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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. A La!!!!!!................HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, YOU PRECIOUS GEM! I LOVE YOU AND BID YOU......................PEACE!
  2. hearty congrats to both new sets of grandparents!!!!................wow......time just keeps marchin' on, don't it???
  3. hiya T-Bone!.............so nice to read posts from you!........it's been awhile.................peace.
  4. frame 57...............SO THAT MAKES IT RIGHT?????............THAT "PROVES IT" FOR YOU?????
  5. i've heard of jesus the healer.......nice book by e.w. kenyon abundantly plagiarized by der victoid..........but who in the hell is rosie da healer??..........she's not even a competent "orkin man" for twi's messes, let alone any facsimile of a healer! she hasn't healed herself, a mighty hefty bit of work there just for starters, let alone any of the thousands destroyed, abused, raped, and ripped off by vic and da boyz in da hoods.........she sure didn't heal the doofus from okie did she?............you see folks, rozilla's concept of healing is pouring kosher salt on a large , slow-moving slug, that may be inching its way along one of the precious walkways at crotchaven.....er, 'skuse me......foxhaven, on a muggy summer morning!!!! 'cuz pouring salt in gaping, life-threatening wounds is how folks on the north carolina social register accomplish all they know about healing anything!.....................peace.
  6. so then.......am i to understand that these sellers of strange, spiritualist potions.........excuse,me, that is to say, "personal prophecies" continue on in their mission to rekindle the dead bones of the "ministry" that taught them the "word" as it had not been known since the first century, continue to try to make the dead bones of their "vater in das word" proud of how they're carrying on in his stead, endeavoring to perservere against the constant onslaughts and torments of der debbil, who apparently is so threatened by what stfi's do that he spends so much of his time as "god of this world" possessing them and causing them to sue each other that the other offshoots have more time to do a better version of twi than twi can do of itself???? and our precious tzaia, whose probing intellect and incisive questions have caused her to be dis-looped??!!!!! is this what fulfilling their mission statement is all about??.........are they still selling their books, and tapes, and classes, and advances, and camps, and bible land tours, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum?? are there any of them active in their communities feeding the hungry, helping the needy, volunteering to take their fellowships to new orleans to help with the rebuilding effort after katrina, now almost 4 years past??........what works of jesus christ are they doing so that us poor outsiders can see that they are truly the followers of he who is the way, the truth, and the life?.......besides booksales, or meeting attendance, or "abundant sharing", what fruit do they produce by which we can know that christ is their lord, and not just their "cash cow"? dan gallagher promised me on the phone that his organization would address the "many issues" that were raised here at the greasespot by the behaviors and misbehaviors of stfi's "servant leaders", because they're all committed to running an honest and transparent "ministry"........the only transparency i've seen so far is that it's transparently obvious that "the song remains the same", and nothing's really changed.........at least not anything that we who are less spiritual or less knowledgeable in "da word" are ever going to be informed of!.........another overwhelming dose of "the same old same old" i guess! i'm sure the little sad-faced emoticon at the end of tzaia's post was "tongue-in-cheek"..........at least tzaia, you won't be forced to sing "here we go loopty-loop, here we go loopty-lie" anymore!........................peace.
  7. for those of you still "in" twi for whatever reason, hear this..........twi is anti-christ!.............notice i did not say "twi is the antichrist"...........that would be as foolish and ignorant as saying president obama is the antichrist, imho! what i mean by that first statement is that twi is against, and in reality stands opposed to everything the true jesus christ is, was, and will be............rosie and her cult have so seared their consciences and their ability to reason, that all they are capable of at their very best, is what the anonymous author described!..........there is no christ in them or anywhere near them and their foolish properties.........truly they are whited sepulchres of phoniness, lies, and all the works of the flesh their precious "word" lists so often, in great detail, in almost all the books of the new testament. they are this way because they direly need to repent of their evil words and deeds!............and don't be fooled for one minute that wayne clapp, or stfi, or any other offshoot has anything better to offer!.........and, don't think that if some of the eager "young bucks" ever get a chance at trying to run twi out of its spiritual abyss, that somehow, magically, all will be healed and changed. nothing like that will ever happen until they all repent of their evil doctrines, practices, and enormous pride!........they must become honest before the great god and searcher of all hearts, who already knows all the evils they have committed in his name and against his precious children!..........they must apologize to and ask forgiveness from all those whom they have despitefully used, made merchandise of, lied to, and stolen from, and they must do so publicly! no more hiding behind their walls of zion! THE TRUTH said, "thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets!"............rosie and her cult and all who do not carry out those words of jesus christ are opposed to him, and thus, anti-christ! for those still in twi thinking things will change some day, hear these words, reflect upon them, and leave twi today!.........................peace.
  8. i agree with waysider and rumrunner..........there was never anything intrinsically noble within vic's "vision", motives or operation of twi........he sucked the idealism and desire to participate in a noble cause, beneficial to the whole of mankind, that was somehow briefly common to many of the "baby-boomers" coming of age in the late 60's and early 70's, into his narcissistic, self-serving, religious fascism to acquire whatever he could for his own twisted "dreams of success".........he was a total user of people, hijacking whatever noble causes other genuine human beings held into cloaking his own perverse megalomania and self-indulgent aryan philosophies with the genuine goodness and idealism he himself never possessed! twi was rotten to the core from the beginning of any of our involvement..........i was duped and used.........embarrassing to realize and admit, but realizing it and leaving it, as difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing as it was, was far better than any other alternative. i find twi's continued existence as enigmatic as the existence of the taliban........another religion of equal social benefit and "spiritual" value as twi..............truly, terroristic "birds of a feather", imho!...........would they'd just fly off together into the sun!.............peace.
  9. i here bernie madoff's kids are looking for work!......they'd be perfect......just run 'em through a "special corps" for prosletyzed jews, give 'em a nametag, and help 'em launder whatever they might have left to give for "the outreach of the word"!...............just an even trade.......send all the brilliant twi "leadership" over to run AIG, CITI-CORP, BANK OF AMERICA, GM, and whatever other fortune 500 companies they're so qualified to run.............just some thoughts.............LOL........peace.
  10. anyone know what's happening with these folks and their "church"?...........what are the graeser's doing and where are they?...........out of respect for sam schoenheit's war wounds and recovery and rehabhilitation, we've given stfi kind of a "free ride"..........what are they doing??.......still passing out the personal prophecies?........ever come clean to their beloved community as to the current "status" of the board of servant leaders??......is it still cover-up city using the lawsuits as the excuse for utter silence on the critical questions asked for 2 years now without an answer??.........is it simply "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"?..........what relevant services are they providing their local communities in these dire times?..............just wondering..............maybe federation captain BillyD can beam in with some information, rather than his usual dose of propaganda............maybe even a boradmember, like dan, who promised me personally on the phone that the many "issues" raised here at the spot would be addressed??.................peace.
  11. thanks ModRocker!.........sometimes i forget things that you moderators are sharp and quick enough to pick-up on because of your experience and vigilance......i appreciate your help, and i apologize for the unwitting faux pas i commit in some of my posts...........peace.
  12. how??.....she had all "the dope" on the doofus' extra-marital, voluminous dalliances with literally HUNDREDS of willing and not-so-willing sexual partners since the mid-eighties and forward..........scores validated and confirmed by donna lombardi herself! rosi lyingbark had participared herself with vic and others........she was well-versed in playing the twi sex game...........after all, she was on the north carolina social register!..........she learned the game from "the teacher" himself", and became one of the championship players early on, starting in the late 70's herself and movin' on up through the early 80's and beyond!........she was a "player", and a good one at that.........i used to make fun of her named home, which she called "foxhaven", by calling it "crotch-haven"........imo, an apt and accurate description of her little "southern mansion" in new knoxville.......twi's sexual tara! One of her sons was a "hippie" kinda guy.......used to send sacks of fresh oysters up to foxhaven which we loved to shuck and eat fresh, and boil into stew, or just freeze.......... of all the various "major players" in twi during the twi story that unfolded from january, 1987 forward, rosalie fox rivenbark has been the most politically adept and cuthroat of all, acceding to the presidency of a money-grubbing, immoral, socially inept ulta-right-wing, pseudo christian cult, adeptly procuring the finances and whatever limited "social power" to herself, and the flow of rosie-loyalists who came-and-went, and are still walking through the revolving door of rosie-ism to this day.........she beats lillith hands down, IMO!..............peace. Edited by ModRocker to remove personal information about RFR's sons. It's bad enough they had to have her for a mother.
  13. hi greasespotters! vic picked his brother and ermal after they incorporated the way in 1957, making adolph wierwille's main family farm the headquarters of the way inc..............there was a board of directors that actually had some input through the 1960's, but, in effect, vic ran the show with ermal and harry forming the real decision-making body of the way inc. during those years. vic personally chose harry and ermal.........i am not sure what other input he had in those decisions.......there was no "term limit" on their trusteeship. it was vic, harry and ermal who made the decision to have don wierwille and howard allen replace ermal and harry respectively, as trustees in 1977........i am not aware of any other input besides harry and ermal's in this decision/selection process of picking don and howard as the replacements for ermal and harry.........i was in rez from 1973-74, interim year, (first one in twi "history") 1974-75, and final in-rez year of 1975-76......during my in-rez years at hq, harry "took me under his wing" for whatever reasons, and i spent much time with him doing all sorts of "extra-curricular" activities like going to auctions, new knoxville town meetings, etc., which drove both corps "coordinators" i was under crazy.............'cuz they could not overrule the sec/treas himself when he had me out on "special assignments" with him.....those corps coordinators were finnegan and dave standage..... i was the newly assigned limb coord of michigan in 1977 when don and howard were installed, and when harry died of cancer in october of 1977.......there were no "term limits" set for don and howard either........the assumption seemed to be that the position of twi trustee was a "lifetime appointment", made by "revelation" and never really open to question of any kind from anyone.............. when it came to martindale, the process was outwardly somewhat different, but in effect, the real decision was made by vic, in consultation with don and howard.........ermal and harry were both deceased by then........however, at the may 1982 placement meetings at hq, there was a "ballot" taken at the direction of the then board of trustees, vic, don, and howard, as to who the second prez of twi should be, along with the suggestion by ballot of 3 assistants to the prez....one for research, one for "outreach", and one to be corps director.............i may have posted this before,..........vic came into the placement meetings at which all the region coordinators and campus coordinators and corps coordinators were present as usual, and said that the choice regarding his "successor" as twi prez should consider every man present in that room, a group that he stated included all the most "qualified" individuals" in the world to take "the mantle" of the twi presidency..........he also stated that "no single man" could replace vic as the prez by himself, and that's when he introduced the concept of the troika of assistants to the new prez as i listed previously. those present were instructed to go out and walk the grounds for the next 1/2 hour "in perfect prayer", and consider their ballots from the group that was present in those placement meetings, and then return to the BRC, and write down their choices for prez and the 3 "amigos", and pass them in to don w...........i remember my choices very vividly.........i "voted" for walter cummins to be the prez of twi............outreach assistant choice was bo reahard.......corps director choice was martindale........research assistant was gary curtis.............we were instructed to write our choices down on a "secret ballot" and pass them in to don..............he went into the BRC backroom, tallied the ballots, and about an hour later, the group came together again and don made the announcement...........i remember this very vividly too, because don specifically said, that while the ballots for the "three amigos" were diverse, the choice of prez #2 was "unanimous"............and then he uttered the unforgettable (to me) words that, regarding the choice of prez......"craig, you're the man!" the reason those words were unforgettable to me was because don said the vote for prez was "unanimous".........but i was flooded with "condemnation" because i figured i must have been the only one who voted for walter instead of the doofus from okie!!!!!........i was horrified at how i could have "missed the revelation", and, i figured i must have been the only one to do so since don specifically said the choice of martindale was "unanimous"......but, i knew i had voted for walter!!! so,.....later that evening, vic came to the BRC where we were eating dinner and watching the NBA finals, and did his tearful schtick about how great god was for working in us all to pick the "right man" to succeed him..............meanwhile, i'm condemning the hell outta myself knowing i didn't vote for martindale, figuring i was the only one who "missed the revelation"!!!............there was no "term linit" in anyone's mind.......we all assumed that trustee "assignments" were for life, or at least until "retirement age" of 65 to 70!!! i resigned from twi in december, 1986, so i have no idea how decisions regarding the selection and replacement of twi trustees was carried out since then...........however, i do know that whoever is a trustee or "board of director" member today is a walking pile of BS!.....imo.......i know rosie is a liar, a phoney, guilty as satan regarding all the slimy history of twi's sexual perversion and promiscuity, and twi's fiduciary irresponsibility and dishonesty!.....IMHO....... it was geer who made the appointments of townsend and caballero to the twi "trustee household" in 1986 after his april POP dump..........he specifically stated that, these two were specifically mentioned by der victoid as being the "most qualified spiritually" to be added to the trustee group because of the utter spiritual "corruption" of the doofus, don, and howard...........there was no vote.....no discussion.......doofus, don, and howard simply acquiesced to what geer said........the trustees added townsend and caballero by "executive order" by ammending the articles of incorporation of twi to expand the trustees number from 3 to 5............there was the hint that it was not a "lifetime appointment" like the original 3, but rather more of an "emergency appointment", that, in time, could be subject to change if the "big 3" got their acts together "spiritually".........apparently, that never happened, and somewhere along november of 1989 townsend, cabballero, and geer himself were "run off", once "da fog" lifted and the "new light" began to shine........maybe skyrider or other greasespotters who were around then can enlighten us as to what happened, since i was "long gone" by then...... hope this helps a little as to the trustee selection process of twi from 1970 to 1986........thanks for asking mstar1.....................peace.
  14. DontWorryBeHappy


    ok......one at-a-time..........who were "the founding fathers" you repeatedly refer to?
  15. tzaia.........very interesting and though-provoking link........i'm still listening and reading.........will get back to you when i've finished ingesting the material and have reflected upon it.........thanks for the info...........peace.
  16. DontWorryBeHappy


    feel free to answer one at a time?...........even if it takes you a year or so.........i'm seeking some kind of feedback that is reflective of serious thought and contemplation, not just hyperbnolized, regurgitated, meaningless rhetoric........surely i am not over-estimating your capabilities, am i?............just try one sentence or question at a time.......at your own pace.....this is a chance for you to demonstrate the depth of your understanding and comprehension of some of the terms you throw around here in these forums........you've been here long enough to know how it works.........why no more effort than a non-answer?..........surely you've got more than nothing to say, no?
  17. that's your answer?.......typically "substantive", eh?..................sheesh!
  18. what is wrong with you posting on twi's website?.......why must you post your apologeia for twi, or lhim, or cffm, or ces/stfi, or geer, or whomever here?...they all have their own websites......(except for mr.paranoia-geer)......why do you feel compelled to support or defend these charlatans, proven liars, and adulterers here at greasespotcafe?.....what service are you performing for us, or society in general?........your cloak of "free speech" is sadly mis-applied, imho........ do you see your role here as "necessary irritant"?..........freedom fighter?........o'reilly/prager/hannity, vpw, hitler, mouthpiece?......defender of the insane, immoral, illicit, or those with little or no redeeming social value?........just promoting yourself?.......what is your personal interest in plaguing this site with right-wing nonsense and incessant hostile drivel important to you or this website?..............just curious..............peace.
  19. DontWorryBeHappy


    who were the "founding fathers"?...........what was the socio-economic make-up of this group?..........how many were native americans?........that is to say, those who populated this geographical area prior to 1609?............how many were non-white, northern european caucasians?...........how many were women?...........how many did not "own" land?.......how many were owners of slaves?.........how many were non-christians?.........how many jews?...........how many muslims?.......how many asians?...........how many "hispanics"?.........how many africans forcibly transported to this part of the world from their homelands as slaves?....how many indentured servants?........how many were educated by universities, colleges, or institutions of "higher learning" indigenous to the "original 13 colonies"?........were the founding fathers you continually refer to all committed to so-called judeo-christain philosophy as the single, founding principle of this "great nation"?.....if so, why?.........how many were pfal grads?.........how were definitions of "three fifths" of a human justifiably written into the constitution?........why was human slavery an accepted "economic" reality, written into the original constitution by these "founding fathers"?.............please advise............i have more questions for you, once you answer these........peace.
  20. hi greasespotters! in an attempt to assuage the ruffled feathers of yet another demand from the greasespotcafe's self appointed, "grand inquisitor", i am happy to post for the record, that i have never seen dotsie's book recounting her memories, (those fit to print anyway), nor did i ever know of its existence until our fellow poster, skyrider, posted some quotes from it on a thread he started here last year.........on that same thread sunesis mentioned the comment dotsie made to sunesis' relatives standing near to her at the funeral, (the "he was a mean man" comment). since i have never seen the book, nor do i have a copy,.........i happily defer to anyone here who has a copy of the book to let us know if the "he was a mean man" comment made by dotsie about her beloved, lifelong, faithful spouse, der victoid. honestly, i could have confused that comment's presence in a book i've never read, with the discussion of its having been made by dotsie at vic's funeral, based on a mistaken memory of the thread i referred to.......if indeed, that statement appears nowhere in dotsie's book, then i apologize to whitedove for upsetting his value system and inspiring his effective derail-a-thread mode of posts which call fellow posters liars, or accuse them of just "making up" whatever comes out of their mouths with no documentable proof worthy of the grand inquistor's acceptance. for me, the fact that dorian came to this website, stressed and profoundly concerned about his/her friend's impending choice to join TWI, is a credit to the continued and CURRENT need for the greasespot cafe and the mission at the root of its existence! TWI was and is a viscious, coercive, psychologically dysfunctional and destructive religious cult. it has ill-affected tens of thousands of lives since its founder and his horribly inept but well-protected successors have been in business.........the current prez, rosalie rivenliar was totally, willingly, and from at least 1984 on, absolutely complicit with vic, coward, dingdon, king okie, geer, etc., etc., etc.,in the personal sexual predation perversions they shared and promoted...........she was also a key player in the behind-the-scenes manipulation of twi incomes from abs, bookstore, spayshul events etc.......she knows where the bodies are buried. the founding mission of this website has always been to the tell other side of TWI's sordid story.........rosie, geer, ces/stfi, cffm, whitedove, and various other offshoots are doing a fine job playing the same OLD TWI song, promoting their deviant, gnostic forms of something they insist is the real christianity.........you know.......the one that's been missing since the first century??...........imo, that does a serious disservice to folks like dorian, and many others who bounce through these cyber-doors because they're tired of being told by one twi-apologist or another, to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"............regardless of your religious beliefs, helping people is as important as helping dogs, isn't it whitedove?..............or is it always all about you???..................peace.
  21. perhaps der victoid was correct in quoting whomever he stole the saying that "all religion is man-made" from..........but, really, is not ALL RELIGION man-made?........as are all the fringe elements of all religions, which all seem to espouse violence against any and all who disagree with them?.......i know........all religions claim unique god-breathed or ordained beginnings.........miraculous events, lives, or "thoughts" which distinguish them as being "the one, true.......(fill-in-the-blank)?..........just asking............ my personal experiences with devout muslims have been no more threatening or enlightening than have my personal experiences with devout catholics, evangelical/protestant christians, buddhists, sikhs, bahais, hindus, wiccans, rastafarians, jews, atheists, et al...........i find all sincerely religious folks, regardless of their chosen faiths, to be gentle, kind, and caring. it's the business of their religions that taints their theology............again though........man-made............peace.
  22. prove me wrong in everything i've ever posted here about your "father in the word", victor paul wierwille........prove me wrong about everything i've ever posted about craig martindale, rosalie rivenbark, chris geer, et al......prove you were personally present with me at every incident, situation, or confrontation i had with anyone you seek to "exonerate".......prove to me anything you say is worth a response of honesty, sincerity, compassion, and actual fact......prove to me you know what you're talking about because you were there, or because you experienced with me everything i've posted.............peace.
  23. then you can tell her that at least one person, (me) held a sobbing dorothea kipp wierwille in his arms in a fruitless attempt to cosole her regarding the wicked and viscious sexual perversions of her filthy fraud of a husband, as she moaned about being so "unable" to do anything to "help him".........that was on his own 1975 motorcoach..........tell her about the foolishly idealistic young twi "clergyman", who personally, face-to-face, confronted vic on his multi-generational, sexual abuse of just one family corps family, and instead of any kind of even weak denial, had the joy of having victor's guard dog sicced on him..........ask her why, in dotsie's "biography" of her "man-o-gawd" hubby, she unabashedly stated that "he was a mean man"......ask her why there are so many so-called "ministers" out there now who participated in vic's perverted debauchery of his church, who persist in "carrying on" in his stead, thinking there is some redeeming social, spiritual, or any other kind of value in perpetuating his abject human manure pile.............lemme know what she says!............peace.
  24. the corps chalet is working out just fine for donna or whatever other trailer-trash may be living there now......so's that obnoxious auditorium that we all put thousands of dollars into, along with our families, in order to "move the word over the world"!....sic!....... now it's just joe coulter's hi-tech playground!.......i wonder if the names of all of us who gave so much to just those two arrogant architechural and "spiritual" white elephants, tucked away behind expensively manicured grounds on 146 acres of rural, western ohio farmland are still on public display in the ceremonial books we all signed??.......testaments to the innocents and ignorants who paid for the monuments to incest, sexual abuse, lying, and consciousless immorality that der victoid spawned and successfully passed on to the doofus from okie, and the current reichstadt "leader", rosie-the-liar?.........i signed that book.......so did my parents.............where is it?????......................peace.
  25. ask your friend why craig martindale was forced to resign his presidency of twi..........then ask her what rosie-the-liar's qualifications for assuming the presidency were and are..............then ask why donna martindale divorced her husband, yet was allowed to remain in her million dollar custom log home at twi headquarters in new knoxville...........then ask why rosie-the-liar admitted to knowing about and being an accomplice with martindale and ramona biden in conspiracies to coerce twi married and single women into illicit sexual affairs with donna's hubby from at least 1995 forward...........then ask why asking such questions, many of the answers to which are a matter of public record cause such apoplexic reactions from wayfers when anyone has the "gall" to ask them...........how does she "know" the so-called "accusations" against vic are not true?....."revelation"??.......has she read the court records from the sidney court and judge schmitt?........has she interviewed rosie-the-liar?.......the doofus from okie?..........donna the "non-marked and avoided"?.......coward allen?........boob and doody moneyhands?...........etc., etc., etc.,???? i realize that just the effort to ask these questions to wayfers so hopelessly lost in their own propaganda and disinformation is an emotionally exhausting and apparently fruitless task.......i wish you good luck and stamina..........but, eventually, you're just going to have to allow your "friend" to slide down the road of religious indoctrination, hypocrisy, merciless lying, vicious defamation of the innocent, and selling out to their idols and defenseless "spiritual" delusions...............peace to you.
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