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Everything posted by brideofjc

  1. Seems to me that there needs to be more "trance-inducing JESUS worship and corrective treatment to reduce the occurences of "rigor mortis of the elbows" and then perhaps we would begin to realize that there perhaps is only a smattering of people that might be embellishing their stories in order to gain attention from others. Most people do not need to embellish their stories. As Word Wolf states, everyone's experiences were different and to be true there probably wasn't and isn't any so-called NORM in TWI because there were different personalities in leadership and different agendas as well. If a leader was into power plays, the people that were under his leadership will have certain accounts to relate. If the leader was a deviant, those that were under that leader will have different accounts. As well, people in the same fellowship will have differences in their accounts simply because one person may have been singled out to receive abuse and the others didn't receive any. This happens in biological families as well, where one child is singled out by an abusive parent and is horrendously abused while the others are treated as royalty. Go figure! While I didn't receive near to what some of the posters have endured....yet, I was taught to use a wooden corrective as well. When I was on my WOW year in 82-83, first of all a family WOW was sent to a single WOW family. You want talk about feeling like a fifth wheel? My daughter couldn't express it, she was only five at the time, but I know I was also made to feel that way especially when the others had to take turns BABYSITTING in order to allow me to go out WITNESSING (in bars, no less, yeah right). Yeah we pulled a lot of people out of the fire from those places. :blink: Plus, my WOW sisters thought it was their right to discipline my child even when I was there. I finally had to say to them that they needed to let me decide what needed discipline and what didn't. Although, I have repented before the LORD for having used such a corrective instrument, I can only say that I was too young and too inexperienced and couldn't as of yet stand up for myself in all matters. Time has corrected that, thank GOD. As far as TWI teachings....especially on families and marriage.....blech! I never could put a finger on it at the time, all I knew was that when DMoneyhands taught on marriage, my spirit just roiled and I felt it as well in my physical being too. Whenever they taught on Ephesians 5, it made me spiritually sick and it wasn't until years and years later when I began to learn Greek in Bible college that the LORD brought to me the truth concerning SUBMISSION and I sat there at my desk and it literally felt as if shackles were falling off my ankles and the LORD was setting me free when my Greek professor taught Eph 5:21-22. It was as if Angels were shouting Hallelujah to me and the roof was being lifted off the building, albeit, no one else knew it. Blessings to all
  2. Sorry, I completely forgot that occupation. Maybe it's buried somewhere.
  3. I went back in and tried it and it worked and it showed numbers % on my side. But when I went to pm Lucygoosey and then came back, it was zero again. What the heck! Is the board having gas or something?
  4. I don't know if I can edit it or not. But I'll Try. I would hate to have to start over.
  5. Just send them to Arkansas...according to RonG it's a garlic state and so they won't even get one bite!
  6. I need help with this poll... it's not letting the vote go through!!!
  7. I was just thinking about all of the different occupations/professions that must be represented out here at the Cafe and so I thought I would make this little poll. I'm sure there are a lot more than could be listed or that I could even think of, so if you don't find your occupation on the poll, just choose as close as you can or "Anything else not listed." Who knows maybe we can lean upon one another if we have questions or need help. You can choose multiple things as well, but be real. If you only worked a couple of weeks at something, don't list it as your career. Who knows, maybe if you feel comfortable, you can list your email and help others with technical questions if you have the expertise. If some of us live close enough together perhaps we can make use of one another's talents without abusing them by asking it for free. I guess the best tail-gate size bumper sticker I ever saw: "Yes, I own this truck! NO, I won't help you move!" If there is anything that I missed, please post it, we'd like to know if you want to tell. God Bless. Apparently, you have to fill in at least one blank in each of the boxes, so if you do not fit into a category in the box, CHOOSE "ANYTHING NOT LISTED (POST IT)" to get your vote counted.
  8. When your squashes are coming in to maturity, this is when you want to bake them, scrape out the shells and then freeze if you have the room. Canning isn't that difficult and I see it as a must and I am so thankful that my Grandma taught my Mom and she taught me how to do it, it's hot in my kitchen during that time, but come winter, when everyone else is eating store bought stuff....mmmmmm.....I'm eating almost fresh. Hmmm....I've just always planted them upright and staked them and used my old nylons as the ties to the stake.
  9. Wow, I had forgotten that a Janis was only 27 when she died. As I remember her death notice: The Party's on Pearl. Then "In the year 2525" Geez, I hope we're still not waiting! Feel free to post your own classics.
  10. So far I've only gotten my squashes, yellow, butternut, acorn etc in and my onions and cukes. I was finishing them off in the dark, covering them up. I still have two trays of carrots, tarragon, leeks and broccoli. Then I have my peas, green beans, corn and others still as seeds waiting. We've had a wet spring. I still have to get my tomatoe plants. My grapes are leafing out just fine and I figure it will take about two more years to cover the arbor, so that I can be like Cleopatra, eating my grapes and spitting out the pips as my dream weaver takes my on my flights of fancy. Cough! Cough!
  11. Must be why the Clintons left!
  12. brideofjc


    Woo Hoo! I absolutely do know 150%, the absolute location of an entire FIELD of SO-CALLED PROFESSIONALS that are really nothing more than large meadow muffins masquerading as CARING, HELPFUL, SWEET, KIND, LAW-ABIDING AND KEEPING hu-man-be-ings that fill the bill of your first two paragraphs. OMG!
  13. brideofjc


    Although, there are certain sections of society, i.e. Germanic, Baltic, Slavic types where to show emotions and caring is just never done. It's like being Vulcan or something. Move over Spock! My heritage is from these areas and I have seen just that type of behavior; it doesn't mean that they do not care, they just do not show emotions to others because it has been taught to them that to show emotions connotes weakness. Kind of the same thing where little boys are taught early on that to cry is not what big boys do, that's for girls. So sometimes perhaps before judgment is passed onto people that they are sociopaths, perhaps it stems from their heritages.
  14. I'm adding an article on vows and oaths from the Dictionary of Biblical Imagery. Vows and oaths evoke the idea of a serious setting, such as a court of law (oath) or a wedding ceremony (vow). That the wedding vow is actually an oath betrays a widespread blurring of the distinction between oaths and vows in the Hebrew Bible. An oath is an abbreviated covenant (Gen 26:28), a promise between two or more persons in which the name of a deity is invoked as witness and and guarantor. The oath is normally represented by the act of "swearing" (making a solemn promise) or by placing oneself (Mk 14:71). By contrast, a vow is a solemn promise made by a person to his or her deity. The vow normally includes an oath formula, but its direction is vertical, not horizontal like the oath. Whereas oaths are between persons, the vow is directed toward God. It always takes place within the context of prayer since it is always addressed to God. Vows are normally made in times of distress, and the supplicant's gift is often contingent upon the granting of his petition (Judg 11:30; 1 Sam 14:24) The serious nature of all promises and conduct before God is reflected in the taking of oaths and vows. Acdcording to Mosaic law, the Lord's name was not to be taken lightly in the swearing of oaths (Ex 20:7; Deut 5:11). Yahweh would personally punish the swearer of such a false oath. sin is not determined by whether a person vows or not. Rather, once uttered, a vow is as binding as an oath (Deut 23:21-23) and should therefore not be made carelessly (Prov 20:25). Truthfulness as the paragon of all speech is reflected in God's binding of himself by an oath (Heb 6:13-18 cf. Jer 22:5) and by the fact that Christ is the guarantor of all the OT promises. Jesus taught that oaths were binding (Mt 5:33) and that the Christian's daily conversation is considered as sacred as oaths. If, as the obedience of God's kingdom mandates, deeds correspond to words, then oaths will be unneccessary (Mt 5:34-37; Col 3:17; Jas 1:22; 5:12; 1 Jn 3:18). Since my words are not excathedra, yet I want my words to be utilized with caution. Americans are not used to such vow taking (at least not in the last 75 years) as those that lived in the Eastern countries. I do believe that words are very powerful weapons of warfare either with blessings or cursings et al. I also think that if two people stand before the Lord God and vow before HIM to be in marriage, it should be honored to the level that it can be honored. In the first place, we are not living in an Eastern culture, where abuse of women is considered completely normal. We have laws against it, albeit, 150+ or so years ago, even America had this "law" called "rule of thumb" whereby a man was allowed to beat his wife with a rod or stick as long as it didn't exceed the thickness of his thumb. In Britain, it actually was included in the Court of Common Pleas, but I'm not sure if in America it was a carry over from Britain or if it actually was a law on the official books. Since we do not live in such a culture, I would say that if one of the partners were being physically abused, I would say "get out" and if the abused partner thought they wanted to try and save the marriage, I would say go ahead, but just don't live together until enough counseling was sought and definite improvements had been made. If the partners are Christian, I think they should work it out if at all possible because the Lord Jesus was very specific on his stance against divorce. If the marriage was made at too young of an age, there could be exceptions and especially if they were not Christians. If one is a Christian and the unbeliever departs, then there is not guilt or shame and there isn't any transgression on the books. If however, BOTH considered themselves to be Christian and someone wants to leave just so that they can have new adventures with new and exciting people, I would read very carefully what the Lord Jesus has to say about marriage vows. I think the whole point of vow taking is for the person to learn how to keep their word no matter what and to be careful about what you utter. Perhaps this is why the Word states "Let your words be few."If however, your vow was made in ignorance concerning the situation, such as TWI, the vows were broken by them first, in that they didn't fulfill their end of the vow and I would say it would release you from your end. I do not think any situation can have just a quick diagnosis made, but it should be sought diligently in prayer before rushing into anything that either party may regret later.
  15. Hebrews 12:6-8 For whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges, every son whom he receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? But if you are without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are you bastards and not sons. They already proved this when they refused any correction.
  16. If you also remember, Rascal, VPW was even TELLING us way back then that he himself was doing that very thing. Remember his little anecdote about "the man who wanted to justify that there really was no God, and so he partially quotes Psalms, but then VPW oh so cleverly fills in the missing verse, The fool hath said...." He should have either remembered his own teaching or he was subtley informing us that he only partially remembers verses himself. You know....selective memory retention!
  17. Well, see I told you....he was into self worship. I'd better stop too!
  18. I don't remember any SIT move? I take it you're being facetious? Do tell, what did he do, I've tried absolutely hard to forget about that blasphemous object of self worship. If you remember....Asherah was supposed to be the Queen Consort to Yahweh, or otherwise known as the Queen of Heaven. So you see, when he was thrusting up towards heaven, maybe he wanted to have a go at the "Queen of Heaven."
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