John and Elaine Gates. The last I talked to them (before 2000) they were in WV. I first met them in Mobile, Alabama in 1987. From there they moved to NY, NY, and then to WV. They were Corps but I don't have a clue which one.
Wayne and Maureen Colonna. I first met them in NY in 1989. They got divorced around 1998-1999 time frame. The last I heard he was still in Miami, Fl and Maureen moved to Nashville to be with her daughter and her husband. They were family Corps.
Leslie Castillo. I met her in Staten Island, NY at the same fellowship with Wayne and Maureen. She moved from Staten Island to Plattsburg, then to Jacksonville, Fl, the to Penn.
There are others but I cannot remember all of their names. If anyone may know of their wearabouts please let me know.