my pc crashed.
  4. Okay, I went out to the site, I jumped back at first glance of the pic....that was a real turn off for me! Ron, as far as boners...Here FIDO....C'mon....FIDO...gotz a treat for U!
  5. The bible calls it the Laodicean church, but the modern or post modern and who knows now what it is being called, would aptly label it as the SECULARIZED CHURCH.
  6. Yup! A very serious case of FREIK-CONTROL-ITIS
  7. That's why they put their own personal slant on "To the pure, all things are pure...." so that they could then justify whatever their fleshly lusts, the lust of their eyes, and the pride of their lives desired.
  8. I did celebrate with the individual items, although I didn't do the big seder meal. It was wonderful to be wth the Lord.
  9. I was up and praying when it hit, and I thought "WOW! Yes, my prayers are being heard and answered from heaven!" I heard glass tinkling....what???...then realized it was my bowl of glass flowers inherited from my grandma, so I jumped up after realizing it really was an earthquake and went to put the bowl on my bed. I'm about 100 to 150 miles away, so I got a good jolt. Heard my rafters creaking and walls groaning...well back to remodeling, I guess. Haven't noticed any external damage but who knows what kind of damage there is internally. I guess time will tell. Also, about five minutes before it hit, my cat was outside and wanted to come in very badly, knocking against the mailbox on the wall of the house making noises to get my attention.
  10. I have corporately, but not individually. I plan on having communion tonight though.
  11. I did consider your view....I just don't agree with it, there is a difference you know.
  12. Looking in the Hebrew Lexicon, Adonai is listed as a "name of a person" and Adoni says to refer to Adon, and looking that up it says it is a singular suffix for Adoni and is used 300x for earthly lords/masters; used a polite vocative, i.e. Sir; polite style of "you, he, your, his"; Adon = GOD; Adonai Yhwh = MY GOD YHWH.
  13. Well, I don't wish to turn this into a Calvinist thread, I believe there is one already down here in the dungeon, and that is enough! I do see the salvation of the spirit as being eternal, and the Calvinist doesn't differentiate as much, it would seem it's all lumped in together. They also use the TULIP and I do not believe that God just picks out those that are to be saved randomly and if you really don't want God...too bad, so sad, you're saved whether you like it or not. And then the others....off to hell you go. However, I do believe that there is a sanctification process, which would be located in the soul aspect because it takes time to bring the salvation from the spirit down into your soul (mind area) and thus to live it out in front of others. As you state that if the outward workings of salvation are not evident, then the Calvinist believes the original salvation was a sham....I don't....I very much believe that you can be born again....don't do a ding dang thing for the LORD....and your spirit at least will be saved, but you will lose your soul etc. This is what I believe the Scriptures speak about with the different crowns, i.e. life, righteousness etc. Those that get only the crown of life, I would liken to those whose spirits only are saved. You're there but you won't have any rewards or status or rulership over ten cities etc. I list it as three salvations to show the breakdown, because as I personally believe, you have a choice to not save your soul and basically ignore the Lord all of your natural life....and then Matthew 7...."I never KNEW you...depart from me." One might liken it to concentric circles around the Throne, the more you lived for the Lord and KNEW HIM, the closer you will be to HIS THRONE.
  14. Hi Chuck, Since I am not a proponent of a once-saved-always-saved doctrine which is prevalent in Calvinistic theology, I cannot reassure you that you are "in like Flynn." In my personal studies and understanding of how salvation works...and I guess when it comes down in the end, it will not be your doctrine that saves you (Praise God), but it is the power in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to atone for your sins before the Holy Father...but I believe there are three salvations to be experienced. Also, there is a Greek construction in Ephesians 2:5 , 8 known as a periphrastic construction, which is a long way of saying something short. So in the Greek, there are but three words, but to bring it over to English requires more words to get the meaning across and so IMO, it should be translated: "You HAVE BEEN saved, and you ARE BEING saved, and you WILL BE saved." The first phrase is where Calvinists, or "grace-ites" saw their salvation, and hence...."once saved always saved." But I personally believe this is where you are saved in the SPIRIT, and yes, I do believe that this portion of salvation is eternal and you cannot lose it ever. The second phrase is where "work-ites" see their salvation, in that "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." I believe this is the salvation of your SOUL, and this is what the Lord Jesus was referring to when He said, "If you gain the whole world and lose your soul...." Lastly, the third phrase, is yet to be experienced and I believe this is the salvation of the BODY, and we will see this at our resurrection when we are given a new body just like the Lord's resurrected body. Basically, if you have truly confessed the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and are trusting that HIS BLOOD has atoned for your sins, your SPIRIT is saved, Chuck. For the salvation of your SOUL, develop a VERY PERSONAL relationship with YOUR LORD...i.e. spend lots of time with HIM. Speak out loud to the Lord Jesus, even if people think that you have gone bonkers...SO WHAT! Do you speak with your wife only in your mind or out loud? Let HIM know you are here, but approach with fear and awe, for HE is an AWESOME GOD. You will know you have gained HIS ATTENTION, when HE begins to work with you, some of it may hurt very badly when HE throws you into the fire to see what you are made of, literally, at least in the spiritual realms. But don't fear, HE knows when to pull you out. Just spend lots of time with HIM, for indeed HE will stick closer to you even more so than a brother. Blessings.
  15. Died of complications? Maybe because it doesn't mix, huh, or Perhaps it was the Lord re-establishing his separation between the genuses of man and animal. I mean why give your critics the perfect opportunity to truly say, "Wow, I always said she was a sweathog!"
  16. Then you never met any of my professors! Soft???
  17. True, but unbelievers sometime have more wisdom than believers, sad to say. Luke 16:8 And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.
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