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Everything posted by brideofjc
You pay for a backhoe man to come in and hoist it up. Or you can go the slower route, and buy a chemical that rots the roots and let nature take its course. You're helpful Ace Hardware person can help or a Farm and Home type store.
You say that is an "assumption" that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had this particular collection of writings drawn together and has managed to preserve it for thousands of years, yet, perhaps its not the "right" God, because after all, other cultures have writings that they believe to be their form of "scriptures." Ok, there are a lot of civilizations that had these things and yet the people have perished and while parts of their sacred writings may have survived, yet they didn't. So where was their God? Elijah confronted such cultures in his day and asked them questions such as "where is your god? Perhaps he is asleep or gone on vacation for a while, maybe he didn't hear you?" You also write that for the last 20 years you have questioned, but I would ask you from what point did you jump off into the sea of questioning? Were you born again? SIT? Prophesy? Learned in the Scriptures outside of twi? Did you ever perceive the voice of the Lord through His Holy Spirit? Or at the very least think that you did? I do not know from what premise you leaped. Nor your experiences or training while in twi, or how you left it, etc. Of course, I can only speak for myself...but I have experienced a deep relationship with the Lord and His Holy Spirit has been "in rez" :) for many years, and with this being so, do also know (current) how He leads and gives "inspiration"; therefore, knowing how these "men of God" received the Word of God in their spirits and so wrote it down, which we now call Scriptures. I would also recommend a book (a mere 915 pages) God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul by Godon D. Fee.
Well, at least IMB, textual criticism aimed at determining to the best degree the historicity and authenticity of the authorship is a high priority. I would hate to think that I placed my faith in a work that was penned last week, aged with chemicals and fobbed off as bearing marks of antiquity. Sure it is possible to find gold tablets, they found stone tablets of many ancient works outside of Christianity...however....?translating glasses?....that's pushing it too far....because that would border on the claims that P.T Barnum made (I think), "There's a sucker born every minute!" If one is filled with the Holy Spirit, one doesn't have to take any writer's word for it, but can be instructed by the author Himself. While Matthew, Mark et al may have been penned by those names, the true author is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. You are harnessed to something connected to reality when you step off that cliff of believing...God's hand will be right there to hold you up. A light that mankind shines into total darkened emptiness may be true to what you have just said....but when God shines His light into the total darkened emptiness of mankind's heart, it does bring light and it enlightens where one would not think that anything could reach it.
Ahhh, yesssss.... #6....the number for MAN, or is that beast??? Only 65 years? A new record, I'm sure.
Aw, Jeffy Jeff....that sounds like a line out of "Happy Days" and I can just hear Joanie saying it or "rubber hose up your nose." Geez Louise. You know what to do with it!!!!
They probably did, in that the text states that Adam was with her and she did give him to eat. That's if fellatio is the culprit, if not then another option that I have thought of is that the TOL was Jesus in His pre-incarnate form as opposed to the enemy of God. Therefore, the "eating" was the digestion of the words of either and hence they chose the wrong words to digest.
If an NFP sells anything that it owns, the monies go back to the NFP. It is illegal for any BOD to profit from an NFP. When the NFP terminates, ALL OF THE MONIES, ASSETS, etc. are GIVEN to other 501( c)(3) corporations.
Not so fast, D....there are plenty of Jewish writings where this is surmised as well. Honestly, what the heck else was there? Not like there were gambling casinos, saloons, opium dens etc. This is why it is the natural choice to surmise that sex in some form was the culprit. ME? I've pondered on it myself as well. When I first heard vp talk about it...CFS?...I just naturally accepted it....but after I left, I went through a period of years, I'm sure everyone else did too, where I literally rejected just about everything that I had received....burning the collaterals....shredding other things...depending on the mood of the moment But then at some point I began to muse again on the topic, having new information from seminary et al and THIS TIME asking the LORD to help me ponder these things. Not that it is a life and death topic, at least not now, it was for them.... :unsure: In the laws of Moses, it is unlawful to commit 1. adultery 2. homosexuality 3. lesbianism 4. incest 5. spilling your seed on the ground What I have come to understand is this out of all of the ponderings and choices that I mused upon: 1. Adultery? With who? Nope! 2. Homosexuality? again, with who? Fallen angels? There LIES a possibility. 3. Lesbianism? again, with who? 4. Not yet. No one else around. 5. This is the one that made the most sense to me. I have come to understand through the process of how iniquities work, with it being passed down to the 3rd and 4th generations that one of the things that Cain is charged with is being the first murderer. You just don't up and murder, folks. There has to be a DRIVE behind it. With that in mind....this must mean then that Cain inherited the iniquity of murder from his parents. So....since obviously males carry the seed....what I think has a very good possibility of happening? I think the devil TEMPTED Eve with basically performing fellatio on Adam. What are the components....Don't EAT from the TREE in the middle of the garden (pubic hair being the forest). devil tells her that IT WAS PLEASANT TO THE EYES, it is GOOD FOR FOOD.... Now with that in mind....the seminal fluid is jam packed with SEED....i.e. human beings in seed form....thus, murdering them. How? Because they didn't come together as the LORD GOD had prescribed for them to come together...hence, even though all of the seed obviously wouldn't have culminated in a pregnancy....there would still be no sin...because they would have been in obedience to the LORD. You are free to disagree, but this is the best that I have ever came up with. Because, folks, there just wasn't any apples, except maybe the two below the tree. Just my thoughts....at 4:59 a.m.
Isn't that why we are instructed to bring out the NEW along with the OLD?
Yes, it would! It would make you the cook of the plan! So yes, DOMESTIC ENGINEER! HAH!
Thank you! That gave me the laugh for the day....especially....."Hopefully before they could breed." as well as " 100 years ago stupid people died off/got killed young." And yes, you're right....a lot of STUPID would stop if judges would stop taking frivolous suits into the court system. I still marvel today that the old woman who spilled McD's coffee between her legs actually won that suit. But I just heard that McD's is now HEATING their coffee 20 DEGREES HIGHER than what the old lady felt. I guess McD figgers if someone else is that STUPID to put BOILING coffee between their legs....well, like you said....let natural selection take its course. After she spilled it, she told the judge that the hot coffee had hampered her in that area. If I had been the judge, I would have been tempted to quip, "Oh, were you still using that?" Whatever you do.....don't give them a DeWalt Reciprocating Saw.....Gawd only knows what might happen!
No disrespect to you either....but someone can ENGINEER something...i.e. COORDINATE things Webster's: To plan, construct, etc. as an engineer. To manage skillfully. Women (or men, as the case may be) who are stay-at-home professionals, know that it takes a lot of planning, coordinating, i.e. ENGINEERING to efficiently keep a home and the children running smoothly. Well, technically, that would be in MEDICAL FIELD (ANYTHING RELATED). But I did forget to put in the category of ANGELS.
It is sad, but all too true....most Americans have become so duped into believing that the govt will just do everything for them....even their thinking.... so why bother? Huh? "Well if'n I'm not supposed to do something....they'll just put a warning label on it for me!" "Oh where'd he go George!?" I truly hope that this country never has a dire emergency nation wide....else there will be a lot of people who will just shrivel up and....? because they simply won't know what to do or how to handle any crisis unless some state sponsored agency tells them what to do.
It must be the time of year when all of those people who are stuck on stupid, finally figger out that they have to lower their LAZYBOY chair handle to help them get up and OMG T-H-E-Y-'-R-E L-O-O-S-E-!!!!! I can't remember which GS'er has that signature line from Reilly???? about stupid people....the owner of that signature....please log in. I was at the gas station the other day....and, well, you know it's kinda boring standing there waiting...and I'm reading an actual WARNING LABEL stuck on the gas pump: DO NOT PLACE NOZZLE IN YOUR MOUTH! OMG! Need I go on? Who the hey would EVER stick that filthy thing in their mouth, attempting to SUCK on it to see if they could get some FREE GAS??????? But you know....there must have been someone who tried it, and had to go to the ER room for chemical burns to their mouth. Geez Louise! And then there's those people, who are bored out of their gourd while pumping gas (who isn't?), who can't resist taking an ink pen and defacing the stickers on the gas pump! In my county....every gas pump in town for the last ten years? has a sticker on it that shows the County Sheriff with the slogan "Pump and Run, could cost you a ton!" I do not believe any one of those stickers doesn't have the Sheriff wearing a large INK MOUSTACHE and HORNS coming out of his head, or HIS FACE BLACKENED OUT. I mean don't they have anything better to do? When someone is stuck on stupid....what do you do? YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!
Personally.....I'd like to have both!
These children become this way because they learn early on that they must manipulate people in order to get their needs met. They also find out that if they want something, they must lie to get it as well. Plus, then you have a social work system that actually TEACHES them, BY EXAMPLE, how to WORK THE SYSTEM, by MANIPULATION AND LIES! ANY QUESTIONS????
Yes....that was the first thing that I saw as well. They could have just simply had their number come up, if you know what I mean. I would hate to have my church blamed simply because it was my time to go. Yeah... she went to "XYZ Church....we've heard of THAT church. People go there and THEY DIE! Well, I don't know about anyone else here, but it's a sure bet if the LORD JESUS CHRIST doesn't return before it my turn to clock out of the factory....I'M GONNA DIE! HAVE A GREAT DAY! :blink: P.S. Don't EVEN get me started on government child raising....I guarantee you that my flame thrower is hot and sizzling on that topic!
Not knocking you personally, George....just in some ways, it looks like someone is trying to fill up a web page site. While I will admit...there are quacks out there that you have to be very careful around....such as someone telling you that you really don't need to seek medical help with a lump on your breast....oh, here...drink some ginseng....I hear it heals cancer of the breast. There are limitations and prudent common sense should prevail. I use natural medicines and I also pray over the things that are wrong in my body....but if some ailment that I'm experiencing doesn't cease and desist within a natural frame of time, it's off to the doctor that I go. Many ailments will heal all by themselves....why? because that's the way our wonderful God made it....that our body should heal itself....but if it doesn't....then by all means seek medical help.
Naw, it's right up there with cleaning around the base of the toilet with a toothbrush to get all of the debbil spurts away from you when yooz had yer pants down, Maw!
Here is some of the well-documented evidence: baby boy & baby girl Still Age: 0 Germantown, Pennsylvania Died February 1989 Religion (Faith Tabernacle) So what did they die of? Who knows? But by God, the parents went to church! Hang 'em high Clint! Many others just like that one, very sketchy in documentation. Names repeated or each child's name got their own "box" i.e. when first a woman died of snake handling in their Kentucky church and left five children and three years later the Father died too, then each child was given a "box" to say that they were orphaned. Puhleez!
WOW, are there any opening there for me?
Highway, just plant zucchini.....It will grow so much, you'll be giving them away and eventually you'll be stuck with the rest.....because people will be tired of getting them from you. Just after they get some really long runners, clip off the ends to stem their growth so that they produce the fruit. It's hard to mess up zucchini!
MISTER P-MOSH: You could have chosen "Internet (anything related)" MSTAR1: You could have chosen "Antiques/Restorationers" IT WAS THERE GUYS....IT REALLY IS! So far the only thing that I missed was Artist and Morticians (anything related). I just also messed up the poll, it was too lengthy apparently for this board capabilities. Ah well, it was a nice try if I do say so myself.