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Everything posted by brideofjc

  1. Yur Velcome! Jeff didn't like it, though! Like doc always said, "You can read a letter, but it might not be addressed to you!" Jeff's letter was transferance, he did like that one!
  2. I don't know about the four foot thingy, but what I was thinking about, was when he was arching backwards and thrusting his groin up towards GOD (just a dance move of course). Of course, it was PURE BETA! Geez, does anyone remember those gawd awful beta machines? I had a VHS and I remember I had to rent a beta so that I could transfer the video to VHS and thus later I transferred it to the deep 86.
  3. Rather usurping the role of the Head of the church and His love for His Bride. LCM also did a rather crude move and it always reminded me of worshipping an Asherah pole.
  4. Playing the "shame-card" would probably fall more into this category: Glad you liked "transferance" so here's "psychological projection" In psychology, psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses/desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud, and for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as "Freudian Projection"[1] [2] Overview According to Sigmund Freud, projection is a psychological defense mechanism whereby one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else. It is a common process that every person uses to some degree.[3] To understand the process, consider a person in a couple who has thoughts of infidelity. Instead of dealing with these undesirable thoughts consciously, he or she subconsciously projects these feelings onto the other person, and begins to think that the other has thoughts of infidelity and may be having an affair. In this sense, projection is related to denial, arguably the only defense mechanism that is more primitive than projection. Those who project deny a part of themselves that may otherwise come to the surface. In this case, they cannot face their own feelings of infidelity and therefore project them onto the other person.
  5. I believe in Psychological circles, it is called transferance. Bless you, Jeff
  6. This is because King David represents Israel's GLORY YEARS, when it was he who thought of and perhaps planned on building the first temple, albeit he was not allowed to because he had blood on his hands and so had to wait until Solomon could take over. It was he who slew Goliath....you get the picture. It is the same attempt to white wash the sinful deeds of an otherwise upstanding man whose heart was after all after God's. Not that God sins. The RC do this same thing by asserting that Mary never had sex with Joseph and never had any other children than the Lord Jesus and even AFTER giving birth, her hymen was still properly in place. Maybe Jesus was a premie, do you think? Or it was 100% PURE MIRACLE, and the LORD GOD caused the hymen to stretch to allow for the virgin birth, and then so that Joseph would always know that indeed Mary had been a virgin because then he was able to proceed with a normal honeymoon period and found out the truth for himself. As far as Bathsheba is concerned, it may very well be that military men had to give their wives a conditional type of divorce, but at the same time it doesn't make any sense, because if you failed to come back from the battlefield, it would naturally be assumed that you perished, and the wife was then released from her matrimonial bonds according to the Law, so what would be the point. That's stretching the law to cover David's sins besides which, Uriah was very much alive when David had a go at his wife.
  7. Here, Ham, just for you: you looked like you could use one....ENJOY! MAKE SURE YOU CLICK IT TO FULL SIZE!
  8. I'm not trying to control what you read, Penworks, how can I? I do not even know where you live, OMG. And I never said that Ehrmann has flippant questions either. I just question the depth of his faith if he could let textual criticism excise it from his life.
  9. Naw, heathens have to be on their knees when they dial....remember what VPW said....the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God!
  10. And we really didn't get what we paid for, either.
  11. A L-I-B-E-R-A-L (gasp!) and you actually admitted it???? I just said weigh it with caution. Whether you are liberal or conservative, all works should be weighed with caution and if they line up with the written WORD OF GOD. As far as Ehrman goes, I know his bio states that he was an evangelical in his teens and with the study of textual criticism actually talked himself out of his own faith. I would then question the roots of his faith. They must not have gone very deep. Although on the other hand, one could get too lost in books and especially THE BOOK and forget about the AUTHOR.
  12. Naw, George, Greek and Hebrew are cold and calculating.....and I've said it before out here: AND I LIKE IT LIKE THAT!!!
  13. Princeton is very liberal in their views so if you read any of their works, weigh it with caution. Bart Ehrman has left Christianity, I do believe and that about sums it up for me. My criteria for accurate content would be this: does it line up with other noted and established texts. Is the HOLY SPIRIT warning me in any way that it isn't right. Have other scholars read it and what do they say about the content.
  14. This brings up one mention in the Wikipedia, but it would be closer = bibliophobia listed under Thomas Frognall Dibdin. HOWEVER, IT DOES GOOGLE bibliophobiaBibliophobia, is a common phobia that most people don't even know that they have. Bibliophobia is commonly known as the fear of books (but that's not the ... library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00415/bibliophobia.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages BIBLIOPHOBIA: Treatment and HopeAcclaimed Bibliophobia treatment seen on NBC & ABC news. Our board-certified specialists help people with phobias like yours. We guarantee the results, ... www.changethatsrightnow.com/problem_detail.asp?SDID=340:1420 - 72k - Cached - Similar pages bibliophobia: Definition and Much More from Answers.combibliophobia ( ′biblēə′fōbēə ) ( psychology ) An abnormal fear of books. www.answers.com/topic/bibliophobia - 37k - Cached - Similar pages Bibliophobia: A Better Excuse Than My Dog Ate My Homework! by Myla ...Feb 28, 2008 ... My daughter was sent home from school the other day with a letter from her teacher stating she had not been doing her homework and could I ... searchwarp.com/swa304367.htm - 49k - Cached - Similar pages Bibliophobia - definition of Bibliophobia by the Free Online ...Definition of Bibliophobia in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Bibliophobia. What does Bibliophobia mean? Bibliophobia synonyms, Bibliophobia antonyms. www.thefreedictionary.com/Bibliophobia - 27k - Cached - Similar pages Definition: bibliophobia from Online Medical DictionaryThe Online Medical Dictionary is a searchable dictionary of definitions from medicine, science and technology. cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/omd?bibliophobia - 3k - Cached - Similar pages Does Bibliophobia Bother You?Eliminate Bibliophobia Safely, Quickly and Effectively without Drugs. Scientifically Tested. Release Your Bibliophobia Fast and Easy. www.phobia-fear-release.com/bibliophobia.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages I REALLY LIKE THE LAST ONE!!!!! HERE IS THE FIRST ONE, I LIKE THIS ONE TOO!! Bibliophobia, is a common phobia that most people don't even know that they have. Bibliophobia is commonly known as the fear of books (but that's not the whole story!). Some of us think we have it when we try to do our homework. The symptoms of this phobia include breathlessness, dizziness, dry mouth, excessive sweating, nausea, feeling sick, heart palpitations, inability to speak of think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality of a full blown anxiety attack. The real meaning of Bibliophobia is a fear of something that has no real danger. Bibliophobia can cause disruptions at work, school, and in social relations. There is a psychologist who has found a way to cure Bibliophobia in one session, but it will cost you about $1,000. I KNOW JUST WHAT WILL CURE IT TOO, BUT I NEED CASH UP FRONT! NO REFUNDS EITHER! http://www.phobia-fear-release.com/bibliophobia.html
  15. This is exactly what lead me into seminary to LEARN it for myself and then on to study Greek and Hebrew, so that NEVER AGAIN, would I have to rely on someone else's definitions of what they thought the original languages meant. Thus, never again to be hoodwinked in those matters. Amen!
  16. That's a common belief outside of TWI as well. It's in Galatians 3...."another gospel." Didn't you know that this is why it is called MASTER-card?
  17. There is help available, you know. 1-800-IMJESUS As old as whenever GOD CREATED IT. God doesn't occupy time and space, so it is irrelavant.
  18. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN WHEN I'M AT WORK! Wasn't this thread supposed to be about "all the women belong to the King?" Is this going to be another FORGIVENESS THREAD?
  19. It could very well be he was emotionally and perhaps intellectually stunted, or it could simply be that he wanted to appear HIP and YOUNG to those that were in the Jesus Movement of the 1960's. Like Daddy-o, its way out and groovin'!
  20. Here you go WS, Like when you gents STUDY the Femme Fatales and you ENDEAVOR to get them to notice you So Raf asks the question why VPW relied on an inaccurate translation to make his point over and over? Shouldn't that be obvious? If you really have nothing new to teach, then you continually teach on the same ol same ol and it causes you to appear well learned and educated to those that have never heard it before and its even better when the audience is very young and naive, like most of us were when we were sucked into the Weirwillian vortex....and now I can see the wicked witch riding her bicycle... and there goes Aunty Em.... and some of those darned chickens.... and there are some of the collaterals next to the outhouse Why there's Ben, trying to get out of the outhouse.... Oh, there goes TWI HQ looks like everything is blowing in the wind.... Ahhh.....there she is..... Dorothy herself! Yet, we are told to meditate upon that very WORD OF GOD, which necessitates some STUDY of the Holy Book. It doesn't go in by osmosis. In order for the Holy Spirit to bring it to your remembrance, it has to have been ingested at some point or another.
  21. You would sure find out just how high you could jump!
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